An independent Scotland?

Im starting to realise this is going to get messy. I was in blackpool a few weeks ago i got as far as preston train station and had abuse shouted at us saying if we want to leave then why the f are we visiting their country. At that point i wasnt even convinced what i was voting it was horrible especially as he was a 40+ yo and we were a group of 6 18-23 yo! We werent even drunk this was in daylight. This is whats making people want to vote yes. I know its the minority and there is this attitude on both sides but its not a nice place to be in just now.

People on fb are a nightmare on both sides calling people this that and the next thing for you having an opinion that everyone is entitled to. I dont care what others vote as long as they research it as its a huge choice to make

Im looking forward to friday to stop hearing about it all and just know whats happening right now all we are doing is to wait

You're contracting yourself a bit here, you're saying you don't care how people vote so long as they do their research and yet you've just said some yob giving you some verbal abuse is making you want to say yes, an historically profound decision that will change everything for your children and theirs forever, who knows whether for the better of not yet, because of one man? People need to take the emotion out of this debate, both sides of course.

Its not what is making me vote yes. Im still hanging off the fence, 90% yes but i would like to believe better together but its not together we arent all equal which is what i would like to vote for. Its true that no matter what everyone in scotland votes in a uk election it wouldnt be a majority against england. What i was meaning was this is why people are voting yes, think why not if thats how people feel. Either way it shouldnt make any arguments between peoples choice
In answer to the nugget at Preston train station.
Yes we may prefer not to be governed by your fellow country men any more that you would want to be governed by France or Spain, but that doesn't mean that we wouldn't want to visit your country just the same as many English people enjoy holidaying in Spain and France.
^^^^^^^^^ this. In the event of independence I'll still go to some of the fabulous English cities shopping etc I love the shops and I always did love to holiday in Cornwall
I cant not understand why anyone would vore YES. At the same time I think bye bye.... I dont think it will be a yes vote, I just think they are a louder voice atm ;)

This is very disrespectful and I agree with a previous PP who said this is exactly what is getting people's backs ups! The great thing about our nation (and I mean the whole of the UK) is that we can choose what we want in a peaceful manner by engaging in respectful debate and putting a cross in the preferred box. Many many other countries around the world have had to fight and die for their independence.

To the pp who asked if we would still be having a referendum if labour had got in...yes. At the last Scottish elections the SNP won by an absolutely HUGE majority causing the Scottish parliament to be governed by one party for the first time (it had always been governed by a coalition previous to this as the Scottish voting system makes it hard for one party to rule but the majority was so great that that is what happened).

The SNP have always been about Scottish independence and when they won the last election the other parties put a lot of pressure on them to set a date for the referendum (presumably because they thought they didn't have a chance) and so the SNP did. Up until recently the yes campaign had been quite far behind the No campaign but, as with the last Scottish election, the yes campaign (like the SNP before them) have gained a huge momentum in the run up to polling day.

From what I've heard from a lot of people is that the reason they are going from undecided to yes is that they are fed up of the fear mongering of the no campaign making out that we will suddenly turn into a third world country when we are one of the richest nations in the world. Also Westminster politicians trying to manipulate the outcome by putting pressure on businesses to come out against independence as well as the very obvious bias of the BBC and, in particular, Nick Robinson who, quite frankly should be suspended at the moment. People aren't stupid and they know when the powers that be are trying to manipulate them and most people don't appreciate that in a supposedly democratic society where everyone is supposed to have the right to make up their own mind!
I can understand people switching to yes due to retaliation from Westminster, it has not been their finest hour, not handled at all well. It's been cringeworthy to watch!
Im not trying to be disrespectful sorry, just how it seems online! I guess I know I am saying it tongue in cheek but hard to see. What I mean is of the majority DID vote yes then I wouldn't be offended or particularly care. If that's what people vote for them so be it.
I think it could go either way, I certainly don't think it's going to be a massive win for anybody. The Yeses may have been more vocal but maybe your typical Nos aren't the sort to go out and rally.

When Quebec had their referendum they lost independence by 50.6% the together campaign had a massive rally just before it other than the Orange Order I haven't seen any together rally's.
Any truth in this?
Seems like a harsh tactic and not particularly true.
Any truth in this?
Seems like a harsh tactic and not particularly true.

Looks like a desperate scare tactic to me.
If you were on the fence then there's nothing like knowing people could die if it's a yes vote....
Me and my two LO's marched from Glasgow City centre to the BBC building yesterday to protest against the biased manner of their reporting. We had a lot of support from onlookers/ cars etc and it was completely peaceful.

The BBC has a lot to answer for! I think any bad feeling from south of the border is probably perpetrated from the media not displaying positive reasons for independence. If all people from rUK are seeing is reasons not to leave/ how bad it will be if we do, then they probably feel like we are just doing it to spite them- that alongside all this "anti-English" nonsense from the NO campaign to try and taint YES. I really hope that people from elsewhere in the UK realise that we do like them!! Just not Wesminster- and this is what independence is about. I also hope that, whatever way the vote goes, people from rUK wake up to politics too.
Might be a smidgen of truth in it.
As far as I am aware organs are generally offered to the country's waiting list first, so say there is 2 people waiting for the same match the more sicky one will be higher priority, if not suitable recipient is in the uk organs are then offered across Europe.
However the reverse of that will also be true, organs donated in are more likely to stay in Scotland, rather than go to a sicker person in England.
The waiting list for organs is a bit like waiting for a bus it has to be the right one so their will always be people who are quicker to find their match than others.
With regards to the biased bbc, does this mean if a yes vote wins we can get rid of the TV licence?????? 😂 (I wish)
Who knows I used to really defend the license on the basis of the BBC website and radio stations and stations including Cbbies being advert free. But really I'm not so sure.

Stats on licence fee Scotland raises something like £90m, BBC Scotland gets something like £30m back( need to double check that figure.) The remainder goes to fund national programmes, like East enders.
However the ROI also get access to the national programmes for £12m so if Scotland mange to negotiate the same deal then their would be about another £50m to be spent on the TV industry in Scotland.
Ahhhh it's getting so close to voting day. Don't leave us :cry: :haha:

I'm serious though, the selfish part of me doesn't want you to have independence. I like us as a unit. However, the bigger part of me thinks if you guys want independence then you deserve it. I just wish it were by a bigger percentage than it looks set to be (if it is a yes vote) because if it is almost then that is almost half a nation unhappy but there is no going back for them whereas say if it were a close no then in say two or four years there could be another vote for independence.
Not sure if ^^^ made sense bit waffles sorry x
I know what you mean if it is a No then the issue isn't going to go away.
There was a devolution referendum in 1979 followed by a second one in 1997. I firmly believe the same will happen again don't think it will be as close as a couple of years more 10+ but I'm sure we will end up with another referendum.
So what happens then? We just keep spending millions having a referendum every ten years or so? The referendum in 1997 was about devolution not independence so it's more likely to be another 30+ years before we see another one!! I want this for my future and, more importantly for my daughter's future! That's too long to wait!

Bottom line is always this for me - why shouldn't we have the right to rule over ourselves? Xx
Ahhhh it's getting so close to voting day. Don't leave us :cry: :haha:

I'm serious though, the selfish part of me doesn't want you to have independence. I like us as a unit. However, the bigger part of me thinks if you guys want independence then you deserve it. I just wish it were by a bigger percentage than it looks set to be (if it is a yes vote) because if it is almost then that is almost half a nation unhappy but there is no going back for them whereas say if it were a close no then in say two or four years there could be another vote for independence.

i don't want to leave you :cry:

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