Any EX-LTTC'ers WTT?

:haha: Isn't it funny we have all delayed!

Emily - Congrats on the new job! Let us know how you get on.

Lovecakes - That is confusing. Did you manage to talk to them?

Krissie - oooh hopefully TTC buddies!

I won't find out about the marathon until October so loads of time. I will set up a just giving page for the marathon but I am not doing it 'through' a charity. You can get a guaranteed place through one but I found out that the charity pays £1k for the place and you have to raise £2K so they only get half the money raised. It doesn't sit right with me asking people for sponsorship etc... Other reason for waiting... I worked out how much it will cost us in Childcare for two!!! :argh:
Yes! Daycare is part of our wait. Most of it indeed. If we wait until he is 3 my friend who watches ds now can watch the new baby (and bless her she does it for free)! And then ds can go to preschool which will cost us a bit but much more manageable than daycare.
Free childcare! Definitely a good reason to wait. I also think it will be better for Pheebs as she will have a better understanding of why baby needs me. Will also be nice not having two in nappies!
Well I finally got ringing the clinic and the waiting list for clomid is now down to 1-2 months yay. I know they may want repeat investigations or tests but at least I can plan our minimum now.

Big talk with the hubby tonight!
Exiting news!!

Started feeling very broody!! Not good as might have a long wait!!

Em xx
So we have a date! I'm going back in July to get referred hopefully with current waiting lists that's an appointment at the fertility clinic in September and start treatment in November. This would give us a minimum 2 year age gap. I can't believe we're kicking off next month even of it will be almost 6 months before we're actually ttc again. I'm so excited and nervous eek
Can I join you ladies? It took nearly 4 years to conceive LO and we had 3 mcs and lost a total of 4 little ones along the way. I have PCOS and rarely ovulate on my own, and LO was conceived via clomid. I still have a 50mg dose left which I will likely take on my own when we're ready. We're likely waiting until September when LO is 1 as we're prepared for a long wait again, and we don't want too big of a gap.

For those ladies in the UK - will the GP even help again on the NHS if you've had a baby? I don't mean IVF, but just if we needed clomid again (assuming the leftover dose doesn't result in a BFP), or is this something I'd have to go private for? Moreover, would they expect you to wait 2 years before referring you or is it different when they've already uncovered your issues etc and you've successfully had a baby before with help?
So we have a date! I'm going back in July to get referred hopefully with current waiting lists that's an appointment at the fertility clinic in September and start treatment in November. This would give us a minimum 2 year age gap. I can't believe we're kicking off next month even of it will be almost 6 months before we're actually ttc again. I'm so excited and nervous eek

So happy you have a date!!!

Welcome whigfield.
Hi Whigfield :)

My GP said she'd refer me straight away (forClomid) , I asked at my 6 week postnatal appointment. My situation is a bit different though as it's dangerous for me to try naturally (previous pre cancerous biospy so I need to be on BC or pg). I was refered the first time after ttc for 6 months due to a long history of odd AF and mid cycle spotting. I'd see your GP to ask to put your mind at rest and to help you plan.

I also have some clomid left but I think it'll be out of date by the time we ttc.
Hi Ladies,

Welcome Whig! :hi: I have no idea about whether they will help. I think they will up until the point of IVF etc and then you would have to pay. Hopefully you can just get clomid on prescription after a couple of blood tests. Good luck!!

Love Cakes - ooooh we could be ttc together if I don't get in the marathon!!! EXCITING!!

AFM, not much going on. Going on hols on Friday and I can't wait :wohoo: Everyone else OK?
Sambatiki when do you find out about the marathon? It's exciting for you either way!
Woo I've my appointment booked for the dr to refer me back to the fertility clinic. Two weeks today eek I am getting a smear test at the same appointment though but at least there'll be some good news
How exiting love cakes!! I don't think we wil be TTC until May time now :(

Great news lovecakes.

Sorry about the possible delay Emily. I hope you can move your date up.

We have decided to ntnp for now since I was not reacting well to birth control. So I guess we will see.
Sorry about that Emily, just think it's July in a few days then you're another month down

How exciting krissie, I hope you end up with the gap you want!
Love cakes - End of October. I'm seriously unfit and over weight atm so need to get some training in!

Krissie - Best of luck with NTNP! Hopefully you'll get a lovely surprise! :dust: Make sure you keep us in the loop! I don't think I could NTNP I would definitely resort back to my hardcore TTC ways. :haha:

Emily - Could be the same time as me, if I get in the marathon xxx Hopefully we can be buddies or you get some fab news and can bring it forward xxx

AFM - Just back from a lovely week in Bulgaria.... I want to go back! :hissy:
Well yesterday the dr said he would refer me to the fertility clinic so in back on the wagon again.

I was actually a bit teary when I got home. I'm excited at the thought of no 2 but just it's weird to be back in the waiting for an appointment/ waiting for rest results cycle. I had enjoyed a break from all the stress. I know it's so worth it though! As crap as it was last time I know now just how much better being a mum is.

So I'm back waiting on the post for my clinic appointment!
I know what you mean. I am really struggling now ttc. All those memories of before have flooded back and I fear a repeat. Even though logically we have a plan it's still so hard.

Do you know when you will be able to get into the fertility clinic?
The website says a 9 week waiting time which was the same as before and pretty accurate.

I'm trying to be more positive, we are significantly more informed this time and more importantly know our bodies can and have ovulated, gotten pg and carried a baby. That makes a big difference.

I love your avatar by the way such a cute wee face :)

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