Any body from Plymouth UK or near??...

Hey there you doing? :flower:

Cd2 here...the witch hit hard .boooooo.

6days to go till your exciting :)

Natalie xxx
Awww no I'm sorry that af visited :-(

I went to A&E on Wednesday as I started bleeding at work. Typically I stop bleeding when I get to the hospital. Nothing they could do but I'm not miscarrying they think. Went for a meal at Endsleigh in evening with mikes family (who know nothing about the hosp visit) and nearly passed out. Mike managed to steady me and get me a drink. I felt much better after a poo though :-/ I'm on strict bed rest then when return to work next week, it's zero manual handling.

I've had horrible pains from my ligaments etc and my nausea is increasingly getting worse. Thing is I can't vomit well so the urge is always there in my chest and throat.

It's been so worrying as I'm checking the paper everytime I go toilet, expecting blood, and I can't actually not do any housework. I'm very house proud so i can't leave things for too long if it's messy.

Final rest day tomorrow where I'll crack on with coursework then it's back to work and eventually my scan Friday. I'm so scared once again :-( I was willing to wait 2 weeks stress free before all this bleeding!

Current side effects - extreme constipation where I can't fart either! Worsening nausea, still very tired, boobs tender, head rushes and pangs in groin area.

It's lovely this isn't it lol (I keep telling myself this lol)

Will you get your tests done this fri? Xxx
Oh y goodness love...are you ok?
Gawsh you must be going out of your mind with worry...:hugs:

That was a scary day for you so sorry you are having a rough time if it so far.

But I must say that really tickled me....RE:the relieving poo.bahahahaha
Always a nice feeling that :thumbup: :rofl:

I hope you manage to get through till Friday when it's scan let us know how that goes love :flower:

Afm....cd3 ....really nada happening here lol
Hoping I can push this smear and tests through to a week Monday- the wait is just really messing with my already delicate emotions here.
Will keep you up to date with that.

Yes Lorraine do take it easy as little as possible ok.:)

Natalie xxx
Yeah I'm ok, just taking it easy. Had another episode this morning but I think it's related to my constipation. Either way I'm staying home. Probably for the best too as my shift involves 4 hours of walking around town today!

I've developed a back ache which is annoying. Kinda like the ones you get when af on her way. Not once have I thought positive about this pregnancy yet, I feel robbed really :-/

Hope you managed to book your smear for Monday? I think when it involves starting a family, your emotions run high anyway, so don't worry if they run away with you a bit. Xxx
Scan showed heartbeat. 7+4 today which is exactly right. Had a bleed yesterday afternoon but not too worried as sonographer said I had a bleed in the sac butnot dangerous. Just one of those unexplained things.

I definitely know baby is alive due to the horrendous nausea ive been having yet I still can't vomit lol.

I've also got a UTI in the form of cystitis. Dr prescribed me antibiotics which contains penicillin.... I'm allergic :-/ so going chemist at some point to see if I can use canesten oasis satchets. Always worked before. Hoping it clears up on its own.

Attending a wedding today so I'm bound to vomit lol. If I'm out I feel worse haha. I'm going to be absolutely knackered by tonight!

Have you booked your tests? Hope you're ok, you been quiet xxx
Scan showed heartbeat. 7+4 today which is exactly right. Had a bleed yesterday afternoon but not too worried as sonographer said I had a bleed in the sac butnot dangerous. Just one of those unexplained things.

I definitely know baby is alive due to the horrendous nausea ive been having yet I still can't vomit lol.

I've also got a UTI in the form of cystitis. Dr prescribed me antibiotics which contains penicillin.... I'm allergic :-/ so going chemist at some point to see if I can use canesten oasis satchets. Always worked before. Hoping it clears up on its own.

Attending a wedding today so I'm bound to vomit lol. If I'm out I feel worse haha. I'm going to be absolutely knackered by tonight!

Have you booked your tests? Hope you're ok, you been quiet xxx

Awe gawsh you been having a scary time love....

So so glad to hear it all well and fine tho.:thumbup::flower:

Wow Lorraine you have the sickness from hell by the sounds of it.:hugs:
I hope that stops real soon...only 3.5 wks left of first tri...let's hope it starts to ease by the end of next week.(. Or TODAY even lol)

Yeah sorry I haven't been around much this week.been trying to keep busy so I don't think too much about the looming procedures lol.

I got my apt for the X-ray guided injections come through this week too.gah.
I'm bricking it.boooooo.:wacko:

I decided to leave my smear for the intended apt made...which is the 17th.
Then I have the injections for my back on the 1st of may.
And I need to go and get my back wisdom tooth sorted out in this time frame too.:cry: it hurts bad .:cry: lol.

So you have your 10 weeks scan next or are they putting you on high risk?
Great if they do so you can be looked after and you can see lo a lot too.:thumbup::flower:

Did you have a easy week love? I hope so.:flower:

Natalie xxx
I've not been given a next scan. I have to wait for midwife. God knows how long that will take.

Had a horrendous day yesterday with the cystitis. Been to find out if I can have the canesten satchets which I've always taken. Only to be told they don't know! So I went home and made my own concoction. Water with half tsp bicarbonate of soda and a sprig of cranberry juice for flavour. Let's see it work it's magic!

I can understand you wanting to keep your mind off things Hun.

Gosh you do have a lot going on with the wisdom tooth too! Hope it all gets sorted easily for you.

Keep smiling xxxx
Heya sorry I been Mia....

Thankyou once again for your kind words...:flower:

How are you doing there love.?

Had my smear that's all done and dusted for now...just waiting to hear back...which isn't going to be as long as i's not a six week wait any more...only a two week one in a bout ten days I will know.
I am 4 dpo today...:)

Should get our first apt date within the next two weeks too for the ocean suite.
So excited about this.:)

Well love I hope you are well....:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi Hun, I've not been on here much either due to being really ill. As you know I had cystitis as part of a water infection. I went doctors for relief and to see if I could have canesten oasis as the packet tells me to consult GP. My male dr whom I find very rude and obnoxious prescribed me amoxicillin and assured me it was safe to take during pregnancy. I questioned the 'cillin' part of the name and asked if it had penicillin in it. His response was to look it up when I get home! I was pretty sure it did, and I am a high risk of being allergic to it and now is not the best time to try it out!

I didn't redeem the script and resorted to home remedies of bicarbonate of soda in water and cranberry juice etc. it did relieve it a bit, then it was gone for one whole day hurrah!!!
In the early hours of the following morning, I woke up with immense pain going round to my back and I dreaded going for a wee. I ended up drawing myself a bath at 3.30am and resting in it to soothe my nether regions, back and lower abdomen. After half an hour, I was too weak to call out to Mike so I phoned him (lol) and asked him to ring out of hours dr. They saw me at 5.30am ish (had to drive myself again!) and said that I'm in the severe stages of a water infection, if I had left it untreated for a day or two, I would've been in hospital :-/ scary!

I was prescribed a 5 day antibiotic WITHOUT penicillin lol and I had ups and downs with it. I couldn't eat or stay awake. Mike said last night he felt he had lost me for a few days (which made me cry lol). I was incredibly constipated from no food, so much it hurt everytime I moved. I'm now 2 days post finishing my antibiotics and I feel better although my appetite is yet to come back to normal. I've got bigger (bloated) yet I've lost half a lb!

Anyway, that's my nightmare week or two lol... How are you? I'm excited for you getting your ocean appointment! What do you hope they can give you? Clomid, iui, IVF or something else? Xx
Ahhhh hah hello there sorry I haven't been on.

Wow you had a really rough time of it...I'm so glad you are being taking care of well now tho :thumbup:

My results came back clear....Yaye :happydance:

Looking forward rpto getting on with it this may now....full steam ahead.

I hope to get the ocean apt this week or's been long enough now.
I'm really looking forward to having a plan.
But it would be waaaaaaaaay better if I got my bfp before we actually start any treatment...
Altho I think I would prefer getting my bfp whilst under the care of the suite as then they can take care of me....:thumbup:

Lorraine we plan to do the iui...
We have been saving like mad too....
The only way we could afford it was to start saving so we can take out a loan against the strength of our beginning of June we will be well on the road to getting 3k for sept.:) :thumbup:

We want to do x3 you think 3k be enough?
If I had my own way I wanted to do the super ovulation iui....but really that's down to them isn't it? or not they think I will need any antagonistic's?(chlomid)

Well Hun how far gone are you now?'s going so fast really...awe but then probably not for you...I bet you are setting yourself lil miles stones along the way.
I hope you are well again Lorraine.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Edit! Duh lol.....I just saw your ticker lol tee heee.....

Re 9.5 weeks....:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
That's fantastic that you're in the clear woohoo!!! Bet it's a load off your shoulders too :)

I'm not sure how much iui costs, ocean have their own information website and prices are on there, however if I remember correctly you get 1 or 2 iui treatments free on NHS first then a free IVF round if it didn't work.

On Facebook, there's a group I admin which is called Ocean Wheal Friends and a few ladies on there paid for treatment so they would be able to give you more insight. One is pregnant with twins after a successful iui in December. But do check the website out. Just type in google ocean suite plymouth and one of the links will say south west centre for fertility medicine or something like that.

Today is my due date for the baby that I've lost, and I've chosen today to announce it to my Facebook friends and extended family. Mainly so that I'm smiling, not crying lol. Daft I know but it hangs onto me.

I've had no more complications, just twinges and aches but midwife on 12th, hopefully I get my scan soon after then I can relax a bit more. It seems that when you go so long without a scan, you start to worry!

It has gone quick, but it hasn't lol! When I turn around and say I'm 9 weeks, I'm like oh my it is 9 isn't it, that was quick... But the feeling of it has been forever especially with illnesses etc.

I'm keeping everything crossed for you in may!!

Hi Hun just asking for an update of where you are in your cycle, are you on the May cycle yet?

Will you be doing anything extra? Bbt, opk, cp, cm etc? Might be worth doing for this month if it's full steam ahead.

Any news of appointment yet? X
Heya Lorraine :flower: :)

Yeah I'm grabbing it all by the horns this time.tee hee

We got our apt request letter on Thursday ...we were so excited.
We decided to make the call together yesterday however peter didn't get home on time.boooo...
So we can't make the apt till Tuesday now....(bank holiday-or are they open bank holiday?)

So yeah week we will have our apt...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:happydance:

Cd2 here too....the witch clothes lined me last night.gah!
This morning felt like I had been in the boxing ring for a whole week lol

Wow Lorraine 10 weeks already :)
I love's certainly sailing away now.
You have a scan coming up love?
They usually do a 10 week ish scan up derrriford don't they?

So can I ask?
Will they book us in around the start of my next cycle Loraine?
Or will they just book us in to do the "paper work" side of things first?
Haha I have no idea.

A new journey- gah I'm nervous.
Why am I so nervous? Lol

Any plans for the weekend love? Anything nice?
How is work going?....your taking it easy still? I hopes so :thumbup:

Take care love
Natalie xxx
Hi ladies! Can I join you? I live in torbay!
I am currently 8dpo of cycle #2 off ttc. I have a boy who is nearly 13 who was an unexpected surprise, so this is my first time actually trying to conceive. So ttc is all new to me!
I'm trying to keep things simple for first few months so just recording bbt and cm at the moment.
Hi there Jaybean.:hi:

Welcome love :flower:

Yes good to keep things simple for a while.:thumbup:
Ttc can be so consuming once you get in the deep end.
But fingers crossed for you that you won't be on the "amaizing" rollercoaster for long.:thumbup:

Good luck my love.
Oh do you plan to test before af!
Do you use opks?

Natalie xxx
Hi nat, glad to see you're all ready for this month, absolutely love your signature haha!!

No they are not open bank holiday and your appointment will be paperwork, discussion and options. They will ask you what dc you are on and when do you expect your next period so that the next step whatever it may be will be worked out around your cycle dates.

Eek I'm so excited for you!!

I'm supposed to have a scan between week 10 till 13 but I have to see the midwife first before she books a dating scan. My midwife is when I'm 11+6 so really late but she only works Mondays and takes 3 appointments that day :-/ I booked this 3 weeks ago!

After the initial appointment, I get a midwife at the children's centre which is available twice a week.

So I imagine my scan will be in the 12 week time span. Actually can't wait but I'm so apprehensive at the same time.

Had a gloop of orangey brown discharge the other day which freaked me out then nothing. Then lately I've had pain in the vagina when I stand :-( feels like gravity is pulling everything down. Round ligament pain has set in my hips too. Ahhh it's still so scary though.

Mike is starting to get more excited though :) we've been to the garden centre so he can buy more fish. We also had a nice lunch up there. It's just nice to do things together. You have any plans for the bank hols?

Keep it up Hun xx
Hey there jay bean, of course you can, me and nat seem to be the only ones having a convo in here, meaning we hijacked the thread lol.

Good luck with ttc and ask if you need any help xx
Hi nat, glad to see you're all ready for this month, absolutely love your signature haha!!

No they are not open bank holiday and your appointment will be paperwork, discussion and options. They will ask you what dc you are on and when do you expect your next period so that the next step whatever it may be will be worked out around your cycle dates.

Eek I'm so excited for you!!

I'm supposed to have a scan between week 10 till 13 but I have to see the midwife first before she books a dating scan. My midwife is when I'm 11+6 so really late but she only works Mondays and takes 3 appointments that day :-/ I booked this 3 weeks ago!

After the initial appointment, I get a midwife at the children's centre which is available twice a week.

So I imagine my scan will be in the 12 week time span. Actually can't wait but I'm so apprehensive at the same time.

Had a gloop of orangey brown discharge the other day which freaked me out then nothing. Then lately I've had pain in the vagina when I stand :-( feels like gravity is pulling everything down. Round ligament pain has set in my hips too. Ahhh it's still so scary though.

Mike is starting to get more excited though :) we've been to the garden centre so he can buy more fish. We also had a nice lunch up there. It's just nice to do things together. You have any plans for the bank hols?

Keep it up Hun xx

Ah Loraine it sounds like you are having some fun with hubster there.
Which is great :thumbup:

The orange brown discharge sounds like you may have a a tinsy small bit of blood -perhaps you had it days before the discharge shown itself .
Oh and the rlp...big hugs to you...them ones are horrid horrid ones....
My friends stopped at the end of her first tri ....
She gets a lil twinge here and there which is a good sign btw.:thumbup:
Just means things are stretching out for bubbs.....wohooooooo...

Try and get lots of rest when this is an issue for you'll.water feet up and a good movie.:thumbup::flower:

Ahhh thankyou greatly for he great info up there,:thumbup:
It's good to know how things are protocol wise.
Haha I'm mrs wanna know it all with these things haha.

I'm getting excited about finally getting things off to a start....but my tummy is in knots over "the next step" for sure.
I hope we can do the SOIUI...if not the iui,:thumbup:

I hope you get to know the score with the midwife soon love....
So your still under the clinic till 2nd tri ? Is that right?
The children's centre is great for these things too...they can help with sooo much.
I found the midwifes are lovely with them too....I miss my old midwife actually she was soooooo nice to me.

Ok I'm rambling

Do let us know how things go :thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Thank you ladies! Lol at hijacking the thread! B&b terrorist! (Joke!). So many threads get started then left on here so doubt anyone minds.

I didn't plan on testing til the 10th if af hadn't shown (15dpo) but in a moment of weakness I poas this morning. Bfn as expected! Feel a little silly as only 9dpo but couldn't help myself! Especially since I had some weird O type pains/pinching in my right ovary area yesterday. In case you hadn't guessed, tww is sending me a little crazy!

I don't use opks at the moment, but if I don't get my bfp this time I'm going to invest in some. I hear ebay and Amazon are the cheapest? Any advice which ones to get?

I'm off to work now but will probably be lurking on here this evening, so may chat then?...
Have a good day lovely ladies xx

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