Definitely.. Communication seems to be the hardest thing atm.. he says a word, I have no clue what he's on about, but he thinks I do, so when I sayy I don't understand that is it.. tantrum. It's hard because I have a 6 month old too and although I spend as much time as poss with her it seems like Kyle is getting all of the attention and when I go back to her it's time for her nap.. I feel so bad.. On both of them. if I'm honest I feel like a useless Mum, even though I have their best intentions at heart I can't seem do to right for doing wrong
Oh babe, don't feel like that

I know what you mean because I regularly think I fail my DD but everyone says I'm a fantastic mum and that they wouldn't be able to handle her! Its very hard, can be very lonely and a very stressful time, just remember it won't be forever, he's still very young! Have you tried establishing a strict routine so he knows what will always be happening and maybe using photo cards! At my DD school they use them, they have photos of painting, sandpit, jigsaws etc and let her pick so its easier to communicate, also in her new school they have there daily routine in pics, I.e. Registration, singing, playtime etc so the children know what's happening next! You could try brushing teeth, getting dressed, breakfast pics etc! And does he have a punishment e.g naughty spot?? Xxx