Any DECEMBER babies out there?!?

Awesome news Kelly! I am way too scared to get a doppler! You are so brave...I would be worried constantly! I am lucky to have my Dr. live really close to me who say if you ever need to come in and just hear the heartbeat just come on in. I am blessed to have so many supportive people surrounding me through this pregnancy. I haven't freaked out too much yet but I am thinking that when I near the end of this pregnancy I might feel a little different and nervous!

Anyone starting to feel any better with their sickness yet? I am so ready to not feel nauseous all day long! :)
I love my doppler, so glad I invested in it. I can't imagine not hearing that heartbeat for another 4 weeks.
well im renting this one and I was nervous but I also fully expected not to hear anything and told myself not to worry if I didnt. this has just made me want to buy one, i probably will after the scan :)

its great that you have that support krippy - and the docs are much more reliable than this little machine! xx
Happy thats terrible you had to go through that again. Are you going to try again?
Sara - lovely picture!! cannot wait to see mine! Im glad it worked out ok for you in the end :)

I got my doppler and we tried a couple of times but could only here the wow-wow sound (the placenta right?) then thismorning I did it as soon as I woke up and for about 2 seconds I heard a train like sound - that must be my little bubba!! I recorded it and sent it to my very pessimistic husband at work who thought it was amazing and my mum listened and reckoned it sounded about right. Wish I could upload it on here so you ladies could tell me what you thought.
Its probably the most optimistic ive felt since the week I found out I was pregnant...Im a natural born worrier and I know everyone always worries about what will happen, I do it 10x over! I have a smile on my face today, hoping for stronger/longer next week when Im 10 weeks!

The feeling you get the first time you hear your baby heartbeat is the most wonderful feeling in the world - as I remember with my other two. So happy you can all hear your little ones alive and well :hugs: I don't think we will try again. I am grateful for the two I have - I would LOVE another baby but I do not think I can go through the morning sickness, the trouble with getting a D&C and the heartbreak this has caused again. I'm off to get the mirena in 3 weeks (just as a precautionary measure :) ) then might start my teaching degree. I have had to pick myself up again and carry on for the sake of my other two kiddies and poor OH! He's enjoying me able to cook again lol. I have some other friends who have just found out they are pregnant or have just had bubbas too and I so can't wait for cuddles :hugs:
Just about to go off to my first midwife appointment... so excited & I know there isnt really anything to be excited about, its just that its starting to become real!! x
Had our scan yesterday LO was doing a dance in there wriggling around moving arms and legs lol.

Our new Due date is the 3rd Dec


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lovely nickbrum! cant wait for mine!

Midwife appt went well, she even found the heartbeat for me so confirmed what i heard last week was correct! hopefully ill hear re scan date next week, but im away a lot over the next couple of weeks for work so im reallllllllly hoping it doesnt clash!! x
nickbrum soooo cute to see the little one dancing!
Got scan date today hoorayy!! monday 11th june, thankfully it doesnt clash with being away for work. ill be 12+1 I think :)

have had to buy maternity dresses for work, this heat is killing me (and im a sun worshipper!) none of my bottoms are fitting me properly which is crazy as im eating the smallest of meals , i get full up so quickly. think its water retention as im drinking gallons of the stuff! anyone else?
Here's my scan from today!
My scan date 14th June, time is going a bit quicker now but cant go quick enough until scan :) xx
Doctors appointment on Monday, hoping they let me hear the heartbeat and schedule me for another ultrasound. Just want to make sure that the baby is doing good. Don't feel pregnant most days.
Went for my scan on friday and it was amazing baby was jumping around and the sonographer said the baby is a very active little one, They measured bby and the first time he/she was 11 weeks 3 days like we thought i was they done it again and baby measured 11 weeks 5 days and then baby stretched out for her and she done it again and he/she was 12 weeks so she gave us the middle measurement 11 weeks 5 days so my EDD is Dec the 16th now , once ive put the pic on my come ill put it on here for all too see. Well after the scan we went shopping and bought loads and how good are these new monitors with screens on so ya can see the baby, well my OH being my OH wanted one but they are amazing. Just can not wait now untill my 20 week scan and found out the sex xxxx

just noticed im 12 weeks today wohoooooo xxxxx
lovely sara! we are the same distance along! i have my scan a week today, so excited and scared, this week cant go quick enough :)
Went to the doctor today she said we probably wouldn't hear a heartbeat because it is still early (and because I am overweight even though she didn't say that). Sure enough we heard a faint little heartbeat :cloud9: The doctor said that she was amazed because she really didn't think that we would hear it and then she said "you have a little over achiever in there"..LOL. Ultrasound scheduled for Monday I can't wait.
Hi ladies!!! I'm back and feeling much better. May was a very trying time for me and my family. My father was diagnosed with a terrible illness, which we are not sure if is terminal or not at this point, and he was at risk of needing several transplants. I was the only one in the family that matched him because I am a universal 0- donor. I sat for several weeks knowing my chances of miscarriage were high adn battled on many levels with this difficult decision. I ultimately, despite much negativity towards me, decided that what was meant to be in my life AND my fathers life was meant to be. He gave me life so I would give him life. 4 days ago we found out that he was no longer needing an immediate transplant and the relief has brought me much joy.

Any ways, I'm now in my second trimester, as are most of you, and my energy level has skyrocketed. We have decided on a homebirth and are very excited!
Please let me know if you have recently come to the forum and I will add your name to the list!!!
I hope all of you are doing wonderfully!!

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