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Announcing pregnancies early on FB.


Mum of 2
Jul 22, 2011
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I know that everyone has different opinions on this but I've come to notice allot recently that people announce their pregnancies really early on facebook.
Maybe its because I've had previous MC and I'm high risk for MC but I just cannot imagine announcing on fb at 7 weeks pregnant.

Recently it happened that one of my friends announced her pregnancy at just shy of 8 weeks and then the following day had a bleed.

Luckily her baby was just fine but I cannot imagine having to deal with an MC myself aswell as having to tell everyone on fb.

I dunno maybe I'm just over cautious but I personally couldn't do it.
Opinions ladies??
I did it with our first pregnancy, as soon as we found out. I was so excited, we'd been trying a while, and I just wanted to share it with everyone. We had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. I wished I had never said anything because then people kept asking how the pregnancy was going, so then I had to tell them what happened.

First time pregnant moms don't ever think of bad things happening, or they do, but never think it will happen to them. That's why they are so excited to share the news, because it just seems impossible for something to happen to your baby. I wish I could go back to that feeling of nothing bad happening. Every other pregnancy has been nerve wracking, scary, constantly thinking something bad would happen. I always feel so nervous for friends when they post early about pregnancies, after losing 2 of my own, but I also try to remember how awesome it felt the first time we got pregnant. There was no containing that joy at that time.
Never. Not before a perfect 12 week scan and first trimester screening.
i posted my first at 9 weeks and second at 5 weeks.. and im a high risk for m/c as well.. ive had 4 previous m/c ... ive seen people post too and had a m/c the next day that must be so hard ive also seen people post over 12 weeks and had a m/c
I think it's obvious I'm pregnant anyway. I keep being sick for a start. I haven't officially announced it but I don't really mind who knows and I've had 3 miscarriages before.
I couldn't do it personally. My first pregnancy I waited until 14 weeks to tell the whole family (+ Fb world) and my second pregnancy I didn't mention it at all on Fb until I posted family photoshoot pics and I must have been around 32 weeks along - then some people were just finding out. :p I prefer to keep it for us for a while. I can understand those who want to announce right away too though. :)
I wouldnt do it personally. After being a lttc'er that moment when I found out I was pregnant was the ultimate joy, but I felt like it was never going to happen, like I didnt deserve it and it would be taken away from me. I feel so so super blessed that didnt happen and it resulted in a successful pregnancy and my beautiful boy. And the truth be told, I dont know how tough it is to suffer a miscarriage on your own never mind having to tell the world about it as well. Maybe people that tell believe it would never happen to them, they are just so excited - why would bad things happen to good people? Its tough, because in an ideal world there should be nothing wrong with telling people good news, just sad that some pregnancies end so badly :-(

I would cringe (although happy for them of course) though if a friend posted it so publicly. I think facebook can be a bad place at times, I understand people that tell close friends early on, as in reality they would be there if you needed them if something bad happened, but telling every tom dick and harry :-(
jd83 - I am a first time Mum and I definitely did think of bad things happening and chose not to announce until week 14 after 2 scans - I think it's wrong to say FTMs don't think about those things :shrug:

People are confident with their choices to announce, I kept it private of Facebook because it's the internet. I told family and a few friends at before 6 weeks, if anything bad had happened I would have been glad of the support of those select few.

I had tried for 30months to get my daughter, and then there wasn't a day that I wasn't terrified she wouldn't make it albeit it 4 weeks or 40 weeks!
Everyone is different. I've had friends announce it as soon as they found out around six weeks. One unfortunately suffered a MC. Some of my friends even waited until 20 weeks to be extra cautious.

I was desperate to announce it but waited until 12 weeks because I was so worried about a MC.
Having had two m/cs and having it take so long to get my final BFP I didn't post on Facebook until I was 24 weeks. No way would I have posted before 12 weeks.
I posted around 8 weeks. I was excited and wanted to share the news. I didn't think about MCing in too much depth because, well... I didn't want to. It was something that I acknowledged that I'd have to deal with if the worst were to happen, but I honestly didn't want it to deter me from sharing the news when I wanted to.
jd83 - I am a first time Mum and I definitely did think of bad things happening and chose not to announce until week 14 after 2 scans - I think it's wrong to say FTMs don't think about those things :shrug:People are confident with their choices to announce, I kept it private of Facebook because it's the internet. I told family and a few friends at before 6 weeks, if anything bad had happened I would have been glad of the support of those select few.

I had tried for 30months to get my daughter, and then there wasn't a day that I wasn't terrified she wouldn't make it albeit it 4 weeks or 40 weeks!

Sorry, I shouldn't generalize all FTM that way. I DO think its common for many first time moms to have that type of mindset though, and that first time pregnancy excitement. But you are right, that doesn't mean that they don't have fears as well. I think how a FTM mom views it may also depend on whether they personally know anyone who has had a miscarriage, as obviously that would make it a more real possibility than if they didn't know anyone who had had it happen to them.
I didn't announce on fb at all, but that's just my preference. I have a number of people on mine who I know but don't care for them knowing my business; I find things much more exciting to tell people in person, again though that's just my thoughts.

I wouldn't have announced on there before 12 weeks though, the thought of things happening and thn having to tell everyone would be too much for me

SIL announced it to family after POAS and then to facebook at 7 weeks. Think she's about 10 weeks right now
I lost my 1st daughter at 26 weeks gest so I didn't tell anyone on facebook I was preggers again until my 2nd daughter was born :D. However with my son I was outed at 16 weeks by a stupid ex friend otherwise I wouldn't have said with him either til he was here :).
jd83 - I am a first time Mum and I definitely did think of bad things happening and chose not to announce until week 14 after 2 scans - I think it's wrong to say FTMs don't think about those things :shrug:People are confident with their choices to announce, I kept it private of Facebook because it's the internet. I told family and a few friends at before 6 weeks, if anything bad had happened I would have been glad of the support of those select few.

I had tried for 30months to get my daughter, and then there wasn't a day that I wasn't terrified she wouldn't make it albeit it 4 weeks or 40 weeks!

Sorry, I shouldn't generalize all FTM that way. I DO think its common for many first time moms to have that type of mindset though, and that first time pregnancy excitement. But you are right, that doesn't mean that they don't have fears as well. I think how a FTM mom views it may also depend on whether they personally know anyone who has had a miscarriage, as obviously that would make it a more real possibility than if they didn't know anyone who had had it happen to them.

I also probably knew more than Average Jane aswell as I was on BnB for about 18hours a day while LTTC :haha:
I didn't announce any pregnancy on FB cos I don't really post on there but I don't think it's a bad thing to announce early.

With my first pregnancy, I was paranoid about MC so didn't tell anyone except my OH and parents. I did suffer a MC early at 7 weeks and I was devastated. As well as being upset about the loss, I was also upset that nobody knew I was pregnant. It's not as though you can go around telling all your friends and colleagues whats happened after (although I did tell some cos I just needed people to know)

After that experience I felt much more comfortable telling people about pregnancy early cos even if the worst does happen, at least I'll have all my friends/colleagues understanding how I'm feeling and what's going on.
I announced around 20 weeks I think after the gender scan. I was pretty scared something would go wrong, but it all went pretty well. I told a couple friends early and some family.
We announced at six weeks, and I had no regrets, even after a threatened miscarriage. I thought it actually made it easier to handle because all of the ladies at work were so supportive. My OB was able to squeeze me in for a scan but I had to call out of work, and my manager didn't mind at all because she knew the reason. Plus I got to share pretty much my whole pregnancy with family and friends, including all of the ups and downs! :)

I honestly don't get the waiting until after a certain point, because there is always a chance you could lose the baby. But it's all about what you're comfortable with!

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