Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Hi ladies! Can I join?

I just posted another thread before finding this one. Then I saw this and thought PERFECT!

I'm 30 with PCOS and off BCP since mid October. Month 1 was a dream come true. Hormone surge, and a period CD28! Month 2 and my DH and I decided to TTC. I'm fairly certain, but no way to tell for sure, I had a chemical pregnancy. I had HORRIBLE cramping 10 DPO and then AF arrived on CD35, but was really light. This month I decided to temp, chart, and use OPK but it seems, thus far, to be anovulatory per my chart. Today is CD20. But here's the confusing part, I had 5 days of flashing smileys with Clear Blue Advanced. I skipped a day thinking this just wasn't my month, then took another OPK yesterday with a solid smiley. Say whaaa? What do you ladies think? Could it be a late LH surge or did something get messed up with skipping a day with OPK?

Hard to know what's "normal" when I've been on BCP fir 10 years!
Hello ladies!
I hope you are all going well, I see that there are fantastic trips coming up! Panama, Japan, sounds great!

Littlebeam, you can definitely start temping whenever you are in your cycle, especially if your cycles are long. this is always good to give an idea of your post-o temp level, and this will help you to confirm when you o.
2ducks, I am glad that your follow-up appointment is coming up! Mine is on the 29th of Feb and I can't wait either.
Mepride, welcome to that thread, Opks can be positive for 2 days so I hope you got as busy as possible ;) They say that pcos can have lh surge (=positive opks) but no ovulation, but in over 12 months, it never happened to me : the 8 times I got positive opks, I actually o within the next couple of days.

As for me, I had huge blobs of ewcm on wednesday and thursday which was sad because I was on the other side of the world... I got back on Friday and peed on an opk straight away : it was still positive (probably the end of the surge though). We BDed on Friday ans Saturday but I had no more ewcm... I am sure I o on Friday as it was very painful on my left side + i had very bad ibs which always come along with o time for me.
I hope I did not completely missed out this month... I guess we will see in about 10days as I usually get my period 9 to 11 days after o.
I must say that I have very little hope this month...

Do you girls also have weird pain when you o? I am wondering if this is due to my pcos (many follicular cysts being pushed over by a bigger one being released) or endo as I really have bad ibs for 2 days around o... Anyway, I definitely can't wait for my appointment too...

Have a nice Sunday ;)
ME- WELCOME! I can completely relate to your situation! Although I have yet to have a "regular" cycle, I have PCOS and last month for 5 days of flashing smilies! I BDed every day during those days and two weeks later I was left with no AF and a BFN. My doctor says PCOS can really effect those things and it can be extremely tricky to get an accurate read. She said if it lines up with temping and a positive OPK then it is way more accurate, but OPK alone are not to be trusted for us PCOS gals. But as always BD just to be on the safe side!

2ducks/joy - I think I will start temping starting tomorrow! My last cycle was 61 days and today is cd 42. With no signs of AF I am kind of hoping I'm not too late and haven't ovulated yet. I will update once I start temping. Any thoughts ?

I usually have random pains a few times a month. Sometimes I will think it is o sometimes I think it's AF. With wonky cycles I just have no idea.

enjoy the Sunday ladies! It is a big football day for us as we are HUGE Panthers fans!
Thanks LittleBean! I knew OPK's could be unreliable, but hadn't realized that unreliable! We could spend a fortune on those things!! Generally, when you get a positive OPK, is that the day of ovulation or 12-24 hours before? Since I had the solid smiley yesterday (and it won't let me test again) I am wondering when a temperature spike may occur (if it were to occur)?

I had very obvious right sided sharp pain around ovulation the first month off BCP. Low abdominal and back pain. It coincided with EWCM, a huge increase in libido (what I wouldn't do to get that back!!!), and acne like you wouldn't believe. Those were my telltale sign of ovulation that month! I did have some left sided pain yesterday but it was short lived and it didn't feel quite like it did the first month. I won't be able to tell you if it were O pain unless I see a temp spike.
MEpride, welcome to our thread! I love it when women find their way here. I have not used the CBDavdanced. I have read many complaints from women that the smiley and blinkey smiley really throw them off. I prefer wondfos from Amazon because they are so cheap and I don't feel bad if I use multiples in a day. With your chart you may see an immediate increase in your post O temps or it may be gradual. Most women report it takes them a few cycles to really notice their typical patterns. Do you use Fertility Friend? FF has a chart gallery which I find really helpful, you can see how different every woman's chart looks and find charts that are similar to yours. Also, women can have multiple lh surges. A few months ago I had several lh surges in two weeks and I did not ovulate, boy that was disappointing. Please let us know if your temps look like you ovulated! Also, not to be a downer but FF has given me crosshairs three times and then taken them away because my temps no longer confirmed O, I was incredibly disappointed. Again, welcome to our thread! Also, it would be great if you could post your chart when your cycle is complete, I would love to see it.

joy-do you know what you will discuss at your OBGYN follow up? Is there anything specific you are hoping for (besides the doctor telling you that you are 3 months pregnant)??? I hope you didn't miss your window! Sounds like you may have caught it at the very end.

Littlebean- go Panthers! We actually don't watch football but if the Patriots don't win I have a lot of sad and angry co workers.
Skycastles- Japan, oooh that sounds VERY cool! Periods on vacations are not fun, but you are right we have to deal with it...We are doing an overnight on a remote island with no plumbing so I pray that I at least to not have my period on that one night in Panama.
2Ducks- I sure will post my chart when it's all said and done! I've noticed 2 LH surges this month. Once on the 17th and then again on Sat the 23rd but I haven't seen any real rise in temp on my chart. Any thoughts on testing orally vs vaginally? I've been testing orally.

Being the New Englander that I am, the Patriots losing last night has made a lot of people unhappy! I tend to cheer for the underdogs. I'm a Chicago Bears fan at heart. Or the Giants. 😄
2Ducks- I do use fertility friend. And kindara. I've found both to be good apps. Both apps show a continually downward trend in temp though. Could just be the first time user though, too! Lol!
2Ducks- I sure will post my chart when it's all said and done! I've noticed 2 LH surges this month. Once on the 17th and then again on Sat the 23rd but I haven't seen any real rise in temp on my chart. Any thoughts on testing orally vs vaginally? I've been testing orally.

Being the New Englander that I am, the Patriots losing last night has made a lot of people unhappy! I tend to cheer for the underdogs. I'm a Chicago Bears fan at heart. Or the Giants. 😄

I don't like football but I keep my mouth shut...I am pretty sure if I went to work today and told everyone I didn't give two Sh*ts that the Patriots lost I would have been chased by an angry mob and stoned to death.

I like FF because the charts are easy to read. Kindara charts are really pretty but I find them more confusing. I take my temp vaginally. I tried orally but I sleep with my mouth open and don't get great readings. Plus it is cold season and I had a cold for like 3 weeks and was congested at night which would have made it difficult to temp via mouth. Temping vaginally sounds kind of weird and traumatic but its no big deal. My partner asked me if I was going to lube the thermometer before I inserted it, I told him it doesn't go in that far! Allegedly temps are a little more accurate with vaginal temping.
Hi Mepride! :flower:
Haha i temp orally.. I don't particularly like it and stopped after a few months because I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking it's time to take my temp! I started again this week because I'm hoping for a more accurate idea of when I should expect my period while travelling.
Joy - I really think you could've still caught the egg.. i read it lives 24-48hours so fingers crossed for you!
Afm I think I'm O-ing today or tomorrow. Hoping to see a temp rise tomorrow morning. We got a round of BD in 2 days ago so I really hope it'll happen today in order for me to be in with a chance.
Yesss, I have been very irregular since going off the pill 4 yrs ago. I go months without and it makes me think I'm not ovulating or if I am then I am clearly missing my o date. It's so expensive with an irregular cycle to do opks. I just started vitex and geritol to try and help regulate. It's just such a pain to never know if you are or aren't prego without af unless you take a test and get disappointed.
Hello ladies,

It's my first time posting on any of these sites but I am at a dead end here about what's going on with my body so I am hoping you can help me.

Partner and I have been having sex unprotected in the last 6+ months as we want to have a baby but due to busy work lives we haven't been religiously trying, maybe once a week.

So I am now on cycle day 44, normal cycle is between 32-34...longest I have gone without AF has been 34 days. I am currently using Clue APP which is pretty accurate and have been using it for the past 2 years.

I have taken 6 test and all BFN, but have had some symptoms.

* Eating loads last 2 weeks then appetite off this week
* weight gain around my boobs and belly (partner noticed yesterday)
* Slight tender boobs but not painful anymore, they were very sore 2 weeks ago when I though AF was coming.
* headache, really one yesterday and today
* Couldn't stand the taste of baked beans last night at dinner (had dry jacket potato with cheese only)
* Can't stand the smell of ciggerettes or coffee ( I used to smoke ( 2 a day) and live on coffee but can't seem to go near them past 2 weeks)
* On monday was hit with really bad cold/flu which I am just recovering from and started with sore throat (I don't get ill very easily)
* noticed white lotion CM last week then today stringy whitesh/clearish CM with blob (stretched it between my fingers) sorry tmi
* Cramping on and off for the past 2 weeks
* Weird sense of smell, parfumes make me feel sick
* Feeling tired and lazzy (normally I am a very up and go morning person and can't sit still).

Today I went to the doctor as I am now very concerned at this point she said that the possibility of pregnancy was low as it should really show by now as I had sex on the 1st of Jan but I may of had sex after too. She then did an internal examination and said my vagina felt a little 'bulky' and 'compact' and asked if I could do another urine test which again negative. My partner and had sex last night and he too said I felt really wet and tighter, he describbed it as 'spongy'

Anyway she has requested full blood count and other blood tests and having them tomorrow. I was 6 weeks pregnant with my daughter when I got BFP 9 years ago so I have now forgotten what all my symptoms were. I am now 33 and partner is 28.

Can anyone help me understand what is happening to me, I am having a blood test tomorrow for ovarian cancer so we can rule that out too and I am really freaking out...

Any replies would be much much appreciated

A xx
Stephjay- I was just thinking this same thing this morning. I was looking at how few OPKs I have from the 50 pack I ordered from Amazon and thought WTF?!?!?! How the hell did I use those SO FAST. I think when I run out I am not going to order more until I have my period. If we have sex every 2-3 days we should hit the fertile window anyway, plus I am so tired of the pee stick reminding me every day that "nope, you're not fertile today, sucka".

AndieLove- I am so sorry that you are going through this. I do hope that your tests come out favorably. This thread is in the Trying To Conceive #1 forum. The women here have either never been pregnant or had early miscarriages and are still trying for their first. Since our bodies are all unique none of us will be able to tell you what your particular symptoms mean for your body. I completely understand that you are freaking out and want to know what is going on and it is understandable that you would turn to the online community. I do wish you the best of luck, lots of positive thoughts and creepy internet hugs:hugs:
How many of you gals are lucky enough to get the sharp spike in temperature after ovulation? How many of you are slow risers?
What's considered slow? :)
Mine doesn't rise that high immediately, but you can see an almost half degree (celsius) difference within 3-4 days. My chart is can be seen if you click on my turtle ticker
I don't know what you would consider a slow riser, hahaha. Just wondering what the norm is for people. 😄

I had my annual gyn exam yesterday. She basically told me I was being crazy for obsessing so much so early on 😝. I can't disagree! I've decided to not chart or do anything and let fate work its magic, for at least the next 3 months while my body adjusts to being off the pill. It's only been 3 months since going off BCP so it's hard to determine whether my anovulation is due to regulating after the pill or my PCOS. My ob/gyn will see me in 3 months and says we can start some clomid or something then if things are still wonky. Anyone out there ever try clomid? I heard it gives nasty side effects and can be actually harmful to ovulation in the long run....???

Until then. Only thing I'll be doing is taking my prenatals, eating a good PCOS diet, and maybe some acupuncture as recommended by the ob/gyn.

How's everyone else doing out there? Any TWW's??
I haven't ovulated so I don't know nothing about a post ovulation temp spike!

MEpride, I am surprised to find out that your doc is considering clomid so soon. May women report that their docs don't consider fertility treatment until after a year of ttc, is this because you have PCOS? Just do your research on clomid, I believe you have to be closely monitored because you can only take it for 6 cycles and their is risk for multiple births. You can also go to a Chiropractor if your insurance covers it. It may help regulate cycles, plus I just love getting adjusted.

I have my OBGYN follow up on week from Monday, I am very excited and want to DO SOMETHING to get my cycles started again.
Skycastles- are there instructions somewhere on how to link your FF tracker on your profile. I would love to have mine look like yours.
- Click on your ticker in the FF app
- Click "customize"
- There's a bar with options "Rulers | Sliders | Share". Click on share
- Copy the "BBcode code" and paste into your signature on babyandbump.

When I did it the first time round, the ticker wasn't updating itself to the same day as my FF app yet. Had to wait a day and recopy and paste before it decided to work by itself haha. Just letting you know in case you experience the same thing
Irregular Gals Get to Know You First Edition:

Where did you meet your husband/partner/significant other??

I met my guy when we were 19. We were both working at the same restaurant for the summer. He was a line cook and I was a waitress. We started dating that summer and the rest is history!

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