Any body from Plymouth UK or near??...

Heya your in estover.:thumbup:

So can I ask are you still with the fertility suite up derriford?...hay very handy living five mins away from there eh lol...:thumbup:
Not far to travel.:)

Hay if you see me up there you should totally say hello to me...I wouldn't recognize you as you haven't got a photo
I'm kind I won't bite lol...:haha:

So your somewhere around 5ish dpo?...yeah Ff did that to me last cycle...kept moving my o day...grrrr's annoying isn't it.lli override it in the end but then I was curious to see what it said and put it back on

Are you taking any sups or Meds love?

Natalie xxx
Natalie... ff is so confusing ! I've just set mine up (well I think) :rofl: silly question, but do you need to put a few days worth of info in before it generates a chart? Eek I've input all my data in but that's all I can see, I can't see charts or anything :nope:

with your chart, that even confuses me ! :cry: I'm sure going though it a few more times it will make sense ! Hopefully. Going to temp tomorrow and record it from now on .

Glad to her little one is feeling better hopefully he will be up to his lovely walk tomorrow :flow: :bike: :football:

Have you had a nice day ?

Peta xxx
Natalie... ff is so confusing ! I've just set mine up (well I think) :rofl: silly question, but do you need to put a few days worth of info in before it generates a chart? Eek I've input all my data in but that's all I can see, I can't see charts or anything :nope:

with your chart, that even confuses me ! :cry: I'm sure going though it a few more times it will make sense ! Hopefully. Going to temp tomorrow and record it from now on .

Glad to her little one is feeling better hopefully he will be up to his lovely walk tomorrow :flow: :bike: :football:

Have you had a nice day ?

Peta xxx

Yeah it can be a bit daunting at first but trust -it will all come together.:thumbup:

Do you see a chrart she you load it up love? it a blank chart?

Lo temps is back full force...:nope:...bit worried now...he is wide awake tho...gah at 9:30 ...ahhhh lol...
He won't settle...:nope:

Will defo be an all nighter tonight.:dohh:

Brb I'll go and fetch my chart for you...:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
awww poor little lovely :hugs: he might perk back up in the morning? There are a lot of niggly bugs going around ATM aren't there ?

Don't worry about your chart now love, it's late and your little ones poorly. I'll get up and note on paper and on ff My temp tomorrow and we can look at our charts tomorrow or Monday or something ? Plus I'll have more to note on there as I'll be popping new vits and stuff :rofl: :haha:

I hope he feels better tomorrow morning

Peta xxx
I have charted for quite some time. I have always done my bbt during af but it's not necessary due to erratic temps during bleeds. I just like to be continuous.

I have only started to check my cp properly the last few months, it's very confusing at times as the body always seems to stump me with something new!

I used to put my thermometer under my pillow but stopped for three reasons:
1. I started to have unusual temps which affected ff theories
2. Someone told me not to
3. It snapped haha so had to buy new one.

I have attached my pregnant chart from last year when I was on clomid if you want to look at it. I am forever trying to compare back to it. However what is interesting is that my pregnant chart shows a triphasic shift. That's an indicator of pregnancy.

I'm not currently taking anything but did take multivitamins, centrum pregnancy vitamins, iron tablets and folic acid last year (not all at once lol). After the miscarriage I tried vitex which helped me get my periods back but had to stop if I'm to start clomid again soon as it cancels it out.

I am feeling the same if not worse :-( trip to town was a mistake. Very dizzy and tired. Lips felt shrivelled lol. Got home shaking :-( rested but been congested and having pathetic wimpy coughs and sneezes. Needless to say I'm feeling sorry for myself with a rolled up tissue up one nostril to prevent my infernal sniffing haha!! It better be a pregnancy symptom as I get something out of feeling like this!!! But highly unlikely.

Petals, if you are just starting up with ff, it needs a first cycle for it to compare to anything. Right now it's a blank page and will give you crosshairs (the red lines) when it thinks you have ovulated. It won't tell you till after based on temps. Research a bit about cm and cp too as that is an indicator of actual ovulation. Or ask me.

Natalie, yes it is handy just 30 mins walk! I am still with Ocean but they keep delaying my return due to my natural periods starting again and the miscarriage. They want to see if I ovulate by myself. I am to ring them if af shows this cycle.
I did have a photo but it was my former fat self lol

Duhh forgot my chart.


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Aweeee Lorraine your one strong lady...I sooo hope you get well soon too.:flower:

That's was a very good way of putting it all too...haha I get lost in my descriptions haha...:haha:

As for the not putting the thermometer under pillow....wel well well I cannot believe that ...I have been having some dodgy temps the past two cycles...I wonder if this could be why...altho I do shake it out befor I use's a regular plastick one so technically I shouldn't have too lol but I just
This method of mine...(keeping it under my pillow) stops tonight!....
I wander if my temps get better now.hrmmmmm.
If not I think it ps high time for a new one...haha I'm such a cheepy I will get the use out of something till I am A) scraping it out. B) tipping it upside down. C) shouting at it. Or D) squinting at it....:haha:
Think when it comes to ttc I should really stop being such a tight wad lol...
Oh geeees I learnt my lesson on the ics...buying cheep cheep is NOT

Your chart is very looks to me you could have implanted around 7dpo there...:thumbup:

Lorraine I have seen soooooo many gals on here with a strange cold in the tww and they get there bfp ....
Fx for you love.:flower:

Can I ask ? How old/young are you Hun?... Haha tell me to bog off if you want to lol...

Natalie xxx
awww poor little lovely :hugs: he might perk back up in the morning? There are a lot of niggly bugs going around ATM aren't there ?

Don't worry about your chart now love, it's late and your little ones poorly. I'll get up and note on paper and on ff My temp tomorrow and we can look at our charts tomorrow or Monday or something ? Plus I'll have more to note on there as I'll be popping new vits and stuff :rofl: :haha:

I hope he feels better tomorrow morning

Peta xxx

Thankyou love :flower:
He's finally settled now...:thumbup:
Just waffled down a huge chunk of cake and I feel like a *beeeeeeeep* for it lol .....lots of cycling on my bike to do now.ugh lol...

What I wanted to show you on my chart (this cycles) was the data input boxes....the box where you add your temp....did you find your way around it all ok now?.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Well ladies...I'm cd 4 ...I'm getting impatient already lol...I start the opks on Thursday and the robitsun too...
And fertile stage lands on peters 3day 12 hrs back to back shifts...ugh!....will have to get my sexy texts on this month....entice him home again's not usually peter that's exhausted when this lands like this it's me!:haha:
Think I pulled every trick out of my bag going now...may have to think fast and try and do something else different too...

So this cycle I am on
prenatal vit...
500mg of vit c...
And beet root daily...

Opks start cd9
Robitsun starts cd9

And selenium starts 1dpo.

Monday it's round 2 of s/a ...need to phone through first and ask for it to be brung in on teusday.

This cycle is beginning to drag already...come on eggy...hurry yourself pls :thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Ugh, totally know what you mean about cycles dragging. Lately I haven't been ovulating till CD33 - CD36!! A whole month of waiting!!

"Shaking out" your thermometer probably upset your temps because you are moving. Try not to move except to pick it up. Do not elevate your body at all.
I'm a cheapskate and there's nothing wrong with that. My bbt is from eBay for £3 I think it was. My opks come in a pack of 50 with 5 free pregnancy tests for £3/4 but again it's the cheapie ones. After my miscarriage I had to buy more and forgot who my original seller was. I just bought another load of cheapie ones and after I purchased I realised it was coming from Hong Kong :-/ took an absolute age to arrive so I found my original ENGLISH seller and bought some. Would you believe it turned up the next day! Anyway I've used a mixture of the Chinese (pink) and English (green) ones and the Chinese ones are absolute crap! Sometimes I did both together to see which came up etc and the pink ones more often than it never came up. I also used boots own opk which were £7 but I only use those when I'm on clomid lol. Too expensive to use freely!! Would love to be able to use a clearblue fertility monitor but the monitor is pricey then you have to buy the sticks!!!

My cold is improving. Not so congested, just a rattly cough which hurts my throat. At least it's not a pathetic breathing cough now lol.

I am 23 :) have added a picture of me so you know who you're talking to :-D *waves*

Don't let ttc put you out of pocket, there are always cheaper and accurate avenues to follow xxxx


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Oh and I implanted 13dpo when I was pregnant. Very unusual but obviously had a harder time trying to implant. I was so upset because I thought it was my month and I was spotting. So I went to work to take my mind off it (covered extra shifts)... Which involved heavy handling :-/ I tested later in the week and bfp. Kinda wished I didn't do all that lifting. Goes to show spotting doesn't always indicate af xxx
Hellllllo Lorraine...

You look fantastic in your pic Hun:thumbup:

And I love that jacket too.:)

Wow you implanted at 13 dpo? Gawsh ...well that really puts me in my place when I worry about spotting from now on...a new lease of hope even.:)

I have spotted for the last two cycles....NEVER had this happen to me EVER....I'm so worried about it actually....
I mean...this is my usual cycle stats....30 day....15day lp....
Iv gone to
27 day...13 day lp....
I suppose this is good if you want shorter cycles but it's very un Nerving...
Last cucyle I was CONVINCED I was pg too...
Bbs were sooooooo I'll grab my shot gun if Peter dares to approach the mountains of lurve (lol)
I had cramping and twinges at temps wee steady
I was crying at stupid things...then moody cow the next
I got this sudden horrid breakout
Turns out it was all for nothing tho...oh well hee hee

I have another doctors apt on the 25 th to discuss having another 21 day P checked again....

The last time it came back at 7.2..which is low I have read about it....but it's over the desired mark and it DID confirm o day ....
But then all this spotting starts...for x2 cycles...:shrug:

It's either P or lining issues...

He he we are cheepskates together then lol....
Iv spent over £400 so far tho...imagien I wasn't a cheep skate eh...that number could be more than double ...eeeek.makes me shudder lol...

Lorraine....don't be blaming yourself about the mc bc you were working and pushing yourself love....
Gawsh if you saw what I was doing on the cycle I got my bfp...before I knew...
I was running everyday...
Being an absolute cow to my PROPPER loosing it..(not usually like me I was just stressed about lots of things then)
I went a party...smoked a few fags and got quite drunk (I do not smoke btw)
I helped carry a huge washing machine down a flight of steps...
And my diet was probably the worst it's ever been....

10 days after all that I got my was a MAJOUR shock....
A fluke test in my cabinate when having a clear out was found and I just thought oh well what the heck...let's pee on this baby.....
And omg...two lines.....!!! Holly cowzers.
I imeidiatly felt very bad for the way I had lived that cycle....altho technically we weren't trying...
Loooong story short we were trying for 7years and had emotionally hit a brick wall...we decided to have a break and go and start the ball rolling for investigations and posibably ivf...
Then we got our bfp....a very nerve racking 12wks ahead of us but we got there in the end.
So yeah don't be thinking of all the what ifs Hun...honestly :flower:

And that's a loooong time to wait for o day love...I think would certainly go batty by cd30 are strong lady :)

I'm rooting for you dear...hoping you get your bfp this cycle...:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Women's bodies are so confusing aren't they. :-(

Ahh thank you, I feel fantastic too. Been to tesco and asda clothes sales!!

Progesterone levels are a funny thing. Whilst on clomid, they look for anything above 30. If you are not on medications and you ovulated well, they look for above 15. However anything under 3 is bad. So what happens between 3 and 15 is anyone's guess haha.

First time I had it done I was 29 and second (bfp cycle) was 32 so not hugely amazing. Afire d of mine took clomid and fell pregnant her first cycle. Her progesterone was 74!!!! Everybody thought she was having twins! But she isn't, her baby boy is due any day now. It must have been just an amazingly good cycle for her.

Yeah for a long time I was going through a 'what if' stage, blaming everything but now I don't although I'm cautious motto do the same things again. I refuse to lift wheelchairs in work and use company vehicles now. I don't work evenings (shifts are more laboured then) so it's all for my benefit and my company are so good about it which is lucky.

I don't really know what to make of your spotting :-/ considering your af came. Maybe it was gearing up. Do you have relatively heavy periods? Xx
Hiya ladies..:hi:

Cd6 here.:)

Start the opks on Thursday...and robitssun on Wednesday...or tmr see how I feel lol I don't have heavy's kind of odd for me to spot...
I been reading how a lack of cm can also mean a throw off of hormones so maybe that "could"be a factor here idk lol are you getting on with the temping love? Any good ?....
Af has hit right? when do you expect you may ovulate Hun?...

Thinking of you both girls...hope Alll is well..:flower:

Natalie xxx
I'm still ill :-( working through it.

Currently 7dpo, temp dipped but come back up again, sticky white cm. sometimes crumbly. TRYING not to symptom spot! If no af by Monday, I will test. However I may test Saturday because I have a hen night to go to and Sunday is my anniversary so would be amazing gift if I have bfp, or if it's a bfn, I can be with my girls lol.

Hope you're both keeping well and sane lol xxx
Hi ladies, I'm in Truro Cornwall. 27 married mummy to Jacob who's 4. Just moved to TTC, although it's looking a little complicated at the moment.
I had a positive pregnancy test followed by 4 negatives (one of which the GP done for me and he says he doubt's i'm pregnant and that I got unlucky with a false positive, who knew they existed?!). I haven't had AF since 20th Jan.
So, we're wanting to TTC but who knows what will happen!!

I'm in Torbay :). Oh is originally from PLYMSTOCK and all his family are there :)
Hi ladies, I'm in Truro Cornwall. 27 married mummy to Jacob who's 4. Just moved to TTC, although it's looking a little complicated at the moment.
I had a positive pregnancy test followed by 4 negatives (one of which the GP done for me and he says he doubt's i'm pregnant and that I got unlucky with a false positive, who knew they existed?!). I haven't had AF since 20th Jan.
So, we're wanting to TTC but who knows what will happen!!


Hi there dani...:hi:

Wow you had a false posative? wasn't a chemical ?
I'm sorry this had to happen to you love.:hugs:

Has the doctor offered any tests for you to see why af hasn't arrived love?

Natalie xxx
I'm in Torbay :). Oh is originally from PLYMSTOCK and all his family are there :)

Hiya Beth...welcome Hun :thumbup:

Yaye for plymstock...that's my view from my window...beautiful place.:thumbup:

You've had your bfp?...I see your sigi....
Congratulations Hun.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi All,

Can I join in?

I'm 26 and from Bristol too!

I have been TTC since December 2013, but since coming off the pill I haven't even ovulated! (See my super long chart in my sig!). I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens, but I always had regular periods, so don't know whether the pill has upset things, or it has just got worse!

In the last 3 months I think I have learnt more than anyone ever needs to know about my cervix and CM! (Nothing seems to be TMI any more!)

I am taking 1500mg Metformin, 2000mg Vitex and Pregnacare Conception (Folic Acid, B12 & Zinc) daily in the hope I can get something started again. I am also just embarking on the GI diet to see if controlling my insulin helps (I have never been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance but I guess anything could help right now!)

Would love to find some buddies to chat to about this, my OH thinks I'm a nutter already and he doesn't know half of the stuff I do to find out if I am fertile! lol!

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