Hi ladies, I'm in Truro Cornwall. 27 married mummy to Jacob who's 4. Just moved to TTC, although it's looking a little complicated at the moment.
I had a positive pregnancy test followed by 4 negatives (one of which the GP done for me and he says he doubt's i'm pregnant and that I got unlucky with a false positive, who knew they existed?!). I haven't had AF since 20th Jan.
So, we're wanting to TTC but who knows what will happen!!
Hi there dani...
Wow you had a false posative?...it wasn't a chemical ?
I'm sorry this had to happen to you love.
Has the doctor offered any tests for you to see why af hasn't arrived love?
Natalie xxx
Hiya, would I have bleeding of some sort with a chemical? I have no idea what's going on to be honest!
The GP I saw wasn't my own and was in all honesty a little dismissive. I think he thought I had got myself confused with my cycles, and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to debate/question him.
I guess if AF doesn't show soon I will have to go back.. but at the moment I feel like i'm in total limbo. xx
Heya love
Wow doctors can be such asses somtimes eh...
Yup in my experiance with what I have leant with chems af "can" take her sweet time to come...but this is not necessarily what's happened here for you.

I hope you can find answers dani...I know it must be frustrating for you...I know I certainly would be .
Do you think your own go would run a few bloods for you?
Maybe get the oestrogen and progesterone checked....
Plus a few extra other betas to check the whole run down a typical cycle for you...
Surly they can't refuse that for you love.
Up have you considered taking Epo to see if it can get af started....
(Not recomended in the tww btw)
Evening primrose oil can cause cramping and bleeding so that "might" get things started for you.
Let us know how it all goes won't you.
Natalie xxx