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Announcing pregnancies early on FB.

I waited until 14 weeks, had my scan and an extra two weeks to let myself believe that I am that lucky lol!

Edit, I told my mum and mil in person at six weeks, and my sisters at nine. The 14 was on fbook. I only have real friends and family on there, no strangers, i've never understood that!
My first pregnancy I didn't announce on FB but I did tell some family, friends and work friends... I started to bleed a couple of days later and had to explain to everyone... It was horrible.

The second time I just told family and ended up having a chemical.

My 3rd time lucky I kept it quiet till my 12 week scan and everything turned out okay. If I ever have any more babies in the future I don't think I'll be in a rush to tell people.
I'm the other extreme. I never announced it on Facebook. I'd say there were some surprised people when a couple of pics of me and baby popped up. I had a miscarriage the month before I got pregnant with lo and was ridiculously worried so never felt like telling the world. That being said, all the people I was regularly in touch with knew. I'm not one to share much on Facebook at all, though, and mostly use it to message friends.
Both times I waited until I had a scan picture to put up with my announcement.
I think it depends what your support networks are. I have a friend who announced very early and then unfortunately miscarried. She got a lot of support from the same people who congratulated her, and she went on to announce her next pregnancy early, getting support from fb friends the second time because she was obviously nervous about what had happened before. Four me I would not announce that early because my close friends I speak to via phone etc but lots of people do communicate with friends via Facebook so I guess it's not so crazy for some to do it. X
I told sis, mum and dad and In laws at 4 weeks when I found out, my best friends (2 of them, one also a co worker) at 8 weeks after a scan. My boss at 9 weeks (had to fly with work), DH best friend at 10 weeks after 2nd scan, then fb at 13 weeks after my 3rd scan.
I was lucky to have 2 early scans due to a research project so could see a heartbeat and healthy growing early on. I would always wait until I had had a scan to announce on fb so next time will wait until the 12 week scan again. I am also high risk for MC.
I waited til 16 weeks. And if we fall pregnant again, I would probably leave it until then as well after having an MC in July. It really can happen to anyone :(
I do but only because my job has risk factors and I have to be put on restrictions. It feels so wrong to me to tell my work and not friends and family. This time, I held off due to the fact that I had general anesthesia and stress of losing my dad that I wanted to make sure the pregnancy was viable so yes I still announced "early" at nine weeks.
First pregnancy we told our parents, brother and sisters as soon as we found out. Announced on FB at about 9 weeks. I was too excited to wait.

Second pregnancy told immediate family again straight away but waited until after 12 week scan to announce on FB. I was more aware of the early risks second time round, and as it wasn't my first pregnancy I could contain my excitement a bit better.

My cousin recently found out she was pregnant and told absolutely everyone straight away. Didn't exactly announce on FB but practically the whole world knew anyway.. Then she found out at 12 week scan that baby had no heartbeat. She's still having to deal with people asking how her pregnancy is going. X
I've seen it to a ridiculous level on FB. On the day the royal baby was born, an old school friend put on FB that she had 'just found out' she was pregnant. She basically put it on purely based on the royal baby coincidence for attention. She must have literally just tested. Plus this person has had a misscarriage in the past. What gives!!!??

I had to tell my OH's parents very early, about 4 weeks, as we were due to go on holiday with them and it would become far, FAR too difficult to avoid alcohol etc without them 'guessing' or slowing working it out as the holiday went on and confronting me... I really didn't want them to guess I wanted it to be a full on surprise so we told them before we went.

I facebooked after 12 week scan, some close friends knew but knew better than to mention it to me on FB until I announced.
I announced on facebook at five weeks last time. It was our first pregnancy and we were just so excited! Worried for weeks after that something was going to go wrong through! This time I didn't announce until 14/15 weeks.
We announced the twins at 8 weeks even though we lost the 3 babies before (stillborn, MMC, chemical). I was so excited to have two I couldn't wait and didn't really care if people knew we did have a MC. I don't get the whole people shouldn't know thing. It happens and having friends and family to support you is better than suffering on your own.
A friend of mine announced her pregnancy early last year at 6 weeks, then 1 week before her first 12 week scan she lost the baby :( what made it sad was that she also announced how excited she was about the upcoming scan but then sadly she lost the baby and never got to have that scan.

I think it's best to at least wait until a healthy 12 week scan is done before confirming pregnancy. Poor friend had to announce her miscarriage to everyone on facebook. She now has a healthy baby boy.

On the other extreme my other friend announced the birth of her daughter. Nobody even knew she was pregnant lol. She said on her status sorry for the shock news but she wanted her baby to arrive safely in the world before telling anyone anything :D

As a 1st time excited mum I announced my pregnancy on the day of my 1st 12 week scan. I gave a hint a few days before with "Can't wait for so and so date to come so that I can share my secret with everyone" Lol
I am completely for and against it :rofl:

My first two pregnancy ended in mc. The worst part was, I told everyone early doors so weeks later they were asking how the pregnancy was going. It was horrible.

I was quiet about DD1. Announced about 10-11 weeks . And then she arrived at 27 weeks.

So I did announce after a first scan with DD2 at 7 weeks. Why? Because i wanted to savour as much of the pregnancy as I could. And I was stronger now, I could "cope" if it all went wrong.

Such a personal choice really and I don't care what others think. I do whats right for me.
I'm not a huge fan of announcing things on FB generally especially something like a pregnancy I consider much more private. Besides my hubby and I, only my parents and in-laws knew early on. I told friends and family at my birthday party (which happened to be when I was 11 weeks pregnant).

I did announce her birth on FB though :D
I have two facebooks, one for real life friends and family. One for my forum friends.

With my first three there wasn't facebook *old :haha:* with my fourth there was facebook but I didn't announce it partly because only a few months before her sister was stillborn at 36+6 and partly because I didn't use it that much. I have never announced any of my fourteen miscarriages on my RL friends facebook and with my second stillbirth I hadn't even announced it to people I saw on a day to day basis, only my parents and siblings. She was stillborn at 24+3 and it was pretty gutting that no one in the world knew about her.

With my forum friend fb, I had been announcing my pregnancies and loses but it is different in that these are people I've met through support forums. However, I didn't announce my last pregnancy and miscarriage because I have become aware that I scare people :( It hurt that I was alone though.

I wont be announcing future pregnancies on either facebook.
I didn't announce it at all (so cue loads of shocked people after he was born).
I don't have a facebook, but if I did I wouldn't announce it at all, but that's only because facebook isn't really my thing.

If it was and I used it, then perhaps I would. I would try and wait to 12 weeks though.
I used to think it was odd that people announced their pregnancies early on FB, but I figured that they would want the support if something didn't go well with the pregnancy. :shrug: I told my friends and family (not on FB) immediately after my BFP since most of them knew we were going through IVF, and I'd definitely want their support and love if something went wrong.

It's also a cultural thing. We tend to be very private (we're a bit of a superstitious culture) about things like this here...I've never seen an "announcement" or gender reveal etc that was made specifically to be shared on FB by any of my Greek FB friends..in fact most of the times they just post something after they've given birth, or at best I see a picture of them with a massive bump! We're not big on sharing scans or baby pictures either!

I think I only mentioned being pregnant on FB when I was around 6 months and someone specifically asked me about it...since then I've only mentioned it 2-3 times in a status or something and have 2 pictures showing that I'm pg. I've never posted a scan or anything like that because I consider it to be very personal and just send them in a message to my brother and best friends!
I did last year and it sadly ended in mc, which meant I had to 'untell' everybody on my Facebook. People were still asking about my pregnancy months later :nope:

So personally I wouldn't/didn't do it again. I waited til after my 12wk scan this time as it felt safer.

I'm not against it but I defo cringe when I see people announcing/buying things before 12 weeks, but I think that's because of my own personal experience.

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