Hi nat, glad to see you're all ready for this month, absolutely love your signature haha!!
No they are not open bank holiday and your appointment will be paperwork, discussion and options. They will ask you what dc you are on and when do you expect your next period so that the next step whatever it may be will be worked out around your cycle dates.
Eek I'm so excited for you!!
I'm supposed to have a scan between week 10 till 13 but I have to see the midwife first before she books a dating scan. My midwife is when I'm 11+6 so really late but she only works Mondays and takes 3 appointments that day :-/ I booked this 3 weeks ago!
After the initial appointment, I get a midwife at the children's centre which is available twice a week.
So I imagine my scan will be in the 12 week time span. Actually can't wait but I'm so apprehensive at the same time.
Had a gloop of orangey brown discharge the other day which freaked me out then nothing. Then lately I've had pain in the vagina when I stand

feels like gravity is pulling everything down. Round ligament pain has set in my hips too. Ahhh it's still so scary though.
Mike is starting to get more excited though

we've been to the garden centre so he can buy more fish. We also had a nice lunch up there. It's just nice to do things together. You have any plans for the bank hols?
Keep it up Hun xx