Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

We touched on some pricing today and the structure is a little different.

It will be 3k at the start of your cycle to Life Fertility with about 900 back from Medicare at some point after egg collection.

Day before egg collection if you dont have private health is about 2k all up to the hospital with nothing back (I unfortunately have no PH :( )

Then on top of that is Glenn Sterlings fees which are about 1k you do get some of this back now sure how much though.

And then if you require ICSI that is another 800 paid to Life at start of your cycle with no rebate.

Basically she said it will be about 7k altogether with about 2k back from medicare.

Yep I think I ended up paying about $5500 with Melissa all up (before I had private health cover). I got PH when we found out the M had low sperm count etc but weren't covered for IVF until August 2013, so we ended up doing most of our cycles off our own backs until then.

I've just realised the clinic that i am currently with doesn't charge a doctors fee. It's all in one ($2990 out of pocket). Maybe I should have done another cycle here. Oops.
Oo how exciting, I think once you are ready to get the ball rolling our cycles to take forever to end and start again haha we could be doing things around the same time hehe. I will most likely have an ultrasound on the 28th of this month to make sure I'm all ok to start next month.
Wow a day 24 transfer... how come they do it that late or is that normal for IVF?
Yeah me too, the parking sucked and especially that underground carpark under QFG - was so hard to find parking under there sometimes. With the new clinic we have to use the one hour parking still but thats ok :)

Going with Melissa wouldn't have been much different in the end then in price ( I thought it was going to be a huge difference:wacko:) I said to my husband though that the I felt much more at ease in this new clinic then I did in the other so I guess in the end the price doesn't matter.

The clinic you are with sounds awesome, 2990 out of pocket, that is great. Is that including EPU fees as well?
Are you changing clinics?
Oo how exciting, I think once you are ready to get the ball rolling our cycles to take forever to end and start again haha we could be doing things around the same time hehe. I will most likely have an ultrasound on the 28th of this month to make sure I'm all ok to start next month.
Wow a day 24 transfer... how come they do it that late or is that normal for IVF?
Yeah me too, the parking sucked and especially that underground carpark under QFG - was so hard to find parking under there sometimes. With the new clinic we have to use the one hour parking still but thats ok :)

Going with Melissa wouldn't have been much different in the end then in price ( I thought it was going to be a huge difference:wacko:) I said to my husband though that the I felt much more at ease in this new clinic then I did in the other so I guess in the end the price doesn't matter.

The clinic you are with sounds awesome, 2990 out of pocket, that is great. Is that including EPU fees as well?
Are you changing clinics?

Well I generally ovulate around CD 18-20 and we have a 6 day embryo frozen, so in a natural FET they transfer it 6 days after ovulation (which is how old it is) so it just 'fits in' with a natural pregnancy, if that makes sense. You need to go with what feels right, it's a very personal thing to do and to be honest her receptionists (just the one i should say) make it so hard to deal with and i really just don't have time for that. Go with your gut, regardless of money because in the long run you won't regret going with your feelings, just going against them. So you're on the right track.

Yes I have to change clinics after this FET as we are moving from Victoria to Sydney :'( My husband has had a transfer through his work so we are closer to the city and everything but unfortunately it means leaving behind the clinic here! I am in the process of looking for awesome ivf doctors and clinics in Sydney.

It's sooo much more expensive there. I have full private health cover which covers my hospital costs and anaesthetic (which i didn't think it did, but apparently it does - i didn't get charged anyway!) and the doctors' fees are already included in the $2990. Crazy. But that was after we had already reached the medicare safety net, so it probably would have been a little bit more than that without it.
That makes sense now :) hehe its all so new to me. Its so funny to be so excited to be injected and poked and prodded haha but I'm hoping it is all worth it in the end.
Good luck with the FET, sounds like you will have it maybe a week or two before me.
I'm just hoping that I get the ok to go ahead for next cycle on the 28th. They will most likely to an ultrasound to make sure everything looks healthy to go first. Fingers crossed xxxx

Those ladies weren't just infertility receptionist they were also for obstetrics and gynecology so maybe that is why they lacked compassion because they didnt really need it for everyone haha anyway we have both moved on from there !! :happydance: lol
One thing though when you changed clinics did the new clinic just request your records for you? Melissa never gave me any of my test results on paper.

Wow you have moved around a fair bit. Good luck finding a new doctor. Thats what all these forums are good for I think, that is how I found my current doctor (from the Facebook forum I recommended earlier) .

Well AF arrived today - 2/3 days late :( I got so excited that i tested this morning - BFN then it arrived like 20 mins later, what a slap in the face :cry: I was thinking wow we may have done it naturally. I think we are destined to make an IVF baby. My husband and I were laughing this morning thinking of names for our baby with the initials IVF. haha (Ivy Veronica Felicity) Like we said earlier if you cant have fun and laugh then it makes this whole journey so much harder.

Good luck for you FET, I hope this new approach is what you need !!! I'm thinking of you :) :flower:
That makes sense now :) hehe its all so new to me. Its so funny to be so excited to be injected and poked and prodded haha but I'm hoping it is all worth it in the end.
Good luck with the FET, sounds like you will have it maybe a week or two before me.
I'm just hoping that I get the ok to go ahead for next cycle on the 28th. They will most likely to an ultrasound to make sure everything looks healthy to go first. Fingers crossed xxxx

Those ladies weren't just infertility receptionist they were also for obstetrics and gynecology so maybe that is why they lacked compassion because they didnt really need it for everyone haha anyway we have both moved on from there !! :happydance: lol
One thing though when you changed clinics did the new clinic just request your records for you? Melissa never gave me any of my test results on paper.

Wow you have moved around a fair bit. Good luck finding a new doctor. Thats what all these forums are good for I think, that is how I found my current doctor (from the Facebook forum I recommended earlier) .

Well AF arrived today - 2/3 days late :( I got so excited that i tested this morning - BFN then it arrived like 20 mins later, what a slap in the face :cry: I was thinking wow we may have done it naturally. I think we are destined to make an IVF baby. My husband and I were laughing this morning thinking of names for our baby with the initials IVF. haha (Ivy Veronica Felicity) Like we said earlier if you cant have fun and laugh then it makes this whole journey so much harder.

Good luck for you FET, I hope this new approach is what you need !!! I'm thinking of you :) :flower:

Haha, it is such an exciting process because it is quite literally the closest thing to a baby you will ever be! And the highest chance of having a baby too, it's such an exciting time. Just the thought of an embryo transfer makes me excited. I absolutely loved the days in between Egg Pick up and Transfer where i would ring the clinic and see how the embryos were progressing - although stressful; it was really interesting and made me bond with them even more haha. I'm sure you will be fine to start your cycle, :) Do you know what dosage they will be putting you on? My first ever cycle I was on 100iu Gonal F and it wasn't enough and my ovaries just produced one dominant follicle, which wasn't worth doing IVF to get. We ended up having to take a whole cycle off and I was so angry that i wasn't on something higher in the first place, but then I have seen people on 100iu and responded really well! I just have lazy ovaries ;)

My last cycle (3rd fresh) I was on 225iu Gonal F and I had about 28 follicles before EPU but ended up with 15 eggs and 13 were mature. With the first cycle we were on 150iu and got 11 eggs/10 were mature/8 fertilised with ICSI. It's all about the quality not quantity though.

Oww, so sorry about your BFN :( It's still hard to get my period month after month, even though I know M and I both have our issues. Ah, the records thing was another thing - i asked for my records to be transferred but they never did it. I was furious so I just haven't been in contact with them again. My doc didn't end up needing it anyway he just did more, but that was because we had time to waste before we wanted to do another cycle etc. I would ring the office (as much as you don't wish to chat with them) and let them know you've changed clinics and if they could send you all of your relevant paperwork OR ask if you could collect it (only because that kind of forces them to do something). Hahaha I think Ivy Veronica Felicity is a fab name and I can't wait to meet her :happy dance: heheh but yep you gotta laugh about it otherwise you will cry. M and I always say that we are the worlds unluckiest people and laugh about what will come next. Meh, we have each other and I think that makes us pretty darn lucky anyway. :)

Woo, can't wait to follow your journey i am soo excited for you :D
It really is very exciting, they basically put a baby in and its up to me to hold it. I just pray it works. Hey did you go on the pill before IVF at all, a few people have asked if I will be taking it, Melissa never said I would of?
I dont really know anything as yet, once I have my appt next Thursday I'm hoping I know a little more (I'm soooo excited) its all I think about... I haven't had a laparascopy done and I'm thinking this Dr may want to. I have no sign of endo in any scan or HSG I had done though so who knows.
I'm hoping he does a round of IVF and if that doesnt work then he may do the lap thing. Have you had one? What was it like? I really hope you dont mind me asking questions alllll the time. :dohh:

Wow the last cycle you had heaps of follicles, did you get OHSS? Did you start drinking loads of water in the months leading up to everything or just while doing the IVF?

Its so true though even though you know it most likely wont be the time I guess there is always that hope that it may happen "this" month. How does M handle it, my husband doesn't handle it too well at all. He wants a baby so much, I feel so horrible sometimes it hasn't happened. We now feel like we waited to many years to try (we wanted to be married with a house first) and then when we finally thought it was going to happen NOPE big load of NOTHING :( we wish we just started trying earlier, those things just dont feel important now. Oh well everything happens for a reason I say. Maybe its making me a stronger person before becoming a mother. Thats why some of us go through this.

Ohh good way to look at it :) that made me smile Meh, we have each other and I think that makes us pretty darn lucky anyway. You have a good way of looking at things, I admire that.
It really is very exciting, they basically put a baby in and its up to me to hold it. I just pray it works. Hey did you go on the pill before IVF at all, a few people have asked if I will be taking it, Melissa never said I would of?
I dont really know anything as yet, once I have my appt next Thursday I'm hoping I know a little more (I'm soooo excited) its all I think about... I haven't had a laparascopy done and I'm thinking this Dr may want to. I have no sign of endo in any scan or HSG I had done though so who knows.
I'm hoping he does a round of IVF and if that doesnt work then he may do the lap thing. Have you had one? What was it like? I really hope you dont mind me asking questions alllll the time. :dohh:

Wow the last cycle you had heaps of follicles, did you get OHSS? Did you start drinking loads of water in the months leading up to everything or just while doing the IVF?

Its so true though even though you know it most likely wont be the time I guess there is always that hope that it may happen "this" month. How does M handle it, my husband doesn't handle it too well at all. He wants a baby so much, I feel so horrible sometimes it hasn't happened. We now feel like we waited to many years to try (we wanted to be married with a house first) and then when we finally thought it was going to happen NOPE big load of NOTHING :( we wish we just started trying earlier, those things just dont feel important now. Oh well everything happens for a reason I say. Maybe its making me a stronger person before becoming a mother. Thats why some of us go through this.

Ohh good way to look at it :) that made me smile Meh, we have each other and I think that makes us pretty darn lucky anyway. You have a good way of looking at things, I admire that.

I have not had a HSG or anything like that - basically they told me it doesn't matter because we had to do IVF anyway (due to M's sperm) that it bypasses the fallopian tubes (where the endometriosis would be). I have had a hysteroscopy just before our 3rd IVF cycle, where they put a camera into my uterus and had a look around, they also took some biopsies to see if there were any abnormalities. When I woke up from anaesthetic the doctor came up to me and said, 'you will get pregnant, you have a perfect, textbook uterus' haha, well yeah ok thanks!

As for the pill thing, with a short cycle (antagonist) you have a blood test on day 2 or so of your cycle, (you ring the clinic on Day 1 of full bleed) and then have a blood test when they recommend just to make sure your levels are all where they need to be, then on day 3 you will begin taking your FSH (gonal F is what I had) after around 5 days you will begin Orgalutran (or whatever they use). This needle for me was taken at 8pm every night and it prevented me from prematurely ovulating my follicles. (It kind of just holds them in my ovaries and then I continued to take the FSH until around CD13) Then you take a trigger injection and you will go in for your EPU around 72 hours later? I think it was? I can't remember exactly but that's a rough description haha. THEN you have a down regulation cycle, which is where you take the pill and then start sniffing synarel which basically puts your body into premature menopause (just temporarily). It goes for about 6 weeks as you start the cycle before your EPU, it's just really time consuming and a lot to remember, but it works better for some people. I have had both down reg and short reg. I personally preferred short (without the pill) as it was quicker and easier. It think I got better eggs from it also. But that is just my personal opinion, :).

They talked about cancelling my fresh transfer and waiting for a FET. But I ended up with 15 eggs and only 13 mature which was a good amount so we didn't need to. I bought some protein shakes and had heaps of them from the time of EPU and just drank sooo much water to flush my system. I actually felt fine the 3rd time round even though I had so many more follicles!

Its so true though even though you know it most likely wont be the time I guess there is always that hope that it may happen "this" month. How does M handle it, my husband doesn't handle it too well at all. He wants a baby so much, I feel so horrible sometimes it hasn't happened. We now feel like we waited to many years to try (we wanted to be married with a house first) and then when we finally thought it was going to happen NOPE big load of NOTHING :( we wish we just started trying earlier, those things just dont feel important now. Oh well everything happens for a reason I say. Maybe its making me a stronger person before becoming a mother. Thats why some of us go through this.

M struggles with it, he blamed himself for so long and for everything, so I'm really quite happy that we have found that I have immune issues so he doesn't keep blaming everything on himself. He has his down days but we both pick each other up as much as we can. I feel like it's just life preparing us and teaching us things that we wouldn't have realised before. I used to say that everything happens for a reason and then we got struck with infertility and I struggled to understand it, but now that we are 2 years into it I feel differently. I feel like before maybe we did need to learn to appreciate the small things, and patience is definitely something you can never have enough of right?

I promise you will get there just don't give up the fight. Nothing good comes without a little work and i'm confident you will make a great Mummy :)

And don't worry about asking questions, I was the same when I first started! I just googled everything but sometimes it's nice to hear from someone that has actually done it! :hugs:
Thanks for the description on the long and short protocol. You really have been through it all havent you. Heres to this up and coming FET being the one for you... you honestly really deserve it!!! I'm thinking of you. Keep me posted.

I'll let you know how I got with my new Dr next Thursday. Fingers crossed I get to start on my next cycle in June :)

Thanks again for all your kind words and advice! :hugs:

Baby Dust to you xx :dust:
Thanks for the description on the long and short protocol. You really have been through it all havent you. Heres to this up and coming FET being the one for you... you honestly really deserve it!!! I'm thinking of you. Keep me posted.

I'll let you know how I got with my new Dr next Thursday. Fingers crossed I get to start on my next cycle in June :)

Thanks again for all your kind words and advice! :hugs:

Baby Dust to you xx :dust:

Eeep sorry I know that was a really long reply! Thank you very much, i'm looking forward to it but i know how stressful it will be the day of transfer if our embryo doesn't defrost! :dohh:

Good luck next Thursday, i'll check in again to see an update :) xx
Hi Eveclo how are you going? I had my appt with the new Dr today - OMG OMG he was so funny !!! I couldn't stop laughing, it you dont mind swearing and some crude jokes haha ... I quite liked it as it took my nerves away. My husband and I walked away really happy and excited.

Well good news we have the appt with our nurse on June 9th right before AF is due. And then we are starting IVF that cycle woohoo I find out what doses of medication etc when they go through everything. One thing they said will cost extra is Leuprorelin, what is that ? Is that the ovulation blocker?

How are you going> How long till your FET?

Anyway hope you are well. :hugs:
Hi Eveclo how are you going? I had my appt with the new Dr today - OMG OMG he was so funny !!! I couldn't stop laughing, it you dont mind swearing and some crude jokes haha ... I quite liked it as it took my nerves away. My husband and I walked away really happy and excited.

Well good news we have the appt with our nurse on June 9th right before AF is due. And then we are starting IVF that cycle woohoo I find out what doses of medication etc when they go through everything. One thing they said will cost extra is Leuprorelin, what is that ? Is that the ovulation blocker?

How are you going> How long till your FET?

Anyway hope you are well. :hugs:

That is fantastic news! I love when people make jokes especially with such an emotionally touchy subject, it helps to get your mind off your nerves regarding the whole process.

I have no idea what that is, sorry! Could it be Lupron? Maybe not, but if so, it might be the trigger injection (which helps your ovaries to mature your eggs ready for collection). So exciting! It's all coming up so quickly, Can't wait for you to get started. Did he talk about doing a short protocol or long? Has he sent you for any more tests or anything? :) Woohoo, thanks for updating!

I actually got my period this morning, which is about 2 or 3 days early. So happy (for once!). I get quite bad period pain though so luckily I have the next 2 days off work because otherwise I'd be a grumpy lady at work! hehe. So CD1 today, i just rang the clinic and they told me they would get a nurse to give me a call back to let me know what the go is. I'm assuming I will have to go for a scan around CD12 to see what my ovaries are doing and whether they are getting ready for some natural ovulation. I seem to ovulate naturally and regularly around CD18 which is a pain, because the clinic always wants me to come in so early (because a 'normal' person ovulates on CD14). But better to be safe than sorry! At this stage, based on my normal ovulation times, it looks like transfer might be Monday 22nd June. Eeep which is sooner than I thought. So i will probably be heading to Sydney for the intralipid around the weekend of the 13th.

I am starting to get worried that our Embryo won't survive the thaw, as we only have one - but that is the risk you take.

I started Prednisone (the steroid) yesterday, maybe that's what brought on my period? Who knows. I'm on 15mg a day until Embryo Transfer. This is to hopefully make my immune system a bit more suppressed and accepting of an Embryo. Fingers crossed although it is hard to have faith in the process.

So glad you have found a doctor that works for you and your Husband, It really makes a difference when you feel confident and excited. You will be a Mumma Bear very soon, I can just feel it. xx

I hope all the other ladies on this blog are doing well, Red I think of you often and hope that your IVF cycle went well too. x
Thats exactly right, I get really nervous with everything even a consult so he really made things easier for me.... I spoke to a nurse after the appt to get things rolling and she said to me "Glenn will get you pregnant, you just have to prepared for a different journey then you may expect" I really liked her attitude :)

Yeah every time I google the name (Leuprorelin) Lupron comes up instead. The nurse said once I have my official nurses appt on the 9th of June that I will be told exactly what I'll be doing. One thing though is I dont have Private Health so that means egg pick up going General will be about 2k for me, on the other hand they can do Local if I want to for $500.... I really dont know what to do :( I really didn't want to be awake for it but the savings is so substantial I have to consider it. I think I am going to have a nice long chat with the nurse at my appt, in the end money is no factor if I am going to be way more comfortable then I think I will just go general.

Woohooo new period means Fet time :happydance:. What did the nurse end up saying when she phoned? When you are doing a FET do they give you something to stop you ovulating naturally as well? Or are they happy to let you ovulate like normal. Hope the weekend away for the Intralipid goes well for you :) will your husband go with you ? Must be so exciting to have a whole new approach on things. I hope this is the answer you needed. :flower:
Try not to worry about little frosty, that is out of your hands. And if it doesn't survive the thaw then you know that little one was not meant to be. Not all is lost you still have this whole new way of doing things differently for you, just might take a little longer. Eventually you will have your miracle. I'm pretty sure the odds are low that anything will happen so I'm sure everything will be fine for you :hugs: no stress .. everything happens for a reason, its what makes us stronger. My husband and I say if we fell pregnant when we first started trying we probably wouldn't have been ready then... waiting these years has made us so much stronger as a couple and has made us appreciate things so much more. Something I think only LTTC's will only understand what I mean by that.

How are you going with the Prednisone? You feeling any different?

Thanks Eveclo I appreciate your kind words. :hugs: (its so funny you said that though, my husbands mum calls herself Nanny Bear hehehe)
We will both be mumma bears soon hehe hopefully not too far apart by the sounds of things... Good luck, keep me updated.

Oh one question did you ever have an internal ultrasound before starting a fresh IVF cycle, my clinic doesn't do this (neither did Melissa come to think of it) , I thought they had to check for cysts and things first?
One other thing I'm in the process of trying to get paperwork from her ahhhh its so hard, I mainly need my chromosome check but they wont hand it over... grrr I paid for it not her lol lol sorry for rant.
Thats exactly right, I get really nervous with everything even a consult so he really made things easier for me.... I spoke to a nurse after the appt to get things rolling and she said to me "Glenn will get you pregnant, you just have to prepared for a different journey then you may expect" I really liked her attitude :)

Yeah every time I google the name (Leuprorelin) Lupron comes up instead. The nurse said once I have my official nurses appt on the 9th of June that I will be told exactly what I'll be doing. One thing though is I dont have Private Health so that means egg pick up going General will be about 2k for me, on the other hand they can do Local if I want to for $500.... I really dont know what to do :( I really didn't want to be awake for it but the savings is so substantial I have to consider it. I think I am going to have a nice long chat with the nurse at my appt, in the end money is no factor if I am going to be way more comfortable then I think I will just go general.

Woohooo new period means Fet time :happydance:. What did the nurse end up saying when she phoned? When you are doing a FET do they give you something to stop you ovulating naturally as well? Or are they happy to let you ovulate like normal. Hope the weekend away for the Intralipid goes well for you :) will your husband go with you ? Must be so exciting to have a whole new approach on things. I hope this is the answer you needed. :flower:
Try not to worry about little frosty, that is out of your hands. And if it doesn't survive the thaw then you know that little one was not meant to be. Not all is lost you still have this whole new way of doing things differently for you, just might take a little longer. Eventually you will have your miracle. I'm pretty sure the odds are low that anything will happen so I'm sure everything will be fine for you :hugs: no stress .. everything happens for a reason, its what makes us stronger. My husband and I say if we fell pregnant when we first started trying we probably wouldn't have been ready then... waiting these years has made us so much stronger as a couple and has made us appreciate things so much more. Something I think only LTTC's will only understand what I mean by that.

How are you going with the Prednisone? You feeling any different?

Thanks Eveclo I appreciate your kind words. :hugs: (its so funny you said that though, my husbands mum calls herself Nanny Bear hehehe)
We will both be mumma bears soon hehe hopefully not too far apart by the sounds of things... Good luck, keep me updated.

Oh one question did you ever have an internal ultrasound before starting a fresh IVF cycle, my clinic doesn't do this (neither did Melissa come to think of it) , I thought they had to check for cysts and things first?
One other thing I'm in the process of trying to get paperwork from her ahhhh its so hard, I mainly need my chromosome check but they wont hand it over... grrr I paid for it not her lol lol sorry for rant.

Yay so exciting, glad the nurse had a good attitude too! Hmm, i didn't have private health until August last year which was about a year after we began fertility treatment. So I always paid the $2000. I really don't think I could do the Local after having the general, but then again I have spoken to ladies on this blog that said the local was just fine! Have a big chat to them and see what you think, but lots of people do have the local and don't find it a problem, but i really think if you are worried about it then just go for comfort. That is a big difference though; double check that is inclusive of all hospital time and hospital fees as well.

She just said to come for an Ultrasound on Tuesday next week! I can't imagine much will be happening then but I will go anyway and see how we go ;) I think it is just to check that everything is on track for natural ovulation. No with a natural FET (which is what we are doing) they just want to wait until I ovulate naturally (which they monitor with scans and blood tests) and then after that they will just transfer the embryo 5 days later :) The intralipid is booked for the 13th June, so next Saturday. Eeep I know I shouldn't worry too much about it, but I am soooo nervous the embryo won't defrost. So so nervous. But I try not to think about it too much. That is so true, if it does not defrost it just wasn't meant to be. That makes me feel a lot better. My husband is supposed to be away for work that weekend, so we are trying to see if he can get it off. I might be better off going by myself as he can't stay overnight with me and I won't be discharged until 10pm if i choose not to stay.. He is away at the moment and I can't talk to him until Friday, which makes it hard to make decisions!

Ahh the Prednisone is a real killer, haha. I'm going ok with it so far, but I do feel really 'down' when I take it. Hopefully I don't gain too much weight on it because that can make me feel worse, but so far so good!

I hope we both get the great results we are looking for and can be bump buddies- that would be pretty cool! I think it's both of our times;)

No actually, with Melissa I never had an internal ultrasound before starting the cycle. The first time was when I had the first scan after starting the stims, about 5 days after. (To check growth). When I changed clinics to the one in Albury, the doctor there requested an ultrasound and did one on me, that's where he saw that I had normal eggs but apparently my Ovaries are a little lazy, so that determined the level of Gonal F he put me on. It was pretty interesting , but I had never heard of it before.

Oh that is so frustrating that they aren't handing over the paperwork! They didn't send any of my paperwork through to the new doctor, even though I double checked and they said it would be done. And it has never gone through, to say I am annoyed is an understatement- but i'm glad to be off that train and also glad that you are too! It sounds like you are in very capable hands and I so badly hope this is it for you.

I'll give an update after my scan, hopefully all goes well! xxx
How did your scan go today Eveclo ? Hope you are well!

My appointment with the nurse went well today :) I had a scan done to make sure I had no cysts after 6 months on clomid with not one scan to see how everything was going... my new nurse couldn't believe Melissa never checked with an ultrasounds of even gave me a trigger (better odds with a trigger I guess).
Anyway Kym blatantly lied to me and told me she faxed all our paperwork to our GP. She didnt, I then chased her and she ignored me! I had to go direct to head office to get everything in the end. I am so angry at them, so unproffesional ! So glad I have left. Ok rant over haha Sorry!

So looks like I am doing a short protocol. 200 of Gonal F and then 250 of Orgalutran. She said I may over stimulate as I have a high AMH so they will give me Lucrin after egg collection which stops OHSS and then I'll do a frozen transfer next cycle. If I'm not overstimulating then she will give me something else (I cant remember "Ovidrel" maybe) and then I will do a fresh transfer.

I have all my meds now - some in the fridge eeeeek its all happening!!! I paid my $3000 today (should get about half back) from medicare) :)
Oh and I decided to go General anesthetic! My nurse said if you were my daughter I would not let you do Local haha that sold me straight away.
Hey it looks like we will be transfering a similar time if I dont over stimulate :D :hugs:

BUMP buddies here we come... hope this is it for you !!! xx:flower::flower:

PS this little guy gave me a laugh :flasher:
How did your scan go today Eveclo ? Hope you are well!

My appointment with the nurse went well today :) I had a scan done to make sure I had no cysts after 6 months on clomid with not one scan to see how everything was going... my new nurse couldn't believe Melissa never checked with an ultrasounds of even gave me a trigger (better odds with a trigger I guess).
Anyway Kym blatantly lied to me and told me she faxed all our paperwork to our GP. She didnt, I then chased her and she ignored me! I had to go direct to head office to get everything in the end. I am so angry at them, so unproffesional ! So glad I have left. Ok rant over haha Sorry!

So looks like I am doing a short protocol. 200 of Gonal F and then 250 of Orgalutran. She said I may over stimulate as I have a high AMH so they will give me Lucrin after egg collection which stops OHSS and then I'll do a frozen transfer next cycle. If I'm not overstimulating then she will give me something else (I cant remember "Ovidrel" maybe) and then I will do a fresh transfer.

BUMP buddies here we come... hope this is it for you !!! xx:flower::flower:

PS this little guy gave me a laugh :flasher:

Sounds like we will doing the Exact same cycle!! i picked up my drugs today and i will be doing 150 Gonal F and then 250 of Orgalutran. and it will be a Freeze all.

i started the gonal f today at the clinic.

my first scan is next Wednesday to check out my follies to make sure they are behaving and growing,

Hope i can join in being Bump buddies with you ladies!!:hugs:
No worries MissCassie :)
I will be about 1 week behind you :D what time were you there today I was there about 8:30 hehe might have bumped into each other.
How did you find the Gonal F injection, I'm super nervous hehe
i was there at 10:30 this morning :)

I found the injections to be fine, i was a little nervous about it at first, but all good didn't hurt at all. i was going to get my partner to do it, but would be easier if i did it.
How did your scan go today Eveclo ? Hope you are well!

My appointment with the nurse went well today :) I had a scan done to make sure I had no cysts after 6 months on clomid with not one scan to see how everything was going... my new nurse couldn't believe Melissa never checked with an ultrasounds of even gave me a trigger (better odds with a trigger I guess).
Anyway Kym blatantly lied to me and told me she faxed all our paperwork to our GP. She didnt, I then chased her and she ignored me! I had to go direct to head office to get everything in the end. I am so angry at them, so unproffesional ! So glad I have left. Ok rant over haha Sorry!

So looks like I am doing a short protocol. 200 of Gonal F and then 250 of Orgalutran. She said I may over stimulate as I have a high AMH so they will give me Lucrin after egg collection which stops OHSS and then I'll do a frozen transfer next cycle. If I'm not overstimulating then she will give me something else (I cant remember "Ovidrel" maybe) and then I will do a fresh transfer.

I have all my meds now - some in the fridge eeeeek its all happening!!! I paid my $3000 today (should get about half back) from medicare) :)
Oh and I decided to go General anesthetic! My nurse said if you were my daughter I would not let you do Local haha that sold me straight away.
Hey it looks like we will be transfering a similar time if I dont over stimulate :D :hugs:

BUMP buddies here we come... hope this is it for you !!! xx:flower::flower:

PS this little guy gave me a laugh :flasher:

Thanks for remembering :hugs: It went OK, I have one follicle on my right ovary that is about 10mm. I am CD13 today and normally ovulate around CD18 or so. That follicle has to get to around 20mm or something she said, so fingers crossed it keeps growing and I ovulate naturally to have this transfer! I have the intralipid this weekend in Sydney so that will hopefully be smooth!

I have a high AHM too and i have never overstimulated. Just make sure you are eating heaps of protein and drinking lots of water. Sometimes our bodies do weird things anyway but your clinic will look after you and make sure you are getting everything you need. Kym is a liar, she did the same thing to me. Told me it was all faxed to my new clinic and then never responded to my emails. I would love to put in a complaint about her but I don't know where to begin/ don't want to be bitchy.. hehe. But i feel your frustration!

Great idea going for general, it is so much nicer I think. I kind of like just falling asleep and then suddenly waking up it's over so much quicker to me. Eeep so exciting! So when is CD1? Or have you already began injecting? If you pinch really hard on your tummy when you inject you won't even feel the gonal f :) orgalutran is a bit thicker and not as nice, i always got my husband to do that one for me.. I would get an ice cube and numb the area and he would inject me and then it would be all good! I am a sook though, but he said the ice cube made it harder to get in but then at the same time I couldn't feel it so it didn't matter to me :)

I have to start clexane (blood thinner) injections in the next week or so, so not keen to get back on the injection train! I hope bump buddies - but if not me definitely you! Did they talk about whether they preferred day 3 or Blastocyst day 5 transfers? So glad you are doing a short protocol too, it's a lot nicer than a down regulation. I really prefer them. I didn't want to say too much just in case you ended up being put on one but it is definitely my preference to have a short regulation. Plus, it gets you to the ultimate goal a lot quicker which is nice :)

I have another scan tomorrow morning just to check that the follicle is growing and on its way to naturally ovulate, then I have the intralipid on Saturday. Ovulation should hopefully be next week sometime and then transfer 6 days after that. So nervous that our embryo won't defrost but hopeful that it has a chance. Thinking of you and good luck!! !
Thats good - looks like you are definitely on your way to ovulating then with your 10mm follie :D
I am super excited for you to do your intralipid this weekend, I've heard really great stories from others doing this with IVF... Do you just sit down for a few hours while they do it? Will your husband go with you or have you not decided yet?

Thanks for that, so I just eat lots of protein and water etc while I'm doing my Gonal injections etc? She didn't sound like I will overstim but I think she was just warning me that because my AMH is at 52 I just might... just gave me the warnings etc. I really hope I dont :/ she said if I get more the 16 follicles they might not let me transfer. I guess they are just a cautious clinic. They do 5 day transfers. I actually think I will be about a week or so behind you, I thought for some reason we would be doing it together hehe I will start AF on Saturday and then injections on Monday if all goes to plan.
Thanks, I will get my hubby to do allllll my injections and I will sooo do the ice thing haha I'm such a sook when it comes to needles.

The other thing with Melissa ~ my husband has has bad issues with this thyroid over the last 2 years (right side has been removed) and he was very concerned with these particular results from her. WELL "no no no you are both all fine blah blah" ~ we finally get the results from head office QFG faxed to our GP last week and our GP rings my husband direct to come back because all his results are out of wack etc.... I'm soooo angry!!!! He is thinking of making a complaint to head office~ Now we think back all she wanted us to do was IVF from day 1....
We should go in together and complain hahaha

Just think when you start your Clexane injections again next week that this is all for a great cause :) and you will get through it !!! I promise :hugs:

Good luck at your scan tomorrow - hope that folly is growing nice and strong!!!

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