An independent Scotland?

But Westminster are making cuts because we just had one of the biggest recessions the world has ever seen...every country is making cut backs - look a Greece! The England/Wales/ Ireland has food banks and poor people...any one living outside of London could say Westminster isnt doing stuff in their best interests the country very far from perfect.

I dont understand how a country that if given independence will be able to fund all the changes it wants if it cant make those changes when backed by one of the few surviving and growing economies in the EU/World?

Yes you will be able to make choices that affect only you and not the greater whole but where will the money to fund appear from when your national debt is going to up triple fold, you will go from having one of the strongest currencies to one of the worst, and you would have increased any running cost of business as you broken ties with your main trader?

As I have said before we are all entitled to a democratic vote and to make choices that best serve us...originally I even said as Londoner I couldnt care less what Scotland does... but the more that is revealed I worry the affect it will have on the UKr...the pound is already dropping and the world is loosing faith in our economy. I worked for a Irish bank and old colleagues have mentioned how money has been flooding in from Scottish banks as people are worried about the future.

but I am no MP or World Economist and only know what the TV and news tells me. and I hope the Scottish ppl get a better standard of living I just struggle to see how independence will bring that.

Good luck with the vote...and either way I hope the politicians do as they claim and dont give another wave of empty promises .
A recession in which the pm and all his cronies still took an 11% pay rise? While nhs nurses are lucky to get 1%? A government I didn't even vote for. You make some good points yes but I'm still voting yes so that maybe in the future my vote and my children's vote will count for something
Personally, if the majority do end up voting yes, then so be it. Wouldn't want it to be a union if people dont want it :) but, as someone without a strong view, o do find it mind boggling. I don't think grass is greener.
My six year old cried this morning, she was watching the news and asked me which way I will vote and when I explained only Scotland gets to votes she cried saying that they will all vote yes and leave us, she doesn't want them to leave because she loves them :rofl:

Any way my point of posting was to ask a question, I've read a lot of yes voters say that their vote never counted for anything in general elections and I also read that we (England) will be stuck with Tories forever more if it's a yes vote. I'm confused if the vits didn't count for much then how come it will mean we won't have labour again?
My six year old cried this morning, she was watching the news and asked me which way I will vote and when I explained only Scotland gets to votes she cried saying that they will all vote yes and leave us, she doesn't want them to leave because she loves them :rofl:

Any way my point of posting was to ask a question, I've read a lot of yes voters say that their vote never counted for anything in general elections and I also read that we (England) will be stuck with Tories forever more if it's a yes vote. I'm confused if the vits didn't count for much then how come it will mean we won't have labour again?

It's not true... In 65 years, Scottish votes have only changed the outcome of the election twice. If rUK votes for a Labour gov, you'll get one. There are only, I think, 59 out of 500 odd MPs from Scotland. It's campaign tactics to make Labour voters think they'll be adversely affecting the working class in rUK if we leave.
But Westminster are making cuts because we just had one of the biggest recessions the world has ever seen...every country is making cut backs - look a Greece! The England/Wales/ Ireland has food banks and poor people...any one living outside of London could say Westminster isnt doing stuff in their best interests the country very far from perfect.

I dont understand how a country that if given independence will be able to fund all the changes it wants if it cant make those changes when backed by one of the few surviving and growing economies in the EU/World?

Yes you will be able to make choices that affect only you and not the greater whole but where will the money to fund appear from when your national debt is going to up triple fold, you will go from having one of the strongest currencies to one of the worst, and you would have increased any running cost of business as you broken ties with your main trader?

As I have said before we are all entitled to a democratic vote and to make choices that best serve us...originally I even said as Londoner I couldnt care less what Scotland does... but the more that is revealed I worry the affect it will have on the UKr...the pound is already dropping and the world is loosing faith in our economy. I worked for a Irish bank and old colleagues have mentioned how money has been flooding in from Scottish banks as people are worried about the future.

but I am no MP or World Economist and only know what the TV and news tells me. and I hope the Scottish ppl get a better standard of living I just struggle to see how independence will bring that.

Good luck with the vote...and either way I hope the politicians do as they claim and dont give another wave of empty promises .

We can't make the changes we want because we don't have the powers to do so. Remember we are part of and ADD to this growing economy, just because we are separate from Westminster doesn't mean we won't or can't flourish economically.

How is our debt going to triple fold? The debt was undertaken by the Westminster government who have said earlier this year that they take full responsibility for it. Our position is, if we get a share of the asset that is the BoE, then we will take a share of our debt (rightly so). So if we have any debt at all, our currency will still be the pound sterling within a currency union anyway.

The pound has already recovered- the markets fluctuate constantly, especially around the time of referendums/ general elections. Infact, 10 months ago, when the pound was equally as low, the NO camp were miles ahead- yet we didn't hear any blame for the NO camp then. Strangely, although the Scottish companies/ pound has recovered- do we hear any of that on the news?! NO because the media is (as has become more and more frustratingly apparent) Westminster's propaganda machine. If there are ANY concerns in the financial markets it is due to Westminster's ridiculous stance on the currency union in an attempt to scare people into voting NO. If we don't get a share in the BoE asset, thus we don't take on any of the liability, that adds an additional 120bn onto the debt of rUK- perhaps that's why we saw jitters on the pound. Probably not though.
Does England really fund most of scotland currently. Does anyone have any figures as this was on a 'say no' page so obviously swayed.
Thanks for the reply Debi. It's easy to see why so many are confused isn't it? So much propaganda and twists of the truth on both sides.

Em, I've read that Scotland actually puts more in per head than they take back per head (not by much but still a surplus). Although I have no idea if that is true. I actually feel sorry for those unsure as trying to pick out the truth from the lies is impossible IMO x
And now three leaders are up here trying to remind us why we are apparently 'better together' as soon as I heard that the first thing I thought was ' they are clearly absolutely bricking it now' I just can't understand why if we are so doomed going independent why are they so desperate to keep a hold of us, because they know what they stand to lose but that is just my opinion of course.
but of course they are worried esp labour and Lib dems as with out scotland the tories will have a majority voting.

Also the UKr will look weaker...we are currently one of the 7 major nations in the world we get to vote on the most important factor across the globe with one of the major economies and if we cant govern ourselves we look weak in a time when the world in turmoil of war.

And in regards to the debt UK saved RBS and Lloyds - scottish banks from falling over so they are now UK owned if scotland keeps them then surly they are entitled to the debt?? And again what currency union - everyone had said the chances of that happening is poor and the chances of the Euro even poorer.

As I said I hope the scottish ppl get what they want...I worry the divide it will cause between people who dont get there way esp if it a yes will ppl move south and if it a no will ppl be bitter for a long time to come.

The whole thing is asking everyday people to suddenly become World Economist over night - and simple fact most dont know the answers to the big questions. I just cant see how an independant scotland would help unemployment or poverty or eduction or even the healthcare.
Because as an independent country we will be protected from the cuts Westminster continues to make or the spending money on silly things (high speed railway that doesn't even come near Scotland, yet we are having to put funding in to it???) at least if things don't go completely to plan at least it's something we have voted for instead of having all the decisions made for us in a continuous like it or lump it situation. It's time for Scotland to stand up and say enough is enough.

I will say that I completely accept everyone's differing opinions and I have never once tried to force a no voter to a yes. I am simply outlining what I feel.
Does England really fund most of scotland currently. Does anyone have any figures as this was on a 'say no' page so obviously swayed.

I doubt very much that England funds Scotland. When Scotland was given the parliament it was part of the Scotland Act that the rUK can cut us free at any point.
I'd take a guess the minute the oil runs out and we start costing money we'd be set free.

Just my views
No, England does not fund Scotland.
Scotland has generated more tax per head than the rest of the UK for each and every one of the past 33 years. The figures also show that, over the past 5 years, Scotland has generated 9.5% of UK taxes but received just 9.3% of UK spending.
(from Government Expenditure and Revenues Scotland report 2012/2013)
Yes that was what I had read, didn't dream it :dance: :haha:
I found this article quite interesting, it's not really saying about a yes or no vote but just a commentary on the situation:
My question was not one sided,i genuinely didnt know the answer!

I am confident it will be a No.
Anybody heard anything about the EC giving a subsidy to Scottish farmers but not all of the money coming north?

I was in the car listening to the radio and heard something mentioned about it but I can't remember the exact figures involved other than it was in millions nor did I catch where the rest of it went. DS was gibbering away in the backseat at the time hence I never caught all of it.
I found this article quite interesting, it's not really saying about a yes or no vote but just a commentary on the situation:

Great article! It is very true, YES or NO people in Scotland have woken up to politics and I don't think there is any going back after that- thankfully.
I found this article quite interesting, it's not really saying about a yes or no vote but just a commentary on the situation:

Great article! It is very true, YES or NO people in Scotland have woken up to politics and I don't think there is any going back after that- thankfully.

Absolutely, make the politicians work for their votes, I hope it's contagious to those south of the border too.
I found this article quite interesting, it's not really saying about a yes or no vote but just a commentary on the situation:

Great article! It is very true, YES or NO people in Scotland have woken up to politics and I don't think there is any going back after that- thankfully.

The reason people have woken up to politics is because in this referendum every vote will count. If we end up with a No things will go back to few people being interested as a Scots vote will go back to being useless as it doesn't matter what Scots want we will always be governed to suit the SE.

Useless info I found out during this campaign there are more members of the RSPB than there are members of all the political parties put together. I think that shows how out of touch politicians are to the people.

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