I agree with others, that's a lot of carbs for one day.
You need at
least 1500 calories a day to keep your body going.
Anything below that and you'll body will go in to starvation mode and keep anything you put in it and turn it to fat. You also must eat breakfast! I've also read on a lot of places you should not eat after 7pm and before you sit down and relax after dinner, to take a 20 minute walk to help the digestion and kick start your metabolism. Another way to kick start it is to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals thru out the day vs the 3 traditional large meals.
Hubs and I are on a loose weight thing as we're going to FL in April and I refuse to have baby belly in a swim suit!
At the moment I'm 176 which is 12.5 stone (I'm 5ft 6) (Normal weight is is 140 (10 stone), I went up to 200 (about 14.5 stone) with my pregnancy) so I've got 36lb to (about 2.5 stone). I'm not doing a "diet" .. as I'm really shit with it and end up obsession on food and it just sets me up to fail.
I'm not counting calories, cause it make me feel shit if I go over and I end up obsessing again. If I'm hungry, I will eat, but I'm making healthy choices ... Basically how I'm going about it is, cutting ALL junk, crisps chocolates, cakes, sugary snacks, pizzas, tv dinners. On Sunday, I plan my meals for the week, and go shopping and only get the stuff I need to make those meals. If it aint in the house, I can't eat it. If I don't do this, things magically jump in my shopping basket, like Pringles. You gotta watch those little buggers, they are like ninjas and you don't see them in the bags until you get home!!!!
Every meal is made from scratch, so I know whats going in it and rather than cooking veg, we're eating it raw (Broc, cauliflower, peas, carrots, sugar snaps, Toms, cuecumber etc etc) as it keeps the enzymes in the veg to help digestion.
For example, todays menu consisted of:
Breakfast (7am): 1 bowl oatmeal, 2 slices brown, sugar free toast and marmite. Pro-biotic drink.
11-ses: Raw broc, cauliflower with a bit of salad cream. 1 banana.
Lunch: 2 poached eggs, 2 slices of brown bread, strawberry's.
3-ses: Low fat yogurt, tomato, 5 whole wheat ritz crackers.
Dinner (6pm) Salmon, brown rice, raw carrots, broc and spinach.
Then every night about 645 the hubby, Autumn and I take a brisk 20 min walk around the estate. It actually helps knock Autumn out for the night too lol.
Then during the day, I generally take the baby out to different walking trails and walk around for an hour or so. (I HATE being stuck in the house!)
I do all the walking because I totally DETEST the gym. I can't frigging STAND working out. Hate hate HATE it. But I love to walk!
I also try and drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. (A nutritionist I used to work with time me you should drink at least half your body weight in oz a day. So for me half of 176 is 88oz, so that = 11, 8oz glasses a day) I pee more than when I was pregnant!!!!! I don't drink soda, tea, etc..but then I never have .. I've always preferred water. I know, I'm odd lol.
I hope somewhere in the ramblings you find something useful!! Remember, you just gotta find something that works for you, every body is different and will loose weight different ways. You'll get there, just keep at it!