any other over 35 first time mums?

Borboleta--T is on full milk already? Waaaah! We've got to get braver, I think. I have to believe I am not going to starve my son, and we have to get more "gently aggressive" with the milk. But he hates it! So you were just concerned about the bottles themselves? Oh, I wish I had that problem! I can't believe how well T is taking to eating! Good on you for not caring in the end; I've stopped caring so much about salt and sodium because so little salt goes into homemade meals anyway. And fat, well, this kid is underweight (so were my husband and I), so I don't worry about that at all. Though I still don't give him sugar. But the skinny thing worries me, too. He can wear 18-24 months in shirts, but I'm still rolling up the cuffs of his 12-18 pants, wondering how on earth he is such a shorty! Then I realized that his pants are simply not staying up around his waist and that's why his cuffs always drag on the floor. He eats like a horse and still gets formula on top of that, so it's not lack of food!

I find the mini-series of BSG hard to get into--the one that explains what happened in the colonies--but once you know the back story... My husband LOVES the first episode, "33." I've asked him randomly from 2009 on what he's watching, and he says, with great intensity, "33." Oh, and the gorgeous men! I have a huge crush on Sam Anders, and Helo (who is Canadian, thank you very much!). I sent my sister all of the DVDs and she went from skeptic to obsessed follower. I think it was one of the most brilliant shows on television, and nothing has matched it since.

Jules--I keep on trying True Blood, but never get past the first few episodes. I should try again because I love getting stuck into one show and there are what? Five seasons or so? That would last me a long time... My sister loves it, and we have almost identical tastes, so...

Aaahhhh... I remember the days when I used to read. Then I got pregnant and my concentration went to s*** and has yet to get any better. How's your attention span, Jules?

Storm--wow, I would never have made that trek through snow and a LO! No wonder your back is shot! Is your dad okay? I assume by "snowed in" you meant that he can't drive because of the snow?

Re: Temper--J has started resisting, as well. He'll get his hands on something that he knows he shouldn't have, and then holds on with a vice grip when I try to take it away. And then he cries and cries... It's so weird to experience because he's always been so laid back about stuff like this. So, I'm guessing, it's a developmental stage. A very, very annoying one. But what I'm really concerned with right now is that he likes to throw his books and toys at us when he wants us to read to or play with him. We keep trying to tell him to be gentle and do NOT throw things at us, but he won't stop. Hopefully, this is just a phase, too.

Claire--your house in Ireland sounds wonderful! Has it been in your family long? It must be nice to know that your own child(ren) will enjoy it like you did!

Leeze--I'm sorry about the teething hell. Have any popped through since this started? How many are you still waiting for? The farm sounds wonderful! I wonder if there's anything around here like that. There's the zoo, but it is the saddest zoo; the only interesting thing abut it is the really old elephant they march through the paths at lunch time. And even that is pretty sad (poor elephant!).

Nothing much going on here. Nothing at all, actually... OH and J are going to Oma and Pake's for Sunday Dinner, but I'm staying here, writing a lecture. Bah. It's a grumpy day. :wacko:
Yes Clio my dad couldn't get either car out, there was horrendous wind with the snow so it accumulated really badly and deeply in some areas. It was literally a 5 minute walk from the main road but awkward as the snow was so deep! We rarely get bad snow, once or twice a year so no one can cope with it! Typically my dad doesn't keep proper supplies in the house so had only random food and no milk and boy is that man addicted to his coffee! He wasn't bothered but I hated the thought of him being stuck there! He's fit and active but he's also nearly 70 so he would never have ventured out to the shop either.

Borboleta I didn't let L play in the snow, it was too deep and she only has trainers for her feet and she wants to eat it!

Dh and I have argued all weekend. In a nutshell he needs free space EVERY day and I was hurt and upset he can't even spend a full day with L and I without being a stroppy git. I would like me time too but I'm a mum! It rarely happens... Is this a man thing?

Right sleep time, who knows how many zillion times I will be up... Oh and Ls bad temper, yes much worse when she's tired!
Hope Lucy is back to her old self Claire. Ah The Grange! I may be venturing there soon for a friends 40th, always loved that pub! so you did a trip down memory lane then. My parents moved from Pitshanger Lane area only 18 months ago, so was always popping back there, my Aunt still lives down the road from St Bennies. Oh the days of Haven Green!! Do you remember The Wimpy?? so many years ago now!! Borboleta, once i saw Claire's pics on FB i remembered her, and i think i remember your friend who is now pregnant, was her sister in my year?

Angel, about weightloss and breastfeeding, no i'm not one of the lucky ones!! i have been so bad about going to the gym, so not as intended. However i got a fright on the scales at the gym today!! when i found myself half a stone heavier than i was when i was last there (a month ago!!!!) i really need to cut out the nibbles in my diet and get fit again! oh how i wish i was one of those women who breastfeed back into their skinny jeans, but not to be :( I also love retro kitchens, mines a bit of a mix, i do have retro tiling and a lovely retro fridge, which i love!

Clio your story about J cuddling Morgan made me laugh, i think we may have that to come. Charlie likes to snuggle up to us when i feed S. Once Sophia is done, she's so eager to sit up and have a stroke, but her idea of stroking the cat is kind of just grabbing and pulling fur and then poor Charlie's collar! But like Morgan, Charlie just sits there, i think it's more of if you can't beat 'em join them attitude though. I often wonder how tolerant she will be when Sophia starts crawling, she is an old lady at 15 so would understandably not appreciate too much tail pulling!

Talking of crawling, how old were your LO's when they first crawled and when they first sat up?? I think we are some way off with Sophia, i feel pretty sure we will have an early talker though, she loves practising her new sounds and having a babble chat with me.

SK, i feel bad for you having such a difficult MIL. I think mine would be hard, but not quite as complex as yours if she lived nearer but luckily they all live in The Netherlands!

Storm, what is with this weather?!! we have no snow where i am, but it's foul, i am so ready for some springtime please!! not heat, just mild, pleasant weather and some flowers and leaves on the trees!! at least the clocks go forward next weekend for some longer, hopefully lighter evenings :) getting those black out blinds just in the nick of time, phew!

Sophia is definitely not sleeping as well as she was. I don't really want to say that it's the 4 month sleep regression as she was so poorly last week so i'm blaming that for throwing her off. Tonight it took us 2 hours to settle her, where it use to take maybe 20 minutes. She is also teething Leeze! how long do these blood teeth take to cut through, i feel like we've been stuck on this page for 2 months now!

Borboleta, i would love to see OZ, i love The Wizard of Oz, one of my favourite old movies! However i think i won't be making it to the big screen, it'll on my sofa with a bowl of popcorn.

Off to sleep, night all.
Borboleta I would actually make my own cake, but it would depend where I married? and on the subject of when I will marry????? well,I think it will come after we have No2 (if lol) so tbh I don't know when it would be? having another child is more important than a wedding right now.
I do remember Charlie from school as she was only the year above me. I have a photo of the whole school which we are both in - funny how are paths have crossed on here:haha:

Leeze I'm sorry for your teething hell - sadly I think we are having the same issue tonight. She took 1 1/2hours to go to sleep,slept for one hour and then has woken 3 times in the space of 30 mins!!!:nope: not looking good for me tonight!:growlmad: she has been out of sorts for a few days now and had a really red ear yesterday and keeps chewing on her fingers too:cry:

the house in Ireland was bought by my Grandparents some 40+ years ago,so It has been in my life since I was a bump in my mums tum! it has so many happy memories for me and my family and yes,it is so nice that the next generation of my family are getting to experience the wonderful times too. My Mum also has a cottage just up the road, but it has no heating atm so we cannot live there.

Storm Glad you managed to check in on your Dad. My sister and BIL were trying to get hold of his Dad in NI ,but couldn't? we can only hope it was because of the lack of power - I don't think he has a mobile as he is in his 80's. I'm sure the neighbours would have looked in on him or he had the sense to stay in bed to keep warm.

Think I might try to go to bed now as I don't know what is in store for me:wacko:
hope all are well?!

saw the doctor this am and I've gone back to my old anti-depressant (very mild, only use for sleep, but it has migraine-reducing qualities), so hopefully that's resolved.

It's freezing here! storm - I guess you are luckily NOT one of those up north with power still off? and I agree re: OH -- he's off this week, so he slept in until 12 and had to pick up LO at creche at 2, but didn't manage to do anything in-between. It's his holiday, you see...........

must real personals, mea culpa!

Good evening ladies :)

Jules Glad you made it home safe :)
I laughed at your DH's comment about the sheepy smell :D Still, I do hope it will go ;)

Borboleta I do tend to walk in the park in most weathers but today it was so very cold that I didn't go. Also I did not go yesterday as it was snowing! There is a limit! I do have a plastic stroller cover so the boys are dry and also they are safe from most of the wind in there but for myself I only have a large rain-hat with a brim and a raincoat and boots. I must look very odd cause I usually put my scarf around the hat, as well as my neck or the hat would fly off. And to keep the wind and rain out, I tie the scarf around the collar of my coat. I will ask OH to take a picture next time :haha: Me and Sabrina would make quite a pair ;)
Wow attempting to potty train at that age? I know it can be done but would that not mean if he needed the potty at night, he would wake you so you could take him? Or would he be able to hold it till morning?
I do think that if they eat well during the day that they will sleep better at night but there is no saying, maybe for T it is a combination of peeing and not having eaten so much that wakes him?
T laughing at the iPad sounds so adorable! I bet he charmed the waiters too :D And I totally know what you mean when you say how much you enjoy the phase T is in now. I do too with my boys. I love how they come to me when I call them and how they re developing a sense of humour and we can play and have fun together :cloud9: But I do still dream of one more baby :blush:

Clio I totally understand that you are relieved that Sebastian seems to be a humper too. :haha: Thing is, why does it make him cry? Maybe it isn't that after all? I am just not too sure. It does look like a sort of humping. Hm.
Morgan sounds like an adorable cat! It must be reassuring that you can leave J alone with her without a danger to him. Or is the danger the other way around maybe would he maybe be a bit rough on her? I laughed at your comment about her being intent on J loving her! Poor innocent kitty!
I think Alfie will walk away if Sebastian tried to touch him without me there. But while I am there he will stay and I have had to caution him cause he was all ready to grab Sebastian's hand. So I am not trusting him 100% Dominic btw isn't half as interested in Alfie as Sebastian is. Sebastian makes a bee-line for him as soon as he sees him. Utterly delighted to see him :)
As for an offswitch in babies and toddlers. Hm. Not sure they really do have that cause why else would my Dominic be somewhat overweight? His doctor did tell us to limit his food intake so that he will come down to the 75th % curve that he was in as a tiny baby. :(
I don't think we could leave the boys to eat on their own. First of all, we have to give them food bits one by one and not lay them down all at once or they would play with the food, chuck it on the floor and spit out the bits they were chewing on to grab a new bit. We tried this. So for now we lay down what they can have piece by piece. We tried sandwiches the other day with ham, houmous and cheese (not all in one but three different kinds) and that went quite well. Except that once again I couldn't say how many of them Sebastian actually ate and how many of them ended up in bits on the floor, the chair and as spit up around his face :( Dominic ate those very well as he eats everything well really. Just like his mum :blush:
As for the milk, our health visitor also told us to put the boys on cows milk when they are a year old. But I think I will put them on Apatmil Growing Up milk 1+. Otherwise I am just not confident enough with what we are starting to feed them that they will have all the nutrients. But I will discuss it with their doctor when we take them for their 1 year check up.

Claire How is Lucy? I hope the temperature if back to normal?
I think you should find someone else to make your cake cause as a bride you should be spoiled and not slave away in the kitchen. Plus this way you could try all the cakemakers and their products before hand ;) (So best do it while still BF so you can indulge. Best reason to get married soon I think ;) :haha:)
Your house in Ireland sounds so lovely! I hope the weather will improve by then so that you can enjoy it a bit more than you would right now. Have you been there with Lucy before?

Sabrina I totally feel for you looking like a Babushka! My look in this weather is not dissimilar to yours, except that I wear a waxed rain hat held in place by the scarf. We are a glamorous pair!
Yay for finding the romper again in a bigger size :) And yes we have bought plenty of things again in a larger size. But just the other day OH bought a cardi from Monsoon on ebay for 12-18 month that we already have a size smaller. It is one of our favourites. Sadly when it arrived it transpired that it must have been washed too warmly as it is now even smaller than the 6- 12 month one we already have! :( Annoyingly OH had already left a positive comment by the time I saw the cardi.

Charlie I hope the lovie is working well? Our boys have their muslins and especially Sebastian loves them. Or rather the tag/label. The combo of label and dummy is magic for him :) As for Pantley's Gentle Removal Plan, I have read the whole book, it is called The No Cry Solution and it is truly a lovely book and the gentlest way of sleep training I have come across. The book is also not at all long AND exists in a kindle format. So I would deffo recommend it if you are interested in a bit of sleep training :)
You are not the only one to have put on weight since giving birth. I have decided to try the Diet Chef diet for a month. It is expensive but I am so miserable that I have to get to grips now. And I am sure I wouldn't have been lucky with the BF either. It seems just that my body-type likes to hold on to food while as my OH for example can eat what he wants in any quantity he wants and he still looks like a weedy geeky teen Grr! lol
As for crawling, I think my boys are later than average in many things so we aren't a guideline. I think Clio's J and Rowan's Martha were the earliest on here? Dominic was 10 month and Sebastian still only army crawls.
Sophia and her babble chat sound absolutely adorable! :D Any sign of a tooth yet?

Storm gosh the weather conditions over there sound horrendous! I hope the snow is going now? Glad you made it to your dad though. You sound like such a lovely daughter and he such a lovely dad :hugs:
Your DH does sound a little like my OH. I suspect that he needs to get away from us every day too and not just to sneaky smoke. (<:growlmad:) He does get away twice a day usually. In the morning to get us a Starbucks coffee (one of our few indulgences) and usually in the afternoon he does the shopping. I often ask if we should go with him but he usually somehow manages to go on his own :( I don't think he invariably smokes either. Though the latter is still a problem. The other morning when it had been OH to get up with the boys, I woke really early and went to join them. He was outside the front door smoking! I was SO FRICKING mad at him! I thought at least he only smokes when he isn't in charge of the boys and won't have immediate contact. But what if one of them had slipped and bumped his head in the room (happens all the time) and he would have had to pick him up reeking of smoke? Am I just a crazy born again non smoker that I find this unacceptable? Grr!
Hope your nights are getting a little better again now :)

Leeze poor you and Kia for the teething hell! I really hope it passes soon as it seems the bad sleep has been going on for ages now. :hugs:
As for eating a small portion with Kia, that is a great idea. We shall have to try that. Thanks :thumbup:

As for us, nothing much new except that suddenly Sebastian has two new teeth. One at the top on the right and a third on the bottom left :D I don't think he had any problems with them as mostly he is in an excellent mood all day :)
Dominic is still quite whiney but still so much cuddlier too! I am enjoying that a lot (though less so the whining) :D I am thinking he is teething and not feeling too well with it but he has no temperature that I can tell. They both sleep through every night though so (touch wood) he cannot be in too much pain right?
He has both top teeth through now but they are so far apart from each other that he will look like Goofy when they grown down a little :( I am hoping that the other top teeth will maybe push them together a little bit. I don't mind the little gaps between his bottom teeth, they look cute but that top gap is a lot wider I think :( Is it bad that I am a tiny bit vain in behalf of my boys? I know, they are not their final teeth and they can have braces when they are (pre)teens etc but he will have these teeth for a few years so... :blush:
Ok got to go. FOOOOD! Hope you are all well xxx
Evening ladies! Well we had Ls one year assessment today, 3 months late.. anyway she's spot on for everything, 91st centile for weight and height.. she's a big girl. Obviously teething again too. The only thing I have been advised to do is try and cut down on bottle use but she wasn't pushy at all and to give her a vitamin d supplement and they will see us again when she is 2. She also said if I can cope with the multiple night time wakings for her bottle its fine, the stopping that habit will benefit me more than L.

Clairey I loved your cake! My mum bless her made mine, there are photos on fb, it was a huge 3 tier fruit cake and all the flowers decorating each tier were sugarpaste and,my darling mum made each one.

I'm wrecked today, we had a rough night.. multiple baby wakings... Zzz zzz

I was also looking at a nursery closer to the new house, but I'm not convinced, I must look for more and they are getting more expensive! I need a payrise, actually I would prefer dh to get a payrise so I can spend more time at home... Lol... Not likely...
angel - I only smoke at home if a) LO is sleeping or b) my OH is taking care of him -- otherwise, not at all (I smoke roll-ups, not 'proper' cigarettes and usually only a few puffs or two), but I always wash my hands, etc - I never smoke around LO outside (in the stroller, etc), so yes, I would be annoyed with your OH.

Got the 'I do everything' lecture again from my OH, which is odd because he didn't put the stair gate up or hoover the living room (the only thing I did ask him to do); I however, went to work, came home, did dinner, folded baby clothes, swept the kitchen and a few other things, while he sat at the kitchen table and/or during LO's nap, was on the commuter. It must be nice to be on holiday. However, I am always reminded that 'I wanted a baby'...yes, I did but NOT TWO (and one who is 43)!

Clio - Finn gets whole milk at creche, but at home, he is still on formula as I always worry about nutrients, etc. - also, if J likes yogurt -- that has yummy dairy in it.

must go! bye!
9.57 and I've been in twice to L already, oh goodie... This is going to be a fun night....
Storm: so sorry to hear about your bad nights. You must be exhausted!!! And :happydance: for the good doctor experience:). It sounds like she is doing great :thumbup:. The lack of sleep is not making any difference to her development :haha:. Maybe she doesn't need much sleep anyways:).
And I agree with you about man needing some time to be alone :growlmad:!!! That should be long gone once they decided to be fathers :growlmad:! How about us when do we get some alone time? When he tells that you should ask him that and see what would be his response :growlmad:!! It makes me mad!!! So unfair!

Sabrina: glad to hear you got your old meds back :happydance:! And your OH too saying how he does everything around the house!!! Why man are like that? :growlmad:I hope our male LOs will turn out to be a little different :thumbup:.

Angel: I am not planning on potty train thiago for a while :haha:. But I hope to start around 20 months and see how it goes. Although they do say that boys potty train later than girls and it is best to start the process when they have a dry diaper through the night.
I would love to see a picture of you and the boys ready for a walk:). It sounds so cute. :winkwink:. Maybe Sabrina takes one of her self too :thumbup:.
And the front top teeth gap, thiago has it too. I am sure it will be less proeminent once the other teeth come in :thumbup:.

Claire: you should just come to Las Vegas and get married :winkwink:. And like angel said you should hire someone to do your cake and be pampered:). But like you said sometimes the priorities are different, so second baby and than a wedding sounds lovely:).

Charlie: the OZ movie was very beautiful and definetely worth watching on the big screen. Can your in laws or your parents let you and your OH have a date night?
Sorry S hasn't been sleeping very well. Hopefully is just for a couples of days:).
Thiago sat by himself at about five months I think and was working on his crawling at 6 months but started an active crawling at 8 months. He started trying to walk with me holding both hands at 7 months but he really just took of on his own a week before he was 11 months although I am pretty sure he was ready when he was 10 months but he wouldnt let go of our hands ( better saying one hand never two :dohh:). Every baby is different :thumbup:.

Clio: yes thiago is on whole milk but do what is best for you and what makes you feel confident about his nutrition. I am sure it won't be long that you will noticed his pants being too short:). Thiago is wearing 12 months pants because they fit him best on the waistline. The 18 months are huge on the waist even if they will look okay on the length. And some brands are bigger than others so you never know.

We Sttn last night so we will see what the night reserve for us today ( know the feeling Claire :haha:).
Anyways yesterday I had a friend coming to visit us which I have not seem her in almost one year and it was so strange how she didn't interact with thiago. She is 39 and doesn't have babies but wants one. She is dating a guy so it will be interesting and I hope she has a baby soon. But she is super frugal! The most frugal person I have ever met!!! She brought a a dish to our house and some sour cream to go with the dish and can you believe that she took the opened sour cream with her :dohh:! I went to finish her dish today for lunch so I was trying to find the sour cream to eat with the food and didn't find it anywhere! I actually laughed and told OH that she has not changed at all!!! She probably has millions of dollars hidden in her mattress :haha:!!

Okay, have to go teach a class. Talk to you girls later:).
What a horrible night I have had! Not due to the boys but due to OH and indirectly Alfie. OH had most of the duvet so I was constantly waking too cold when I was uncovered. And Alfie, well it really is more my fault than his but he had a flea. :( I have been bitten all over. (10 bites in all I think). I should have been more up to date with Frontline I guess but thought it would be ok in winter. But what is sure is that I got bitten in bed about 2 nights ago and I therefore assume the flea was in the bed then :sick: So last night I kept waking cause my bites were itching and cause every little tickle from the duvet had me convinced I could feel fleas running over me! I couldn't of course and Alfie is now treated so it is very likely that the flea is dead already and I haven't had any new bites but still! I am so tired! And then Dominic woke before 6 so I am up. And guess who fell asleep again?
But Sebastian is awake now so I better prepare the sitting-room for them and then make their milk. Will do personals later. xx
Hi Angel, if Alfie did have fleas (you can usually see them on the cat) then its likely you need to treat the house too. If you get anymore bites you will need to as there could be flea eggs. Get vacuming too! Oh th. Joys. Flea bites are soooooo itchy...
Gah, yes they are! I did get a room spray for fleas from the vet too but thought I'd wait and see. I did change the bed linen and didn't see any tell-tale black dots of faeces but you are right, I better hoover some more! Bleh!
Hello ladies:flower: it's so chilly here,the wind is biting cold:wacko: Lucy still wanted to get out of her buggy and walk though:dohh: can't stop pregress I guess:thumbup:

Charlie my newly pregnant friend didn't go to St Augustine's.I think you are thinking of Lucianne who was in my year and Nichola her sister in your year.
Angel Lucy's high temp has now gone and things seem to be a bit more normal.....watever that is?
We are hoping the weather improves slightly,but if not I have plenty of warm stuff for Lucy to keep her cosy.I have only managed one trip with Lucy due to mum's illness,but she was only 3 1/2 months old so didn't really appreciate all it has to offer. I wonder what she will make of the sea this time?? we are 10 mins away from the coast:thumbup:

Storm that's so lovely your mum made your cake - it was truly made with love and care!!!:hugs:

How are our pregnant ladies doing??? hope you don't have these babies while I'm away :haha:
Angel--I think all babies with teeth still manage to look incredibly adorable, no matter how many gaps (and this is gorgeous D we're talking about, so it goes triple for him). And exactly--once the big teeth come in we'll be off to the orthodontist for braces as soon as possible. Both Eric and I had big buck teeth, and I had a gap, too, so problems seem imminent. I'm already checking out our benefits plan to see how much is covered.

The food issue sounds v. frustrating. I can see how leaving them alone with the food wouldn't work. Will they take Level 3 food (?--sorry, not at all versed in the levels of TW). I assume it is the lumpiest? But you said that Dom is fine; just Seb is the problem. Too bad they don't imitate each other! Oh well, as I keep reminding my self when I see J using the fork I gave him to brush his hair, there are few 15-year-olds who can't handle cutlery. I'm sure it will be the same thing for Seb in the end.

J has a similar restraint problem like D. If he has some fruit placed in front of him, he will shove it all into his mouth at the same time. He was particularly bad with bananas, so I came up with a plan to make him eat them properly, with fewer fears of choking on my part. I sit down on the kitchen floor with the banana (or, "nanana" as J calls them), and feed J piece by piece. The rules are simple: finish the piece you have in your mouth, show me that it is truly gone, and then you can have another one. So J will pace very seriously around the kitchen with his hands behind his back, while working on swallowing the piece he has in his mouth. Then he comes back, opens his mouth wide to show it's gone and could he have another piece now? He sometimes initiates the "game" by sitting on the kitchen floor himself, ready to be fed, piece by piece by piece.

Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhh! I somehow just lost over half of my post. So I'll try and rewrite as much as I can remember...

Borboleta--I'm directing these question to you, but please, if anyone else can give me advice, I'd love to hear it (because I need help!).

Questions about weaning off of formula to whole milk:

1. When does T get the milk? Mealtime and before naps and bed?

2. What are you using to give it to him? And when? Do you have a link to the cups you're using? Are you using a "graduated" system, where the cup changes as the baby grows more competent?

3. Did he become hungrier after his formula was taken away? I have difficulty getting my head around the fact that I'm replacing formula (actual food) with cow's milk (very healthy, yes, but NOT a form of food). He's skinny enough as it is; will he start to lose weight?

Okay, I'm posting this now just in case I lose it again.
L had a huge gap between her front teeth, but as she has got more the gap has really closed! I have a gap and I hate it!

Clio you might find the less formula J drinks the more he eats! L has stupid amounts of cows milk but also has breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner! Sometimes she demands pre bedtime snack too... She's a starvo! Somedays she eats way more than others though, she usually doesn't eat much when her teeth are bothering her. She's on the 91st centile for height and weight so pretty well proportioned :)

Not much to report, I'm tired... I hope she sleeps better tonight wee monkey!
clio - I look at formula/milk as one and the same, e.g. liquid - I drink loads of water throughout the day and do the same with LO -- I'll do a 'typical' day to give you an idea:

7am - wake up - bottle (home - formula)
7.45am - at creche - toast and porridge/oatmeal
10am at creche - snack
11:30 at creche - 'dinner' today was cottage pie and a banana
NAP at creche, wake up - bottle (creche - milk)
2 pm at creche/before mummy picks up - snack
3 at home -rice cakes or yogurt
4- at home - bottle (formula)
NAP (we hope)
5-ish - at home - bottle (formula)
6-ish dinner (whatever we are eating, e.g. meat, potatoes and a veg)
7-ish snack (yogurt or applesauce or rice cakes)
8- offer a bottle, bath and bedtime routine
9-ish offer rest of bottle, off to bed.

We do BLW for finger foods, e.g. today I did fish fingers, but took the coat off, so he ate the cod with his fingers, he loves carrots and I give to him in a bowl and he eats and offers some to me, BUT for potatoes and anything not finger food, then it is a spoon. I give one at a time in small plastic bowls, but he does sit in our laps for dinner. (This is because I HATE OUR HIGH-CHAIR that is too big for him) So, today, he was in my lap whilst watching the news and I gave him some potatoes first, then the small plastic bowl of carrots, which he picked up and ate, then I added the cod fingers in bits in the same bowl, which he did eat, but towards the end, he did offer to the cat, who was delighted to have some. So, we start with spoon food and then let him try the other stuff by finger, if that helps? oh, and bottle means actual bottle, but a sippy cup of water is available and refilled all day and offered (or he will sip from a regular plastic cup with help)....

hope all are well? we have loads of teeth (GROWL!) and very tempermental LO (I was very, very patient!), but I think he must be getting quite a few in as I can feel buds and sharp edges on both sides....

best wishes
Hello ladies,

Angel: sorry for the fleas, hope you get them under control soon:).

Storm: L sounds like she is doing great with the weight and height. And man she is a good eater!!!

Sabrina: Finn eats a lot too. I think I need to offer thiago more snacks like you and storm do :thumbup:.

Clio: Thiago has his milk before both naps ( morning and afternoon) and them before bedtime. And man, he wants that sippy cup or bottle when he sees it.
The sippy cup that I m using with him is called nuby and it does look like a sippy cup with a straw. I will try to find a link for you to see it. It is very different from his water bottle. I give him the sippy cup before the naps and a bottle before bedtime.
And he actually just became more hungry after I lowered his milk intake from 6 or 7 bottles a day to just 3 bottles. It made a world of difference to us!!! I thought I would never see him eating the way he eats now. He is on 53 percentile for weight so I guess average. And he drinks 3 8oz bottles a day. What does J thinks of regular milk? I know you don't want to give him sugar but my sister in law that was a dietician had the worst time getting her second baby to drink regular milk. At one point she decided to let her have a little bit of chocolate milk mixed with the milk so she would drink it. It worked for her. I can't blame my niece, I do not like plain milk either :haha:. Maybe you could try just a little bit of honey in his milk :shrug:? How much milk is he having now?

Let me see if I find a link to the sippy cup. I probably could put my bottle away because he is doing so great with the milk in the sippy but there is a part of me that doesn't want to let go and still wants to give a bottle to my baby :haha:.
Clio: here it is:

Hope that works:).
OH being on holiday is terrible! It's ruined mine and LO's afternoon routine and he's just so rude! He thinks he should get a gold star for even doing 1 or 2 things around the house, and deliberately seems to misunderstand anything I say, e.g. I asked what time he picked up LO as I got there around 2.05 and was hoping to get a lift home, but he had been and gone, so not late -- but two minutes later, suddenly, I had accused him of being late (WTF?), so obviously, didn't hear me. GROWL, and the worse thing is that he says I have a mental illness whenever I complain about his behaviour and I've told him that THAT is completely inappropriate -- I am trying very hard not to lose my temper with him, but I cannot wait until he goes back to work next week! GROWL (again).

LO is a bit fussy, but he's teething loads of teeth, so guess I'd feel awful, too!


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