Well i live in the US -- i have never heard of the band Anberlin or poor Queen Ann Boleyn! Lol. I have also never heard of anyone being named Anberlin?
So, i have mixed feelings about it!
On one hand.... i like that it is unique, music related (if that's your thing), and special to you. Plus you love the name -- so that's a huge plus!
But on the other hand.... if it's a popular band it may be "too much" having the exact same name?? iykwim? And by the time little Anberlin is a teenager -- the band may be out of style & very uncool to her & her friends!
For instance, my mom loved Elvis -- what if back in 1979 she had thought -- everyone loves Elvis, he is so cool, talented, attractive -- Elvis would make a unique name for a little girl?? I would hate if my name was Elvis!!!! Am i making any sense?? Ha.......
Just a few things you should think about.......
The name is nice, tho! Has a nice ring to it! (But i think i would use it as a middle name, personally)
Random suggestion: I once heard of someone using the name "Lyric" for their baby?? That could go with your music theme??