Thank you for the information.
My eating habits are rather poor, and I usually wake up with a headache. I often have to be coaxed into eating, and when I do, I usually just have the one meal each day. Sometimes I feel too sickly (nausea) to eat, sometimes I just force myself not to. As to an obsession, I would not agree. I'm rather worried about putting on weight, but I don't weigh myself. I won't allow a scale in the house. I have been losing weight, though. My clothes have gotten baggy.
It might just be my mood, though. I've been feeling down.
I think I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) bc every time I get stressed, my stomach gets upset and I get nauseous. Then I don't feel well enough to eat. Which then leads to headaches, and not wanting to eat bc I feel sick whenever I do.

I have anorexia/not wanting to eat/scared of gaining weight issues. I also have some depression, it can go hand-in-hand, so that might be why you're feeling down.
If you're 'rather worried' and need to be 'talked into eating', I wouldn't worry too much, but it might do you good to talk to your dr about it? If you don't eat because you feel sick, dr could possibly help you with that, and if you don't eat because you're scared of gaining weight, dr could suggest someone for you to talk to about those issues.
I'd see someone if you can, just to be safe.
And as for your stomach, when you have tummy issues, the B.R.A.T. diet is good- bananas, rice, apple (juice, sauce, etc), and toast.

Taking caffeine out of your diet, and artificial sweeteners can also help.
And I should say- it can get to the point of obsession, but start with little things, like forcing yourself not to eat. (Which is why you might want to head this off at the pass now.)
Sorry for the confusion.