Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Oh and welcome Juniper!! Good on you got making the decision to go ahead with the ivf. We found we were much happier when we made our decision to go ahead with it.. It was finally out of our hands and it was a relief.

And shaz- what was your dh's morphology? My dh's was 8% and we managed to concieve naturally after a failed ivf cycle so it's not impossible. We had to have icsi because of it though. Xx
Welcome Shaz :hi: I'm sorry that the TTC process has been so horrid. Honestly it really is cr*p sometimes what we have to go through :growlmad: DH and I had one MC at almost 12 weeks plus 2 early losses after IUI (very low/non-rising HCG) and each one made me feel like such a failure. Many of those here have been through similar and we are so glad you found us here :hugs:

Juniper hi to you too :hugs: We were one of those that probably 'needed' the IUI before IVF just to get our heads around things. Although of course now I know that IUI didn't work and IVF did, I *wish* we'd gone straight for the big guns. Hindsight is wonderful :haha: I know where you are coming from with costs. We ended up commuting to Westmead Fertility Centre in Sydney for that reason - out of pocket $1,450 versus $4,500 was a big difference to us.

Wish I just have to say GO GIRL. I am not a huge drinker but right now am crazing a cold glass of something white. Grrr.
Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome. I may not have been actively posting on this thread before but reading all your pregnancy news kept my hope alive that someday we'll have our own miracle.
Take - I know it's a bit late already but congratulations on your natural BFP!! Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or a girl. So exciting! I'm still hoping that somehow we'll have a surprise natural BFP too but if we don't, we'll just keep trying.
Wish - Wow, your beautiful Yohanna is 7 weeks tomorrow! Time does fly. She is so precious :)
Re my DH's morphology, it's really low :( His analysis came back with only 3% morphology. His count was actually very high and motility was very good too but morphology was just too low which is why we had to do ICSI as well. My FS has basically ruled out the posibility of us having a natural BFP but we're still hoping we'll get lucky!
Maddy - The TTC journey is not for the faint hearted. I really admire everyone on this thread for soldiering on through the tough times. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you went through after the miscarriages. You truly are an amazingly strong woman.
Chook - Congrats on being PUPO!! I'm keeping everything crossed that we'll hear your amazing BFP news very soon :)
Juniper - Hi! I'm with Melbourne IVF and we paid just over $9k for ICSI and got abt $5,500 back from Medicare. However, our out-of-pocket would have been a lot higher if we didn't reach the medicare safety net threshold. Check out the medicare website for details re the 2013 threshold.
Sorry for the long post (again!).
Hi to Kirst, Red and Aleja :) Hope all is well!
Hi ladies! Thanks for the welcome :)
We are hoping we don't need to go down the IUI/IVF track, as the costs are crazy and I don't think we can afford it. I haven't got private health insurance, so if it looks like we will have to then I will apply and wait the 12 months.
Does anyone here have recommendations on good health cover which doesn't cost and arm as well as a leg, and will cover most the out of pocket costs?
Every time I have a look online at insurances I can't find enough info on how far the 'Assisted Conception/ IVF' actually will cover!
Hi Juniper, Molly and Shaz - its so good to have some new ladies popping in. I hope you guys stick around. You are the next round of bfps, I am sure!

Molly -i have fairly good private cover (well its actually a pretty basic package, but i say 'good' as in it still costs a bomb!) It covers maternity but it didn't actually cover much/ if any of our ivf at all.... the only thing it did save us a lot on - was the hospital costs for the egg collection.

Shaz - it really is a tough road. I could relate to so much of your story and we also had a miscarriage at the end of last year. It's a tough gig this journey... But it will be so worth it for all of us! Are your frosties day 5 blasts? Will your cycle in sept be a frozen transfer too? I also hang on hope for a natural bfp one day (maybe for a chance at a second bub?) and I think its possible for us all. Take and Wish are great examples of it happening :)

Wish - It's so good to hear from you! Im glad you had a good night out and could let your hair down! You deserve it mumma. And what a nice way to spend a sunday, cuddling yohanna in bed. I have started buying and being given lots of girl things! Its pretty cool. I keep holding little outfits up to my stomach and still can't believe she is really on her way! My bump has blown out the last week or two, which is pretty cool. Mind you, I'm eating like it's an olympic sport, so its prob only half baby ;)

Red and Aleja - how are those gorgeous boys going? Are you guys getting much sleep? I'd love some tips on those first few weeks - what to expect!

Take - you could prob help me out too :) How are you going? When are your gender scans again maddy and take? Have you girls had any more movement? Our lo is kicking so much now - and i love taking long baths and watching her go nuts in there. It's the best thing ever :)
Hi ladies! Thanks for the welcome :)
We are hoping we don't need to go down the IUI/IVF track, as the costs are crazy and I don't think we can afford it. I haven't got private health insurance, so if it looks like we will have to then I will apply and wait the 12 months.
Does anyone here have recommendations on good health cover which doesn't cost and arm as well as a leg, and will cover most the out of pocket costs?
Every time I have a look online at insurances I can't find enough info on how far the 'Assisted Conception/ IVF' actually will cover!

Hey, I don't have private cover either. And from wot I've been told by friends who've been thru this b4 WITH private cover, as Kirst has said, it really doesn't cover any of the actual IVF stuff. Wot it does cover is the cost of the bed when u have an egg pick up, & I'm not certain but maybe also the docs & anaesthetist fees???? (not certain on that bit- the other girls in here will probably know).

I also considered taking out cover but for us it wouldn't be worth the wait just to cover those things.

Thank you SOOOOOO much to all of u girls for the warm welcome. It's really lovely having a place to go to talk about all of this x
Ditto the private healthcare - we have a very good package and it would only have covered the theatre fees for ER if we went thru a private clinic. Ultimately we didn't need it since ER was included at Westmead.

Kirst...first movements a couple of days ago but not much since. Or maybe it was just my wishful thinking since it was my birthday :shrug: My 20 week scan is on the 28th.
Hi Ladies:)

Wish- So nice to hear from you and good to hear you have settled into motherhood so well. Its been such a long time since I've had a night out drinking, we were off alcohol for the best part of 12 months before falling pregnant..trying to be healthy etc, I'm sure a couple of glasses of wine I'd be asleep under the table now lol

Molly- We looked into private when going through IVF but found we'd be spending more then we'd get back so we didn't even bother. Now I'm steadily approaching my public hospital birth experience, not that I mind, I had Keyara in the public system but that was in Canberra and the Wagga Base Hospital is pretty run down compared..oh well it may turn out to be better than i'm imagining.

AFM- Scan on Friday woot woot. Can't wait to find out if we're team blue or pink!! I had my first flutter of movement over a week ago, then nothing for days and now at night i am getting some consistent taps increasingly over the last few days. I got a big whack last night, it is so low though, just near my pubic bone. OH is trying to feel but he practically has to have his hands down my pants its so low...don't want him getting distracted and thinking I might be up for more lol, seriously this baby better move up a bit before my scan or it could get a little awkward...note to self must shave well Friday morning ha ha ha!!
Thanks again girls! I have heard that private cover doesn't REALLY 'cover' IVF, so for me it would really be a waste of money rather than doing a basic coverage. Thanks for the input, much appreciated!
I can't tell you how much I have come to appreciate having a forum like this to come to. I don't know anyone in my life who has trouble conceiving, so discussing this with you all is great <3
Ladies, I know everyone in here has different sets of circumstances, so just wondering if anyones is similar to mine?

Basically I'm 38, have had all the usual bloods, very regular cycles, no obvious issues.

OH- SA was great. No issues.

So on the face of things, no specific reasons why we aren't pregnant. Unexplained infertility I guess. Maybe we just need more time?? But I'm scared to wait until I'm any closer to 40 before doing IVF if that's gonna b the best option. Our FS says chances are good- & better to do it now than leave it till I'm closer to 40 which makes totally sense.

Anyone else kind of similar? ie unexplained & in their late 30's?? & managed to get a BFP thru IVF?? I do have a friend who was similar to me (except she was 36), who got pregnant on her second cycle. And am wondering how often that happens??
Juniper- Not the same as you but a few similarities, I'm only 33 and OH is 36, I have a daughter from my previous marriage who was conceived within a few cycles so clearly I felt confident with my fertility. My partner had trouble conceiving with his ex wife, his SA wasn't perfect, count was pretty good, motility not too bad, morphology 8% which isn't ideal but not terrible. Our FS said he'd seen guys with 6 kids with much worse samples then OHs so he was surprised we had trouble. He ended up having IVF with his ex wife to have their daughter. I knew this so I guess we were prepared to struggle to conceive ourselves but I figured with my super fertility I would compensate where he lacked..hmm not sure how I figured this lol.
We actually fell after 2 months but it ended up being a chemical. After this our doctor said given that we were approaching our mid 30s, apparently long in the tooth fertility wise, and with OHs history he felt it best we sought specialist help sooner rather than later.
We did try clomid and IUI before IVF and had one failed fresh and one failed frozen. Amongst all of this I kept the hope that maybe we could still fall the old fashioned way so continued temping and charting and every 2nd night DTD (exhausting but I was so scared I'd miss my window with my cycles being slightly irregular). So finally we got our BFP whilst on a break from treatment.
So my advice is, if there is no obvious explanation for your infertility I would still pursue treatment but don't throw the towel in on a possible BFP, it may happen, but I can understand time is a ticking so you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket (pardon the pun lol).
My ex and his wife had unexplained infertility and finally are now pregnant on their 4th IVF attempt and she is only 27...sometimes its just not easy for some people. Hang in there and this is the place to be for advice and support :)
Hi girls !
I'm so happy to see new 'faces' on the thread. Welcome to shazz, juniper and Molly :)
And chook I can't believe you are double PUPO!!! Any stick testing coming up? I hope the rest of the frosties reached blasts too

Kirst, take2 and Maddy I love hearing your preggo updates - it won't be long before we have a whole batch of new birth announcements.
Maddy what a beautiful gift for your bday having felt your baby- truly amazing !

Kirst get used to seeing the pink baby things and cot etc as you are bound to be inundated with baby things by the time bubs arrives. Our house now looks like a baby museum !!!

Re: IUI - we went straight to IVF so I didn't have the option. I'm glad we did as we got a few frosties from the cycle which one is now our dear baby.
Ivf meds are higher dosage than IUI as they want to stimulate lots of follies as opposed to one lead follicle.

Wish, your girl is so cute!! 7 weeks already -- can't believe it.
What kind of baby is she? Marlon was a placid little tjing until a couple of days ago where he has started becoming fussy and unsettled . All he wanted to do yesterday and today is feed feed feed or he would cry cry cry !!! My nipples have taken a beating . Ouchy !
I have been reading Wonder Weeks which says 4-5 weeks is when babies take a developmental leap making them get all fussy.

Re: preparing for newborn-- I think Kirst you asked -- every day is different but I think the first few days bubs will be sleeping a lot and be fairly compliment with feeding routines etc. you will be changing A LOT of nappies and washing baby clothes like crazy as they tend to spew on themselves or wee or poo themselves regularly. You will need countless number of wipes !!! They are very noisy when they sleep, grunting snuffling, groaning etc and it may make you worried that something is wrong but it's normal. Best of all you will be marvelling at your baby nonstop - all their facial expressions gestures are so cute.
I find that 'Baby love' by Robin Barker has been most useful book- it will become your reference book for everything x
Aleja so nice to hear from you, you sound so relaxed and loved up its lovely :) any pics of little Marlon? X
here are some photos! finally it worked


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Oh Aleja he is so gorgeous..couldn't you just eat him :)
Oh aleja!! What an adorable bub- he is absolutely gorgeous xxx

Take- only 2 more sleeps till your scan!

How's everyone else going?
Aleja - cute bubba :flower: Who does he look like?

Take - good luck at your scan. We've had to move ours to next Friday when I'll be exactly 20 weeks, because DH's roster changed :dohh:

Kirst - how's things?

AFM nothing exciting...DH actually ASKED to go to a baby shop yesterday :dance:. I lost him halfway through the store and by the time I found him he was obsessing over a Fisher Price swing/bouncer/music centre thing as well as one of those change tables that has the slide-out baby bath. Sigh. We also bought a secondhand Boori cot for DH to refinish (it's already been stripped back, just needs restaining). Busy week on the old bank account!
Hey ladies,

Drum roll....its a girl!!! We are very excited, obviously we would have been happy either way but Keyara was keen for a girl. Her Dad's wife is having a boy and she wants to tell everyone she has 'a brother from another mother and a sister from another mister', she is so funny :) Was so lovely seeing little one moving her hands around, moving her one stage she pursed her lips very clearly..was so cute. I'll get OH to upload the pics when he gets home..he is the IT expert not me lol.

How is everyone else going? Can't wait for your scan now Maddy x
CONGRATS Take :yipee: wonderful news and glad K is happy too :hugs:

Our scan has been delayed to next Friday (20 weeks). Getting nervous now!
Hooray for team pink!!! That is so so exciting take. I'm over the moon for you and your family. Can't wait for your scan next maddy!

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