Happy due date mrs mig!!
Mrs a sorry your night was so disrupted it's just awful isn't it? I have to sleep in the spare room now as MY snoring is so bad Lol but i don't mind as it's comfier and me and hubs always have a cuddle in the morning. Plus I am up around 3 x a night for various preggo related reasons anyway
And yes we are going out on nye. We are going for a meal in central london and some bars - going to live it up a bit don't know how long I'll last though! Just me and hubs then we are going to join a party via Skype where a nye quiz will be in progress with all our old friends who live too far away for me to travel at this stage!
Everything we have the exact same due dates
. Sorry you got your hopes up and...
Weejenb Sorry it was a false alarm too - this is going to be such an emotional roller coaster and probably it's preparing us for being 'grateful' for the pain!
Emydra I have all those symptoms too and thanks for the info about the weight, I am concerned about baby weight so I'm thinking of having a private scan just to check as I don't want to go overdue with a monster! But it's definitely reassuring what you say
Everything's been perfectly normal this pregnancy aside from my fundal height being a week ahead but I'd like the reassurance I think! Probably over reacting though!
Darkstar tell me about it! It's such a pain when you're just trying to sleep isn't it!!