any other over 35 first time mums?

Thanks Leeze--yay--fruit isn't hard! I've been giving him cream cheese, peanut butter (nothing added) and nutella on crackers or scones, and he'll eat some of it, but mostly sticks his fingers in the spread and mucks about with it. Hopefully spreads will lose their novelty soon, so he'll actually eat them instead of play with them. I've also bought some cottage cheese and yoghurt. But that's where the spoon problem comes in...

Oh my! I really want nutella right now!

Angel--I think you mentioned bread being a problem for Seb? Is it toasted? When I gave J un-toasted bread, it would get so mushy it would stick to the top of his mouth and was hard for him to get it out. Could that be the problem?
not much here -- OH went off to MILs from 10.30 to 6.30 today and couldn't understand why I was so annoyed doing housework and looking after LO all day (but remember, he's still on holiday!)

LO is in great form - crawling everywhere and having a great time, except he was sick tonight for no reason, aside from a bit of coughing so scrubbed him down and he went off to sleep, hopefully sttn, but he doesn't sleep as well with OH as with me (me thinks my OH's snoring wakes him up) and the big cat is downstairs snoring so loud that I can hear her upstairs! so, not very quiet household tonight!

sleepy dust to all!


HAPPY EASTER! (one thing I miss are solid chocolate bunnies in my easter basket, which they don't do here -- it's hollow rabbits or eggs)

oh, no - LO screaming - must go....!
J said his first sentence! I think. I don't really know how perfect that sentence must be...

Anyway, OH and J were at Oma's and after a number of hours of playing, J went up to OH and said: "Less [let's] go car!" Oma and Pake heard it too! He's said "Daddy go go go!!!" before, but we weren't sure if that counted.

Happy Easter ladies!!!

Clio: :happydance: for J talking in sentence! He is such a smart little man! Amazing! Thiago just said dada dada the other day :haha:!

Sabrina: did Finn had high fever when getting his incisors?
And totally agree with you on the teething!!! We are suffering here too :growlmad:! What teeth is he getting?

Leeze: so good to hear from you:). I bet Kia had a lovely time during her vacation:).

Kosh: good to hear from you too.

Little t has been having a fever the past two days. High fever last night and this morning. :cry: he was feeling miserable. He is for sure getting his incisors now. But not sure they would cause such a high fever. :shrug:. He might caught a virus or something :shrug:. But no running nose unless he starts crying.
So today we are suppose to go to my MIL but have to wait to see how he feels.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter:)!
Borboleta--YAAAAY for dada!!! I can't remember if you speak Portuguese to little T. Are you raising him to be bi-lingual?

I wanted to ask you; do you have a comforter for T's crib? I want to buy J one (he as a fleece blanket, but it's not as warm as a comforter). If you do, where did you get it? Do you think Target or Walmart would carry comforters that would fit in a crib?

Oh wait. You live in Texas, where it is warm ALL THE TIME. Never mind! :winkwink:

I'm afraid I can't help you on the incisors. We're still waiting for J's to move farther down. I can feel the tip, but have been able to feel it for over a week. And no fever. But his bum is getting really bad, so we'll see...

Everyone else (and Borboleta, too!), have a lovely Easter!
Borboleta--YAAAAY for dada!!! I can't remember if you speak Portuguese to little T. Are you raising him to be bi-lingual?

I wanted to ask you; do you have a comforter for T's crib? I want to buy J one (he as a fleece blanket, but it's not as warm as a comforter). If you do, where did you get it? Do you think Target or Walmart would carry comforters that would fit in a crib?

Oh wait. You live in Texas, where it is warm ALL THE TIME. Never mind! :winkwink:

I'm afraid I can't help you on the incisors. We're still waiting for J's to move farther down. I can feel the tip, but have been able to feel it for over a week. And no fever. But his bum is getting really bad, so we'll see...

Everyone else (and Borboleta, too!), have a lovely Easter!

Hahaha you are right we don't have any blankets over here:). But I would imagine target might have.

My SIL said that her kids suffered the most when the incisors came in. Low grade fever, diaper rash, smelly poop, grumpy babies and lack of sleep :wacko:! That sounds like most of our babies!!! Funny thing is that I thought that the molars would be the worst ones. Even thought he was a bit grumpy for a week or two but nothing like these incisors. I actually hope the fever is just from teething and not virus :thumbup:.
hey ladies - hope all good with you guys....Im not getting chance to come on here Im afraid - lordy I just cant find enough hours in the day and Martha has discovered climbing so I cant look away for a min - good timing!!!! I think Ill probs just try and keep facebook updated guys or dh will be able to via his page at least so you'll know when Michael is here etc - will try and get on from time to time but cant see it somehow! sorry! x
Good morning ladies and Happy Easter :)

Borboleta T saying dada is a great start! My boys say it too but they call everything daddy and dada so I don't think they mean my OH lol
The cake was yummie! I am sure Claire's would have been better of course but for a shop bought one it was very nice! The boys however didn't get any. lol Far too sweet I think.
As for the toys not shutting off yes we have one like that. It is forever asking the boys to join in the fun even when they are across the room from it :wacko:
Sounds like little T will soon be done with his teeth and I am sure you are counting the days! Poor boy suffering so! I think if he cries when brushing his teeth it would be a definite indicator that there is something swollen and painful in his mouth! Hope it is better today already.
What you said to Sabrina about going to the front yard in your jammies made me grin! Our postman must think me a slob as I never appear at the door in anything but jammies and my hair pulled back in an untidy knot! I just don't usually get to get dressed before 12 after the boys' lunch these days! It is a good thing that I always have showered or bathed in the evening anyway otherwise I would stay dirty forever too lol.
My boobs have deflated a bit too. They never were big but always firm and now not so much :( And I fear it will be worse if/when I lose weight. Sigh. Ah well.
As for my boys still being in their bouncers, we only bought these ones a few months ago and they are meant to be from baby to toddler so not that small. But they might well be too small to be comfy for naps. We shall have to try and get them to nap in their beds. But I have no idea how to do it without them going hysterical when left in their room :(
Oh and we bought those bottles that you showed us with the straw and both boys immediately worked out how to use them. Sadly it didn't stop Dominic playing with the water, sucking it in and then spilling it down his front. I had to change him completely as he was wet to the skin lol. But I think once we switch to those with their milk too he won't do it then, he is far too greedy for his milk lol.

Jules hope you have a lovely time at the Lake District and get to relax a little :) Hope your gran is better too?

Kosh thank you for your birthday wishes and lovely to see you here :)

Clio my mum's little place is on the Costa Calida on the south-eastern coast of Spain near a place called La Manga. I cannot say that I like what is around there very much cause it is mostly cheapo high raised holiday homes that have no Spanish flair at all. But her place is in a very beautiful golf and country club and the ppl who come there have either had their apartments and houses for many years and/or are golf/sports nuts. So none of those horrible beer swilling German and English louts that Spain is so famous for. :haha: I have been to Marbella once and I do remember that it was lovely around there. Where my mum is the countryside is quite arid in summer however so that I imagine keeping the golf courses green takes a lot of work.
I didn't really know anything of Spain except Marbella and La Manga and always thought that it was mostly infested by those cheap tourists that spoil the place so. But 4 or 5 years ago Nick and I went to Seville. That blew me away! What an absolutely gorgeous city! I completely and utterly fell in love with it and I hope maybe one day we can go back and explore other cities too.
As for the toy thing, would you believe it, our boys too were given those odd eggs! I mean they look quite cute at first glance but hm. Well we put them away as soon as we could cause those edges look painful!
I am glad the napping is going better with J now. I really have to try the cots with the boys. I am just a coward cause I know it will mean CIO :cry:.
I am so impressed with J and his first sentence and I don't think he said it as a fluke!
As for the bread, I think you might be right that it sticks to the roof of his mouth. We shall in future try with toasted bread for their sandwiches. Thank you :)

Leeze your vacation on the farm sounds so lovely! How sweet she must have been to watch with the ducks :)
As for your OH and the packing, I know mine would be the same too. :wacko: Seems that most men tend to be like that and need more Me time. Actually that reminds me of that infamous book Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars. I think it mentioned in there that men needed their cave time? Seems about right. Nick always needed time to himself even before the boys were born.

Sabrina hope Finn is ok and the throwing up was just a one off and not some sort of bug in the making? Also, I hope he feels better today re his teeth, poor boy!
And as for your OH all I am going to say is :growlmad: and :grr:!

Rowan you probably won't see this but just in case you do, I think we all understand that you have very little time now to come on here. But I hope that once M2 is here and things are a bit more settled in you will be back with us :). But even if not, I am glad I can see your updates etc on FB :) Hope all is well. Sending :hugs:

As for us, my mum left this morning but had no time to come and see us before her departure. She is so lovely! Once again she did all my ironing the sweetie! :D Sebastian warmed to her much quicker this time and it only took about half a day before he smiled at her and the next day he was cuddling her, crawling over her, letting her chase him, giggling and doing everything to totally enchant her lol. Dominic as you might remember of course managed the feat on sight as he is always so happy to meet new ppl and play with them right away. Most of her days were spent on the floor with the boys and playing with them :D
Question for those with a routine: Do you adjust your LOs to the time change or do you just keep to the old time? I am tempted to stick to the old time cause that would mean my boys would wake after 7 rather than after 6. Which would be bliss of course. But then again this would also put them in bed at 7:30 to 8 and I know that OH is usually quite glad to have the evening to ourselves from 7 on. Hm not sure what to do.
Got to go Dominic wants me! Hope all are well xxx
angel - we adjusted the time so it was bliss this am when LO decided to sleep-in until 8.30am (rather than 7.30am), but it was a little tricky last night when we put him to sleep (e.g. bath and in dada's arms) around 9 (but it was really 8), but he did fall asleep by 10; but he was fussy with teeth anyway and I moved him into my bed around 4am.

not much here, got AF yesterday so ate loads of chocolate (yummy!) and vegged a bit, which was hard with Mr. Loads of wiggles!

hope all are well!

OMG!!!! Teething hell here at this household!!! Poor thiago has been with a fever non stop since Saturday late afternoon. Tylenol and Advil is being giving to him but just lower the tempeture some and then when it wears off the tempeture goes up again and so as the crankiness :nope:! Yesterday it took OH and me 2 hours to finally calm him down to put him in bed :wacko:! The poor thing could barely open his eyes because he was crying so much :cry:. It was the most difficult night yet for us. He is normally so easy to put down.
I was reading that it can take weeks for incisors to break through so I am buckling my seat belt and getting ready for this long ride :wacko:! I called the doctor and she said it sounded like teething and for us to give him something hard to help break thru the gums and some Popsicle too.
And I thought that the worst teething process was the top front ones for him ( molars were a little bad too) but I will take those any time compared to these mean incisors!!!! Thiago is becoming addicted to pain killers I think :cry:. He actually gets all excited when he sees the medicine coming his way :dohh:!

Angel and Clio: actually the sippy cups that I got don't have an actual straw in it. It just looks like it has but it doesn't it. So I can turn the cup towards his face and the milk flows fine ( faster than in a bottle but he is used to it:).

Hope you ladies had a lovely Easter. Now I have to start working on our taxes :dohh:!
Borboleta - we had the same a few weeks ago; we did the same and Finn also was a bit too overeager for the meds, but we only had a few days/nights of hell. We also tried loads of cold water in his sippy and a cool washcloth on his neck, plus, and it sounds odd, but we have a room fan on (yes, in Ireland) at all times and therefore, could move it closer to LO....good luck - it's horrible....

off to bed - hope everyone gets a bit of sttn tonight!

Oh ladies you are starting to scare me with your tales of infield teething hell! I really hope we aren't heading that way too soon!

We have had a busy easter so will catch up.properly soon!
Borboleta - sorry for teething hell. It really is so hard for them, isn't it? And hard for us too! I feel like we've had it for weeks now. Kia has had 6 new teeth recently and each one has been very difficult. Big hugs XX

Angel - we don't really have a set routine as such. It tends to be that Kia will be awake for the same amount of time each day before her nap but unless she's at nursery we let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. Saying that, because we have to get her up at 7.30 for nursery then I will need to work on that earlier bedtime. Yesterday she napped for 2 hours and I think this was a mistake to let her keep sleeping as it took a long time to settle her last night

Clio - how lovely to get a little sentence! Kia has started to say bye bye to different things which is very cute and this is the nearest we've got to a sentence. Like 'bye bye ba' when she's finished her bath! Her latest word is cockerel - she loved the one in the farm - this feels like an advanced word because of the number if syllables! I keep meaning to tell you that we've got a new favourite book - 'Ten little ladybirds' - lovely pictures plus beautiful little ladybirds that are stuck in the pages

Right, she's been asleep again for 20 mins - time to move back to her cot XX

gael woke up screaming every.single.hour last night.
gave him calpol but did nothing
i have no idea what it was :shrug:
at first i thought tummy pain/gas but that usually doesn't last all night
teething pain would have 'resolved' with calpol
i had the impression he was a bit scared? he was looking around a bit.
could he have dreams? but ALL night??
You poor thing and poor Gael too! Was he wide awake or sort of in a trance? Cause if the latter than it could be night terrors. Apparently they don't fully wake for that but can scream and be sort of semi awake for up to 40 minutes. I had a google and found this site if it was a night terror. Do you still co-sleep? Is there a night-light in the room? Maybe something small has changed in the room that you didn't think as anything important but might throw him off? How is he during the day?
I am sorry I cannot give you a solution but I sincerely feel for you! I cannot imagine how you are still functioning after all this time with such a bad sleeper. Kudos to you and many :hugs:
thanks angel!
yes, he was tired, but absolutely fine this morning :shrug::dohh:
I too thought of night terrors but what I read is those are maybe once a night?
yes, we still co-sleep (for my sanity!), don't have a night-light in the room, but there's always a light on outside the room. it's funny you mention this because he seemed to be looking at the light/shadow? but again, all night??
I don't think anything has changed in the room ....except for clean bedsheet, the other ones had been on for far too long! :blush:

he seemed awake to me, not in a trance
Hi ladies

Sorry it has taken so long to post but been a very busy 10 days (more explained below).

Clio – firstly, congrats on J's first sentence! Definitely counts! Not sure if it will work with your crib size but I have bought this for our LO's crib when it gets colder at the end of the year

Comes in different sizes and looks lovely in the crib (plus it has washed up well and good quality). Not super heavy but certainly enough to look like it will be toasty warm. Arguably it's going to be too hot for our furnace of a house but thought I would get one just to be on the safe side.

And now going back through older posts - yep, planning on changing LO on one of two "changing stations", one on the 1st floor and one on the top floor, that way the furthest distance to travel is up or down one floor. I'm also going to change on a mat on the floor - too paranoid about him rolling off anything else plus really don't want the house awash with changing tables etc!

38 weeks for J huh! I will accept the arrival of my LO then but he can't come before then (and definitely NOT before 37 weeks as I'm not back in London until then, eek!).

Re Battlestar. I've just seen that it's on love film instant so may give it a go when I'm back in London. Watched the first Game of Thrones last night. Thought they'd have done a recap as its been ages since the last series and you need to pay attention given the multiple plots.

You have to give True Blood a proper go – it probably took about 5 episodes for me to get into it and then I was totally hooked and watched a lot back-to-back :) I'm doing ok on the concentration span front even when running on no sleep. I think it must be some sort of weird adrenalin that's keeping me focussed.

Borboletta –I can't believe your sister still won't eat any fruit at all!! I'd be down on my 5 a day if I couldn't hit the fruit hard. Hope you enjoyed all the Easter food at your MILs.

Sabrina – I LOVE zopiclone (pre-pregnancy natch). It always knocks me out BUT agree with the metallic taste in the mouth the following morning. Luckily mine passes pretty quickly. I try not to use them too often though as I know in the long run they won't help my insomnia plus the last thing I need is a sleeping pill addiction!

So annoying that your DH has played the "You wanted the baby" card. I hope you gave him a mouthful for that…. It's below the belt. My DH is the same and thinks he should get a medal for doing anything in the house (also usually one or two things only). It's always "I've done X for you". Its the inclusion of "for you" that drives me mad. I do EVERYTHING in our house/arrranging our lives in addition to a full time job and never need to point out that its done "for him"! It needs to be done, it's not a favour for me!

On a more positive note, congrats on the weight loss! Really is the best feeling! Hope you managed to keep it going over Easter and we're too tempted with all the eggs. I was VERY bad..... Agree with Borboletta, slow is always best to keep it off in the long run.

Storm – I'd be angry too if my DH needed free time but was unable to see that I do too! DH is already getting my eyebrow arching as it's always "And I'll come and join you and our son" - er no, the baby isn't going to be stitched to my side until puberty and he's going to have to cover some time for me to have to myself! Watch this space….!

DH and I are the same as you; we're a fantastic couple when together for short periods of time and after that I want to throttle him as we bicker! I really do believe that, for me, the key to a happy marriage is extended periods of absence :haha:

Angel – hope the fleas have stayed away. Made me itch just reading your posts! Happy belated birthday to your Los too!

Not sure if you've signed up for it yet but DH did Diet Chef last year to try to loose weight and he really didn't like the food. It's very processed and all in vacuum packs. Indeed some of it is still sitting in a big box in the study now and is still edible after a year! Such programmes are expensive but if you're in the market for DC we did one from Pure Package the year before last when we were both too busy with work and I was sorting the wedding. All the food is fresh and delivered to your door daily. If memory serves it was about £32 per day which is a lot but I used to spend about £10-15 a day on breakfast and lunch at Pret so…. Punchy but if you want to kick start healthy eating but are a bit too busy it's great.

Clairey – if you do get married, I will make your cake for you. As long as you're happy with a wonky Victoria sponge :haha:

Such a small world that you and Charlie were at school together!

As for me, things have been quite busy last week – went back to London for various doctors appointments and antenatal classes so we got the whole lot out of the way in 2.5 full days. LO is looking like he's around 5lbs 10oz now (or was at 34 weeks; will be 36 weeks this Thursday). They had been watching to make sure his abdominal circumference didn't fall percentile-wise, which it hasn't but I'd been so focussed on that that I wasn't really paying attention to the fact that he now appears to have a pretty big head, 96th percentile now…! Thank god he's coming out of the sunroof and no other way! So other than all that I stupidly arranged two dinners with friends so I was on my knees by the time we left to come to the Lakes on Good Friday! Lovely to get up there as the weather was sunny but I slept SO badly while I was up there, about 3 hours each night. On the upside, I'm pleased to report that for the first time this YEAR (!) I slept for 8 hours straight last night. I can't tell you how happy this has made me!

Hope everyone is well and has a good week.

thanks for your long, gossipy post, jules!

nothing much here - teething is horrible, but maneagable...sorta. kosh - my LO was fussy with the winds outside at night, so it could be anything really (not much help, sorry!).

My cat, Sabrina, is being very affectionate at the moment, up on the desk walking around the computer, but I think it's a reaction to LO's crawling as the cats have suddenly realised that LO can move now!

must go, somebody (LO) has realised that he has teeth and that mummy is over at the computer (and not catering to his every whim)!

tried to have a quick read at some posts...

borboleta - sorry to hear about your teething hell :nope: :hugs: I hear the canines are the worst to come through. I hope Thiago feels better soon. Gael has 3 molars and those were not that bad. maybe last night was the start of hour teething hell? although he was fine before going to bed, and fine when he woke up this morning :shrug:

jules - I agree, what is it with men that they have to tell you all they have done as if they expected a medal?

don't get me started, I am soooo annoyed with him these days! :growlmad:

angel - we don't have a strict routine but we kind of adjusted bedtime to the new hour, as we need to get up for nursery/work.

how's the boys feeding going? I didn't go to far back so not too sure what the problem was? I decided to stop worrying about G's eating - he can go almost without anything for days and then he will eat a whole chicken if he could!

clio, or I should say Jonah - yay for the first sentence! :thumbup: my gosh that boy will be able to give lectures soon! :winkwink:

re. language and cognition - Gael is doing something I find interseting. He still has only one word: agua (water), so when he wants water, and says 'agua' he gets water, of course. but when he wants something else, biscuit, apple, whatever, he points and makes noises hoping I will understand. If after a while I still haven't given him what he wants, he'll say 'agua' (even if he didn't want water). It's like he knows that when he says 'water', he does get what he wants, so he may as well try it :haha:
Does that make any sense? I tried to explain it to my mum the other day, and she went - huh? :dohh:

re. books - I know lots of books have been mentioned here but maybe someone can give me a summary? I am looking for books with nice colourful images/drawings and a simple story, but not the 'it's not a xxx' type. any suggestions?

hope you are all well.

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