Any body from Plymouth UK or near??...

Hello ladies, my name is Lorraine, 23 and from Plymouth. I have been part of Ocean Suite at Derriford for a year now. I have only ever done clomid in which I was successful in conceiving, however it wasn't meant to be and I miscarried in September last year. I am currently getting my cycles back to normal and losing a lot of weight so that I can be ready to return to ocean suite for scans following my next lot of clomid.

I am in the 2WW at the moment on a natural cycle.

There is a Facebook page that's friend and I have started for Ocean Suite so that we can all share. There have been a lot of success!!

Hope this helps and I'd love to make friends. Feel very alone in the TTC journey.

Hello there fellow plymouthian:thumbup:

So ocean suite?...I am currently waiting for my referral to start investigations and treatment with them I hear they are very lovely up there....

So so so sorry that you suffered a loss back in September love. Big hugs to you :hugs:

So did they decide you went on to clomid or do you ask for it....I am going to ask my doc for it on the 25th...

Please don't feel alone on this journey Hun...I know it can feel that way a lot...there are lots of wonderfull ladies on bnb but it's different when we sign off ...the lonely world kicks back in again dosent it....know that you are not alone my love...:flower:

I wish you sucess with your weight loss and here's a hand full of :dust: ...

Looking forward to seeing this journey through with you Lorraine :thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Pink bubbles....sorry I seemed to have hijacked your thread here lol....

How are you ? Do you still pop in? Hope all is well.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Basically, the birth control messed up my hormones as I got put on it at age 14 to regulate me, which it did for 6 years.

I then decided with my partner to come off them in 2011 but I had no periods which was worrying. 6 months went by and my GP referred me over to Ocean Suite. Had bloods done to check my hormone levels and I had a deficiency in progesterone and testosterone. This contributed to slightest excess hair :-(

Also, my partner had to provide a semen sample twice, one month apart to check his swimmers!

3 months after that, in 2012 I received an appointment. At that appointment they said they want to do a HSG (x ray) on me then if all is fine supply me with 6months worth of 50mg of clomid. However because I didn't have periods, and to have a hsg you need one, they prescribed me norethisterone which gets everything flushed out. I had to wait after the x ray for a period but it never came so they determined that I was annovulatory although the hsg came back clear.

I took norethisterone in June last year and started round one of clomid. On clomid, I achieved ovulation and a period, the second month I fell pregnant. To this days don't know why I miscarried but it was probably to do with lack of progesterone.

Ocean did say that if all 6 rounds of clomid didn't work, I'd go to the next step which is IUI. I currently have 4 left.

After the miscarriage I should've had a period by end of October but nothing. Ocean kept telling me to wait till new year. By December I had lost 3 stone and magically I bled! I bled again in january, then march (45 day) and currently around 5dpo. So my weight was an issue and since I've lost 6 stone, I have 2 more to go, but I'm healthy enough to conceive right now. Makes me wonder if I caused my own miscarriage sometimes.

Hope you get on ok at ocean. What part of plymouth are you from? X
Thank you so much Natalie! I think you might become my favourite friend! :haha: :hugs:

I think I will do it vaginally to be honest, everything else seems to be investigated that way so why the hell not lol :haha:

I think I will find it hard to decipher when I O. Would it be the 3 days the temp rises?
I know I was panicking, but I think I started testing wayyyyyyy to early!! And because I was testing wayyyyyy to early I ran out of cb ones! lol, thankfully the last cb i had showed a smile. Although what i did find strange was the dip test showed a positive 11am and my smile didnt show till 7 pm on CD16.

What does robitssun do ? When u say i need to balance it out how do u mean? sorrryyy such a ttc virgin! :dohh: :help:

How old r u if u dont mind me asking ? and u have a little :angel: already ?

Also how do u put all that lovely coloured text at the bottom so it shows on ur profile ?

Thanks Natalie
:kiss: :hug: :flower:


Thankyou petals...:flower:

Ok so the colour text click on quick links above the top of the thread...and select edit will take you too your signature so you can create get the tickers in there you have to visit a ticker site...I use create your ticker copy the bb code and paste it into your sigi...

Yes yes I have a lil boy ,..he took 7yrs...geeees eh lol...he's almost 3 now...time flys by sooo fast...
We started trying gain when he was 6mnths old in the fear it would take another 7yrs again...we did fall pg again pretty soon but I lost it at 10 wks on New Year's Eve last year.suffice to say 2013 was a pretty bad year for us.
But in with 2014 :happydance:...
Oh almost for got to answer your question on my just turned 33....:nope: still getting used to that he hee...:thumbup:

If you want petals...if you can find a way of getting your chart (when you start it )into your sigi I can help you with helping to understand it all...ff "should" take care of the o day and adjusting the coverline for you...:thumbup:
But if not I will try my best to "train you up " lol so to say lol hahaha...
You'll be an expert in temping in no time I'm sure of it.:thumbup::flower:

Oh and the good thing about signing up to ff is they email you a quick lessons course too...:thumbup:
Again if it dosent help (bc it is a lot to take in ) I will help ok :)

Natalie xxx

Thanks Natalie :kiss:b:hugs: :kiss:

So so sorry to hear about ur little :angel: congrats though on ur son , you've done it once, you can do it again!!:happydance: happydance:

33 is still young :winkwink:

What vitamins do u take ? I've read about eating pineapple after O :shrug: which I might try just to try and help the sticky baby to stick !

I tried the link u sent me for the sig and colours, wouldn't work :dohh:

U said earlier u test early for ur :bfp: how long does it take to show if u were lucky ?

Thanks for accepting my friend req Hun :hugs:

Hi Lorraine :wave:

I'm new aswell and like Natalie and yourself I feel the pain and anguish of ttc and this is only my first month (kinda) please don't feel alone were all in this together and everyone is so nice :hug:

Plenty of baby :dust: to you and hopefully we can all guide each other through this journey until we are successful :bfp: :dance: :dust:


Morning ladies...sorry for the long delay in my reply lol...

Was at my parents house and as I am a part carer for my step dad my mom needed my help in the afternoon.i was exhausted by the time I got home with my lo and finished cooking the evening meal for OH...

Wow Lorraine you have been through so much....and I have to say the part where I read that you have lost 6stone blew my mind...well done are doing fantastic with that..
You must be a very determined lady :thumbup:
I'm sorry you seem you have had to go through such a hard time with ttc...
Also I found your last post very helpful indeed...
I have been so nervous about going to the fertility suite.
So now that you have cleared up there protcol for me I know what to expect now.thankyou :flower:

Yes yes PETA is right you are not alone so pls don't feel that way...we can all get eachother through this...:hugs:

Peta ...I have a friend that does the pinapple thing...I'm sure she pulps up the core and drinks it...something like that lol...
Pinapple tastes soooo good....especially over ripe and
I too buy several of them at asda...75p each...for the the very least it has done wonders for cm but I wish It could do that BEFORE the tww :haha:
As for the vitamins.....well I don't want you to end up having a plate full of pills everyday...(like I once did lol)
So may I recomend a prenatal has all the essentials...I actually use the ones for pregnancy.not ttc.....the ttc ones are mild so do not contain the RDA ...the pgy ones do and way more.

With the b complex...they say that you need to balance it with the b6 to get the effects and full benefit out of it.....can I ask what does are you thinking of the prenatal vits you'll fine 10 mg of b6...I think I remember I was taking 40mg before I ovulated and once I knew I ovulated I took double the does...but I did this for different reasons...I took it bc I read that b6 is a natural way of increasing progesterone and good environment for a bfp to stick.

And the testing....oh noooo lol do I really want to create a monster here lol:haha:
Poas is all good and fine IF you can keep control over it...I swear every month I say to myself "I'm NIT testing this month"
6dpo hits....I'm a maniac lady locked in the bathroom...peeing on everything :rofl:

But if you did want to test....I would highly recomend you leave it as long as you can to be totally honestly,it can seriously get you down my love.
Trying to see two lines can drive you
In my experiance a lot of women on bnb and across other sites 9/10 dpo seems to be a popular day to get a bfp.but it's not unheard of to get a day or so earlier...
Just beware of Evaps.....very Nasty they are...not to say heartbreaking too.
And blue dye tests...grrrrrr...I won't even go there lol.:thumbup:
In short they are evil results.:thumbup:

Well ladies...I'm cd4 is tapering off already...which is need for dragging it out eh lol

Hope your having a good start to your weekends.:thumbup: :flower:

Natalie xxx
I took centrum conceive and pregnancy. It contained an iron tablet too which was massive and hardto swallow. Didn't like it much so stopped using it.

Tesco do a good B complex. 3 tubes of 20 dissolvable tablets for £1 I think it is.

Asda aren't very good with their tablets. All overpriced too.

Also when I had my bfp it was 15dpo. All days from 9dpo right up to it were bfn! But it all depends on how much hcg you produce really.

Off to town now as I have a stuffy nose and cough so hoping its a good sign but doubt it :-/ I tend to symptom spot so much that it winds my partner up lol! I have refrained from poas... So far!!!! Xxxx
I took centrum conceive and pregnancy. It contained an iron tablet too which was massive and hardto swallow. Didn't like it much so stopped using it.

Tesco do a good B complex. 3 tubes of 20 dissolvable tablets for £1 I think it is.

Asda aren't very good with their tablets. All overpriced too.

Also when I had my bfp it was 15dpo. All days from 9dpo right up to it were bfn! But it all depends on how much hcg you produce really.

Off to town now as I have a stuffy nose and cough so hoping its a good sign but doubt it :-/ I tend to symptom spot so much that it winds my partner up lol! I have refrained from poas... So far!!!! Xxxx

Well done Lorraine...for not poas so :thumbup:
Hope you have a nice day in town...Saturdays are busy arnt they ...
Sorry to hear that your coming down with a cold...I hope that clears up ASAP....

I almost forgot....I'm in Laira....where are you ?...

Oh wow a 15dpo bfp!...gawsh ....that's late....that must have been a fantastic supprise tho...thinking you were out then a bfp.:happydance:

Yes you are really does depend on when you implant and how well your body metabolises the hgc...:thumbup:

Good luck with the tww Hun...I hope it's treating you kindly...I forget what dpo are you again....:dohh: lol

Natalie xxx
Morning ladies...sorry for the long delay in my reply lol...

Was at my parents house and as I am a part carer for my step dad my mom needed my help in the afternoon.i was exhausted by the time I got home with my lo and finished cooking the evening meal for OH...

Wow Lorraine you have been through so much....and I have to say the part where I read that you have lost 6stone blew my mind...well done are doing fantastic with that..
You must be a very determined lady :thumbup:
I'm sorry you seem you have had to go through such a hard time with ttc...
Also I found your last post very helpful indeed....
I have been so nervous about going to the fertility suite.
So now that you have cleared up there protcol for me I know what to expect now.thankyou :flower:

Yes yes PETA is right you are not alone so pls don't feel that way...we can all get eachother through this...:hugs:

Peta ...I have a friend that does the pinapple thing...I'm sure she pulps up the core and drinks it...something like that lol...
Pinapple tastes soooo good....especially over ripe and
I too buy several of them at asda...75p each...for the the very least it has done wonders for cm but I wish It could do that BEFORE the tww :haha:
As for the vitamins.....well I don't want you to end up having a plate full of pills everyday...(like I once did lol)
So may I recomend a prenatal has all the essentials...I actually use the ones for pregnancy.not ttc.....the ttc ones are mild so do not contain the RDA ...the pgy ones do and way more.

With the b complex...they say that you need to balance it with the b6 to get the effects and full benefit out of it.....can I ask what does are you thinking of the prenatal vits you'll fine 10 mg of b6...I think I remember I was taking 40mg before I ovulated and once I knew I ovulated I took double the does...but I did this for different reasons...I took it bc I read that b6 is a natural way of increasing progesterone and good environment for a bfp to stick.

And the testing....oh noooo lol do I really want to create a monster here lol:haha:
Poas is all good and fine IF you can keep control over it...I swear every month I say to myself "I'm NIT testing this month"
6dpo hits....I'm a maniac lady locked in the bathroom...peeing on everything :rofl:

But if you did want to test....I would highly recomend you leave it as long as you can to be totally honestly,it can seriously get you down my love.
Trying to see two lines can drive you
In my experiance a lot of women on bnb and across other sites 9/10 dpo seems to be a popular day to get a bfp.but it's not unheard of to get a day or so earlier...
Just beware of Evaps.....very Nasty they are...not to say heartbreaking too.
And blue dye tests...grrrrrr...I won't even go there lol.:thumbup:
In short they are evil results.:thumbup:

Well ladies...I'm cd4 is tapering off already...which is need for dragging it out eh lol

Hope your having a good start to your weekends.:thumbup: :flower:

Natalie xxx

Morning ladies :hi: :hi: :coffee:

Aww Lorraine I think there is a lot of stuff going around tbh I had a snotty nose the last few days and I had a sore throat yesterday but I woke up today and feel as fresh as a daisy thank goodness :flower: hopefully walking around town will take ur mind off everything and not make u feel much worse :hugs:
Thanks for the tip on vitamins I am going to obsess over that now lol :thumbup: :laugh2:

Well the post just delivered my Vitex and B6 and those cheap pg tests, the blue strips (is that what you were on about Natalie?) :post: I went bait crazy yesterday over reading lots of posts and got it into my head my LP phase isn't long enough (even though I defo don't know what day I o!) and ordered loadsa stuff lol :rofl: :haha: safe to say Natalie, that u wouldn't create a monster because I'm already turning into one!

So :af: technically not here so I tested and got a bfn! Which I knew I would get so don't know why I did test! Just waiting for the :witch: to arrive now!

I haven't had time to go on to ff as of yet, but from what I gather if u have 3 days of a temp rise, that means u o? How can I determine what day I did? I will need your help ladies if that's okay?

What are you upto today Natalie? How are you on this beautiful morning ?

I will try the pineapple thing I think! As tesco would say every little helps !

:happydance: :wink wink:

:dust: :dust: :dust:


Was supposed to say :af: isn't here and is late, always here in the morning !
Heya Peta ...:rofl: ....I like your determination...and you were certainly quick off the mark to get online and order all this stuff.:thumbup:

Didn't you say you have lp of 11?.....that's ok...yeah it could be a bit better but the doctors only worry if it's lower than 10 I think...pretty close I know but I'm sure the b6 will more than sort that out for you.:thumbup:
You should notice at lease 2/3 or even a 4 day difference in that soon.:)

Oh the blue strips tests....the blue handles?....
No no they are's the blue dye test that are naughty,:thumbup:

Do you use amazon peta? is pretty cool for tests and thee array ....:)

Tesco are great for vitamins...always make my mad dash there lol...adsa are too expensive...but here pineapples are cheep.:thumbup:

Hrmmmm I'm not up to very much today....Saturdays are usually learning days with my lo but I planned out a lovely trail walk with him for today...was supposed to set off nivpce and early so we could get back in time so I can get meals cooked...but lil man had a slow rising temp this morning so it's all called off for today...of course he is fine ole calpol eh lol...
May go tmr now instead.:thumbup:

So today I guess I will be cleaning and cooking....same old same old haha...
You up to anything nice?....

I hope af Hurrys herself along so you can start your brand new cycle and get your plan in's always good to have a plan...kind of exciting too.:)

More than happy to help you with your ff chart love.:flower:

Natalie xxx
I will try to start to upload pictures later of my journey including the opk' s and pg tests etc. I just used my bbt for the first time, just to get the hang of it and when I pulled it out the start of AF was there, deceptive little :witch: but at least she is on time and I can start my chart some point this afternoon !

I just checked the b6 and there 100mg's. Do I start to take them today as AF had arrived, because aren't u supposed to take them up to u ovulate or is after and is 100mg's of b6 ok to take on there own as u said something about balancing out the b vits? As for the vitex I'm going to leave them for a few cycles until I get my ff on track and can determine o properly, as I re read vitex is for helping o! Lol as you'd an c my determination drove me slightly insane at work yesterday :rofl: :haha: :rofl: but I do use Amazon :mail:

Oh no, Natalie r u on about ur little boy ? Poor little thing, I expect he will perk up this afternoon and hopefully can enjoy a lovely day tomorrow :happydance: :bike: :flow:

As for me same as you my dear, :dishes: :laundry: cooking etc ! Might sit out in the garden and paint my toenails and start my plan of action with ff! As this is CD1! And I'm out :dohh: but routing for you both :hugs: when r u both due ?


:rofl: I love your emojos....they are great :)

Ok so the 100 mgs of b6 seems a little high....BUT I had read that what your body dosent use is passed through into the urine and'll see when you start to pee aluminous wee lol....

Ok so I have this protocol from another lady...she is called angel bump....I always refer back to the script I knocked off her lol...I will post it for's great to copy and paste for future references....
You may wanna steal it from me too lol:haha:
She will,explain about the b6 in it too.:thumbup:

100 mg is not unheard of at all...I know a few ladies that take that high amount...and it's worked for them too...I think they start maybe on a lower dose and work there way up first...not sure tho...I can check.:thumbup:

Ok to up load pics on here ...I'll TRY and talk you through this one...hehe

First click on go advance-next to post quick reply....
Then click on the paper clip above the text box
This will take you to a new page....
Click on select file....wait for it to show...then click upload pic...
This will take. Minute...then click close window...
Back to your text box...add your text...hey presto your done...

Haha I probably said all that completely wrong...:haha:

Let me know how you

Natalie xxx

It's a very long protocol....but this is REALLY helpful and explains everything ...what is needed for how much....ect ect...

I hope you find this helpful too.:flower:
Well worth the read .:)
Natalie xxx

Angle bumps protocol

So many of you have contacted me regarding what supplements I took during my fertility treatment. So I have decided to make the information more easily accessible... Here it is...

Angel Bumps' Pregnancy/Fertility Protocol!!!

Be warned... here is the LONGEST list you will ever see, but if I didn't explain what each thing was for, then you'd only question it, naturally! So, I have put a short explanation of what each thing is used for and why and you can come to your own conclusions. I suggest you check the stuff out on the internet or via your clinic or GP before you take any of it, to ensure you have peace of mind that it is all safe for you to take!! It took about a year to gather all this information and it is copied and pasted in my digital diary which takes up about 50 pages of information, so believe me, this is the SHORTENED version! LOL!

Here goes....

I've posted this to other people and on other fertility sites, but I thought it also might help you all:

Just to let you know: a family member of mine tried for 2 and a half years before she got pregnant. In the end, she started using ovulation kits and got pregnant straight away. She was soooo sure of the date she ovulated, due to the dates of her period, but she was wrong. All she needed to buy was simple ovulation kits! Honestly.

I was never pregnant prior to trying IVF (to my knowledge) - for 20 years, until I changed my diet and started taking supplements seriously. There are very basic things you can also do to encourage sperm to meet the egg, for the egg to then fertilize and then for the embryonic cells to first of all multiply and implant, but you need to be eating the right things and taking the right supplements.

Here is a list of stuff I took:

You can buy from Holland & Barrett, Boots, ASDA,, etc:
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• Take Evening Primrose Oil (High Strength) from first day of period for 14 days, then stop at ovulation and DON’T take for another 14 days or until your period comes again. EPO can cause your period to start, that is why you only take it up until ovulation, not after. It’s a stop and start supplement not to be taken permanently. If pregnant, don’t take. But keep using this procedure until you do become pregnant! Evening Primrose Oil is a herb that is often used specifically to help increase cervical mucus. Evening primrose oil is an essential fatty acid that is also an anti-inflammatory. Evening primrose oil will not only help to increase cervical mucus, it can also help to increase the quality and effectiveness of cervical mucus, and produce more “egg-white cervical mucus.” GQCM can help the sperm reach the egg easier. It can make the uterus a less 'hostile' place. Taken over time, it can help reduce the narrowing of vessels and promotes blood flow. If you are not trying naturally, i.e.: having fertility treatment, then you can take throughout your treatment non-stop, but PLEASE stop in the 2WW, as it can bring on uterine contractions and therefore make you bleed/have your period.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

If you are trying to conceive naturally, you may wish to try cough medicine - sounds daft, but the theory is right:

Robitussin and it’s Effect on Cervical Mucus
Robitussin works on the cervical mucus and increases your chances of getting pregnant. The sperm can swim up to meet the egg much more easily when your mucus is slippery!

Robitussin is a popular brand of cough syrup and it might be surprising to consider its relation with fertility. But the fact is that this expectorant is used to loosen and thin mucus of a different kind too, called cervical mucus, in women. Robitussin is only a specific brand and any expectorant that contains guaifenesin as the only active ingredient can be used in its place. Generic versions are most likely available as well. Be sure to carefully inspect the ingredients list to make sure the ONLY active ingredient as guaifenesin. Any other ingredients can diminish the effect you are looking for.

What is the recommended dose of Robitussin (or other cough medicine that only contains guaifenesin as the active ingredient?
The recommended dose for improving cervical mucus is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. Recommended dosage is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. If mucus still appears thick, you can take as the maximum dosage as listed on the label of the cough medicine. Water intake should be increased to encourage cervical mucus production and a full glass should take with each dose of guaifenesin.

If you're taking Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) as an ovulation inductor, it may help to know that it can cause hostile mucus in 30 percent or more of women using it. Higher doses of Clomid tend to be more associated with less cervical fluid and a thinner uterine lining, than the 50 mg dose and Robitussin can help to reverse this.

What cycle days should I take Robitussin (cough medicine that only contains guaifenesin as the active ingredient)?
Most doctors suggest taking Robitussin five days before and including the day of ovulation for a total of 6 days during your cycle.This helps provide the optimal environment to help the sperm survive and get to where they need to go.If you take Clomid, waiting until the day after the last Clomid pill is taken before starting Robitussin is suggested.

6 glasses of water minimum along with all the other drinks! Really, yes - really!
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

The first mistake that couples make is assuming that a woman can get pregnant anytime. In reality, the conception window is very narrow - only about 5 days in any given menstrual cycle. Sperm, as a general rule, is said to be able to live up to five days in the vaginal canal, though three days is a more realistic timeframe. The female portion, the ovum (or egg) only lives 24-48 hours. With these numbers, a woman is most fertile in the three days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation.

The question that poses is obvious: When does a woman ovulate? If you'd like to subscribe to the old school, they'll tell you that every woman ovulates on day fourteen of her menstrual cycle. They're wrong, too. Every woman is different, so why should every menstrual cycle be the same? Some say that the best way to counter that is to just count back fourteen days from the day their next period is expected. Does this have to be so confusing? Not at all. If you'd like to have a good basic idea of when you ovulate, you should get a calendar. On that calendar, mark the date of your next expected period. Next, count backward from that date seventeen days. That will give you the date roughly three days before ovulation. Start having intercourse on that date and continue every other day until twelve days before your expected period. That should give you a reasonable chance at conceiving, but if you want a huge head start on the process, read on.

Cervical mucus is also a good indicator of ovulation. Right after menstruation, there will be little or no cervical mucus. As you approach ovulation, cervical mucus will get thick and extremely moist. During ovulation, you will usually observe what is referred to as "egg white cervical mucus." This is the most sperm-friendly mucus that a woman can have and it greatly increases the survival of sperm thereby increasing chances of pregnancy. In the case that egg white cervical mucus is never observed, there are products available to increase quality mucus production or even substitute for it. Evening primrose oil is an excellent product for increasing cervical mucus quality.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

Also, per day take
• Folic Acid, at least 400 mcg, but you can take up to 5000 mcg (only this must be prescribed by a GP). I took 2 Folic Acid x 400mcg per day in addition to the following, some of which already contain extra folic acid, as it is a perfectly safe supplement. New studies suggest folate can increase pregnancy rates, prevent miscarriage and can help sperm to have the correct balance of chromosomes. Avoid drinking tea and other drinks that contain tannic acid (tannin) whilst also taking folic acid or aspirin. These may be drinks like your decaf green tea, or normal decaf tea - tannin is still in these drinks. A clue to what drinks contain tannin is if you take a sip and your tongue feels 'fluffy' - the fluffier, the more tannin in your drink.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• Coenzyme Q10 2 x 35 mg – promotes blood flow to the ovaries, creates great quality eggs (especially age-related egg-decline), helps prevent miscarriage (so take throughout pregnancy). Be careful when purchasing your Q10: some versions contain other supplements/added ingredients to make it work better, which you may not necessarily want. So check the small print. For e.g.: Tesco Q10 contains Vitamin E, which is fine before pregnancy, but some studies have shown Vit E can/may cause birth defects at high doses. Not sure if there is enough evidence, but you want to make sure you are taking supplements that are right for you. Q10 can also protect sperm from cell damage. CoQ10 (also known as ubiquinone) is in every cell of the human body...
It also reduces the risk of preeclampsia:
(to take Especially in 2WW).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x 200 ug Selenium – helps promote implantation/helps embryos to stick! Prevents miscarriage (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy). (Especially in 2WW).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x 500 to 1000 mg Vitamin C – helps improve pregnancy rates. Helps prevent miscarriage (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy).(Don’t take more than 1000mg per day, which is the best amount - more can cause stomach upset, etc). Vit C can also protect sperm from cell damage. (Especially in 2WW).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x zinc 15 mg – THE most important fertility supplement! Helps EVERYTHING! Helps prevent miscarriage, too (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy). Zinc helps with implantation. (Especially in 2WW).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x iron 14 mg – helps with quality of blood. Helps prevent miscarriage (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy). (Especially in 2WW).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x vit B complex – balances out your hormones and encourages pregnancy (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy).
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________

• 1 x vit B6 10 mg – helps produce progesterone – the pregnancy hormone (so take straight away and throughout pregnancy). Some people get pregnant, but do not produce enough progesterone, so the pregnancy does not continue. So this could be a vital supplement for some ladies. I believe it helped my Gestone (progesterone injections) work better in my body, by helping my body to 'put' the Gestone where it was needed! B6 also strengthens the immune system. Taking supplements such as vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium can help to reduce the risk of miscarriage since these nutrients are all required to help the pituitary and ovaries produce the high levels of oestrogen and progesterone needed to secure the pregnancy until the placenta can take over. (Especially in 2WW).

B6 deficiency can lead to a buildup of estrogen in your system causing decreased progesterone production. A proper balance of estrogen and progesterone is essential for conception to occur. Too low a level of progesterone can lead to miscarriage and luteal phase defects (where the time from ovulation to menstruation is shorter than 10 days).

B6 effectively reduces blood estrogen and increases progesterone in the body making you much more conducive to getting pregnant.

B6 can help reduce and prevent the symptoms of morning sickness - even severe morning sickness...

Vitamin B6 can also improve mucus quality. Sperm needs a viable mucus consistency travel through the cervix to get to the egg, and the better quality fertile mucus you have, the easier it is for sperm and egg to meet and hopefully make a baby.

B6 works best when taken with the other B group vitamins as it absorbs better this way. Just 50 mg is usually enough to make positive changes, although if you don’t notice a difference in your luteal phase within two to three months, try increasing the dosage. 100-200 mg is usually recommended by care/health professionals (SHORT term), but.... You need to balance your/any intake of B6 with B12 - it's important to remember this. B6 can disguise a B12 deficiency/anemia, so make sure you are getting BOTH. B6 can cause (reversible) nerve damage if taken excessively, so PLEASE try to take no more than 50 mgs per day (if taking LONG term), just to be on the safe side! (500 mgs is great during 2WW and if you get a positive, I should think you could take this until week 12 and then taper down, to a more sensible limit, like 100 mg, 50 mg or 10 mg...)

Just to clarify, you can take B6 up to 500 mgs to help produce progesterone in the 2WW, but it's meant to be a short term thing, because B6 can cause nerve damage, which is apparently reversible. If you are going to increase your B6 from 50/100 mgs per day, make sure firstly, that you are supplementing with some B12 (to avoid B12 anemia/deficiency) and secondly, that the increase is only for the SHORT term! For example, you wouldn't be on 500 mgs for months on end, just every so often, for example, with your treatment cycle.

Above link is a simple search on google for B6 and progesterone. It is not true to say that there is nothing that can be done to increase progesterone production in your body - that is what I thought only a few months ago.
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Multi vitamins:
These can be great, but can contain Vitamin A which is a no no. You may be wondering why you should take all these things separately and not just settle for a multi vit? The answer is simple; a multi vit could not contain all of these things in the quantity you need. It is a bit of a bind and time-consuming sourcing all these separate supplements, but the extra time invested is worth it for the desired result. Imagine, a lot of people out there take a multi-vit anyway and they are not trying to get pregnant like you. Multi vits have the basic RDA as recommended for people NOT trying to conceive. People with fertility issues need to have a 'boost' more than a multi-vit can provide in MHO.

***SOME INFO*** Most vitamins, ESPECIALLY B-vitamins are WATER SOLUBLE and therefore your body will get rid of what it doesn't need via your urine! Don't dwell on the figures too much, ie: 1MG, 1.5MG... know that you are TAKING ALL AT OPTIMUM levels and the rest your body will disperse with - it is NOT an exact science [this list] ***
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• You must be taking Pregnacare Conception (Pregnacare Plus is for pregnant ladies and also has slightly different ingredients, so take the 'Conception' variety, which has proven effect on conception rates)? You can take the Pregnacare Plus when you get pregnant!
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• Royal Jelly – 3 x 500 mg per day. Helps produce fantastic eggs! Really great for both your fertility. Can increase sperm count!
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• Bee Propolis – 1 x 500mg per day – acts like a natural antibiotic, gets rid of minute harmless (to us) germs, that may be harmful to a tiny embryo. Evidence suggests in IVF trials at has helped to increase pregnancy rates from 20% to 60%. The pollens also improved the ability of the eggs to withstand the incubation period. Bee Propolis can be beneficial to women with endometriosis.
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All of the above are in addition to your Pregnacare Conception which contains a very small amount of L-arginine - you can also get L-arginine from Holland & Barrett. (It is also perfectly safe to take Pregnacare CONCEPTION alongside (up to) 5000 MG folic acid).
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• L-Arginine - I took 500mg per day. L-Arginine helps the embryo(s) implant! Can help with sperm motility and sperm count!
***SOME INFO*** L-Arginine is sometimes used for preeclampsia - this will assure you that it is still safe to take if you get pregnant - so DON'T WORRY!!! Take untill 12 weeks, if you want to. but your DOCTOR will advise you, so take their advice once pregnant!***
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• Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – from H&B, another great supplement for cell division – helps the embryos divide/continue to make cells. Good for egg quality. It enhances the effect of vitamin C. (Especially in 2WW).
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• Decaf Green tea x 4 cups per day - FULL of antioxidants, so makes the blood in the uterus as fresh as a daisy, gets rid of any bad toxins - take folic acid separately to any tea as tannin interferes with absorption.

Green tea has been linked to spina bifida in one study. This may have something to do with people not taking enough folic acid to surpass the effects, or taking their folic acid at the same time as the green tea, be warned:

Additionally, it may not just be green tea, it could be any tea! But it's only one study!
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• a handful of Brazil nuts every day after ovulation and/or embryo transfer – helps the embryos implant (Brazil nuts contain natural selenium). (Especially in 2WW).
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• plenty of water – needed to flush out your system and help with blood flow and flush out ovaries of toxins. (Especially in 2WW).
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• eat at regular intervals – so your body ‘feels’ a routine. (Especially in 2WW).
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If you are not using fertility treatment - Buy an ovulation kit to help you know when you are ovulating. As soon as you ovulate, you can stop taking the EPO and start eating the Brazil nuts!

- No caffeine
- No alcohol
- No smoking
Each of the above 3 things reduce your chances by between 10% and 90%, fact.
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If you have heavy or 'clotty' periods, or blood clotting issues (get this checked out by your GP) ask your fertility advisor about the following:

• If you are not allergic to aspirin, ask your GP if it’s ok to take 75mg per day (no more because the stronger it is the less the effect! 75mg as been proven to be just right). It stops minute blood clots from forming in the uterus and staves off killer cells (which can kill the embryo) - Be careful if taking aspirin with EPO and fish oils and Q10 as they all have an effect on blood! Divide doses throughout the day and take your aspirin totally separately to your folic acid because aspirin interferes with folic acid absorption, for example, I take my aspirin just before I got to bed. You can take low does aspirin up until you are 36 weeks pregnant. You have to stop then, as you may go into labour at any time, so you need to have your blood able to clot! Low dose aspirin is available on the shelf in ASDA, Tescos, etc. Avoid drinking tea and other drinks that contain tannic acid (tannin) whilst also taking aspirin. These may be drinks like your decaf green tea, or normal decaf tea - tannin is still in these drinks. A clue to what drinks contain tannin is if you take a sip and your tongue feels 'fluffy' - the fluffier, the more tannin in your drink.
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• Fish oils – High strength fish oils help the ‘quality’ of the blood in the uterus which encourages the embryos to wanna grow there. Make sure the fish oils are from the ‘fish body’ and not the fish's liver, as the liver type may contain mercury. So NO Cod Liver Oil! There are plenty of fish oils that are made from the body only – check the ingredients. (Especially in 2WW).
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Your other half can take all of these except maybe for the B-Complex and B6, which are more for women in any case. Zinc, Royal Jelly, Bee Propolis, Folic Acid, Q10 and Arginine are the most important male protocol though – as I know what it’s like getting men to take anything! You could start him off on a few of these and then maybe encourage him to take some of the others I have mentioned. Vitamin E is also good for his sperm. As it is an antioxidant, both of you could take vitamin E up until your pregnancy test, not after.
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When it comes to his fertility:
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - men:
Together with zinc, B6 is essential for the formation of male sex hormones. A deficiency causes infertility in animals.
Sources: molasses, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, brown rice, organ and other meats, egg yolks, fish, poultry, legumes, seeds, and green leafy veggies.
Dosage: RNI 1.4 mg per day, but up to 50 mg may be used per day.
Note: Zinc is needed for its absorption.

Vitamin B12 - men:
Folate and B12 are needed for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. These make up the blueprint for the genetic code of the entire body. Low levels can cause abnormal sperm production, reduced sperm counts, and reduced motility. even if your count is only on the low side, supplement with B12.
Sources: lamb, sardines, salmon, fermented foods that contain bacteria. Calcium aids in its absorption.
Dosage: RNI from 1.5 mcg per day.

There may be absolutely NOTHING wrong with your partner, there was nothing 'wrong' with mine, but he felt he should 'boost' his sperm quality, which was already good, so that the resulting 'embryo' has really good set of chromosomes and all the right ingredients to make a baby - it still does take two.
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There are a lot of supplements here! I took a batch in the morning with my breakfast and another batch with my lunch to divide it up, as it is a lot to swallow, literally! Once you're pregnant, you can revise what you need to take. HONEST, I DID TAKE THEM ALL.
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No Artificial Sweetener -- Although there has been a great deal of debate, studies have found that artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, may be linked to cancer and decreased fertility. Aspartame has been linked with miscarriage. So avoid, or be very wary of Sugar free, diet, 'no sugar' foods and drinks. (Especially in 2WW). I have not had any throughout treatment and pregnancy. Full stop.
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Avoid Vitamin A in supplements and foods that are high in vitamin A, such as liver, but Beta Carotene is a pigment in plants that is converted into vitamin A in the body naturally. The corpus luteum is very high in beta carotene, so it may be cardinal in the regulation of the reproductive cycle hormones. The Corpus Luteum is the yellow-pigmented glandular structure that forms from the ovarian follicle following ovulation. The gland produces progesterone through the second half of the menstrual cycle and into early pregnancy, which prepares and supports the uterine lining for implantation. Progesterone also causes the half-degree or more basal temperature elevation noted after ovulation. If the corpus luteum functions poorly, the uterine lining may not support a pregnancy. If the egg is fertilized, a corpus luteum of pregnancy forms to maintain the endometrial bed and support the implanted embryo. A deficiency in the amount of progesterone produced (or the length of time it is produced) by the corpus luteum can mean the endometrium is unable to sustain a pregnancy. This is called Luteal Phase Defect (LPD). It may be beneficial for some ladies to take Beta Carotene because of this.
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These two may be found in your main fertility supplement in any case, but they are worth a mention:
Deficiency may lead to defecive ovulation, and inhibit the synthesis of sex hormones. Manganese competes with iron for absorption. It is advisable to take manganese supplements with protein foods and vitamin C.

We need B1 and magnesium for energy production. Take with selenium, calcium, vitamin B6, and D to aid in absorption. Take with protein foods. Alcohol, tea, coffee, and smoking inhibit absorption. Taking supplements such as magnesium can help to reduce the risk of miscarriage since these nutrients are all required to help the pituitary and ovaries produce the high levels of oestrogen and progesterone needed to secure the pregnancy until the placenta can take over.
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I would suggest breaking them up into 2 or 3 batches per day, to make it easy on yourselves and easier on your stomachs! Try the iron separately to your zinc. Take your iron with your vitamin C. Take L-Arginine separately to L-Lysine [due to the herpes & cold sore virus - one can cause it, one can stop it - so TAKE SEPARATELY/ different times of day]. Take aspirin with nothing else.

Good luck and I hope that some of these things will help you and your partners.
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Just a note, there has been a lot of talk about a painkiller that has been used around the time of Embryo Transfer that for some reason has aided implantation. This painkiller is called: Piroxicam and is marketed under the name of Feldene. Please ask your clinic if they are willing to trial this with you.

10 milligrams (mg) of piroxicam (Feldene) approximately 1 to 2 hours before embryo transfer... took implantation rates from around 30% to 50% - sounds bl00dy great! But not sure why this isn't being trialled over here...
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OK, this is something I did leading up to Egg Collection day (ovulation, if you are trying naturally). I personally DO NOT recommend doing ANY form of belly, stomach, womb-warming AFTER EMBRYO TRANSFER. There is GOOD evidence to suggest that embryos die off after having heat applied. Embryos are heat sensitive - anything warmer than body temperature is a danger to them. The point of womb-warming is to get the blood flowing to the ovaries and uterus and to get everything 'on the move' - there is NO need to do it after the embryos have been put back in. By all means, keep your belly covered up with your clothing as you would normally and in your bed with your duvet, but PLEASE do not apply any heat to your belly WHATSOEVER after ET. Just my personal opinion, but I have posted about this subject before with some excellent clinical links that show good research that proves this. This is also one of the reasons your clinic will ask you not to take hot baths AFTER your ET.

The temperature inside the human body is around 98.5°F/37°C - about the same as a tropical jungle! Embryos are heat sensitive and perish easily with the addition of heat - scientific fact. The reason you warm your womb up to Embryo Transfer is to get the blood flow going prior to the embryos been placed inside. After this, the human body is keeping them warm enough. Obviously, you wont be walking around in cropped tops in this weather, but it is advisable to keep your belly covered up! Apart from this, no additional 'heat' is required. For example: this is the reason they tell you to avoid hot baths and steam rooms. This is related to the reason why water birthing pools are heated to 37.5 degrees for when the baby is about to come out - so that the baby is not distressed. Don't mess with body temperature!

The human oocyte is temperature-sensitive and is therefore kept in a humidified incubator until transfer.

During all handling of oocytes and embryos they must be protected from extrinsic sources of physical and chemical stress. Such factors can be grouped into three major areas: (1) temperature changes; (2) culture medium osmolarity and pH; and (3) air quality, although they do interact in various ways. The simplest way to consider these factors is that any compensation that an oocyte or embryo has to make comes at an energy cost, and hence must be considered as “stress” since the cells’ physiological energy budget is dedicated to its normal development.

As for temperature - The oocyte (embryos to us ladies!!) in particular is extremely sensitive to alterations in temperature. Cooling causes the spindle to depolymerize, risking aneuploidy of the resulting embryo if not all chromosomes reattach to the spindle when it repolymerizes as the oocyte warms back up to 37°C. In addition, temperature shifts can affect trans- membrane transport and many intracellular metabolic processes. For example: information derived from the early days of bovine embryo transfer states that more frequent shifts in holding temperature, and the greater the magnitude of those changes, the worse the embryo quality (measured in terms of pregnancies achieved). Consequently, human oocytes and embryos must be held as closely as possible at a stable 37°C.

There's evidence that a rise in your core body temperature could be detrimental to your developing fetus, particularly in the first three months when the baby's neural tube is developing: some studies have linked a rise in core body temperature to neural tube defects in babies such as Spin-Bifida.

I was strictly told to avoid any form of additional heat - and I'm preggers, so I'm not arguing with their medical advice!! I was using a hot water bottle to warm the injection sites on my butt on thighs prior to injecting and this helps to circulate the blood in order for the oil to be more easily absorbed. I mentioned this to my nurse on one of my visits and she said, as long as you're not putting that hot water bottle anywhere near your tummy you'll be fine! I told her not to worry, I wont! I was frightened to death of any additional heat getting to my tummy!

There is a lot of good come out of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, but please do not take things in the literal sense! Use your best judgment and read things carefully! Womb warming is only good leading up to EC. Some people swear by Chinese medicine, this book that book, just think about it logically in your head.... when you have a high temperature, you are usually sick, right? Your body's core temperature is the around about the same all around your body. Keep covered up, but don't apply heat to your tummy after ET. There no scientific evidence to suggest womb warming works to get your embryo to implant. It only works to increase blood flow/circulation prior to EC. Sorry.
I'm from estover near asda.

I'm between 7 - 4 dpo. Again ff can't make her mind up!

Yes your 3 rising temps indicate that you have ovulated. As long as they are higher than the previous 6 temps. Make sure you take your bbt as soon as you wake up (at least 3 hours sleep) without moving too much. I have a shelf next to me and it's perched there ready for me.
Temp at same time each morning. I do it at 6am even if I'm not getting up at 6am.

However this only indicates AFTER ovulation.

The best way is using opks, checking cervical mucus and cervical position (if you'd like to) xx
I'm from estover near asda.

I'm between 7 - 4 dpo. Again ff can't make her mind up!

Yes your 3 rising temps indicate that you have ovulated. As long as they are higher than the previous 6 temps. Make sure you take your bbt as soon as you wake up (at least 3 hours sleep) without moving too much. I have a shelf next to me and it's perched there ready for me.
Temp at same time each morning. I do it at 6am even if I'm not getting up at 6am.

However this only indicates AFTER ovulation.

The best way is using opks, checking cervical mucus and cervical position (if you'd like to) xx

Hi Lorraine :flower: , great advice ! :thumbup: AF showed her ugly face today so would u recommend I start testing for temps after she's gone ?? I need to learn about cervical position . So I'm guessing after o,the temps will drop or dip as I keep seeing ? I'm going to get on ff now and see if I can start charting ! How u feeling now Lorainne? Feeling better ? Do you take any vitamins xxx

Natalie- you are a little bubble of info ! Thankyou sooooo much that was so interesting I'm going to rush to boots tomorrow and get some b12 and also so evening primrose and I'm even thinking about vitamin c (my bedroom now looks like a pharmacist) :rofl: my other half thinks I'm going crazy lol. I told him I need to extend my lp and he just looked at me like I was crazy lol :nope:

How's ur little one feeling ? U stopped urself from testing yet ? Do u check cervical positioning? Xxx

Peta :hugs: :dust: xxx
I'm from estover near asda.

I'm between 7 - 4 dpo. Again ff can't make her mind up!

Yes your 3 rising temps indicate that you have ovulated. As long as they are higher than the previous 6 temps. Make sure you take your bbt as soon as you wake up (at least 3 hours sleep) without moving too much. I have a shelf next to me and it's perched there ready for me.
Temp at same time each morning. I do it at 6am even if I'm not getting up at 6am.

However this only indicates AFTER ovulation.

The best way is using opks, checking cervical mucus and cervical position (if you'd like to) xx

Hi Lorraine :flower: , great advice ! :thumbup: AF showed her ugly face today so would u recommend I start testing for temps after she's gone ?? I need to learn about cervical position . So I'm guessing after o,the temps will drop or dip as I keep seeing ? I'm going to get on ff now and see if I can start charting ! How u feeling now Lorainne? Feeling better ? Do you take any vitamins xxx

Natalie- you are a little bubble of info ! Thankyou sooooo much that was so interesting I'm going to rush to boots tomorrow and get some b12 and also so evening primrose and I'm even thinking about vitamin c (my bedroom now looks like a pharmacist) :rofl: my other half thinks I'm going crazy lol. I told him I need to extend my lp and he just looked at me like I was crazy lol :nope:

How's ur little one feeling ? U stopped urself from testing yet ? Do u check cervical positioning? Xxx

Peta :hugs: :dust: xxx

Hehe :rofl: it...

Yeah yeah he's doing much better now...I think he still got the tail end if a virus he has two weeks must be that or he about to fall with another...:dohh:

No no I don't do the cervix positioning....I just can't not wrap my head around that one lol...can get the hango of it...bahahahahahaha.

Glad you found the protocol helpful's always handy to go back over it every few cycles to ...:thumbup:
I shall post a example of my chart for you so you can anylise it so you can see how temps change when you ovulate ...:thumbup:
It's an old chart but I hope you find it helpful....

Temping is a great way of getting know your body ways you never thought possible lol...
I love charting...
I too have my thermometer under my pillow...and I temp and jot it down and go back to sleep...setting an alarm is slightly annoying lol but once it's done it's done...then I put my data in at my elevensies....

Ok so with my chart below...the red dotted lines mean that FF was unsure of ovulation day....don't worry about that...
You can see that I got my posative opk on cd14 ...and then the day after my temps go up ...much more than the pre ovulation temps....this is a clear shift and after three higher temps you should get your cover line...a solid red Lind one :thumbup:(take no notice of my dot one)

The temps before ovulation are called preficular ...the temps after ovulation are called biphasic....
Now I'm not sure if you read about triphasic yet?....this is third temp shift...usually a good indication that either progesterone is nice and high (great for a bean to nestle into) or a indication that pregnancy has occurred...not always true tho so don't hang on to it being the Biggest sign ok.:thumbup:

If your temp drops to or below the cover line towards the end of your lp it's usually a sign that af is coming....

I hope this helps love...and good luck with your very first temp in the morning ....don't worry too much if it dosnt go as planned.:thumbup:
All the same I hope it runs smoothly.:thumbup: :)

Natalie xxx


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