Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi ladies :)

Kirsty- Was so lovely to hear from you, I must post an updated pic of Cydney! Love to see one of Lily too. I am still breast feeding despite Cydney regularly refusing an having to give the odd bottle..but my period is yet to return. I've really only completely stopped PP bleeding the last week or so though so hopefully it stays away for awhile.

Eveclo- Don't think the worst..hang in there. Its a tough road but you'll get there one way or another in the is hard not to let the negative thoughts take over tho I remember.

Molly- Good luck with the testing..looking forward to hearing some good news fingers crossed. I was terrible for swearing I wouldn't test early and then doing it anyway..I have no will power lol

hi everyone else xx
So great to hear from you Kirst :) I am still BFing Lincoln and I got my period back at 6 weeks pp, and have been regular ever since :(

Molly - I didn't get my true positive till 9dp5dt as I did Pregnyl (HCG) injections at 1dpo, 4dpo and 7dpo. Stayed in my system for ages. I tested every second day. Try and stay positive hun xx
Thanks so much :) I had been feeling pretty sad this morning because that second line is almost invisible now and thought maybe I'd have a true positive now since it was a 5day blast. I am retiring the tests for now, and i wont test until next week. it's nice in a way to hear of cases where a true positive didn't happen this early (3dp5dt)
Thanks so much :) I had been feeling pretty sad this morning because that second line is almost invisible now and thought maybe I'd have a true positive now since it was a 5day blast. I am retiring the tests for now, and i wont test until next week. it's nice in a way to hear of cases where a true positive didn't happen this early (3dp5dt)

Nooo! Don't be sad, it's definitely way too early for a positive! I think the earliest I have ever heard is 4dp5dt but even then it was super faint apparently! See how you go next week, hopefully that little embie is getting nice and cosy
Yes it's way too early Molly!! Hang in there and don't be disheartened yet. Hope the time flys by and the lines get stronger and stronger!
Thanks ladies! How much does the TWW after ET do your head in!? Really thought I was prepared for it! hahaha. I am even going to a car show today to keep me distracted, which is weird for me! lol.
How is everyone else? Any exciting news outside of this TTC madness? I have been pretty boring of late, nothing from me! :D
I'm worried that I'll be going crazy... Good idea to keep yourself busy. How have you been feeling?

Nothing exciting happening here, planning for Easter and Anzac Day although can't plan too much as we will be cycling then, it better not get cancelled again... I'm sick of putting my life on hold for nothing!

Thanks ladies! How much does the TWW after ET do your head in!? Really thought I was prepared for it! hahaha. I am even going to a car show today to keep me distracted, which is weird for me! lol.
How is everyone else? Any exciting news outside of this TTC madness? I have been pretty boring of late, nothing from me! :D

My husband is still away! So I'm bored! I went up to the coast last night and saw our family which was nice & today going to a bridal expo with my sister in law! That will definitely be a full on day I'm sure ;)

Good idea on the car show! It's good to have lots of things to do in the 2ww. When's your official test date? I'm CD 11 today, so on Monday I'm going for my first blood test & then waiting for ovulation. I'm guessing ET will be on the 17th roughly just before Easter which is great because ill have time off work to rest! Woohoo!

I'm worried that I'll be going crazy... Good idea to keep yourself busy. How have you been feeling?

Nothing exciting happening here, planning for Easter and Anzac Day although can't plan too much as we will be cycling then, it better not get cancelled again... I'm sick of putting my life on hold for nothing!


It's so frustrating isn't it? It consumes lives ! Hehe. We need to get into some sort of craft or something ! Except I'm terrible at that... Haha. I have 2 dogs that I can obsess over in the meantime... ;)

I had to have a month off after my failed cycle and that was the longest month ever!!! (As in, wait for my period to come and have a whole cycle and then period comes again to start). Soooo painful! I'm so glad they've let you go straight into it. ;)
Eveclo do you mean the Sunshine Coast? I'm from the Sunshine Coast. My family still lives there, I lived there until I went to uni at 18 in Brisbane and then only moved to Sydney 5 1/2 years ago. I don't know if I'd told you I was a fellow queenslander :) the Sunshine Coast is beautiful but a bit small and quiet for me, even brissy was too small. I'm definitely a big city gal, I felt at home after only a couple of months in Sydney. What side of Brisbane are you on?

That's sucks that they made you wait a month. My dr said there was 2 reasons I can go straight away, 1 that I didn't respond to the dose of meds and so I'm not at risk there and also because we didn't go ahead with the retrieval which means she can poke around my ovaries next month cos she didn't this month - her terms were much more technical though than that explanation haha

Hope everyone's having a great weekend xx
Eveclo do you mean the Sunshine Coast? I'm from the Sunshine Coast. My family still lives there, I lived there until I went to uni at 18 in Brisbane and then only moved to Sydney 5 1/2 years ago. I don't know if I'd told you I was a fellow queenslander :) the Sunshine Coast is beautiful but a bit small and quiet for me, even brissy was too small. I'm definitely a big city gal, I felt at home after only a couple of months in Sydney. What side of Brisbane are you on?

That's sucks that they made you wait a month. My dr said there was 2 reasons I can go straight away, 1 that I didn't respond to the dose of meds and so I'm not at risk there and also because we didn't go ahead with the retrieval which means she can poke around my ovaries next month cos she didn't this month - her terms were much more technical though than that explanation haha

Hope everyone's having a great weekend xx

Oh that's so good about your dr!

I do mean the Sunshine Coast. Beautiful place. I live in north Brisbane, so it's nice and close to S coast & also not too far from the city. :)

What a small world ;)
Wow it is a small world! Do you go back regularly to see your family Sparkle?
Im so glad you can start your next cycle soon, your doctor sounds great and in a way it is lucky you didn't get as far as ER otherwise you'd be set back another month. Too much waiting :(
Eveclo do you love living in Brissy? I have friends who live in Varsity Lakes and they love it. Its such a beautiful place, I always wanted to live in QLD since I was a kid!
We attempted to go to the car show yesterday, we got there but there were no cars... it was TODAY... DH somehow thought he read "Saturday" when the ad said "April 6th"....yeah. LOL !!!! We are still going today though, good excuse to get away from the house :)
Well even though i said id keep away from tests until later this week (I am due for the pregnancy blood test on Fri 11th at 7.30am) I have continued testing. I am still getting a very faint positive so I kind of want it to go away so I can tell if the next one is an actual positive, then i wonder if it IS an actual positive but I am far to skeptical to accept it. I don't think so though, it's still too early. Today I am 5dp5dt. I feel sorry for you girls having to wait another cycle or two, this wait is enough!
I will keep testing every day and if the line is still there by friday we i will find out by then anyway.
ugh :p
I have everything crossed for you Molly really hope that it is your BFP :) I didn't get my true positive till 9dp5dt due to Pregnyl injections, the wait was a killer :haha:
I usually go back maybe 2-3 times a year and then they come visit me occasionally too, in fact my youngest brother is staying with me this week.

I do really like my dr, when I spoke to her after my cycle was cancelled she definitely filled me with a lot of confidence in her. I trust her as much as I can trust a dr, which still means I will probably question along the way, but that's just me haha.

Yeah 5dp5dt still seems quite early, maybe the line won't go away though it will just start to get darker!

Hey there is nothing wrong with questioning! One thing I have learned in this process is to ask questions! No one really told me anything unless I asked. I just get told "it went well" or "yep blood test and ultrasound was good keep injecting..." Sometimes it feels like you are quizzing them but its for your own benefit.
I took a pic of my tests from yesterday and today but without tilting the screen its a bit too hard to see. i can see it easily here though. Looks like its on its way out.
We went to the car show today it was great weather for it, we didn't realise it was going to be so popular! It took us sooo long to get in and out and we ended up being there for only about an hour. haha. I think we spent longer waiting in queues than actually looking at cars! There were some beautiful ones I would have loved to have driven home though, so it was worth going!
I hope everyone's weekends have been good!
Enjoy your time with your brother Sparkle :)


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Wow it is a small world! Do you go back regularly to see your family Sparkle?
Im so glad you can start your next cycle soon, your doctor sounds great and in a way it is lucky you didn't get as far as ER otherwise you'd be set back another month. Too much waiting :(
Eveclo do you love living in Brissy? I have friends who live in Varsity Lakes and they love it. Its such a beautiful place, I always wanted to live in QLD since I was a kid!
We attempted to go to the car show yesterday, we got there but there were no cars... it was TODAY... DH somehow thought he read "Saturday" when the ad said "April 6th"....yeah. LOL !!!! We are still going today though, good excuse to get away from the house :)
Well even though i said id keep away from tests until later this week (I am due for the pregnancy blood test on Fri 11th at 7.30am) I have continued testing. I am still getting a very faint positive so I kind of want it to go away so I can tell if the next one is an actual positive, then i wonder if it IS an actual positive but I am far to skeptical to accept it. I don't think so though, it's still too early. Today I am 5dp5dt. I feel sorry for you girls having to wait another cycle or two, this wait is enough!
I will keep testing every day and if the line is still there by friday we i will find out by then anyway.
ugh :p

Hahahaha your DH sounds like mine! He always does stuff like that! Hopefully the second line doesn't go away it just gets darker ;)

And i absolutely love living in QLD. Such a beautiful state. Great weather, and lots of stuff to see and do. I really recommend it. :)

I usually go back maybe 2-3 times a year and then they come visit me occasionally too, in fact my youngest brother is staying with me this week.

I do really like my dr, when I spoke to her after my cycle was cancelled she definitely filled me with a lot of confidence in her. I trust her as much as I can trust a dr, which still means I will probably question along the way, but that's just me haha.

Yeah 5dp5dt still seems quite early, maybe the line won't go away though it will just start to get darker!


I'm glad your dr has your confidence. I think that is really important when you are dealing with something so delicate and fragile such as your body and your emotions. And also your partners.

Have you ladies told your family you are doing IVF?
Yes my close family and friends know, as do work mates and boss. If it doesn't work then I will have their support, same obviously if it does work. but i dont tell them all the little details, that stuff I share with you girls! haha :) How about you Eveclo?
Speaking of things I don't share with anyone else in fear of being called a crazy person (ok I am a littttle bit nuts right now) Here is a pic of the last three tests. 6dp5dt is today.
I have no more tests left so i will not be testing anymore until my blood test on Friday. I am wondering if this is still the trigger shot. Ill find out Friday anyway!


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Speaking of things I don't share with anyone else in fear of being called a crazy person (ok I am a littttle bit nuts right now) Here is a pic of the last three tests. 6dp5dt is today.
I have no more tests left so i will not be testing anymore until my blood test on Friday. I am wondering if this is still the trigger shot. Ill find out Friday anyway!

Ok, Molly I'm not going to lie to you. But I honestly think that last test 6dp5dt is a bit darker than the 5dp5dt... It stands out a lot more but I am on my phone & it could be that....does it look darker to your naked eye??? If so how bloody exciting! So what it's about 11 or 12 days post trigger? I struggle to believe it would still be this strongly in your system considering you aren't on any other meds... Not long until you know for sure but I have a bloody good feeling about that Molly!

AFM, cd 13 today and just waiting on O. Went for a blood test this morning but I'm assuming ill be back for another on Wednesday as its a bit early in the game for me. Feeling a little deflated still and am starting to feel like it might be something wrong with me now :( worried ill never get pregnant but only time will tell! On the plus side, I am currently living my life through your excitement Molly ;)
Thanks for replying Eveclo. Yes, today's is darker. The line on the 4dt5dt test was basically non existant. I had to really strain to see it. Yesterday's was slightly darker than's I didn't have to strain at all to see it.
I am going to pretend that its still the trigger.... I really don't want to get my hopes up high that come Friday I will get a positive test. Especially because I will be at work when I get that call, I need to be able to continue facing customers crap if I get told it's negative.
I have to admit, I was pretty excited this morning when that line was very clear to me... I am not going to pick up another test between now and friday though. scared!!!

Eveclo even if it's something wrong with YOU, its is easier to sort out women's reproduction issues than a mans for some reason. So please don't stress just yet xox I am sure you will be ok :)
Molly- I have to agree! That looks very promising! The trigger should be gone by 10 days so the fact it's getting darker is great news! You are a strong woman to be able to hold out and not do more tests... I think I peed on sticks about 3 times a day in that tww haha! I knew things were looking good by 7dp5dt.

Evclo- 3rd time is lucky! I really hope this is it for you too. Transfer is not so far away. And I felt exactly the same as you.... That it was never going to happen and it was my body not working. But I have every faith it will happen for you too xxx

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