Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

My best friend also has pcos, and had a healthy baby boy I'm august :) she was on metformin beforehand as well. She conceived naturally and didn't expect it! I was devo when I found out I had it, but knowing she had conceived meant it wasn't impossible, just a bit more difficult than for some people.

Thanks for the congrats! Hoping all goes well by the end of jan and I can be released to a doctor other than what's at the fertility clinic.
Thanks ladies :) it's going good so far, been for tests twice a week, and a scan booked in for jan 16.

Life is starting to settle down in our house after the holidays! Back to work Monday, Boo :-(

The weather is nice this weekend so will be at the beach snorkelling :) make the most of it before it's back to 9-5! time to take down the Christmas decorations too.

How's everyone else doing!?
Hey ladies!!!

I've been super quiet on here lately but I have been checking in and keeping updated. I was actually just looking back to when i started this thread a few years back and what a bloody ride we've all been on. It truly has been the lucky thread with pretty much everyone that has stuck around since the start have ended up as mummas!!! Thats 11 babies born plus 4 cooking! Amazing. I really believe that everyone of us will have the family we so want I cannot wait to see some more BFP's in the future.

Kirtsy- How you going second time round?

Red- Sorry about your recent disappointment with your fresh cycle... its such a tough gig. Good luck with the job hunting! Are you still on mat leave from your old position?

Maddy, Aleja and Take- How are your babes? getting huge I bet!

Eveclo- I'm so sorry about the outcome from your last cycle. Its so hard to stay positive when its something so huge. Do you know where you might go from here? Have you had all your cycles with the same clinic?

Lipra- Congrats hun!! Best reason to be sober at christmas.

Hi to anyone i missed! Im sure theres someone!

Afm- 38 weeks and feeling cooked! We're having another girl so DH and I are still fighting over names. The short list is Remi, Thea, Arlo, and Agnes (Aggie). Trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after Caesarean) and been having loads of practice contractions but sill no action. Im so insanely big this time its crazy!! Still getting my head around being a mumma of two under 17 months but still eternally grateful for what I have from where we've come from. Love to all xx


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And Yohanna is excellent, such a miss!!! This is Christmas Day when she got into the sudocrem


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Saw that pic of Yo on FB :haha:

You look so great for 38w :) Love the name Thea, sounds so pretty to me :)

I am just a SAHM (stay at home mum) now as I took a voluntary redundancy from my previous role so have to start all over again. Just hoping to get something soon as Lincoln is started daycare on the 19th Jan (Thurs & Fri) and I know I'll be bored with our him :haha:
Hey red I reckon SAHM is the toughest gig of them all! I had 7 months full time with Yo and I got stir crazy! I only finished work last week and already I feel a bit lost. Lincoln will love daycare, has he been before? Yo is still in two days she runs down the corridor she gets so excited
Love your pics wish!! Yo is gorgeous and you are too! Love your bump
And I can't wait to hear the news of your new arrival. All of the names you've picked are lovely and I'm with red- my fav is thea. Goes well with yohanna too. But any of the names you've picked do! Good luck with the vbac and please keep me posted on life with two under 17 months! I'll be right there with you in April... 16 months apart! Eeek!

Red- hope you find something on the job front soon. How are you feeling about another cycle? Does it depend on the job as to when you'll do it?

Evclo- how are you travelling? What are your plans going forward?

Lirpa- how are you feeling? Any sickness? Hope you're resting up before holidays finish.

Aleja- a are you doing a cycle this month?? How's it all going?

How's everyone else doing? Bubbas growing up fast? Bubbas cooking in tums? And those doing cycles??

All good for me... 27 weeks now and struggling with an irritable uterus a bit. Having lots of contractions but not dilating my cervix so not to worry too much. Lily is a spunky little monkey- a really full on kid but full of life and energy. She is amazing.

I'll have to have a read back at this thread this week and see how far we've all come too. It's been quite a ride. It's defn a lucky thread so hang in there girls who have just joined. It will be lucky for you guys too xxx
Tell me about it Wish!! But wouldn't have it any other way :) He has only been when we went to have a look around, but loved it the whole time we were there :) Ypu'll be ok in a few weeks when you have bub arrive you will be busy with the 2 of them :) xx

Kirst - I am feeling ok about the cycle atm, but yeah just worried we will get nothing again :( Wow 27weeks already :o Man time is flying. Do you know what you are having? xx
Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words and checking in. Sorry I have been a little absent from here as of late, it's been a very busy past few weeks with Christmas and New Year but I am so determined to not live in misery that I have honestly just not even thought about much of anything. Except my one poor frozen Blasty that I just worry will never get a chance. I am not ready to do a FET as I know it most likely will not work and I just can't bring myself to do a '6th' cycle of IVF with just one embryo. I don't know what to do to be honest.

My next step is to get a phone consultation with Dr. Matthias in Sydney (he is a Reproductive Immunologist and apparently one of the only doctors who deals with Intralipids) who I will hopefully get to test me for NKC's and all sorts just to make sure we actually know what we are dealing with. If it is a Immune problem it is obviously a tough one (my main reason that causes me to believe this is multiple embryo transfer failures with NO implantation and also the rash that I developed a week after my first ever embryo transfer and also first time ever being 'pregnant' ; have photos on my blog). OR if it is an embryo problem I suppose we will never know as we only got 2 blasts /13 fertilised eggs it seems a bit of a waste to PGD test just 2 embryos. SIGH.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated but I just need you all to know that I am doing just fine, it is obviously devestating but I just cannot let it control my life anymore. I need to find myself again and get my life back so that I can know there is more to life than failure, as this is all I have felt for more than 2 years now.

Congratulations to all the lovely ladies due very soon with their bubbas, can't wait to be updated!

Red, bet you are getting excited for your holiday- I am so jealous! ;) x
Oh Hun I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I think it is fantastic idea to see Dr Matthias about immune issues. Really hope that he can give you some answers as to what it is that is causing your embryos not to stick.

I totally agree about only having 2 embryos PGD tested. When DH and I did our last cycle and they only biopsied 2 on day 5, I said to hubby we are not paying all that money to only test 2, luckily the other 4 caught up on day 6 but still had a bad outcome :(

Stay positive hun and let us know how you go with the new doctor. Sending you lots of hugs :hug:
Well I have some good news. I went for a job interview yesterday and today they offered me the job. So excited :)
Well done Miss Red! What do you do in the new job?

How are you Eveclo? Have you spoken to the doctor?

As for me, we had our first scan yesterday at 7+3. Due date sept 1. Baby is measuring right on par and heartbeat at 154 per minute.

We told a few friends so far. And DH told his family yesterday as his cousin is over from France with her partner and they may not be back for a couple of years and he wanted to share the news. We have our last (if all is going well) appointment with the fertility doctor Tuesday afternoon! It's all coming along well so I'm fairly certain we will get passed onto the antenatal doctors.

Now we are in the process of finalising our move to the usa. DH is going back up north to work for a few months and I am leaving for usa in 4 weeks! Eeep! We will be apart for a few months but we are nearly finished with immigration, and the house is yet to sale so it will be fine for DH staying here to wrap everything up then come and join us in our new home. :)

I'll be organising job interviews in the next couple of weeks for usa as well. I get so nervous but I'm sure will be fine.
Congratulations red! That is great news. Doesn't he job help with plans for another ivf cycle?

Lirpa- great to hear about the scan. Sounds like it's all coming along well and falling into place for you guys.

How's everyone else doing?
Thanks girls :) I will be the Team Leader of a day program for adults with disabilities :) And yes Kirst this means IVF is a go ahead now. We are also putting our house on the market this week and moving closer to where we both work. Everything is happening so quick :haha:

Fantastic news about the scan Lirpa :dance: Hope the move goes well and the time you and DH are apart goes quick :hugs:

Hope everyone is well xx
Great news red!! So glad everything is happening for you guys xx
Oh Hun I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I think it is fantastic idea to see Dr Matthias about immune issues. Really hope that he can give you some answers as to what it is that is causing your embryos not to stick.

I totally agree about only having 2 embryos PGD tested. When DH and I did our last cycle and they only biopsied 2 on day 5, I said to hubby we are not paying all that money to only test 2, luckily the other 4 caught up on day 6 but still had a bad outcome :(

Stay positive hun and let us know how you go with the new doctor. Sending you lots of hugs :hug:

Do you know if many clinics let you bank up embryos to have them tested? I have considered doing 2 EPU's and then having them all tested but I wasn't sure if it is possible as in to freeze them, then have them tested (if this makes sense). I will be making an phone appointment with him soon, I am a bit nervous to have a consult over the phone but I guess it is better than nothing. It probably won't be for a few months because I am just not even ready to talk about it and want to be in the best possible positive state to do so! ;)

Well done Miss Red! What do you do in the new job?

How are you Eveclo? Have you spoken to the doctor?

As for me, we had our first scan yesterday at 7+3. Due date sept 1. Baby is measuring right on par and heartbeat at 154 per minute.

We told a few friends so far. And DH told his family yesterday as his cousin is over from France with her partner and they may not be back for a couple of years and he wanted to share the news. We have our last (if all is going well) appointment with the fertility doctor Tuesday afternoon! It's all coming along well so I'm fairly certain we will get passed onto the antenatal doctors.

Now we are in the process of finalising our move to the usa. DH is going back up north to work for a few months and I am leaving for usa in 4 weeks! Eeep! We will be apart for a few months but we are nearly finished with immigration, and the house is yet to sale so it will be fine for DH staying here to wrap everything up then come and join us in our new home. :)

I'll be organising job interviews in the next couple of weeks for usa as well. I get so nervous but I'm sure will be fine.

Good Job Lirpa on the Ultrasound. Everything is happening for you now, hope that the move to the USA is easy for you. :)

Thanks girls :) I will be the Team Leader of a day program for adults with disabilities :) And yes Kirst this means IVF is a go ahead now. We are also putting our house on the market this week and moving closer to where we both work. Everything is happening so quick :haha:

Fantastic news about the scan Lirpa :dance: Hope the move goes well and the time you and DH are apart goes quick :hugs:

Hope everyone is well xx

CONGRATULATIONS on your new job!!!! I am SO happy for you. Looks like 2015 is going to be a GREAT year for you. Will you be doing a fresh transfer this time around if you have normals (YOU WILL)? So exciting about having a new house soon too hopefully. New job, new house, new baby :happydance::happy dance:

AFM, I am doing OK just enjoying having M on holidays from work and being able to spend some time together (although I do get sick of him asking me to watch Action movies day in and day out but that's ok!). Staying positive and not even really thinking of anything fertility wise for a while. I want to keep up to date with everyone though so you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon :p
Eveclo - Yes you can do back to back cycles for PGD and bank embryos if you don't get enough on the first cycle to go to testing. DH and I almost did this but then the other 4 made it. One thing I would check is if you are still eligibly for the Medicare rebate on the 2nd cycle as they might have issues with banked embryos.

Hubby and I are with IVF Australia and they let you do this and so does Genea, they are the only clinics that current offer PGD that I know of. I was originally with Genea but the FS had a pole so far up his arse and was more driven I switched to IVFA and absolutely love them :)

The only thing I would suggest it give either IVFA or Genea a call and ask how far ahead they are for PGD EPU. These are booked in and your cycle is worked around that date. For example IVF only due EPU for PGD on Mondays and Fridays, but do make excepts if you are in the middle of you cycle and your body is ready to go :) Hope that makes sense. IVFA normally have about a 6-8week wait for PGD EPU.

My EPU is 6th March so we are doing another freeze all cycle as I am a big believer in FET's. Think my body likes to get rid of the drugs before being pregnant. Also we leave for our cruise on the 31st March so not going to travel pregnant :haha:

The other benefit with doing freeze all is they do a day 5 biopsy on the embryo instead of a day 3 biopsy (Lincoln was a day 3, but was an FET). I have done a lot of reading it seems to be that people get better results with day 5 :)

Sending you lots of :hugs:

Thank you I am excited about starting work :)
Eveclo - Yes you can do back to back cycles for PGD and bank embryos if you don't get enough on the first cycle to go to testing. DH and I almost did this but then the other 4 made it. One thing I would check is if you are still eligibly for the Medicare rebate on the 2nd cycle as they might have issues with banked embryos.

Hubby and I are with IVF Australia and they let you do this and so does Genea, they are the only clinics that current offer PGD that I know of. I was originally with Genea but the FS had a pole so far up his arse and was more driven I switched to IVFA and absolutely love them :)

The only thing I would suggest it give either IVFA or Genea a call and ask how far ahead they are for PGD EPU. These are booked in and your cycle is worked around that date. For example IVF only due EPU for PGD on Mondays and Fridays, but do make excepts if you are in the middle of you cycle and your body is ready to go :) Hope that makes sense. IVFA normally have about a 6-8week wait for PGD EPU.

My EPU is 6th March so we are doing another freeze all cycle as I am a big believer in FET's. Think my body likes to get rid of the drugs before being pregnant. Also we leave for our cruise on the 31st March so not going to travel pregnant :haha:

The other benefit with doing freeze all is they do a day 5 biopsy on the embryo instead of a day 3 biopsy (Lincoln was a day 3, but was an FET). I have done a lot of reading it seems to be that people get better results with day 5 :)

Sending you lots of :hugs:

Thank you I am excited about starting work :)

That's so helpful Red, thank you very much! My only hesitation with the PGD other than price because it's so much more with no rebate is that we have already put back all of our embryos (6 embryos in total) and obviously none have stuck and the rest have arrested so i am just worried they are all abnormal and we end up forking out again for nothing :(

Lots to think about! So exciting about your cruise, bet you can't wait. :)

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