Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Chook- you're not a negative Nancy and I love hearing about how you're going, we all here understand how you feel, we haven't forgotten and are still here supporting you.
Aleja- the first few weeks are a blur on washing, sleepless nights and love. Its exhausting and amazing all rolled into one. Any photos yet?
Hi Chook, I really hope the 3-day transfer does the trick for you :flower: Bugger about the medication.
Good to hear from you chook! How's the stimming going? Hopefully a day 3 transfer is just the trick... Get those lil embies snuggled into the best place- inside you! Keep us posted on how you are going. Xxx

Aleja! So happy to hear that you and bub are home and settling in well! Cant wait to see a pic of the gorgeous lil guy! Hope you're getting some rest and tlc from your family and friends too :)

Afm- feeling pretty crappy today. Went to the doc after fainting this morning and have some kind of infection- maybe a uti. So have been prescribed antibiotics. Has anyone taken ab's in pregnancy? Not to mention my hormones seem out of control today. Have not been particularly emotional before this point in the pregnancy- but I completely embarrassed myself at work today with the water works! I've been so teary today for no reason really and is so unlike me!
kirsty you poor love, take care of yourself and keep us updated x
Chook :flower: How are you going with stims? Have you had a progress scan yet?

Kirst, how are you feeling :hugs: Hormones are a pain, hey?

Take, how exciting your scan is in just over 2 weeks :thumbup: I must admit I am really enjoying having a whole month without a medical appointment. It's nice to just get on with life.

Aleja & Red, :kiss::kiss::kiss: to you and yours and hope you are all recovering and settling into your new roles.
Thanks for all the support girls! I had a scan yesterday which showed about 10 front runners and another 11 lagging behind. They are all still small and have some growing to do. I also have a cyst at 30mm. Not sure if that's going to be a issue yet. I have another scan on Friday so will find out more then xox
That's great news chook! Lots of follies growing nicely :) I have never had tht many!! Whoohoo. Let us know what the scan says Friday. What stim drugs are you on? How are you feeling?

Maddy and take- not long till scans now!! We are flying along in these pregnancies. I'm back at work and feeling better. The antibiotics have kicked in nicely :) I never thought I would be (used to be a nurse and am generally pretty unsympathetic unless you are dying!) but I am officially one of those hopeless, complaining preggos. I've found it much harder than I thought- all the nausea, aches and pains non stop for the last 5.5 months is catching up with me! Hope you ladies don't get fed up with my venting! And still so grateful to be here despite all that xxx

How are the new mummies going?? Wish red aleja??? Updates please!!
Chook- I look forward to hearing how your next scan goes

Kirsty- glad you're feeling a bit better. My nausea has snuck back in mildly this week. Keyara has a blocked nose and every time she sniffs I dry reach, poor kid but I just can't deal with it!
Hi girls,
I'm still here.. In between feeds and baby sleeps.. Baby is doing well - he is a little poo monster !! Every day is different - today he is waking up every 2.5hrs for a feed. I'm exhausted!!!
DH and I are looking rather shabby I'm practically living in pjs and tracky dax -- it's hard to wear my normal wardrobe as I'm living in nursing tops .. Girls stock up on these types of tops (button up etc) as they will be your best friend soon
Hi ladies,
How is everyone? Hope all you new mums are getting some sleep. I'm just at the clinic waiting to see the doctor, not sure what he does at this appointment. I've just been weighed and I've only put on 1.7kg in the last 4 weeks so finally my excessive weight gain is slowing down, thank god!
Interesting :) Not that we'll be going for another one!
Yes Maddy its amazing how often you here these stories. How are you going??

Finally after the doctor kept me waiting an hour I had my appointment, I wanted to dislike him for running so late but turns out he was lovely. Spend all of 10 mins there though after all that, he went over my notes and decided at this point with all going so well I was not considered high risk and didn't need to continue my care with the doctors and would be fine under the midwifery care..umm yeah I knew that!! lol. I did get to hear the heartbeat though, he warned me it may be hard to find this early on and not to panic if he took awhile to locate it, but the second the doppler hit my stomach you could hear a loud clear heartbeat..he said he thinks it could be a idea why he thinks that though..just amusing me I think lol. Not long to my ultrasound now so I'll find out soon enough :)
Hey Red and Wish hope you girls are doing well x

Maddy I saw the ivf news piece on tv ... Not sure if it applies to me in particular unless DHs spermys improve.. One can only hope.

Take- they say boy heart beats generally slower than girls
Interesting article! Would love it to happen for us... But I'm with you aleja- Dh sperm would have to improve alot. His last count was less than 1% motile spermies! But you never know :)

Glad your appointment went well take! Can't wait to hear about your scan. Do you have a feeling for which gender you are having? The heartbeat thing was right for us. Our lo has always had a high heart beat which is meant to be the case for girls. It's fun to guess!

Aleja- so good to hear from you!! I bet it's been a whirl wind couple of weeks! Thanks for the tips on the feeding tops. Will have to make sure in stocked up :) would love to see a pic of the gorgeous boy?!

All is good for me- I'm feeling alot better after the hormonal roller coaster of last week ;) god I'm hopeless!
He said the heart rate was about 150, is that fast or slow? I can't decide if I think boy or girl, my initial instinct is girl but everytime I try and picture it i see a little boy baby.. So who knows really!!
Chook - good luck with Friday's scan! FX for lots of growth. I developed a large cyst too while stimming. The Dr drained it when they did egg retrieval, it didn't seem to be a big deal to them.

Kirst - glad you feel better :hugs:. Have you guys done all your 'major item' baby shopping yet?

Take - funny I am feeling :blue: too yet don't know why. I wonder if I'm just being swayed by the 5-day-transfer stats? Ours won't stay still to check the heartbeat. The doppler goes on for 1-2 seconds & then Bing wiggles away. The midwife said it's common to have trouble pinning down the heartbeat at this stage - the doppler signals must either annoy or tickle & they usually try to wiggle away from the monitor!

Aleja - good tip on the tops. I suppose it's a bit cold at the moment to go topless all day :haha:

AFM the fat tum has finally started to look like a baby bump in certain clothes. But most of the weight so far is on my thighs :cry: It's clear I'm going to be one of those pregnant women that goes apple-shaped from the hips right up to the shoulders....
Good morning girls. I had egg retrieval yesterday and we got 13. Westmead messages me this morning to tell me only 6 had fertilised. We are a little disappointed as it was my partners best count yet! 6 is still good though. Transfer is booked for Friday.
Hope you are all well. Loving reading about your scans xox
Sorry I'm still a bit out of it. I meant loving hearing about the little heart beats :)
Oh Chook gosh I'm such a loser, I totally got your dates wrong! Yay for 6 fertilised, that's great - more than I had! :flower: FX this is a great cycle for you :hugs:
Haha! No your not maddy. I was meant to post Friday to let you guys know how I went at the scan but I was crazy busy getting cakes baked etc etc for my step daughters birthday party on Saturday. I had 21 follies but must have had a lot of empty ones and the cyst was 38mm on Friday but they just drained it yesty so no big deal :)

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