New baby J
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^ my son was under constant referral since he was 2 lol and it still took ages as he was always growing up and changing so they observed this x
Definitely.. Communication seems to be the hardest thing atm.. he says a word, I have no clue what he's on about, but he thinks I do, so when I sayy I don't understand that is it.. tantrum. It's hard because I have a 6 month old too and although I spend as much time as poss with her it seems like Kyle is getting all of the attention and when I go back to her it's time for her nap.. I feel so bad.. On both of them. if I'm honest I feel like a useless Mum, even though I have their best intentions at heart I can't seem do to right for doing wrong![]()
Oh babe, don't feel like thatI know what you mean because I regularly think I fail my DD but everyone says I'm a fantastic mum and that they wouldn't be able to handle her! Its very hard, can be very lonely and a very stressful time, just remember it won't be forever, he's still very young! Have you tried establishing a strict routine so he knows what will always be happening and maybe using photo cards! At my DD school they use them, they have photos of painting, sandpit, jigsaws etc and let her pick so its easier to communicate, also in her new school they have there daily routine in pics, I.e. Registration, singing, playtime etc so the children know what's happening next! You could try brushing teeth, getting dressed, breakfast pics etc! And does he have a punishment e.g naughty spot?? Xxx
He's had a strict routine since being a baba- He always knows whats coming next and I tell him too, for example.. your going for a nap in 10mins etc. Although the cards might be a good idea! Same here hun, my mum often tells me how proud she is of the way I'm bringing them up, but it's hard to accept that when your getting things thrown at you! - Yeah I've tried to enforce the naughty step but it doesn't work, as soon as he's off it, he does whatever he did to get on it, again and again. Shouting doesn't work, and I don't want to do that anyway, I don't want him to be scared to say something for fear of my reaction. His room is his happy place so I don't want to make that a place of punishment cos I don't think their bedroom is good for that. I did however, get him a tent and put it in his room with loads of cushions and "comfort" toys.. This usually calms him down now, but for how long!? lol. Has your DD been diagnosed or are you still in the process ?
Oh Dragonfly, I'm sorry to hear your having such a hard time being heard! - Keep pushing, sometimes health visitors over look things (easy to do though) that they really shouldn't. I mean I remember asking my HV why my son (at 12mnths) was banging his head on his cot/wall constantly.. She asked me if I was going into him.. Uh, yes he's gonna damage himself! She said, oh that's why then, just stop going in. Uh what!?. Just push push push hun, your the mum and you spend the most time with your baba and should listen to you! I hope you start getting somewhere soon!
Does anyone know how long this process takes ? Roughly.
So my son will be 3 in November. I'll be totally honest, I've always thought my son was different, but he was my first born & I figured he was just like his Daddy. However, 3 months ago, my husband was diagnosed with high functioning Autism, so this got me thinking.
When Kyle was younger he used to bang his head off his cot a lot, I'd go in, make sure he was ok & within 10mins he'd be doing it again.. He'd do it most of the night. When he got moved into a big bed, he sat in the corner of the room and bashed his head off the wall instead. Luckily, he has stopped this.
Kyle won't play with other kids, he seems to be in his own wee world most of the time. He still wears a bib now, he slavers something terrible! He never looks at people in the face unless specifically (literally) asked to, for example if I want him to look at me I HAVE to say "Kyle, look at mummy". He goes mental at hand dryers, hoovers, anything that makes a lot of noise. He was slow to walk, 17 months, slow to talk, we got about 4 words out of him until he was about 23 months, even now, I think his speech is behind, no full sentences, it's "juice" for a drink not like my friends kid who says "drink please mummy" or "can i have a drink". He sits for ages engrossed in lining things up, usually blocks or cars and if I touch one he will say "oh no", put it back and if I do it again he will throw all the cars/blocks away and throw himself on the floor. He doesn't seem to like playing with anyone, sure my husband can throw him about etc and he loves it, but you can't play with him with his toys because you don't play the way HE wants you to play. He refuses to eat "messy" food (I say refuse, he doesn't communicate that with me, he just doesn't eat it) and gets very upset if he has dirty hands yet hates me cleaning his face with a baby wipe or whatever.
For a while I thought he was extremely ignorant and scolded him for not listening to me/family, I think now that that's just another sign of him having Autism, you can repeat his name up to 10 times and he will still not look at you, or even acknowledge that you're talking to him, I have to literally go up to him and as said earlier say Kyle look at mummy, he will then look at me & I can then tell him what I want to say.
I want to know what others think.. Sure I'm his mum, I know him best but I don't know much about Autism so I would like your opinion. I have my Health Visitor coming out on Monday afternoon to assess him but that's 6 days away and I can think of nothing else. Please reply, any thoughts are much appreciated. Also, sorry this is a book!
I'm quite a bit like a child being Aspie too. And... my ability to cope has gotten significantly better once my husband and I started embracing that. So we made a daily chore chart of things that absolutely must get done every day. We put a note on the door that lists everything I need with me to leave the house. I have a piece of paper taped behind the stove saying "turn me off if I'm not in use!"Thanks !!
It's good to know I'm not alone, he is going through a bad phase atm, he's whingy all day everyday at the min, I have to leave the room a few times a day to calm myself down, the stress is overwhelming sometimes.
Just a waiting game now I guess but I know it isn't a quick process, which is good, I don't want him "labelled" if he doesn't have it but it's positively doing my head in, I need to know but as long as he's some support in the mean time I don't mind!
It's not just children that are hard work with Autism, my husband has it too! - He's like a child because of it lol. But I love my family to bits, Autism or no Autism I wouldn't change a thing.