I'm having a hard time atm. As some of you ladies know, I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant without FT. But I did, obviously. So while I was pregnant it was very easy to justify gaining weight and recovering because I
needed my baby. My naturally conceived miracle baby. And if I didn't eat, she wouldn't eat. Once she was born, it was easy to justify recovery because I was breastfeeding.
But she's been having trouble bfing now and it's making me really upset. I'm having to top her off with EBM after nursing her and sometimes I just need to give her formula because I either don't have any EBM to top her off with or I'm not engorged enough to BF her. (I got so severely chapped that I couldn't actually nurse her for a few days. Now I can nurse her if I'm a bit engorged because they go kind of numb.)
This is making it a bit harder. I'm ashamed to admit that some of the hate I have for using formula (for my own situation, not others. I have nothing against FF moms) is because I linked bfing to recovery.
I have my 6 week check-up coming up soon and I'm afraid to know how much I weigh. I've been peeking at the scale every now and then and I was down to 115lbs early this week. Which isn't "bad" since I'm 5"4, but I was between 90 & 95lbs when I got pregnant. I haven't seen anything above 105 on the scale in almost 3 years. I keep reminding myself that this is good, this is a healthy weight. But sometimes.....sometimes it's just easier to go back.
I've talked to my aunt about it, and she tried to help me by reminding me that "bad habits, just like old habits, die hard," But this was never just a habit. It was a lifestyle.