Any one else wonder why they are so fat?


Mummy to Niamh
Jan 24, 2009
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This is going to sound silly and may sound delusional to some people but i dont know why im so fat. I weight 20 stone and i dont know why.

Today i had 2 slices of toast, sandwich with 2 slices of bread low fat marge, low fat mayo and 2 slices of salami and a 10" pizza. Today hasent been a great day, i normaly have more fruit and veg but even still. Thats not a lot compared to the fat people on tv who weight the same as me, they have 6 bacon rolls for breakfast.

I cant seem to loose any weight as much as i try:cry:
This is going to sound silly and may sound delusional to some people but i dont know why im so fat. I weight 20 stone and i dont know why.

Today i had 2 slices of toast, sandwich with 2 slices of bread low fat marge, low fat mayo and 2 slices of salami and a 10" pizza. Today hasent been a great day, i normaly have more fruit and veg but even still. Thats not a lot compared to the fat people on tv who weight the same as me, they have 6 bacon rolls for breakfast.

I cant seem to loose any weight as much as i try:cry:

Have you ever has your thyroid checked out? Your thyroid is what runs your metabolism and if it isn't working properly it's almost impossible to lose weight. I am hypothyroid and before I was diagnosed I could not lose a pound to save my life no matter how hard I tried.

Also I know you said today was a bad day, and I don't know what sort of pizza you ate but if you had a 10" pizza to yourself can run around 2,000 calories (and that is for cheese pizza). Once again I am just making an average and I don't know what kind of pizza you ate. But 2,000 calories is supposed to be the average for an average weight person who is not dieting. I count calories as well as doing weight watchers and I was shocked as hell at how many calories were really in some of my favorite food. You don't have to eat a lot to gain weight, you just have to eat the wrong things.
I know why I'm fat.. I just don't have the willpower to exercise.
you have had a complete carb filled day hun! pizza is really quite bad like someone else said pizza is actually really high in calories, maybe do a diet that counts your calories and drop from recommended 2000 to 1800 or 1900 as 2000 recommended is to maintain your weight so u wont actually lose any weight!

i felt like that once too though like no matter what i did i couldnt lose the weight but when i took a good look at what i was eating my problem wasnt what it was when as i would miss food all day then eat meal at tea then cos i would start metabolism i would want to pick throughout evening! then my tummy had that all night lying heavy!

good luck hunny

i am 20 stone also but my weight didn't even shift when i was doing 10 hours exercise a week however my weight is down to my own fault i now don't exercise enough and eat just enough to maintain my weight .... being 6ft tall and 20 stone i get hungry more than once a day hehe .... i am over-weigh due to eating and not exercising the basics rules of loosing weight are burn more than u eat so that when exercising u burn the fat stores ... easier said than done i know ... i just need the willpower and incentive to loose the weight xx
I'm not fat now, but I used to be. From my experience, after 6 years of maintaining a 50lb weight loss, is that people simply eat too many calories than they should - and those calories come from food that isn't nutritious anyways. Add that in with being inactive, and you'll gain.

When I was overweight, I just didn't realize how much calories some things really had. Maybe you are experiencing this???

2 slices of toast
= 200 calories minimum

sandwich with 2 slices of bread
= 200 calories
low fat marge
= same calories as regular, 50?

low fat mayo
= generally same calories as regular, 50?

2 slices of salami
= probably another 200 calories

So that's a minimum of 700 calories, depending on how much mayo + butter you are eating

.... and a 10" pizza, I'm not sure what kind it is, but that's easily 1200-1500 calories.

So, over 2000, maybe even up to 2500 without realizing it, and having no real veg or fruit.
Hmh, that seems like quite a bit really.

On a typical day, I'll eat:

Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with butter
Lunch: none
Dinner: Thai vegetable stir fry

Snacks: Yoghurt
Liquids: Water/herbal tea

It's not an amazing diet but I couldn't imagine eating more. I'm not overweight and never have been. I think, just because you're not eating a lot in terms of portion sizes, it doesn't mean that the calorie and carb content isn't quite high. Also, do you exercise much? Because lots of carbs and little exercise is a sure fire way to gain weight.

Maybe try eating more but eating better. Fruit and veg is great but less fruit, more veg. They recommend that you don't eat more carbs per meal than you can fit in the palm of your hand. Same for meats. So, the bulk of your meal should be vegetables.

I should really do the same, it's hard to muster the willpower some days though. I like stir fry because it's really quick and easy. Lazy! :lol:
You need to figure out how much you are burning a day. This web page is great. Being a large as I am, I burn close to 3,000 calories a day before I even exercise. That combined with my usually hour of cardio a day is 3,400. as long as I eat less than that I will lose weight.

Even if you only eat like 200 calories more than you are burning you will slowly gain weight because it all adds up. If you only eat 200 calories more than you burn a day, then you can gain about a pound an a half a month. Do that for a year and it's 18 lbs gained. Do it for 5 years and you have gained 90 lbs. You don't have to eat a ton to gain weight. Every little thing adds up.

And keep in mind the bigger a person gets the more they eat because it takes more food to run a bigger body. It's a hell of a slippery slope.
Well for a deep pan 12" version of the pizza i had its 1470 calories and i had the 10" thin base so its less than that.
your eating to many carbs! i would never eat at pizza a few slices with salad but not a full one!

why not swap the toast for something like fruit juice and all bran ceral or oats with fruit

itsn ot about what ypu eat at the mo hun! your weight hasnt just built up it doesnt take alot to keep up being overweight you only have to eat alittle!
because youve only built up the fat over time it will take a change of exercise and diet to loose the weight!

cut the pizzas and the take aways and bottles of wines use them as treats!

swap white bread for brown bread up your fruit and veg intake eat things such as chicken salad stem fish with brown rce and veg1

its not about not eating alot as your already overweight its about changing what you do eat to be healthy! xx
your eating to many carbs! i would never eat at pizza a few slices with salad but not a full one!

why not swap the toast for something like fruit juice and all bran ceral or oats with fruit

itsn ot about what ypu eat at the mo hun! your weight hasnt just built up it doesnt take alot to keep up being overweight you only have to eat alittle!
because youve only built up the fat over time it will take a change of exercise and diet to loose the weight!

cut the pizzas and the take aways and bottles of wines use them as treats!

swap white bread for brown bread up your fruit and veg intake eat things such as chicken salad stem fish with brown rce and veg1

its not about not eating alot as your already overweight its about changing what you do eat to be healthy! xx

Sorry but i find your post a bit presuming, i do eat the brown versions of food, i refuse to buy the white versions. I have said that yesterday was a bad a day, but if my bad day is 2000 calories that means a good day is less. I only have takeaway, pizza and wine as a treat and have chocolate once in a blue moon and most mornings i have porage and fruit. Just because i have ate that today dosent meen i eat that every day.
your eating to many carbs! i would never eat at pizza a few slices with salad but not a full one!

why not swap the toast for something like fruit juice and all bran ceral or oats with fruit

itsn ot about what ypu eat at the mo hun! your weight hasnt just built up it doesnt take alot to keep up being overweight you only have to eat alittle!
because youve only built up the fat over time it will take a change of exercise and diet to loose the weight!

cut the pizzas and the take aways and bottles of wines use them as treats!

swap white bread for brown bread up your fruit and veg intake eat things such as chicken salad stem fish with brown rce and veg1

its not about not eating alot as your already overweight its about changing what you do eat to be healthy! xx

Sorry but i find your post a bit presuming, i do eat the brown versions of food, i refuse to buy the white versions. I have said that yesterday was a bad a day, but if my bad day is 2000 calories that means a good day is less. I only have takeaway, pizza and wine as a treat and have chocolate once in a blue moon and most mornings i have porage and fruit. Just because i have ate that today dosent meen i eat that every day.

im not presuming anything i was just saying thats how u loose weight!

you posted every wonder why your so fat? but theres always a reason why people are over weight people arent just over weight! they have oviously ate to much and once your overweight it doesnt take much food to top it up! which is why the food you do it needs to be healthy and not fatty food!its a learned habbit not a born habbit! fat takes a long time to go unless you spend along time working on your bosy as its took years to build up!

you cant expect to post a post saying every wonder why you fat and people not reply with the answers!
your eating to many carbs! i would never eat at pizza a few slices with salad but not a full one!

why not swap the toast for something like fruit juice and all bran ceral or oats with fruit

itsn ot about what ypu eat at the mo hun! your weight hasnt just built up it doesnt take alot to keep up being overweight you only have to eat alittle!
because youve only built up the fat over time it will take a change of exercise and diet to loose the weight!

cut the pizzas and the take aways and bottles of wines use them as treats!

swap white bread for brown bread up your fruit and veg intake eat things such as chicken salad stem fish with brown rce and veg1

its not about not eating alot as your already overweight its about changing what you do eat to be healthy! xx

Sorry but i find your post a bit presuming, i do eat the brown versions of food, i refuse to buy the white versions. I have said that yesterday was a bad a day, but if my bad day is 2000 calories that means a good day is less. I only have takeaway, pizza and wine as a treat and have chocolate once in a blue moon and most mornings i have porage and fruit. Just because i have ate that today dosent meen i eat that every day.

im not presuming anything i was just saying thats how u loose weight!

you posted every wonder why your so fat? but theres always a reason why people are over weight people arent just over weight! they have oviously ate to much and once your overweight it doesnt take much food to top it up! which is why the food you do it needs to be healthy and not fatty food!its a learned habbit not a born habbit! fat takes a long time to go unless you spend along time working on your bosy as its took years to build up!

you cant expect to post a post saying every wonder why you fat and people not reply with the answers!

I know the answers and i wasent asking how do you loose weight, i know how to but if it was that easy every one would be skinny! It was more of a rant after watching a program where the person was the same weight as me but ate 3 times as much.
hun thats a lot of bread!!
Pizza isnt good for you either...on a typically day I have...

Breakfast: Fruit OR Yoghurt
Lunch: Soup OR Chicken Wrap
Snack: Snack a Jacks or Cereal Bar or Fruit
Dinner: Spag Bol, or some type of pasta.

Also, you ahve to exercise to loose weight hun, that sound stupid as you know that sorry!!

its all the carbs thats not good for you xxxxxx
hun i dont think soph was being presuming but your example of the day although u did say was bad would maybe indicate similar on other days she was only offering advice and like she did say there is one reason only why people are fat and its purely over eating! whether people say they eat one meal a day or six meals its what food you eat in that meal!

good luck hun

I know how you feel. *sigh*
I used to skip breakfast and lunch and have a normal dinner, and i was like " so big, yet they are so smal, and eat truck loads!"
But then i realised i wasnt eating enough.
Then i went to the extreme of over eating...even when i was full.
So i was like a blinking yo-yo.

FOR ME... it took measuring, weighing, and counting of calories to really learn how to lose weight. When you are overweight (at least, when I was), you tend to lose sight of what normal portions and meals really are. I also found that I was always eating huge meals, usually bread/potato based.

I went from 160lbs at 5'5 to 118lbs at 5'5!

Here's my typical day fyi *before* pregnancy (lol)... yes, it is fairly strict compared to average, but this is how I lost the weight and got an "athletic" look. It takes time and effort, but if it didn't, everyone would be athletic :kiss:

Breakfast: 1 cup plain oats (cooked measure), 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 egg with 1/2 cup egg whites,
Snack: 1 low-sugar organic yogurt with 8 almonds
Lunch: 1 cup brown rice (cooked), 1-2 cups plain salad or steamed broccoli, 1 chicken breast cooked in 1 tbsp olive oil
**Workout (1 hour+ heavy weightlifting)
Snack: Shake (1 scoop protein powder, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 cup milk)
Dinner: 1 cup brown rice (cooked), 1-2 cups plain salad or steamed broccoli, 1 chicken breast cooked in 1 tbsp olive oil
your eating to many carbs! i would never eat at pizza a few slices with salad but not a full one!

why not swap the toast for something like fruit juice and all bran ceral or oats with fruit

itsn ot about what ypu eat at the mo hun! your weight hasnt just built up it doesnt take alot to keep up being overweight you only have to eat alittle!
because youve only built up the fat over time it will take a change of exercise and diet to loose the weight!

cut the pizzas and the take aways and bottles of wines use them as treats!

swap white bread for brown bread up your fruit and veg intake eat things such as chicken salad stem fish with brown rce and veg1

its not about not eating alot as your already overweight its about changing what you do eat to be healthy! xx

Sorry but i find your post a bit presuming, i do eat the brown versions of food, i refuse to buy the white versions. I have said that yesterday was a bad a day, but if my bad day is 2000 calories that means a good day is less. I only have takeaway, pizza and wine as a treat and have chocolate once in a blue moon and most mornings i have porage and fruit. Just because i have ate that today dosent meen i eat that every day.

im not presuming anything i was just saying thats how u loose weight!

you posted every wonder why your so fat? but theres always a reason why people are over weight people arent just over weight! they have oviously ate to much and once your overweight it doesnt take much food to top it up! which is why the food you do it needs to be healthy and not fatty food!its a learned habbit not a born habbit! fat takes a long time to go unless you spend along time working on your bosy as its took years to build up!

you cant expect to post a post saying every wonder why you fat and people not reply with the answers!

I know the answers and i wasent asking how do you loose weight, i know how to but if it was that easy every one would be skinny! It was more of a rant after watching a program where the person was the same weight as me but ate 3 times as much.

I think she was just trying to help and was giving you some pointers. I took your first post as you wanting advice on why you cannot lose weight.

Please play nice.
From your "example" menu, I can see that you carb/fat ratios are waaaaay higher than your proteins (hardly any protein at all - protein is what builds muscle). I think your fat grams in the pizza are probably still quite high in addition to the salami (if a 12" regular is 1470, I would wager a 10" thin crust is about 950-1000, at least from reading my delissio box).

A good rule of thumb is 40% protein/40% carbs/20% fat or 40% protein/35% carbs/25% fat balance, with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight.

You are eating probably 60-65% carbs, 20-30% fat, and maybe 10% protein... just from eyeballing.. the numbers really do count.

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