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Andrew - born at 29 weeks!

So the one thing I'm learning is, when I eventually see my HV, don't have any expectations - I know my baby best ;)

eta. This afternoon Andrew has taken a teaspoon (mixed up) of baby rice together with a teaspoon of apple puree, he enjoyed it (started anticipating the spoon), and it's stayed down. Apple for another two days, then we'll try some carrot.

Experts schmexperts. What do they know.
Damn, only 100g increase in 10 days - he's now 7lb 3oz.

I really really don't want to have to start giving him NutriPrem2 on a regular basis, just so that he gets the extra calories, I'm proud that he's just on EBM but it's obviously not enough. He won't take more at a bottle-feed either, I've been trying that.

On a plus note, he adores carrot, likes apple, and dislikes banana :)
Emily dislikes banana...must be the texture or something...I would not worry weaning is trial and error, lots of error on my behalf, screaming fit at fish pie tonight, Emily hated it.

Good luck, hope Andrew starts to put on weight soon, apparently when you start weaning their weight gain can slow down as they are using the extra calories to digest food...x
Okay, I caved ... I gave him NP2 for his late-night feed last night, he obviously needs the calories.

I've also just had my first complete night's sleep for 5 months - I'm normally up around 3am to express. I figure, if he's not going to wake up in the middle of the night, why should I? So I didn't ... He didn't wake, I didn't pump ... I got over 200ml out this morning (10pm last pump, 8am next) so my body obviously just stockpiles EBM!

Does anyone else have a "thing" about dressing their babies? (Forgive me if I've ranted about this before) So many of the clothes that fit Andrew are designed for newborns, they're really nice but "cute". He's now 5 months, I want to dress him less as a newborn and more towards toddler! Today he's in his Mothercare jeans and a hoodie.
Well done on the weaning. Sounds like Andrew is taking to it pretty well. Keep it going and eventually you will see Andrew have bigger weight gains. Just now he wont get many calories from fruit and veg purees. Its when you move on to protein that makes all the difference.

I totally understand that you would like to feed Andrew solely on EBM and boy you have done well so far to keep giving him it. But sometimes wee prem babies need a little more.

A good place to dress your wee man like a wee man is GAP. I was like yourself and hated Archie being in 'baby stuff'.

Maybe post some new picture of Andrew in his wee man clothes soon?

Dona and Archie xx
Nutriprem 2 was my godsend too!! I used to and still do dress Freddy in NEXT clothes as they are real trendy you will find girls have lots of choice in the market and boys only have few choices especially in the supermarkets. Gap are lovely but mega expensive also try BHS or M&S. :baby:
Big boy clothes!


My HV came yesterday. Unannounced, as I never received the letter telling me of the appointment. Everything went okay, it took ages to explain all his hospital referrals (physio, hearing, eyesight) and then longer to explain the tv documentary!

The good news is that she's recently read research that says early weaning is beneficial for preemies in terms of increasing their calorie intake, in that the food is in addition to milk, so she is totally okay with us starting to wean Andrew! Who had Farleys rusk yesterday, and just lurrrrrrrrrrrrrved it (takes after his Mum) :D
wee darling he's really coming on a treat eh. Lovin the cool guy look, totally get what you mean, when Matthew was smaller it was all baby blue and beige etc...... but I think he really suits navy and red in particular.

Maybe not to everyone's taste but there is not much out their for boys but primark are good for long sleeve t shirts with various logo's like 'mine's a pint' that kind of thing and jeans and cords.

I find tesco good too the early baby range and newborn/ 0-3 range was good and trendy and some t shirts we got as gifts said 'little but loud' 'little man, big voice' etc....

While im on topic (or rather gabbing too much) I seen a website a while back with logo tshirts, bibs etc for BF babies I thought was cool saying ' I dont get my milk from any old cow, I get it from my mummy'! cracker slogan but not sure Id want my baby in public with it :blush: xx
Whatever we're doing, we're doing it right - a stonking 8oz weight gain in 6 days, Andrew now weighs 7lb 11oz!

(Actually, what we're doing is: 4 milk feeds of 130ml during the day, a 5th at night but only if he wakes; one of those feeds is NutriPrem2 for the additional calories; and puree weaning one meal a day in addition to all the milk).
Whatever we're doing, we're doing it right - a stonking 8oz weight gain in 6 days, Andrew now weighs 7lb 11oz!

(Actually, what we're doing is: 4 milk feeds of 130ml during the day, a 5th at night but only if he wakes; one of those feeds is NutriPrem2 for the additional calories; and puree weaning one meal a day in addition to all the milk).

Well done! Glad it is all working out for you.
What a fab update. Its seams like Andrew loves his Grub! Go Andrew with the big weight gain. Look forward to the next update xx
Hospital check-up day today ...

Firstly, the weigh-in. Well, somebody's scales must be wrong, because he weighed 8lb at the HV clinic last Thursday and only 1oz more at the Hospital today, and there's no way he's only put on a single ounce after the last few weeks. Mind you, he did do a poopsplosion yesterday :rofl:

Next, the Paediatrician who, unsurprisingly, wasn't happy with his weight gain. (350g in 4 weeks) Given that we've managed to increase his milk intake by 30% and he's also now on purees, there's not many options. So he's back on EBM Fortifier powder, I brought home two boxes (300 sachets) today. So long as she doesn't make us wake him overnight for a feed, I'll do pretty much anything. She was happy with his reactions (he smiled at her) and his grasping (he yanked her NHS ID badge chain), so it was generally positive. Back in six weeks.

Then a brief visit to see our pals at the Placenta Clinic, where one of the midwives gave birth 2 weeks early and her baby has an auditory nerve disorder similar to Andrew.

Lastly, a Physio check-up. They are happy that he is now holding his head centrally most of the time, and also impressed by his grasping capability (both hands evenly). We've been advised to do more tummy-time, which probably means more time spent in our bed as it's too cold at floor level. He demonstrated his commando-crawl up the change mat (with assistance). Back there in seven weeks.
Well done Andrew!:happydance:(could of held onto that poo for a while longer though:wacko:)
But on the good side :happydance: Andrew came off the ventilator about 4 days ago (less than a week old), and yesterday he spent some time off the Cpap system too, as his lungs are so strong, thanks to those steroid injections..

Thos injections are the best arent they!! I had them and I am sure thats why the twins were so good with their ventilation and cpap x
Hospital check-up day today ...

Firstly, the weigh-in. Well, somebody's scales must be wrong, because he weighed 8lb at the HV clinic last Thursday and only 1oz more at the Hospital today, and there's no way he's only put on a single ounce after the last few weeks. Mind you, he did do a poopsplosion yesterday :rofl:

Next, the Paediatrician who, unsurprisingly, wasn't happy with his weight gain. (350g in 4 weeks) Given that we've managed to increase his milk intake by 30% and he's also now on purees, there's not many options. So he's back on EBM Fortifier powder, I brought home two boxes (300 sachets) today. So long as she doesn't make us wake him overnight for a feed, I'll do pretty much anything. She was happy with his reactions (he smiled at her) and his grasping (he yanked her NHS ID badge chain), so it was generally positive. Back in six weeks.

Then a brief visit to see our pals at the Placenta Clinic, where one of the midwives gave birth 2 weeks early and her baby has an auditory nerve disorder similar to Andrew.

Lastly, a Physio check-up. They are happy that he is now holding his head centrally most of the time, and also impressed by his grasping capability (both hands evenly). We've been advised to do more tummy-time, which probably means more time spent in our bed as it's too cold at floor level. He demonstrated his commando-crawl up the change mat (with assistance). Back there in seven weeks.

Oh no for the Poo!!!! lol.
Well done Andrew!!! x
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Andrew was promoted from the NeoNatal ICU to the High-Dependency room last night, he's doing that well!!!!


awwwwwwwwww!!!!! :cloud9:

Yay Andrew. Hopefully the weight gain will sort itself out in time.
Thats fab news. Glad he's doing so well, I'm sure the weight gain will come x

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