Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Oh I'm so sorry you feel like it hasn't worked :hugs: I definitely still have my hopes up for you, you could still get a bfp at your test and they say early pregnancy and AF symptoms can be similar. I was only reading the ivf success stories thread the other day (I always read this when I'm feeling down) and I read this from a girl who got her ivf success (I actually copied it to my desktop cos it really spoke to me);

You're too sweet. Thank you for your positivity. & that quote is lovely. I do definitely feel as though My period is coming though as well... Thursday I will know for sure I guess! Hehe. To be honest I am excited either way. When I got the BFN the other day I kinda just knew & I've made peace with it and just am now excited for the next transfer. I hate dwelling on things & feeling sorry for myself so if I don't pick myself up and look forward to something, then ill just be a miserable sack of potatoes :haha:

When do you think your ER will be ? What day of meds are you on?

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: You are not out until your beta tells you so! I doubted this working everyday, I felt cramps and had all the symptoms like AF was coming. Also you don't have to have a PMA the whole time, I cried just about everyday because I thought it wouldn't work.

Eveclo chin up there is still a chance it DID work! You are not out until either AF shows up or the blood work shows otherwise! I like the quote Sparkle put up, we should all try and remember that one!
Sparkle how are you feeling with the meds so far hun?
I am about to go in for my blood test and ultrasound...hmm what number is this... like 5 i think? Anyway I hope I have some good news to report, I am starting to get impatient as far as needing to get ER over and done with! The injections don't bother me so much as this never ending stretch of time BEFORE the main event! hahaha!

Hmm this is true. It's funny because if I didn't test, I would think I was pregnant. My fresh cycle I spotted a lot on the progesterone before my period and then got my full blown one while on it still! So the fact that I haven't spot at all (like normal) is pretty amazing to me! Due tomorrow, and blood test Thursday so all the answers are near hehe.

Number 5 blood test! Argh! I hope those veins are ok! I always had orgalutran at 8pm, and I dreaded the time between 7 and 8, it always went SO SLOW!!! Hope the ultrasound went well. How many follicles are we looking at?!
So it looks like I am due in for egg collection either thursday or friday! OMG!!!
I could feel things happening in there over the weekend and I was really really hoping they would be ready! I have about 8-9 mature follicles so i am happy about that although I did think perhaps there would be more considering the crazy number of actual follies in there! As long as most fertilize and make it to the three or five day blasts I will be happy... hmm scratch that I will be happy when I have one sticky little bean nice and warm in my uterus!
I get a phone call later to confirm this with the blood test results.
I wonder if say on egg collection day we decide that we'd like them to do ICSI ( we were told we'd not need to do ICSI) if we can change our minds and pay the extra? Has anyone heard of that happening? I must try to remember to ask the nurse when she calls later.
Hope everyone is well :)
Yay Molly 8-9 follies is excellent and egg collection thurs/fri! :happydance:

When do you do your trigger? Do you remember anything about ICSI when you filled in your forms? On mine there was 3 check boxes, ICSI, no ICSI, or ICSI if recommended on the day, I choose the latter even though my dr recommended ICSI I've got my fx that hubby's numbers may have gotten better since he's been taking loads of vitamins and supplements for the last few months.

I'm on day 6 of my cycle and day 4 of stims, the nurse said I can expect ER to be around 2-6 April, my next bt and u/s is thurs, come on follies grow! I'm a bit tender on my belly from the injections and I'm already feeling a bit bloated and crampy, it kinda makes me happy though cos I feel like it's working, what a weirdo huh

Eveclo I hope the witch stays away tomorrow

Yay Molly 8-9 follies is excellent and egg collection thurs/fri! :happydance:
Do you think so? Gosh I hope they ALL fertlise and 8 make it to freeze! :wacko:
When do you do your trigger?
The nurse called late yesterday and told me egg collection will be tomorrow so I triggered at 12.30am this morning. Egg collection is to be 36 hours after trigger, so I am ready to go now! So excited but scared about the results! ARGH!
Do you remember anything about ICSI when you filled in your forms? On mine there was 3 check boxes, ICSI, no ICSI, or ICSI if recommended on the day, I choose the latter even though my dr recommended ICSI I've got my fx that hubby's numbers may have gotten better since he's been taking loads of vitamins and supplements for the last few months.
Fingers crossed for you then, if your DH's sperm is good on the day then that's all that matters -his side of the fence anyway! :) Good luck!!! When I spoke with the nurse I asked about that, she said by the time they check for fertilsation 24 hours later, it's too late to do ICSI as if no fertilisation the eggs will die. Which makes sense! She did say that when they get my DH's fresh sperm they will check it under the microscope first and if it isn't good then we will automatically do ICSI and just pay the difference. So I am ok with that. I have never been a control freak but I am feeling a little like that this cycle.
I'm on day 6 of my cycle and day 4 of stims, the nurse said I can expect ER to be around 2-6 April, my next bt and u/s is thurs, come on follies grow! I'm a bit tender on my belly from the injections and I'm already feeling a bit bloated and crampy, it kinda makes me happy though cos I feel like it's working, what a weirdo huh
Nope, not weird at all :) haha. I knew over the weekend that I had a sudden big growth spurt because I could feel a lot going on in there- I felt it from after a few days of injects but more over the weekend. I did my injects (both Gonal F and Orgalutran) at 7pm each night, by the time I went to bed i'd be laying there and feel what i can only describe as weird 'contorting' feelings from my ovaries. Mostly my left one, which turns out most of the mature follies are in. So you are definitely NOT weird! hahaha
Yes- good luck ladies! Can't wait to hear how many eggs! Fingers crossed they're great !

I got my period yesterday! Stopped progesterone and have my blood test today to say I'm out for good, and talk to my dr about our next step! Xxx
Thanks ladies xox
Oh Eveclo I am so sorry :( I was so hoping you would still be in for a chance. Im sure next cycle will be the one for you! xox
I will let you know how I go today
Oh no eveclo :( I'm so sorry hun... That sucks! I hope your dr can give you some good advice & answers :hugs:

I had 26 follicles at my ultrasound today, 1 was 16mm already but the others were 11 and less, still waiting on the call from the nurse for their take on it, I hope they say it's all good so far.
Oh no eveclo :( I'm so sorry hun... That sucks! I hope your dr can give you some good advice & answers :hugs:

I had 26 follicles at my ultrasound today, 1 was 16mm already but the others were 11 and less, still waiting on the call from the nurse for their take on it, I hope they say it's all good so far.

Oh no! I hope the others can catch up to that other one! Maybe they will bump up your dosage in time or something ?

Let us know how you go! Still waiting for the call from my doc.
Thanks ladies xox
Oh Eveclo I am so sorry :( I was so hoping you would still be in for a chance. Im sure next cycle will be the one for you! xox
I will let you know how I go today

I hope your going well!! Update as soon as you can hehe ;)

And thank you! It's a shame but its definitely life. You have to be prepared for the bad times. Luckily I still have time on my hands. Just not much money after all of this!
Well I am back! They retrieved 6 eggs (kinda bumbed about that) but all went well. I haven't even got any spotting which is what is expected afterwards, and the pain is just like bad period pain. I am definitely one of the lucky ones :)
They will ring tomorrow to let us know if any fertilize.
Evelco you aren't wrong- it is life. We have control over very little, especially in this process. It's hard not to be able to hope as hard as i want to, but being realistic I see it as this: It's out of our hands. The scientists know their job and everything else is fate (or whatever you believe). If we get any embryos, it will be a bonus. And if we get any extra to freeze that will be a miracle. Any pregnancy i think I won't believe until the first ultrasound. lol!
Well I am back! They retrieved 6 eggs (kinda bumbed about that) but all went well. I haven't even got any spotting which is what is expected afterwards, and the pain is just like bad period pain. I am definitely one of the lucky ones :)
They will ring tomorrow to let us know if any fertilize.
Evelco you aren't wrong- it is life. We have control over very little, especially in this process. It's hard not to be able to hope as hard as i want to, but being realistic I see it as this: It's out of our hands. The scientists know their job and everything else is fate (or whatever you believe). If we get any embryos, it will be a bonus. And if we get any extra to freeze that will be a miracle. Any pregnancy i think I won't believe until the first ultrasound. lol!

6 eggs is a great number!!! Don't be bummed. It's really is the quality not the quantity. Our doctor said she gets better results with couples achieving pregnancies with good quality, mature eggs retrieved with numbers between 4-12. Which is where you fall in! So fingers crossed they are just perfectly formed ;)

You are exactly right. Those scientists and embryologists know their stuff, and they will do everything they can. I rang every day checking on my embryos, they are all really helpful too.

I'm sorry , you may have told me already, but are they planning on doing a 3 day or 5 day transfer?

Hope those embies are fertilising well!
Molly I'm sorry you got less than you were expecting although 6 is still good and the drs say quality is more important than quantity, it only takes 1! FX they all fertilise and you get a bfp plus frosties :)

I'm glad to hear the EC went well and you didn't have too much pain after, did you have a general, or just light sedation?

Eveclo when are you going to speak to your dr next?

Hi Miss Red :wave: how are you and Lincoln doing?

So I was really happy that I had 26 follicles at my scan and I'm only on day 5 of stims so I wasn't expecting them to be too big yet as I've still got around another week of stims, but then what do I know haha. I spoke to the nurse and she couldn't tell me too much, only that it's still early days and that the dr still wanted to keep me on the same dose. One thing she did say was that they'd like to see my estrogen rise more. My next bt and u/s is sat morning.

One thing that did worry me was that I had 1 dominant follicle, I had read that it's better for them to all be quite similar in size so that 1 doesn't suck up all the energy. But I'm kinda in a let it go mood so I'm just gonna try and relax and try to trust the dr that she knows what she's doing.
Molly 6 is great Sweety :) Like the other girls said it it quality not quantity :hugs:

Hi Sparkle :) We are doing well, so busy with my mother's group as we are going to exercise classes twice a week then I also do 2 boxercise classes a week now, getting ready for my next cycle :) Lincoln is growing very well, but has had a bit of a temp this week. Doctor though he had a UTI but his wee wee came back all clear, so could be teeth, poor bugger :(

Wow 26 follies that is fantastic :dance: Can't wait to hear your update on Saturday. Don't stress to much I had a few follies that were dominant but I got there in the end :) Stay positive hun xx
Thanks girls xox
I got the phone call today to tell me we have 4 out of 6 that fertilised :) They are happy with how they are looking at this point and have requested I come in on Tuesday for a 5 day transfer. I am too scared to be excited yet and keep reminding myself we still have some hoops to jump through like (1) will all 4 make it to day 5? (2) will the remaining embryos survive the freeze? (3) If I dont get a bfp this cycle will the frozen embryo survive the thaw? BLAH BLAH BLAH! Trying not to over think it! lol
Sparkle I don't know if the anaesthetic was general or what- all I know is I was put under at 12.30pm, and woke up at 12.50pm. I went right under and was asleep the 20mins and felt fine afterwards. The pain I've had has been managed by panadol.
I agree with Red- one dominant follicle means nothing yet, you still have some growing to do, and 25 follies to catch up! I hope you get some great quality ones! :D
Thanks girls xox
I got the phone call today to tell me we have 4 out of 6 that fertilised :) They are happy with how they are looking at this point and have requested I come in on Tuesday for a 5 day transfer. I am too scared to be excited yet and keep reminding myself we still have some hoops to jump through like (1) will all 4 make it to day 5? (2) will the remaining embryos survive the freeze? (3) If I dont get a bfp this cycle will the frozen embryo survive the thaw? BLAH BLAH BLAH! Trying not to over think it! lol
Sparkle I don't know if the anaesthetic was general or what- all I know is I was put under at 12.30pm, and woke up at 12.50pm. I went right under and was asleep the 20mins and felt fine afterwards. The pain I've had has been managed by panadol.
I agree with Red- one dominant follicle means nothing yet, you still have some growing to do, and 25 follies to catch up! I hope you get some great quality ones! :D

Wow how great! They wouldn't opt to do a 5 day transfer unless they didn't think their quality was good enough to make it to that point! How exciting!

Those are all common worries but IVF will teach you to take every day as it comes. I think it will be a good result for you :) I am positive!

Keep us up to date with their progress!
Thanks so much ladies for the encouragement, I've definitely been trying to be positive and I'm excited to see tomorrow if my follies have grown and if my estrogen has gone up.

Yay for four fertilised Molly! And ET Tuesday how exciting :happydance:

General anaesthetic is when they put you to sleep, I'm going to be awake for mine but with sedation and local anaesthetic... Eeek bit nervous...

I hope Lincoln feels better soon Red. When are you starting your next cycle?

Have a great weekend everyone xxx
Hi ladies sorry to jump in here a little off topic but Miss Red just wanted to ask how you collected urine specimen from Lincoln, been struggling to get one from Cydney the last 24 hours

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