Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi all :)

Hey dancing, you don't know where to next? I was just thinking of you and what a difficult journey you've had this morning, trying to keep my situation in perspective and remember others have been facing this a lot longer then I have.

Having a nice relaxing Easter! No idea what is going on inside me, I had cramping yesterday and peeing a lot but BFN this morning (11dp2dt), I'm flitting back and forth from totally thinking we've nailed it and then convinced AF is around the corner. I've got the beta Wed so will know for sure soon. Off to the Sunshine Coast for a week on Saturday so at least if we have another BFN cycle I can distract myself enjoying some different scenery.
Hope everyone is well and Kirsty hows your 2ww?
Happy Easter girls!

Dancing- it's great to hear from you. We have all been thinking of you. I hope you are doing ok and taking all the time you need to decide where to next xxx

Take- I have everything crossed for your beta on Wednesday! Not long to go now xxx I know what you mean about the back and forth! I've swung between thinking its worked and then being completely positive it hasn't!

My beta is not until Monday week (soooo far away!) it is meant to be Saturday, but as the clinic is closed weekends, they bumped me till Monday. I think that I will ask to go in Friday though as it is my best friends hens on Saturday and I'd like to know either way! I know that even if we have a bfp this cycle- there is still such a long way to go. Does the chance of miscarriage increase if you have already had one? Dr google was a bit ambiguous on that one :) xxx

Happy long weekend everyone!
Hi ladies happy Easter to All x

Kirst I don't think 1 miscarriage means you are more susceptible to another as this emby could be the nice and healthy one.

Take good luck for Wednesday

Wish and Red we haven't decided on a boys name yet. I like Caleb but DH doesn't !

Dancing I think mulling over things until it feels right is the right thing to do.

Maddy, January 2014 isn't too far off actually given how fast times flies
Happy April Fools Day :flower:

Dancing...glad you are still here :hugs: Are you taking a break entirely from thinking about TTC or starting to think about next moves?

Kirst...not sure about the m/c risks but I think we're no more at risk. Or maybe my Dr just wanted to make me feel better by saying that? :shrug: Good luck with the beta. Bumping it to Friday seems to make good sense.

Take...good luck for Wednesday. Where will you be when you get the results?

Aleja...does DH have any good name ideas of his own? I think Caleb is lovely :haha:

AFM picking up meds tomorrow. HATING being on BCP, my skin is like a teenager and I am bloated and PMS-ey. Kind of like this ---> :devil: Now I remember why I went off the pill in the first place!
Hi girls

Just thought I'd check in and let you know the beta result was negative, I started spotting yesterday so I was expecting it but I guess there is always a small part of you that hopes it will be different.

I've just sent OH down to the supermarket for soft cheeses and wine so that is my plan for tonight lol. One good thing is that we are flying out to the Sunshine Coast on Sat for a weeks holiday so that will be a nice distraction, I will of course have my bloody period while away though so that's a pain in the arse!!

We will have a break this month, I'm not too keen on the back to back, like to give my body a break. So still have 4 frozen embys sitting there at least its not another fresh cycle.

Ok well thats me, hope everyone is well

Kirsty- Hows your 2ww going, tested yet? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Maddy- Hang in there with the meds, gotta love feeling like you've hit puberty again :)
Take I'm so sorry... I hope you have a fantastic trip away and completely spoil yourself. A big glass of wine sounds very good.
Do you have any more frosties?

I spoke to the clinic today and they said I have to wait till Monday for the blood test. It's a bit of a bummer cos Friday was only one day early but I spose it won't change much by waiting... Monday will be 20dpo- don't most clinics test earlier than that anyway???
I'm feeling very cautiously hopeful. I've had positive tests which are quite dark now and digital said 'pregnant 2-3' this morning!! I'm way too scared to be excited though... I just feel like it can't be true and something's going to go wrong!!

How is everyone else going? Xxx
Oh Kirsty I'm so pleased one of us has had a success. Crossing my fingers this one sticks for you x
Hi Ladies,

Oh gosh Kirs-t , that is so encouraging. Fingers crossed this is it girl :))

Take, i am sorry to hear your negative result! it is an absolute shit!! as someone said yes get the wine down....sometimes there just is a need for it.

As for us, we are going back to the UK for a holiday Mid May so are taking a break until at least then. I have changed my acupuncture to a very traditional chinese dude and he says he will have me pregnant within three months! Bless him for his optimism...don't think he knows quite what he has got himself into ! haha
So who could be complete load of crap? or he just might make it happen! Trying to stay positive!
In the meantime we have draughted up an advert for an egg donor! Depressing that was!!!
Can i just ask, for anyone who has taken Dhea, i have been on it for a year 75mg per day, but my hair has started to fall out :( and i have long fine hair anyway...anyone else had the same?
No other side effects for me apart from the initial headaches.

Love to the rest of the crew
Oh Take :hug: I'm sorry hun. This process is pretty awful sometimes :nope:

Dancing..good luck with the donor stuff. Sorry I probably asked before, but are trying for an Aust donor or going for Sth Africa or elsewhere? I know on the bubhub boards there seem to be a lot of Aussies heading to Sth Africa these days.

Kirst hope this is the :dust: one for you.

Red :hi: how ru coming along?

Aleja not long hey? :flower: 3 of Lucrin. The appointment at Westmead on Tuesday involved a 3.5 hour drive in each direction for the grand total of 16 mins at Wmead to collect our meds :haha: The best bit was afterwards we went to Cabramatta to stock up on the Asian foods we can't get here in Canberra. We bought heaps of things like Thai desserts that just aren't made here, plus some fruit that is hard to find here. DH was sooo happy to be able to buy a Thai newspaper! So it's been a nice, easy start actually. :thumbup:
Dancing- Ive been considering the whole Chinese medicine accupuncture avenue thing myself, might be time to actually go and see someone, doesn't feel like anymore of a gamble then this whole IVF thing has been so might be good to do something different.

Maddy- Feel so sorry for you and all that traveling, I have to drive 1.5 hours and I complain enough about that. Glad to see you've found something else to make the trip worthwhile :)
Oh gosh girls- that travelling must be so hard!! Do you have your bloods and scans closer to home?? I really feel for you both. it's hard enough and I live 10 minutes from my clinic!!

Dancing- I think the Chinese doctor is a great idea. I've heard amazing stories about success with cm. I also did acupuncture for the last 2 bfp rounds, and I really think it helps! Hope your trip is wonderful and you come back feeling ready to try again or even better- already up the duff!!

Take - I hope the same for you too chic. Hope your trip is awesome and filled with lots of fun and wine!! Thinking about you xxx

How are the bumps going ladies??!! More pics?!
Hi ladies
Firstly Kirst I am so happy for you. I bet you will get a great Hcg on Monday xx it is a nervous wait but will be worth it

Take I am sorry you got the negative result. 4 embys left is great though. Are they blasts ?
Would you consider doing a biopsy the month before your next cycle? This is what helped my emby finally implant

Maddy, what a long drive that is for you! And here I was complaining about 45 mins in traffic to appts. Cabramatta is great I grew up in the area and absolutely love the food options
My DH can't think of any boys names. He had a list of girls names ready to go as he was sure it was going to be a girl.

To the preggo girls and Taylah hope you are well x

Me: I had an OB appt yesterday baby fine, my cervix still normal but felt a bit rushed by the doctor . He is so busy I feel guilty for holding him up although I pay him $$$!!!

Red and Wish: do you guys feel uncomfortable? I thought this was supposed to be the glorious trimester where I feel great. It hasn't been like that at all. My bump goes all hard sometimes and I get ligament pains, etc etc
Doctor not worried but says the tightening is Braxton hicks ....already!!!

Dancing, I haven't had Dhea so I don't know about the side effects .
UK in May sounds wonderful and good way to regroup . You may even be pregnant if your Acu guy pulls through x
Oh maddy if you are I. Sydney again soon Canley Vale and Fairfield have great Thai food too. Actually there is a thai/Laos restaurant called Green peppercorn in Fairfield .. Absolutely yummy food
Aleja- no they are 2 day embys, thats what my clinic does, a fact that I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with. We feel like we're invested in those 4 embys now so don't just want to walk away but I haven't been 100% happy with all aspects of our clinic. My partner has written an email tonight asking questions and expressing our cocerns going forward so we'll see how that goes.
So tell me about this biopsy? I have never heard of this, I swear with all the research I've done I feel almost entitled to a medical degree lol.

This cycle has just been so strange, I had spotting Tues arvo, a small amount of brownish blood yesterday and today a bit more spotting thats almost stopped. Just over 48 hours and no red blood at all, just brownish. Is that a period? WTF? Did I even ovulate at all this cycle? Can you not ovulate after a trigger? Argh my body is so confusing!!
Hey all!
Dancingqueen- I am a firm believer in Chinese medicine and there are alot of credible studies out there especially in regards to implantation that show it increases success rates. It can be good in the mean time for relaxation too hun. Hope you are having lots of you time and shit loads of wine while you guys decide where to go next.

Take2- so sorry for the bfn hun. It must be frustrating to feel unhappy with the service but be 'hostage' to the 4 embies.. Are you able to have them transferred to enough clinic? I mean they're yours. In our cycle we had no frosties but hubby and I discussed that we wouldn't be going back to monash for out nxt cycle... We felt misinformed and the nurses were flippant and unsympathetic. I the mean time enjoy the Brie, wine and holiday.

Maddy- The long trips sound shit but glad you are making the most of it. Hubby and I traveled to Melbs for our treatment which was 2 hours each way. We made a day of it too which was nice. How are the drugs going? Hope you're not getting too many side effects x I'm thinking of you mate!

Kristi- I'm so (quietly) happy for you mate and digi results are an awesome sign! Can't WAIT to hear about your betas!!

Red- how's Lincoln cooking? Xx

Aleja- sorry you're feeling crap hun. I've eaten some humble pie the last few weeks after bagging out my friends that I told to suck it up when they were's a tough gig especially for us lttc girls. Because it took us so long to get here I worry 24/7. Every pain, trip to the loo and niggle you question. Sometimes i wake up in a panic cause i think shes not moving so i race out of bed in a sweat and skull ice water.. baby wakes up thrashes about and then im wide awake...I don't think ill relax untill I'm holding her.

Last couple of weeks for me have been crazy.. Still back and forth at hospital with infections, leaking fluid and bowel problems. Work is getting increasingly difficult but financially i really want to get to 36 weeks...Third tri now so counting down the days till I meet my lil girl... We have decided on the name Yohanna Theodora, first name is my grandmas and second my mums..I would have has Theodora as a first name but hubby said no, I think Theo and Teddy are so cute for short!! Hope everyone had
wish- you took the words straight out of my mouth, I'm always referring to my embys as 'hostages' lol. We have considered seeing if we can move them but I'm guessing that is very expensive and complicated. We too feel misinformed all the time and I feel like our nurse thinks every concern I raise is just a psycho desperate to be pregnant over hormonal irrational freak out, I'm yet to hear back from them today to discuss our email we sent and my strange 48 hour light period.
You sound like you've been having a crappy time wish...what infections have you been having? Hang in there you're on the home stretch now x
Take- its so shit, our nurse never called us back and when she did she had her head in the clouds.. We never got straight answers and she made me feel silly about asking questions. Have you asked to speak to the person in charge and expressed how you feel? You are paying alot for a service that you're not getting and that's the bottom line, your baby is more than likely in waiting in their lil freezer there and they have a duty to make this difficult process as easy as possible for you guys. Have you heard back about you're period? Hope you get some answers love.. And happy Friday! Xx

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