Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

2Ducks- I do believe it is because I have PCOS that my doctor is considering clomid. We will see in a few months. I changed my diet about a month ago and am hoping by the time 3 months roll around I may not need the clomid. I'm afraid insurance won't cover it.

My DH and I met in grad school at 24 for our post-professional degree. It was awkward. Lol, something straight out of middle school including passing 'I like you notes'. But that was 6 years ago so obviously something worked! Haha! After moving around a lot in the 6 years together we decided to settle down and try for a family.
Hello Ladies!

I had some blood work done last week and am more confused than EVER with this TTC journey. Why must everything be so difficult!?! My doctor is going to be re-evaluating the PCOS diagnosis. So, the blood work came back and we are going over it on Monday where she will also be doing an ultra-sound to check for cysts. My bloodwork it seems (just from me looking at it, not the doctor evaluating it) is normal. The only thing that was high was my testosterone level, which was only about 5 over the normal range. However, my estrogen level did seem a bit low, but it was still within the normal range, just the lower end. I am ready for some answers and ready with how to move forward. I am on CD52 today and ready for something to happen. Sorry to vent this out ladies, but I am just sick of 65 day cycles all ending in one witchy AF.

Anyways, on to happier subjects, my sweet DH and I met through mutual friends. We became so close and were even roomates for a period of time before eventually developing into a couple. The transition happened so naturally it was almost like we have been together since the first time we met.

And onto the best news of all my beloved Carolina Panthers will be in the Super Bowl!

How is everyone doing? Andie any news since your last post? 2ducks? How are things going your way?? ME-how long are your cycles? Am I the only PCOS with 60 somethings day cycles?
Can I join, ladies?

DH and I are both 23, ttc #1. I have PCOS and 3 rounds of Clomid didn't work form me. I've switched doctors and I'm now on CD 2 (with the help of progesterone) and I will be doing my second round of Femara - 5mg this time, since 2.5mg didn't work last month.

Littlebean18, my blood work was all normal except my testosterone was a little high when I first got my PCOS diagnosis. My skin is more oily now and I have had to have Provera/progesterone every month for at least the last 5 months just to start my period. :( Talk about frustrating!
PeterPanWendy, welcome! I literally just read a post of yours and invited you to join! I posted a get to know you questions a few days ago, how did you and your hubby meet?

So here is how my OBGYN apt went today: Previously I had my prolactin levels tested, thyroid and FsH, all came out normal. She thinks it is very odd that I have not ovulated and am not having regular periods 9 months after stopping BCP. She thinks I have PCOS and it was masked by being on birth control since a teen. I am going to have a full PCOS panel done this week to give a baseline. She said my case is not a straightforward PCOS case. I'm not over weight, I didn't have bad acne as a teen and I don't have any male pattern hair growth. I am having back, chest and scalp acne which I never had when on BCP and I think my skin and hair are more oily. Regardless of the PCOS panel if I have not had cycles by my next visit we are going to do a progesterone withdrawal challenge to get a bleed and try a cycle of clomid to see if it stimulates ovulation. She is going to do an ultrasound on day 21 to see if I have any ripe follicles. I feel really good about this plan so far. Since my last 3 day bleed it has been 62 days with no ovulation and no AF. I am actually happy right now I am not ovulating because we are going to Panama in 2 weeks and that is one of the countries where Zica is spreading.

Littlebean_ hope you get your stuff figured out with your doc. Very frustrating that you don't know if you have PCOS. I can empathize with long dumb ass cycles. I hope that women who ovulate regularly know how lucky they are....

I am the atypical PCOS presentation. I'm not overweight, no excess body hair, no male pattern balding, etc. Really, what clued me in was the acne and irregular periods. To be honest with you, I've been on BCP so long I can't tell you what 'normal' is for me, with regards to my cycles. All I can tell you is I went months without a period. But I also never remember bad or painful cycles. Never had cramping, or severe mood swings, etc.

Now that I'm off birth control and am in the process of 'regulating' (as my ob/gyn likes to call it, ha ha ha), I'm waiting for my 3rd AF. The first cycle was a dream come true. Surge of hormones. Felt like my libido went through the roof (until that month I had low to almost non-existent libido.) but the acne came back with a vengeance. I actually felt like I ovulated!!!! 28 days later I had my period. Last month it took 35 days for AF to come but I had no libido, acne, no ovulation symptoms, etc. I had weird mid-cycle severe cramping 2 weeks before AF, not ovulation pain. I'm not convinced I ovulated. This month.... Well, I'm on CD 30 now and had some spotting yesterday but nothing today. And again, no libido, acne, feeling cold all the time... I don't think I ovulated.

My OB/GYN says the biggest indicator of PCOS is usually taken from the history vs tests like blood work or ultrasound (which I have had both). You need 2 criteria to qualify for having it. Mine were irregular periods and acne.

I've done a TON of research since then and have started a low GI diet and have strictly reduced gluten, dairy, and eliminated caffeine and alcohol. Hopefully it helps but it's only been a month so too early to tell.

PeterPanWendy- welcome! I just joined this thread a couple weeks ago. I'm interested to hear how your experience with Clomid and Femara has been considering I have a feeling it is in my not too distant future. Any side effects?
2ducks: I saw that! Thanks for the invite! Like you girls, I don't have typical PCOS symptoms. My only symptoms are annovulation, oily skin and some acne. Once I stopped bc, I didn't have a period for 5 weeks and so I went to my regular gyn. She didn't do any tests, just put me straight on clomid (with provera to induce periods). I have no idea if I actually ovulated on it or not, but I switched doctors because I wanted someone more proactive. She immediately set up a vaginally ultrasound and blood work. My testosterone was a little higg, but everything else was within normal range. Then during my vaginal ultrasound, it was determined that my ovaries were polycystic. So I am really happy with everything my new gyn has done. She had my hubby take a sperm analysis and has been working with me every month doing blood draws, etc. I had an hsg dye test before she started me on any meds, and after that came back normal she called me in for a consultation visit where she sat down with me and just talked over my options. She's great!

My hubby and I met on my 17th birthday. I had invited a couple of friends out to eat and one of my friends brought my hubby with him. We hit it off immediately and started dating and spent the summer together all the time. We've been together since, and we got married on June 21, 2014. :)
Hello everyone!

Glad to see that everyone is doing well, and that newcomers are keeping this thread alive! It's heartwarming to read that we are not alone in this frustrating journey :)

As for me, I did missed out on my precious and too rare o-day last month, as Af arrived on dpo10..... And I am very upset as I will also be traveling for business many weeks in the next months and I feel that it's lowering my already very slim chances....

But after a good night crying, I am now back on track, and happy to anounce that this cycle's trick will be : peppermint and spearmint!
Apparently it is helping LH to surge and helping the whole o process... I guess we will see : it is one of the few things I haven't tryied yet so...
My re appointment is coming up on the 29th of Feb, so until then, mint it is!

Good luck to you all! :flower:
2Ducks- Im glad you are getting some answers! I have heard that about BC and PCOS. PCOS brings your hormones exactly where they should be. My doctor actually told me it is easier for women with PCOS to conceive right off coming off BC because it regulates your hormone so well. But, obviously not alwas true. Hoping fr some answers on your bloodwork!

ME-Thanks so much for your input. I am having a trans-vaginal ultra sound on Monday. When I had my miscarriage about two years ago, they did one and noted they did't see anything pointing to polycystic, but that was a different doctor. I think I also control a good bit of my symptoms with diet and exercise. I run 30 miles a week and train for a good many half marathons. My doctor has always been so encouraging about me continuing to run seeing as how it is very important to me and a huge stress reliever. Anxious to see what Monday's ultra sound will show though. I also am not sure if I am ovulating even.

PeterPan-Did you like the Clomid? I am hoping and praying that my doctor puts me on something to end the 60-something day cycles. I cannot fathom having to wait another 3 months before getting my BFP! I am ready now!

So glad to have you ladies and the ability to have someone who understands exactly what irregularity feels like! I can't wait for the day all of us get our BFPs together!
Littlebean: I didn't have too many complaints on it, although I did notice more symptoms with the Clomid than I have so far on Femara. I was more moody, and I had hot flashes starting the first round. I also had sore boobs/nipples, but that could've been from the Progesterone. I have had to take Progesterone to induce a period every month for the last several months, so I'm pretty used to that. My current doctor explained that she likes Femara better because although its much newer, it has had better success rates for her patients and in studies. It also typically comes with less side effects and doesn't tend to work against you like Clomid can. Clomid can dry up your cervical mucous and can thin your lining. Also, I ovulated later on Clomid (cd 19 to 21) and my doctor says Femara should help me ovulate on or close to cd 14. Its worth asking your doctor about it!
joy: What's the story behind peppermint and spearmint? I haven't heard that one! So sorry about you missing your o this cycle. :( What is your appointment on Feb. 29 for? I have my 21 day blood draw on Feb. 22 to see if I ovulated on the 5mg Femara. Fingers crossed!
Hi ladies, I think I'll join in. Currently on CD 50 and nothing, no period, no BFP, no symptoms either way.

Off the pill my cycles have been 28 days, 42 days and now over 50! I was so hopeful that by the end of this year I'd have my little baby or be heavily pregnant at Christmas. I see that was pretty foolish as I have set myself up for a pretty big disappointment. I didn't get a positive OPK this cycle at all, but I stopped taking them on day 32 as I ran out.

I'm off overseas for a month as of Monday, so I will try not to worry about it and just go and see my Dr ASAP when I get back. My younger sister is 32ish weeks pregnant and I have struggled with the envy (especially as, objectively, they're in a terrible position to be having a baby). I hate feeling that way though.

*sigh* fingers crossed for all of you!!
xsticker87- Welcome to our thread! I can tell you that I have meticulously planned on having a baby in June so I could have this summer off on maternity leave...obviously that did not work out for me! My best friend is in her third trimester with her first, we are both the same age. I am ashamed to say I am finally at a place where I can feel happy for her. It wasn't really envy I was experiencing, more that I felt inadequate and out of control of my own circumstances and she has what I want. Also, I work as a children and family therapist for a non-profit mental health agency. Most of my clients are from poor/ working class families. I am not discriminating against people who are poor BUT I get very angry at the universe when a client's parent who has no income, is obese, smokes like a chimney, completely unhealthy and is several years older than me gets pregnant with their FOURTH baby by "accident". Seriously?!?!?!?! There is no justice when it comes to who gets to make babies...

Littlebean- I forget, are you ovulating during your 60 day cycles? I hope your doc gets you going on something, that's crazy to have to wait so long for your fertile window.

Joy- sorry you missed your O date on your business trip. Hopefully timing will work better for you this cycle. What is the deal with peppermint and spearmint?
stitcher: I know that feeling as well. I have 2 close friends who have been trying at the same time as me, and one of them got pregnant straight away and now has a 2 month old and the other just found out she is due in August. It's very difficult because I know in my heart I am happy for them, but it's so hard to watch their journey when I haven't been able to start mine. My hubby's stepsister is 18 or 19 and is also not in a position to be having a baby yet, and she is pregnant also. :/ I'm like you, I've been planning when I would have a baby by, like by Christmas, then that came and went. And I said well surely by next Christmas, and here we are 2 months later, and still no baby.
Hello Everyone,

A quick word to post what I found out on spearmint and peppermint. It is supposed to help in balancing hormones and increasing LH production as it lowers testosterone.
I never been tested for testosterone but I am sure my pcos are linked to high testosterone as I have quite dark facial hairs (which requires regular waxing).
Here are a few links I found out but if you google it, you will find many other results.

It says that it also helps with IBS so I am quite happy to try it...

And if this does not work out... well, I will have tried everything possible I can think of (maybe not black magic ;) so I will gladly take whatever my doc will decide to put me on at my 1-year-mark appointment at the end of the month...
Hey ladies! Went to the doctor today and she put me on metformin and progesterone. She seems to think this will work as my ultrasound showed a few large eggs in my ovary! (Which is what clomid is designed to do). She said progesterone and metformin will help shorten my cycles. Anyone have any experience with it?? AF should be arriving any day now but if not I will start a short cycle of progesterone to induce it. I have been trying to research metformin and it seems that most PCOS women have had luck on it but it does seem it can take a while for it to happen. Fingers crossed. I start tomorrow night!

2ducks how are things your way?? Peterpan?
That is wonderful information!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! I will jump on board with just about anything at this point!
Littlebean- I forget, are you seeing an OBGYN or an RE? What CD did they do the ultrasound. I am so happy for you, fingers crossed that the upcoming cycle will be successful for you.

I have been researching clomid like crazy. It seems there are very polarized opinions on whether or not OBGYNs or REs should be administering it. My OBGYN is going to do a 21 day u/s but looks like many women get an u/s earlier in their cycle. Luckily this won't happen for another 4 weeks so I have plenty of time to come up with a list of questions for my OBGYN. My insurance will not pay for me to see an RE or get fertility treatment so doing as much as I can with my OBGYN will be the best financially, BUT I also don't want to do anything dangerous or waste my time.

Also for ladies with hormone imbalances; I have been reading a lot on myo-inositol. Looks like it is helpful with help strengthen ovaries, anxiety, depression, hair/nail growth, acne and insomnia. I ordered a bottle, figured it can't hurt.
2ducks-I am seeing an OBGYN. I love her. She also has PCOS and used to be a runner, so it is very helpful. The u/s was done at CD63, but she also told me that my egg in my ovary is exactly how it should be for ovulation, and she didn't know if I had ovulated or not. So that was worrysome. But, hopefully this metformin will take care of that! I've read that some women take Metformin and get a BFP in one month and some women it takes up to a year. I will go back after three months to review my BBT and see how I am feeling. I start the progesterone at CD 18 and will continue to take it until I have a period or CD35, whichever comes first. At CD35 I will take a test, if it is a BFN, I will go off the progesterone to start AF and then start the cycle over again. At least it will be at most a 35 day cycle now!

Are you on Clomid now? Yes, there are tons and tons of different opinions on it out there! Please let me know what you think of the myo-inositol. I may jump on with that as well.
Littlebean - I'm on my last day of Femara, cd 9. So dh and I will bd every other day starting tomorrow and have our fingers and toes crossed! Do you know what Metformin is supposed to do specifically? Neither of my doctors have ever recommended it, but I've seen lots of people post about it. Btw, I'm seeing an OBGYN. If this month's Femara doesn't work, I have 4 more cycles I can use it before she will refer me to an RE. Then things get really expensive, so I'm staying positive it won't come to that.

Joy - I went and bought some peppermint tea, because Walmart didn't have spearmint tea (what the heck!?). I'm thinking about trying somewhere else to see if I can find actual spearmint tea because I'm not sure peppermint has the same effect. There's not much online about peppermint tea. Some people said it worked the same, if not better, and other places mention that it needs to be spearmint. So I think I'll just try to find the spearmint.

2ducks - I would highly recommend asking your OBGYN about Femara, too. I've had less side effects with it. I did have a few hot flashes today, but nothing like when I was on Clomid. I'm also on a stronger dose of Femara. I didn't have any hot flashes last month on the lower dose. I haven't been as moody and emotional as when I took the Clomid. Plus, my OBGYN says Femara is less likely to have adverse effects like thinning your uterine lining and drying up cervical mucous, which Clomid can do. Can't hurt to ask!
Oh, and I'm with Littlebean - let us know what you find about myo-inositol. I've seen it mentioned on these boards a couple of times, and I'm curious about it as well!

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