Any one gonna test on the nov 20th?

Jen, you have a long LP....when are you testing? I'll have to go to MrsMM's to check. I hope you caught that eggy. You haven't been around much, you must be busy.
Hey Ladies!:happydance:
Mind if I join? I am actually new to this! I started my first cycle of Clomid and am currently on CD 7. We are trying to conceive #1! My birthday is also this month, so praying for a blessing. NOTHING BUT POSITIVE VIBES=:bfp:
I am on CD7 aswell my dear, we should be testing around the same day :)
Hi ladies you are always welcome to join but this isn't a very active thread. If you are looking for a lot of support, I would suggest going over to the November Fall Testers. I will try to post a link next time I'm on my computer. You will find me and Echo there.

Margo I really don't have a long LP. It's usually right on 14 or 15 DPO but they have been longer lately because of the progesterone suppositories. I don't get AF as long as I'm taking them and then it will start 2-3 days after I stop taking it. At first I thought I was supposed to stay on them until my period came naturally but I didn't like wasting all that time so I stopped them. But yeah that's why my LPs are so long. I'm curious what this month will be if I didn't catch the eggy. I think I'll test on the 13th. When are you testing? And yes I am busy. I was on fall break last week so I was able to be more active on here but now I'm back to my long days. I try and catch up with the thread in the evenings but I feel guilty being glued to my phone during my quality time with DH. I also don't like posting until I've fully caught up lol.
Oh ps I freak out every time I drink something cold because of the Chinese medicine stuff you posted lol.
I'm testing the 12th, but AF isn't due until the 14th. I'm testing early because of the progesterone cream, so I'll be testing 12, 13, 14, 15. If no sign of af, no bfp on the 15th, I'll stop the progesterone.
And I know, me too! I keep letting my drinks sit forever before I drink them, lol. FX'd for you...
yes testing on the 20th. Supposed to be Ovulating on the 6th. Didn't have sex on the 5th but at night on the 4th and morning of the 7th. stupid work schedule. What could be better, finding out I'm pregnant and seeing Neil Young in concert the same day. wish me luck :)
yes testing on the 20th. Supposed to be Ovulating on the 6th. Didn't have sex on the 5th but at night on the 4th and morning of the 7th. stupid work schedule. What could be better, finding out I'm pregnant and seeing Neil Young in concert the same day. wish me luck :)
Neil Young? hmmm...feeling a bit ******** right now lol :wacko:
Maybe going to the concert will ease a little stress and be beneficial! Good luck to you! We on the other hand have been BD'ing like wild animals lol well every other day. I can definitely relate to you on the work schedules! I go to school full time and I work over 40 hours a week. When I get home at night sometimes I am just so exhausted.
Hello ladies! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I know I havent been on here in awhile........I am glad you guys are still posting here:) Jen, I havent went back to the Doctor, not until I get my money from school. And yes mine and DH's test is gonna be $300 each! I wish it was only $30! that would be freakin' awsome:) I am due for AF in 5-6days not sure what dpo i am I haven't tracked this far no signs of her so maybe this is good. I have 4classes left and I will finally have my AA degree! should have it by March:) how is everyone? welcome to the new ladies!!!! :dust:
Dani, glad to see you on here still. I've been off here for a few months as well, until AF's due date came and went, and am now on CD 41 from a normally 28-30 days. Home pregnancy tests all show negative so went in for a blood test today after work. Fingers xxed this is it. How have things been going for you?
Hey Danni so sorry I hadn't replied to your post. I wish you were on here more. I think about you often and hope you are doing well. Have you got your student loans yet? Any tests done yet? I should be going in for iui tomorrow.
Danny! It's been forever! What happened with your cycle? It's been a month since you posted that! Sorry, somehow I got unsubscribed. Thought of you and did a search. ;)

Congrats on the AA! That's awesome, you should be so happy to have that finally.
Yay. People are still talking on this thread. This thread wasn't showing up when I checked my subscribed to threads until today! I'm doing well Jennifer. How's everyone else?? We had our baby on the 13th. Good healthy birth and baby. She was born 8lbs 9oz and 22in. My hubby is having to work alot, so I'm hanging out alone with baby girl for New Year's Eve. How was Christmas for everyone?
Oh Praying its so good to hear from you. I can't believe you had your baby girl already. I see from your siggy that her name is Arden Joy. How cute! Please please post a picture!!! I'm so happy for you. That's too bad that your DH has to work but at least you have good company tonight.

I'm doing ok. We've learned that DH has low sperm count and low motility. I was going to go in for iui this month but it didn't work out because of the holiday and my doctors office being short staffed. I think I'm ovulating today so me and DH are just having fun with it. Praying for my BFP but if not at least I will be doing iui at the end of January or beginning of February. I hope we can all stay in touch because I'm sure we'll all be trying together again at some point in the future. How many kids do you want to have?
Congrats Praying! Arden Joy is a beautiful name. I also can't believe it has already been that long!
Thanks Hope and Echo! I know it, time seems to be flying by. We will definitely be trying again. Maybe by the end of this year...I want 4-5 kids and my DH and I both want them close together. Hope, I'm glad you found out what is going on and glad about the IUI. :) Are you super excited?
Wow! It's been so long since I've been here or posted anything. Praying, so happy for you and your hubby with your little bundle of joy! I can't believe she's here already! Congrats! We had two failed IUI's end of last year so we've made an appointment with a fertility specialist for January 8th. Hopefully 2013 will finally be our year!
Happy New Year to everyone and here's hoping it will be full of BFP's for everyone!!
Yay babydreamer too. It's so nice to have the old gang here. You ladies are my favorite of course ;) I've been with you ladies since the beginning. Yes I'm excited for the iui. A little disappointed I didn't get it in this cycle but we are still hoping for that natural BFP and not needing it. I have a very good feeling about 2013. Wow I can't believe you will start trying again this year. How exciting. My fingers are crossed that the rest of us will be knocked up before you start but if not we will be right there with you.

Wow babydreamer it seems as though you've made a lot of progress towards your BFP. Your signature says all test are good, that's great. Though I know how frustrating that must be to not have an answer why yet. Your appointment with the fertility specialist is coming up quickly. Was it not a fertility specialist that did the iui's? Is it painful to have an iui? I'm a little nervous about it.
Hopeforbfp, I've been seeing my OBGYN and had the 2 IUI's there. She thinks its time to see a specialist since I've had no BFP's ever and we agree.
The actual IUI process wasn't too bad. A little uncomfortable for a few seconds and then you just sit and wait for those guys to do their thing ;). Since I didn't go through a specialist, I didn't have injectables, just Clomid pills and estradiol pills. I've heard more success with the injectables.
My fingers and toes are crossed for you and I have a good feeling about 2013 too!! :)

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