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Announcing pregnancies early on FB.

I told close family early on, told extended family at 12 weeks and told fb after my scan at 13 weeks.

I know a girl who announced at 5 weeks though, I would be way too scared at that early stage to tell everyone though, luckily she just had her scan and all is well.

I know things can still go wrong after seeing a healthy scan, but the risk is much lower so I felt much more confident announcing after my scan. I think it would be too heartbreaking to have people congratulating you and then having to announce a miscarriage and have those same people all over you with sympathy.
My cousin announced she was pg on FB at 7 weeks. She hadn't had a scan and had fallen down the stairs the week earlier...

On the day of her 12 week scan I stressed all day as she hadn't posted on FB and I had a mmc which was picked up on at my 12 week scan. I didn't dare send her a msg or ring her as I was sure it would be bad news... Luckily everything was fine but it was a stressful day for me!
Thanks for all the input ladies.
I must admit I was over cautious with lo. I didn't announce anything on fb till 25 weeks and even at that it wasn't really an announcement.
We never announced our first on FB and our 2nd we announced at 7+4 after our scan.
My oh spilled the beans accidentally at 6 weeks so everyone knew. I've had losses so wasn't happy. I almost lost my son at 14 weeks by pprom and by this point announcemenrs are made so you are never safe no matter what gestation. As with everything else it's personal preference.
I announced at 8 weeks on FB with both mine. I only have friends and family on FB and if I had miscarried, I'd have wanted their support.
I had a private scan at 7 weeks and then announced on FB when I was 10 weeks, as it was starting to get around and people were becoming suspicious since I hadn't been drinking at parties or I had time off work for morning sickness.

If I hadn't had the scan, I wouldn't have said anything until 12 weeks. Only because it was my first pregnancy and I would have been too paranoid.

Close family and my best friend knew as soon as I found out (4 weeks). I told the rest of my family and close friends about 8 weeks. These were people that if I had miscarried, I would have wanted their support anyway.
I had a m/c at 11 weeks once. I didn't announce it on facebook luckily, but both my mother and mil had already told everyone against my wishes. At least I wasn't the one who had to untell everyone though.

I was 20 weeks before I announced my pregnancy with my son on facebook. I'll probably wait that long with the next one too.
Each to their own, I know people who've done both and understand both. For myself, I didn't get to announce my first pregnancy as it ended at 6 weeks, but I would've waited until 12 weeks anyway. With my second I told my twin the same day, family after 6 week early scan and Facebook after 12 week scan. I would do the same if I were lucky enough to be pregnant again :)
I never announced my pregnancy on Facebook. I called/emailed/spoke with the people I wanted to know and everyone else found out when I posted the birth announcement.

Even if I had posted about my pregnancy on FB there's no way I would've done it until I was well into the second trimester. In fact I didn't even tell most of my coworkers until I was over 5 months pregnant! Going through a miscarriage is hard enough when only a few people know about it, I wouldn't want to have to deal with 200+ friends and acquaintances asking about my pregnancy during that time.
I dont announce it until the scan but at the same time its not a secret.

Though i didnt mention my pregnancy between R and W on FB at all because i knew something wasnt right and when i went to my 12 week scan i had had a MMC
I wouldn't! To be honest I don't have face book and don't want people to see my family or know my buisness so to me this is crazy!!
I didn't until 12 weeks which I'm glad of because I had a bleed a week after we found out (though everything was ok). I told our families straight away though as I would have wanted their support if I'd MC and work a so work with challenging individuals and needed putting at reduced duties.
My mom did it for me at 4 weeks, needless to say, she is the last person to be informed about ANYTHING these days.
I don't post anything personal on FB, but I waited until I was 13wks to tell family and 24wks to tell my friends.
I announced after NT scan results the first time, and about to do the same again. That's just my preference, I just want to know everything is normal with the baby, not because I am afraid of miscarriage. I know it happens, I have friends and family it has happened to, but I am just not a worrier.

When I told my mum, she was like, "Well, good, just don't get too excited yet." I was like WTF? I'm not going to try not to enjoy my pregnancy and feel excited just in case something bad happens (statistically very unlikely). If something goes wrong, I will deal with it then but I am not going to worry in the meantime.
When I was pregnant with son, told everyone as soon as I found out at dr's office (6 weeks).

When I got call from Dr's office that I was pregnant a couple years ago, I told everyone. Unfortunately, by that weekend, I had miscarried. Don't know how far I was :shrug:

When I peed on a stick at home to find out I was pregnant with daughter, I just told son and husband. I wanted to shout it out from the rooftops but waited until I was about 12 weeks to say anything to a few people. Even then, didn't tell too many people. I think we wanted to see if anybody noticed me looking different :haha:

What will be will be regardless if you say something or not.
I announced at 9 weeks after my first scan. Although most people knew by then anyway. I only have proper friends and family on Facebook and I'm rubbish at keeping secrets! Especially because we had been TTC for about a year and I was so excited :D
I told my mom and dad on Father's day at 6 weeks ish. I wasn't even sure how pregnant I was yet, but I was pregnant according to the dr. I had a dating scan at ten weeks and then told my friends on Facebook, and my bigmouth sister right before the FB announcement (In person). I only have my loved ones on FB so it was a good place to let everyone I had not told yet know all at once and everyone was awesome.
I don't think i made an actual pregnancy announcement on Facebook. We did tell our families early on, and because of my work most other people knew at 10 weeks after a scan. Having had a MMC previously, I only want to tell the people who I would also tell about a mc until I know things are more certain.

I'm not a big FB poster anyway, so it's totally personal preference and no right or wrong :)

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