Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

I am in your boat.

BUT can anyone help?
My dec cycle I started the 15th and finished the 20th.
Had unprotected sex on the 2nd. But don't know when my fertile window would be.
Did an ovulation test today and came back not fertile so unsure.
I am in your boat.

BUT can anyone help?
My dec cycle I started the 15th and finished the 20th.
Had unprotected sex on the 2nd. But don't know when my fertile window would be.
Did an ovulation test today and came back not fertile so unsure.

Hello and welcome to our thread! Are you temping, charting, using OPKs??? If not you may want to consider. I think it is especially important for us women with irregular cycles and fertility signs to chart so we can confirm if we are or are not ovulating. Since all of our bodies are unique no one can tell if or when you will ovulate depending on your period dates. Right now I am not sure if I am ovulating or not, my partner and I try to have sex every two days, it we can't do every two we try to get it done on the third so we don't miss my fertile window. I don't have EWCM do its hard for me to track my fertility signs.

Good luck and you are in the right place for support!
this might be a strange question but...

is there some good resources on checking CM... like how to and what the different results might be?

i keep reading that we should track it, but no idea how haha
Hi 2ducks, I did in fact take a pregnancy test a few days ago, but came back negative. At this point if I was pregnant I would only be 3 weeks so I wasn't too upset when it wasn't positive, I'm just playing the waiting game now. I haven't been to an OBGYN. This is my first few months trying, and I read that once you come off BC it might take awhile. I had a chemical pregnancy the month after I came off the BC. My cycles were normal for 2 months after stopping birth control and then they went all whack on me. I will start charting my bbt if this month I turn out not pregnant, but I'm really hoping that I am. My fiancé is enlisting in the army next year, and I can't be pregnant when they do so we decided to try before he left, and just in case he can't get in next year due to weight issues. I have had so much disgusting cm that I have never had before, and also a week or 2 ago I had little pink spots in my cm which I hope was implantation bleeding. I feel so hopeless most of the time, and I feel like something's wrong with me and it scares me a lot. Also, my nipples (not my areola's) are getting darker? They looked really dark when I was looking at them in the mirror. And I've had a lot of sharp pains in the pelvic area, and this week I'm having PMS like cramps but since I'm so irregular my period comes about 1-2 weeks later than I would expect it. Boobs hurt a couple weeks ago too. Lower back hurts. I just hope this is it, and if not, I plan to start charting. I didn't realize that OPK's can get spendy! Lol. I'm pretty broke right now and used an 88 cent pregnancy test from Walmart, so I'm not really sure what do. Thanks for your response. I like this thread, it makes me relieved that im not the only one!! Xoxo
this might be a strange question but...

is there some good resources on checking CM... like how to and what the different results might be?

i keep reading that we should track it, but no idea how haha

I have read a lot of internet pages on CM tracking, I think the best description is in Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. She give some good advice like when you get the sample from your vagina look away first and just focus on the feeling of it so you don't get caught up in the look.
Hi 2ducks, I did in fact take a pregnancy test a few days ago, but came back negative. At this point if I was pregnant I would only be 3 weeks so I wasn't too upset when it wasn't positive, I'm just playing the waiting game now. I haven't been to an OBGYN. This is my first few months trying, and I read that once you come off BC it might take awhile. I had a chemical pregnancy the month after I came off the BC. My cycles were normal for 2 months after stopping birth control and then they went all whack on me. I will start charting my bbt if this month I turn out not pregnant, but I'm really hoping that I am. My fiancé is enlisting in the army next year, and I can't be pregnant when they do so we decided to try before he left, and just in case he can't get in next year due to weight issues. I have had so much disgusting cm that I have never had before, and also a week or 2 ago I had little pink spots in my cm which I hope was implantation bleeding. I feel so hopeless most of the time, and I feel like something's wrong with me and it scares me a lot. Also, my nipples (not my areola's) are getting darker? They looked really dark when I was looking at them in the mirror. And I've had a lot of sharp pains in the pelvic area, and this week I'm having PMS like cramps but since I'm so irregular my period comes about 1-2 weeks later than I would expect it. Boobs hurt a couple weeks ago too. Lower back hurts. I just hope this is it, and if not, I plan to start charting. I didn't realize that OPK's can get spendy! Lol. I'm pretty broke right now and used an 88 cent pregnancy test from Walmart, so I'm not really sure what do. Thanks for your response. I like this thread, it makes me relieved that im not the only one!! Xoxo

Good luck! Try to keep in mind it has only been a few months! Hopefully this is your BFP.
Ugh....I'm so sad today. For those of you who are temping, I got my first crosshairs last week. I was skeptical that I had actually ovulated because I had no other signs of O besides my temp, no EWCM, no positive OPK. I was still excited because my temps were high which indicated O so I figured I just missed my lh surge. Well this morning after entering my temps FF took away my cross hairs because I have had too many temps below my coverline. I have been super bummed about it all day, looks like I am still annovulory. Since I thought I ovulated I took a break from OPKs but I am picking that up again tomorrow.
bit bummed at the minute - bfns but no AF. I have a feeling my cycle has decided to just be really long this month, get my hopes up due to a missed AF, and then AF will get me when she's had enough of her teasing -_-
bit bummed at the minute - bfns but no AF. I have a feeling my cycle has decided to just be really long this month, get my hopes up due to a missed AF, and then AF will get me when she's had enough of her teasing -_-

I'm sorry, what a disappointment (stupid period!). :hugs: Hugs and good luck on your next cycle.

I have had a little EWCM for the first time yesterday and this morning! No positive OPKs but this is the first change AT ALL in my CM since I started charting. I am just excited to see something different. CD39 and counting....
Rhaaaaa..... What a disappointment here too.... I was really hoping that my combo vitex/red clover/vitamins would be giving me a normal cycle this month (compared to the 35-55 days cycles I get on my own) but CD17 today and still negative opks and very little ewcm..... I am off for several week-long business trips from this Sunday on, so I was hoping that this week would be the week..... Still 5 days to go so let's pray it happens soon!

2ducks, hang in there! I sincerely hope you get a positive OPK very soon!!! Having ewcm is encouraging. They say that normal cycle can show ewcm for 4 days before o. I guess we will know soon!
Hi all :flower: a little late, but I'd like to join in!
I'm CD9 and estimating I still have 2-3weeks to go before O! I have cycles ranging from 35-55 days.. I've discovered waiting for O is a bigger pain for me than the TWW haha.
For now, I am not doing anything to regulate my cycles because I fortunately get extremely obvious EWCM during my fertile window. I figured better to try working with that sign first without having to go through the hassle of opks or temping. The only problem then is that my chances are narrowed down to only every 1.5months or so. I'm rather envious of those ladies who gets a chance every month and only needs to wait a week after their period to get into their fertile phase again!
Hi Skycastles! Welcome!
I agree, the many ww before o are definitely the worst!

Today is the one-year mark for me... One year since I went off bc and jumped into this very frustrating ttc world....

Through this year, I went from : "ok I've got long and irregular cycles but I keep cool, I am sure it will happen soon, and I am sooo enthusiastic about it all" to "I am tired, I know more things about hormones than most, I peed on over 200 opk, nothing is "unplanned" anymore, it seems like I tried all possible vitamines / herbs on the market, I even ordered some online and overseas (which is very unlike me) and this waiting is just killing me"

Being 32, I feel like we should have started this ttc process way earlier, knowing that I always dreamt of having 2 kids, ideally before I turn 35/36, and I kind of hate us for not deciding earlier to ttc.

So I am off to Asia tomorrow, back on Friday and hoping that either o will hold on till I return, or happen very soon after I leave... But today, my opk is still negative so I don't see that happening....

Anyway, we got to stay positive (unlike my bloody opks :) sorry for the vent, but I kinda needed it :)
Joy- I know how you feel! Here is the list of what I have taken in the past 8 months, maca, vit c, multi/prenatal, vitex, black cohosh, dong quai, vit E, magnesium, calcium, zinc, biotin, evening primrose, fish oil, collagen, Fetilaid, Fertile CM, Fertilaid for egg health, vitamin c, liver cleanse pills, foilc acid, and a probiotoc...oh and liquid aloe juice (nasty). And where the HELL is my F#@$&*G period!!!!!

So they say that they wait 12 months for a normal healthy couple before docs will consider fertility treatments, do us ladies with irregular cycles fall in this category??? It has been 8 months since coming off BCP and ttc with no ovulation and one alleged period, I definitely feel insecure about where I stand.

Skycastles- Welcome to our thread! I really hope we can keep this thread alive and running. I hope that ladies with predictable cycles really appreciate how lucky they are! It must be very frustrating getting such a short fertile window with long cycles. I imagine the WTO part is harder than the TWW because you have longer to wait! I hope that you get your BFP soon!
Irregular Gals Check in!

Hello, I wanted to check in with everyone....

Peanut112- how are your cycles looking?
Littlebean18 and Shanayelouise- we haven't heard back from you, how are you doing?
Harley- have you O'd yet? How did things turn out with your weird positive Wondfo HcG?
Joy- how was your trip, did you O on your trip or did it wait?
Cupcake and Bakedbean- How are you, any cycle updates?
bubblybee80- your profile says you are expecting, did you get a BFP????
Skycastles- have you O'd yet?

As for me, still no O and no AF. I am counting down the days until my OBFGYN follow up next month. Until then, I just keep on temping and OPKing....
Hello Ladies! Sorry for the lack of talk, I have been out of town a ton lately.

2Ducks-I am in the exact same boat. Came of BC and one period to speak of. I have no idea if I am ovulating or not. But, BFN today :growlmad: Since I have PCOS and my OB was not the one to diagnose it and since I have very few symptoms, she wants to do blood work and an ultra sound just to confirm the diagnosis is correct. I am feeling very frustrated lately and just am trying so hard to keep my hope alive, but it is hard. Having a 60 something day cycle and never knowing when you might have a shot to catch your fertile window is draining emotionally. My OB also wants me to start temping, but in order to do that I have to get a period first so yet another frustration!

Joy-Thank you for that vent! I needed it too! It is so nice to have someone feel almost exactly the same way as you do. It makes me feel better! But we must stay positive and that is a great reminder!

Bubbly-Hopefully this will be your BFP month! Fingers crossed for you!!
Littlebean- I'm glad you are getting a second opinion to confirm PCOS diagnosis. Are you at the point yet where you can see an RE? I am currently seeing a Chiropractor to help regulate cycles. Even if it doesn't help with my cycles I have other reasons for going. I think you should go ahead and start temping. It will be good to get in the habit and start getting a baseline of what your temps look like. I found it took a good 2-3 weeks to find a good rhythm for temping. Also, I use OPKs daily to see if I have an lh surge (if course, all negative). I only do it in the morning though. I know it is best practice to do both morning and afternoon, but I find holding my pee for 4 hours and not drinking in the afternoon very difficult. I mean, if I had regular cycles and knew I was ovulating I would definitely do it, but I am not going to OPK test in the afternoons for 60 days in a row!
60 days sound awful. I have no inclination to use OPKs for that reason too. I temped for a few months to confirm I was ovulating when I got EWCM, but I would start temping only about 2 weeks after my period because there was no point in recording any earlier anyway.
2ducks, have you seen your gynae before to talk about your lack of periods or will next month be the first time?
Joy, how is your business trips and O-dates working out now?
AFM i'm quite excited because it looks like this is one of my shorter cycles! I just started getting ewcm, so will prob ovulate within the coming week. I just realised though that it means if I don't get pregnant this cycle, my period is going to make an arrival at the tail end of my holiday trip!! My DH will have to knock me up this time; there's no choice haha :haha:
60 days sound awful. I have no inclination to use OPKs for that reason too. I temped for a few months to confirm I was ovulating when I got EWCM, but I would start temping only about 2 weeks after my period because there was no point in recording any earlier anyway.
2ducks, have you seen your gynae before to talk about your lack of periods or will next month be the first time?
Joy, how is your business trips and O-dates working out now?
AFM i'm quite excited because it looks like this is one of my shorter cycles! I just started getting ewcm, so will prob ovulate within the coming week. I just realised though that it means if I don't get pregnant this cycle, my period is going to make an arrival at the tail end of my holiday trip!! My DH will have to knock me up this time; there's no choice haha :haha:

Skycastles-My primary care doc did a progesterone withdrawal challenge with me and then referred me to an OBGYN. My first apt with the GYN was at the beginning of November 2015. She did a quick exam and some blood work and said "don't worry we'll get you pregnant". She thinks it will take time for my body to get use to producing estrogen on its own. She said take three more months to see what happens and then we will check in again. She also suggested acupuncture. I definitely like doctors that support alternative treatments. Three weeks for my follow up appointment and I CANT WAIT! I just want to do something different. Of course I guess I could ovulate in the next three weeks and be KU by then but I highly doubt it. I also have been on a lot of fertility herbs for the past 5-6 months. If I have no change by my GYN apt I am going to stop taking all my herbal supplements and just stick with the vitamins.

Where are you going on your holiday trip? We are going to Panama in 5 weeks!:happydance:
Skycastles-My primary care doc did a progesterone withdrawal challenge with me and then referred me to an OBGYN. My first apt with the GYN was at the beginning of November 2015. She did a quick exam and some blood work and said "don't worry we'll get you pregnant". She thinks it will take time for my body to get use to producing estrogen on its own. She said take three more months to see what happens and then we will check in again. She also suggested acupuncture. I definitely like doctors that support alternative treatments. Three weeks for my follow up appointment and I CANT WAIT! I just want to do something different. Of course I guess I could ovulate in the next three weeks and be KU by then but I highly doubt it. I also have been on a lot of fertility herbs for the past 5-6 months. If I have no change by my GYN apt I am going to stop taking all my herbal supplements and just stick with the vitamins.

Where are you going on your holiday trip? We are going to Panama in 5 weeks!:happydance:

It's so much more helpful when doctors can recommend holistic treatments! Fingers crossed you're KU by the next appointment though:winkwink:
Panama sounds incredible.. which part are you going to? I would love to visit that part of the world one day. I'm going to Japan.. specifically targeting the winter landscape at Shirakawago :happydance: super duper excited haha
I've been slightly sick for the past couple of days so my EWCM stopped. We got a round of BD in this weekend but I'm actually hoping my O will be delayed all the way to next weekend. Really not wanting to get my period in Japan.. well, just one of the things we gotta deal with being irregular, right?

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