Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Sparkle - We are planning on cycling in October, but doing a freeze all cycle! We have a cruise booked for March 2015 and don't really want to be pregnant on it :)

Take - It was so easy! Hubby put Lincoln in the bath, he was standing on the edge started weeing and Hubby got the midstream that we needed. He wee test came back perfect :) Can I ask why Cydney needs one?
My cycle is cancelled :( 1 follie had grown from 16 to 21 and all the others were the same as 2 days ago. I can go again next cycle which is good and my dose will be up to 150 gonal f to try and get a better result. :(
My cycle is cancelled :( 1 follie had grown from 16 to 21 and all the others were the same as 2 days ago. I can go again next cycle which is good and my dose will be up to 150 gonal f to try and get a better result. :(

:hugs: Hugs for you Sparkle! I am so sorry! I really hoped that your other follies would catch up. At least they will increase your dosage next cycle. 150 Gonal f is what I was on and I did well on it, I really hope you do too hun. Urgh how awful for you :(
Thanks girls xox
I got the phone call today to tell me we have 4 out of 6 that fertilised :) They are happy with how they are looking at this point and have requested I come in on Tuesday for a 5 day transfer. I am too scared to be excited yet and keep reminding myself we still have some hoops to jump through like (1) will all 4 make it to day 5? (2) will the remaining embryos survive the freeze? (3) If I dont get a bfp this cycle will the frozen embryo survive the thaw? BLAH BLAH BLAH! Trying not to over think it! lol
Sparkle I don't know if the anaesthetic was general or what- all I know is I was put under at 12.30pm, and woke up at 12.50pm. I went right under and was asleep the 20mins and felt fine afterwards. The pain I've had has been managed by panadol.
I agree with Red- one dominant follicle means nothing yet, you still have some growing to do, and 25 follies to catch up! I hope you get some great quality ones! :D

How are your embies going? Are you allowed to call each day to check on them? I called every day before my transfers, just because I like to hear how or if they are progressing hehe.
My cycle is cancelled :( 1 follie had grown from 16 to 21 and all the others were the same as 2 days ago. I can go again next cycle which is good and my dose will be up to 150 gonal f to try and get a better result. :(

NOOOO! This must be a common thing? It's the exact same thing that happened my first try :( damn those dominant follicles!

Lucky you can go again straight away.

I hope your ok & not too upset :( it's hard when you start doing all of the injections and get so close, to be told your cycle is canceled. :cry:

What cycle day are you on now? Hopefully this cycle is a short one heh
"How are your embies going? Are you allowed to call each day to check on them? I called every day before my transfers, just because I like to hear how or if they are progressing hehe."

Yeah they are going very well thanks, I called after work yesterday and the nurse said they are 'lovely' and are growing right where they need to be. I cant call on a Sunday but they will call me on Monday to give me the time for the transfer, so i will ask again then! nerve racking stuff!
"How are your embies going? Are you allowed to call each day to check on them? I called every day before my transfers, just because I like to hear how or if they are progressing hehe."

Yeah they are going very well thanks, I called after work yesterday and the nurse said they are 'lovely' and are growing right where they need to be. I cant call on a Sunday but they will call me on Monday to give me the time for the transfer, so i will ask again then! nerve racking stuff!

Great news! Exciting stuff :)
Sparkle- you poor love..very frustrating, better luck this time x

Miss red- Cydney lost weight at her weekly weigh in so they wanted to make sure she didn't have a UTI lurking around. We sat with her over the bath for half an hour..nothing! The minute we gave up and lay her down she peed all over the towel and the floor, we only managed to grab a few drops!
Aww Sparkle I am so sorry hun :hugs: Can you try naturally for this month?

Oh no Take, just your luck :( I know there is a bug going around that mimics a UTI as they thought Lincoln had one. Lincoln had sore joints, cause when I picked him up he would cry, which is not normal for him, was running a temp and waking up throughout the night. The doctor then told me that he would get a rash due to the temp, and now he is covered from head to toe with what looks like a heat rash but it isn't bothering him. Hope Cydney feels better soon :hugs:
Sparkle, I am so sorry to hear the cycle was cancelled.
Since you don't have a journal I checked your posts to find out how you were doing… sorry to stalk. :bashful:

It is good that you can do another cycle, and soon. From what I've read second attempts are much better due to all that was learnt from the first. Much luck to you.
Thanks Red, poor little Lincoln. I've recently found out I have a small amount of retained product so I think that dropped my milk supply which could be our problem. I'm on antibiotics now so I hope that sorts it so I don't have to have a D and C. Cydney is feeding a lot better today too which is a relief. Pleased to hear Lincoln is coping with his virus ok x
Red and Take I hope your little ones are feeling better soon :)

Molly I'm so happy to hear your embies are doing well, so exciting! :happydance:

Eveclo I hope you are doing ok :flower:

Thanks so much for all your support ladies, it's so great knowing there are others out there that have been through the same things. I'm still pretty sad and disappointed but I will pick myself back up in a few days and get positive about my next cycle. In my head I know it's not the end of the world and in the ivf world it's far from the worst result but I still feel a bit heartbroken... Over dramatic or what huh!

Had a pretty crappy night, we went to hubbies cousins 10 yr wedding anniversary with hubbies sister and brother in law. We really didn't know anyone else as it was mostly all their friends and so it was just the 4 of us hanging out all night. Normally we get along really well but hubbies sister is 1 of those super positive people who doesn't like to talk about tough things so it was really hard. I also felt a bit let down as I thought we were quite close and she would have been more supportive. But instead she talked all night about her 3 gorgeous little boys, who I love to bits, but come on not what I felt like talking about, and everywhere I looked was pregnant ladies and cute kids and babies :(

My dr actually called me in the afternoon from her personal mobile which I thought was nice, I only spoke to her for a sec though as we were in the car with everyone, she's going to call back Monday. I think the nurse who I spoke to probably told her I was a bit frustrated that I'd been saying to everyone the whole time "are you sure the dose is high enough?". I just think I needed to be given more info and maybe a warning that they knew this could happen with a low dose and info about why they wanted to do it anyway. I could have better prepared myself for this scenario.

Anyway sorry all for going on and on, nobody else really understands.

Oh ps we can try naturally this month, I took my ovidrel trigger last night and have to get another 1 to do some wed and sun. Having to still get injections is like rubbing salt in the wound but anyway... I think I'm on around day 9 so still ages to go before I can start again.

Ohh Take hope you and Cydney feel better soon. Really hope they don't have to do a D&C :hugs:

Sparkle, that is so nice of your FS to call you personally knowing that you were frustrated with your cycle. I really hope that the injection help and you go on to get your BFP this month :hugs: Sending you lots of :dust:
Sparkle, how truly amazing would it be that after having your IVF cancelled on you this month, to all of a sudden achieve your BFP after triggering your one mature follicle... I'd definitely be BD'ing like crazy 'just in case'!
We will still keep our fingers crossed for you hun ;)
Pretty disappointing about your sister in law's reaction to your sad news! I can *kind of* sympathize with that... I have been speaking to a close friend (of 29 years) a fair bit lately by phone as we now live 2 hours from each other. Anyway she knows How anxious I have been, worrying about how and if I will have embryos at all for the transfer etc....she told me last night she is pregnant. While I am honestly happy for her-I'd never begrudge someone's happiness especially a close friend's- I though her timing was awful. But I guess it's not her fault, I think she felt right now was good because we'd had the positive news about us having 4 embryos still growing.
Ah well, we can't pick and choose what people say or when we can only chose our own responses :flower:
Sparkle- I read your post and it sounds like me only a year ago and now I have a beautiful baby girl conceived after a failed FET while we were having a break from treatment on doctors orders. Hang in there mate..wonderful things can happen x
Hi girls, just thought I'd pop my head in & say hi. I hardly ever get on B&B much now days, but do stalk this thread a bit to see how everyone is doing. Cannot believe how many BFPs this thread has seen.... Congrats to everyone.
DH & I are hopping back on the IVF wagon soon. Eeek! Scared & excited. Mitchy is nearly 14 months now & we've decided to go into debt for one last stim cycle to see if we can't conjure him up a sibling. I've found out that my AMH is a little low, but my antral follicle count is quite good. So I'll be going on DHEA (anyone taken it?) to help improve egg quality & DH will be on anastrazole to hopefully give us more chance of finding some good sperm upon TESE.
To those still waiting for your bfp, I send hope & strength. We never thought it would happen to us (DH has a zero sperm count). Hang in there. Xx
Hi girls, just thought I'd pop my head in & say hi. I hardly ever get on B&B much now days, but do stalk this thread a bit to see how everyone is doing. Cannot believe how many BFPs this thread has seen.... Congrats to everyone.
DH & I are hopping back on the IVF wagon soon. Eeek! Scared & excited. Mitchy is nearly 14 months now & we've decided to go into debt for one last stim cycle to see if we can't conjure him up a sibling. I've found out that my AMH is a little low, but my antral follicle count is quite good. So I'll be going on DHEA (anyone taken it?) to help improve egg quality & DH will be on anastrazole to hopefully give us more chance of finding some good sperm upon TESE.
To those still waiting for your bfp, I send hope & strength. We never thought it would happen to us (DH has a zero sperm count). Hang in there. Xx

All the best for your new journey! I hope to be one of those BFP stories soon!

That's amazing that you were able to get some great embryos out of your husbands 0 sperm count! My hubby has 3 million per mL - 11 million per mL on a good day, and 1-3% morphology. I'm worrying now that his sperm may be affecting the quality of our embryos. Happy 14 months!

When do you think you'll be doing a fresh cycle again? All the best!!

Ladies, how are you all feeling ?
Scared Eveclo! I got a call from the nurse today to give me a time for tomorrow's transfer and now I only have 3 embryos left, one stopped developing. I really hope there is still 3 by tomorrow :(
Molly, I'm thinking of you tomorrow, 3 is still really good to make it this far. I've got my FX xx
That was really unfortunate timing with your friend, of course we are happy for those close to us when they get pregnant but it's still hard when someone else gets the thing we so desperately want, especially when it comes so easy for them...

Eveclo do you have your next steps yet? Are you going to do another FET this month or are you still waiting to speak to your dr?
Has your DH had DNA fragmentation testing done on his sperm? We did and it came back great so the dr has no concerns about the quality of the sperm, only that because of their abnormal shape (eg morphology) they can't penetrate the egg naturally.

Hi MJ73, so exciting that you are going to try for #2, I've heard good things about DHEA, FX :)

It sure would be amazing if we were lucky enough to fall pregnant ourselves this month, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Although hearing about your success Take2 definitely helps me believe it is possible :)
Scared Eveclo! I got a call from the nurse today to give me a time for tomorrow's transfer and now I only have 3 embryos left, one stopped developing. I really hope there is still 3 by tomorrow :(

I can understand that would be scary for you & also disappointing but 3 is still good! As long as they are good quality that is all that matters- quality over quantity ;) I hope they are still progressing and growing over night.

You also should remember since you are doing a 5 day transfer, your weeding out the weaker ones. I had 5 embies ( 4 x 3 day and 1 blast) and I have only transferred 2 x 3 days so far and had two BFN's. so those babies making it to blast will definitely be the fittest because its quite possible if my 3 days were to have been grown to 5 day they would have slowed down or died off. Keep positive lovely!

Molly, I'm thinking of you tomorrow, 3 is still really good to make it this far. I've got my FX xx
That was really unfortunate timing with your friend, of course we are happy for those close to us when they get pregnant but it's still hard when someone else gets the thing we so desperately want, especially when it comes so easy for them...

Eveclo do you have your next steps yet? Are you going to do another FET this month or are you still waiting to speak to your dr?
Has your DH had DNA fragmentation testing done on his sperm? We did and it came back great so the dr has no concerns about the quality of the sperm, only that because of their abnormal shape (eg morphology) they can't penetrate the egg naturally.

Hi MJ73, so exciting that you are going to try for #2, I've heard good things about DHEA, FX :)

It sure would be amazing if we were lucky enough to fall pregnant ourselves this month, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Although hearing about your success Take2 definitely helps me believe it is possible :)

I didn't know you could do DNA fragmentation testing! I have never heard of it. I might research and bring it up with our doc next time I see her.

We have decided to do a FET this month, with 2 of our embryos (instead of one). Finally we are allowed to transfer 2! We would have done this from the start, so it's nice to be doing something a little 'different' to our last 2 transfers.

Our doctor said our rates weren't decreased going straight from previous FET so we decided to just jump straight into it. I haven't been able to find any different sucess rates for 1 embryo vs 2 embryo FET's. do any of you ladies have any info on it? I suppose success rates are just a number... But I just feel a little deflated having tried all of this to get nowhere really!

Doc was pretty surprised that the last 2 haven't worked, as I am only early 20's, (I think I'm one of the youngest patients she has had) and she thought it would just be a matter of transferring a good embryo and bam! Prego! But boy, different story for us! I just need to keep my head up and keep positive.

I hope you are ok sparkle, I remember how deflated I felt when the same thing happened to me. It's hard when you are so close to this anticipated goal and then it's ripped from underneath you. Just know that it helps create perfect embies and you'll be grateful for it & probably forget all about this horrible journey once your holding your little one

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