Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Thats how I am at the moment just so daunted I never thought we'd be here :( I guess not many do. So I really appreciate your help.
Wow the price is up there isnt it, least medicare help :)
Melissa is my dr as well.. small world. I really like her she is very easy to talk to etc.
I have read sooooo much about warren as well haha meant to be a huge waiting list for him.

Wow - that is pretty amazing considering how many doctors there are at QFG in Brisbane. Very small world! She had a really warm and friendly attitude and with our IVF failures she would always ring us to see how we were going. I sent her a message about 9 days after a 5 day transfer when I had gotten my period before the blood test and she sent a really lovely message back at about 6pm at night. She really cares or at least makes you feel like she does! You are in good hands :)
There isnt much written about her on forums so its nice to hear some nice feedback :)
Super nervous to start this whole process but also super excited. Thanks heaps for chatting with me. Ill keep updating as things go forward.
Hey evelco, how did yiu go discussing how many eggs to transfer with melissa?
Reason I ask is we want to try 2 but have a feeling that isnt allowed in QLD.
Hey evelco, how did yiu go discussing how many eggs to transfer with melissa?
Reason I ask is we want to try 2 but have a feeling that isnt allowed in QLD.

If you are under 35 they are legally only allowed to transfer 1 Embryo, unless you have multiple failed cycles. Melissa was really good, after our 2nd failed Embryo transfer we were allowed to transfer 2. She really encourages Single Embryo transfer to prevent Multiple births as they can be dangerous for both Mum and Bub/s. If you are over 35 it might be something she would look at depending on the quality of your eggs and embryos at the time of transfer. :)
Hey evelco, how did yiu go discussing how many eggs to transfer with melissa?
Reason I ask is we want to try 2 but have a feeling that isnt allowed in QLD.

I just noticed your Sig haha, sorry! I don't think that she would allow a double embryo transfer at your age but it doesn't hurt to ask! I'm 99% sure it is a policy at QFG and most of the fertility clinics that only one embryo is to be transferred per cycle, as many people do fall pregnant first go :) Worth the question though if it is something you are really wanting.
Thanks evelco, the more I think about it 1 first go would be the smart thing to do. For all I know I could take well to IVF ... I just feel after seeing sooooo many BFNs I want more of a chance first go. More selfish reasons I guess then anything.
How are you going with your journey? :flower:
Oh now my missing post has appeared....either that or the meds I'm on are making me missing stuff!
Ahhhahaha I typed a post and then hit the wrong button :(

WantingBubba welcome! Once you get your head around the Calendar of Events (seriously that's why IVF is like) you'll do fine I'm sure. It's weird to actually look forward to procedures that you might normally dread!

Any baby news from Kirst or did I miss a post somewhere?

As for us, 14mo bub is sick with double ear infection and tonsillitis and has been miserable for a week, through 2 hospital and 3 GP visits. And now I have the same infection so it's antibiotics for me too. This morning DH started coughing so I think he's headed in the same direction. 16yo daughter is skipping around us all without a care in the world. It's nice to have someone to fetch tissues and glasses of water! Bub is a walking, soccer-ball-kicking, jabbering, pointing whirlwind of activity when not sick. He's still so much fun!
Thanks evelco, the more I think about it 1 first go would be the smart thing to do. For all I know I could take well to IVF ... I just feel after seeing sooooo many BFNs I want more of a chance first go. More selfish reasons I guess then anything.
How are you going with your journey? :flower:

I really think that 1 is a very sensible option, especially when you look at the fact that double embryo transfers only slightly increase your chances of a pregnancy but increase chance of multiples. Even now I read some of my fellow blog friends that are pregnant with twins and it seems so scary with so many extra things to worry about for the babies, so if it is doable i would try the single embryo transfer first, but trust me Melissa will recommend what she thinks is best for you she is awesome. :)

Our journey is slowly chugging along- currently waiting for an appointment with the Reproductive Immunologist. His receptionist keeps calling me back with times that I can have a phone consult but they are when I have already told her that I will be at work. She sounds a bit unorganised and stressed but I suppose she is just flat out. :)

Hoping that the Immunologist doctor can run some tests to see if it is an embryo issue or an immune issue to see why our embryos aren't implanting after being transferred. :) fingers crossed we get an appointment soon.
This thread has been very quiet as of late, I am hoping everyone is doing well.

I had my first phone consult with Reproductive Immunologist Dr. Mattias from Sydney, who has referred me to get some blood tests which I will do this Tuesday and hopefully have the results back very soon. I am being tested for my Anti-Thyroid, ANA, MTHRF, Lymphocyte Surface Markers, CD 56, 19, 8, 4, 57 (NKC's) and Immunoglobins IGG, IGA, IGM.

I have no idea what most of this means but I guess it will tell him something anyway.

Hi evclo sorry I haven't been on here much lately. So glad you had your consult with Dr Matthias- I have 2 friends who have babies because of his treatment. After multiple ivf failures they are now mums. He is amazing .

Maddy that's awful about your sick bubba and now family . Did you already move yet?

Well I had my ICSI cycle which ended in a bfn... Sigh. I really hated the stims this time around .
I got 4 embryos to freeze so I will be starting this next chapter probably in June.
Hi evclo sorry I haven't been on here much lately. So glad you had your consult with Dr Matthias- I have 2 friends who have babies because of his treatment. After multiple ivf failures they are now mums. He is amazing .

Maddy that's awful about your sick bubba and now family . Did you already move yet?

Well I had my ICSI cycle which ended in a bfn... Sigh. I really hated the stims this time around .
I got 4 embryos to freeze so I will be starting this next chapter probably in June.

That's OK I know everyone has very full on lives with things going on around them I just am hoping that everyone is happy and ok. :) Oh I am so thankful to hear that, he seems like a lovely doctor, i just hope that something comes up in the blood tests as it seems like everything is perfect and fine but never works :(

I am so sorry about your BFN, it's so frustrating. FET's work for you though and it is amazing that you have 4! are they 3 day embryos or 5? What a fantastic result. I will probably be doing an FET before we move to Sydney in June / July and then possibly another stim cycle in July with possible PGD, so we might be cycle buddies. x
Hi evclo, yes bfns are so frustrating and you lose a bit of hope with each one. I am so sorry it hasn't worked for you yet but you are in good hands with dr M now and I'm sure he will get to the bottom of it.

My frozen embryos are 5 day blasts. I was totally shocked when the embryologist rang to tell me they froze 4 --I thought they rang the wrong person!!! ��
This cycle my FS stimmed me with Menopur which I think made a huge difference with quality.

Where in Sydney are you moving to?
Hi aleja- so good to hear from you! How's your gorgeous boy?
I'm so sorry to hear about the bfn :( I hope the fet brings you your second beautiful bub. Lily is our fet miracle... Less taxing on the body without the stim.

Evclo- I hope the fet is your special baby too. Keep us posted on how you go xx

Maddy- great to hear that things are going well with you. Are you all feeling better now?

Red- how did your cycle go?
Our second miracle - Anna was born two weeks ago. She's incredible and we are very blessed. Two under two is a bit daunting- but I'm sure we will be ok :)

How's everyone else going?
Hi aleja- so good to hear from you! How's your gorgeous boy?
I'm so sorry to hear about the bfn :( I hope the fet brings you your second beautiful bub. Lily is our fet miracle... Less taxing on the body without the stim.

Evclo- I hope the fet is your special baby too. Keep us posted on how you go xx

Maddy- great to hear that things are going well with you. Are you all feeling better now?

Red- how did your cycle go?
Our second miracle - Anna was born two weeks ago. She's incredible and we are very blessed. Two under two is a bit daunting- but I'm sure we will be ok :)

How's everyone else going?

Thank you so much Kirst, me too - although I know to keep my heart guarded after so many failures. :)

Congratulations on baby Anna, I can understand how hectic it must be for you having 2 babies under two, but when they are best friends when they are older it will be worth the exhaustion and sleepless nights.
Congratulations Kirst, what lovely news about baby Anna. How is it like with the two of them now?

Marlon is doing great but he is entering the terrible 2's ... So gorgeous when he is happy but so feral when he has meltdowns !!!
So, I have been diagnosed with high Natural Kiler Cells in my uterus and also ANA cells. (The antibodies that target “normal” proteins within the nucleus of a cell are called antinuclear antibodies) Basically, my body is attacking itself and seeing the embryo as foreign dna and destroying it before it can even implant. I'm happy to have answers but struggling with the fact that maybe these can't be fixed.

I will be on Prednisone, Clexane and also have an Intralipid infusion the next cycle round, which will be an FET next month. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time, and it feels like it's the beginning of a new path, but i hope we can have something good come from it all. Hope all you ladies are well, this thread is so quiet these days, i hope it is because everyone is busy with all of the good and sweet things in their lives! xxx
Hi Evelco, I'm so glad that you finally have some answers. Fingers crossed for your up and coming FET :) I really hope doing things a bit differently this time it works for you!! I logged in special to see if there was an update for you today...
Can I ask how they did those tests? Was it a blood test?

As for me I've decided to change from Melissa as my fertility specialist.
Just not feeling comfortable with the admin staff communication/etc as well as the high cost of the IVF treatment. Also I'm going to try and lose 10kg before going ahead with IVF so most likely will be in July now :) I"m not exactly overweight but I'm willing to do anything before we start.
Hi Evelco, I'm so glad that you finally have some answers. Fingers crossed for your up and coming FET :) I really hope doing things a bit differently this time it works for you!! I logged in special to see if there was an update for you today...
Can I ask how they did those tests? Was it a blood test?

As for me I've decided to change from Melissa as my fertility specialist.
Just not feeling comfortable with the admin staff communication/etc as well as the high cost of the IVF treatment. Also I'm going to try and lose 10kg before going ahead with IVF so most likely will be in July now :) I"m not exactly overweight but I'm willing to do anything before we start.

I am so happy about it, it was a panel of blood tests (they took about 12 vials or something ridiculous!) and it took about 2/3 weeks to get the results back. I just hope we can fix it but even if I have to turn to surrogacy or adoption, at least we have an answer and aren't just in limbo. These are all things my previous doctors did not want to address (including Melissa).

Good idea regarding changing doctors, I actually had the same problem with her receptionists. Mainly one, the other is better. Once I was waiting for my EPU date and had a blood test and they said they would call, i rang at 3.50pm (10 mins before they closed) and they had already gone home. The next morning i rang and she said 'oh yes, EPU is in 2 days you must get your Trigger now!' and i'm like... what.. why couldn't they just tell me this as soon as possible so i could prepare and tell my work etc. It's just frustrating. And I would email and i would call and they wouldn't pick up or they would be a bit rude and not accommodating to my work schedule. Frustrating.

Find someone you are very comfortable with because it's a crazy journey, plus, if you end up needing to do a few more cycles (which i'm sure you won't!) you want to make sure you are in the best of hands and they will look into every aspect. Who have you decided to see? Was Melissa's costs a lot more than other doctors at QFG?

Good luck with your new Doc and your weight loss journey, it's good to be in prime health. A few things i wish i had done before my cycle if you are interested- is to take vitamin e, coQ10 (meant to be great for your eggs - mine were really good quality after taking them), and heaps and heaps of water. I am so excited for you to start your cycle, if our FET fails we will probably do another cycle in July / August also so we might be cycle buddies! ;)

and thank you for logging in to check up ;) hehe. I always update my blog (in my signature) so if i'm quiet on here you can always find out what i'm up to heheh.

Thats exactly right, answers is better then "not sure". Heres to hoping that next months FET works with the different process and we wont be cycle buddys in the future hehe I'll keep you updated though.
I'll check out the blog, I had a lookski a little while ago but forgot you had it. I like keeping up to date with how you are, I feel we are quite similar... apparently i'm fine and hubby has poor morph. I'm hoping that its just the morph that is stopping us and that IVF works :/ its all so nerve racking the whole not knowing. I feel relieved for you now you have answers :)

I'm actually changing to Life Fertility and looking at an appt with Dr Glenn Sterling next week to kind of have a look and see if I am happy with the way they work. They work a little differently to QFG where I think the nurses are alot more involved but really that doesn't worry me anyway. They are also a lot cheaper, I think I could get 2 fresh IVF cyles out of them for the same as 1 with QFG. If I stick with QFG I can only afford one cycle and if that fails I dont really know what to do... its all too scary.

Yeah I agree, there are three that answer the phones now. One is so impossible sometimes, the other is ok and one is absolutely lovely and love it when she answers. I really did like Melissa but I just questioned sometimes if she was doing enough..... I think I am paranoid.

How did you come onto coQ10 as a supplement? Did you decide to take these from research? I only take Vitamin D and Elevit at the moment.

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