Hi, Mk8. You can definitely buddy up. I feel like sometimes the wait to the 2 week wait is almost worse than the 2 week wait itself.
I know what you're talking about the dark brown blood. I get that too at the start of AF. I think it might just be something that comes with age.
Here's my history:
I just turned 30 in February and started TTC in December. DH and I bd around the time of ovulation, but I wasn't charting yet, so I wasn't sure when I had o'd. I was feeling really positive though. It was right after Xmas that AF showed up and I realized I needed to try a little harder.
Our second cycle TTC we tried a couple of times before I had o'd, but I got sick and we couldn't keep going. However, I hoped that it had been enough, b/c I had all of the symptoms: fatigue, backache, sore breasts, metal taste in month, dizzy, naseous. I told my husband on my birthday, "I'm 99% sure that i'm pregnant!" But I must have imagined them because AF showed up shortly after. And to make things worse, my younger sister found out she was pregnant (which I was so happy for her, but, the green eyed monster was definitely there.)
Our third cycle, I finally started charting BBT. I had no symptoms what so ever, so after the previous month, I took that to mean a good thing. But alas, AF showed. AND my best friend told me she was preggers. Again, very happy for her, but still waiting for my turn
This last cycle my husband I really got serious and bd every evening the 3 days before o. The day of o I felt cramps, which I'm hoping were o pains. So I ran home and we bd right away. I was also taking mucinex the 4 days prior to o and the day of, to loosen the mucus. We'll see if it worked in two weeks.
It's good to meet you ladies. GL and baby dust!