Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hello ladies.

So Hiro the toirtoise is home now. I'm feeding him through a tube for the moment until he builds his strength up bless him.

Nothing much to report from me. I'm feeling quite chilled and it's nice not even knowing what cycle day I am on without checking! Still drinking all the pomegranate juice and fertilitea and taking vitamins etc. Maybe it will all build up and make me uber fertile next month!

How's everyone else doing? None of us seem to be online at the same time lately!
Hey Jo! I was looking at the physic gail stuff earlier this morning and I'm dying to try it. I think I may do it this week. The only thing is I'm scared I will get my hopes up and then a major let down. I've tried so long and getting my hopes up and then a let down almost sends me into a depressed mood, so I dunno.. but anyways, I hope all is wonderful and you're on your way to a BFP!!!!!!!
Hey Jo! I was looking at the physic gail stuff earlier this morning and I'm dying to try it. I think I may do it this week. The only thing is I'm scared I will get my hopes up and then a major let down. I've tried so long and getting my hopes up and then a let down almost sends me into a depressed mood, so I dunno.. but anyways, I hope all is wonderful and you're on your way to a BFP!!!!!!!

Hey Mel

Well I think that you have to plan to take it with a pinch of salt. If you don't expect anything then you can't be let down. Also, remember it's not possible to 100% predict what happens in your future, things change all the time, so if you do it, just see it as a bit of fun.

Hey everyone, hows things? well i really want to reply to each new post but i dont think i can do it today :( i thought i was wonder woman day before yesterday, i got a unit from my aunty which she said was light but what a little liar she was....... had to walk it from hers to our place and up a flight of stairs so my arm started losing feeling then that evening whilst OH was in work i decided my whole living room needed moving around so i did it all by myself and thought i would be ok.. i sweat out about a stone in weight lol and yesterday and today i cant move my arms properly.... my hands are so cramp i can barely write this and i cant even hold a cup its too heavy, arms are constantly in spasm and i thought today they would be much better but no they still hurt like hell so ive decided wonder woman can have her bloody title back as i dont want it!!!!!

Jo hun hope hiro gets better soon poor mite :( i totally know what you mean about not knowing or checking what CD you are, ive just given up lol but its nice not to say today is cd 60+ instead of april 3rd lol i hope that with everything extra we are doing this month that its going in the right direction :)

sorry i cant reply to everyone, im really struggling to write this and im in so much pain with my hands and arms right now so i hope to reply properly 2moro :)

AFM, Headache from hell that has lasted aprox 9 days now without letting up, cervix is high and medium/soft, cm = very creamy, still peeing LOADS, boobs are fine and nipples have stopped tingling but they are sticky outy all day long so fella thinks im happy to see him lol kicked him out today/tonight to go hang out with his friend so i can have a lazy day and just hanging out with my dog who has just eated a bone and is now white instead of a black labrador lol she looks happy though :)

she really made us laugh last night.

she jumped on our bed just before we were set to go to sleep, so i kneeled down and stroked her saying you have to go to bed now and go to sleep, she looked at me then flopped her head down and started trying to sleep on my fella, i couldnt hold the laughter too well so she kept looking at me, i said again you need to go to bed to sleep, again she flopped her head down and actually started snoring whist she was looking at me lol funny cow, had me and fella in stitches last night the little creep that she is lol, she was just dying to sleep on the bed with us and didnt want to go on her own bed :haha:

Anyways that just took me an hour to write and now im hands are uber cramped :/ hope everyones ok xxxxx
Oh Magic - you are wonder woman! and crazy woman!
I always find after a bit of hard work like that my muscles hurt more the day after the day after. Like some cruel delay thing.

You dog sounds really cute. Mine was just led out in the garden on his back and then the washing made him jump so he rang inside and in between my legs to hide from the pants waving at him from the washing line! LOL!
Oh Magic - you are wonder woman! and crazy woman!
I always find after a bit of hard work like that my muscles hurt more the day after the day after. Like some cruel delay thing.

You dog sounds really cute. Mine was just led out in the garden on his back and then the washing made him jump so he rang inside and in between my legs to hide from the pants waving at him from the washing line! LOL!

Haha mine is like that lol, shes scared of her own bloody shadow.... take her out and if the bin lid lifts or a door bangs because of the wind she gets scared and pulls towards home.... she gets scared if the wind is too strong and blows her lol why are they so ditzy lol shes sprawled across me on the sofa creeping trying to sit on me properly lol shes forgetting shes not a little puppy anymore shes dead weight :haha: as for the crazy wonder woman thing, im hanging my shoes up, my arms are going to be sore for a few days more me thinks, proper pulled something :( oh well ive learnt my lesson and from now on im going to just let my fella do it lol :)
oh well ive learnt my lesson and from now on im going to just let my fella do it lol :)

LOL - that could mean so many things, but I say let him do it all!

LMAO thats what he's here for so it will be a shame to not let him do the who Mr Muscle routine from now on lol so today will consist of laying around on the sofa with the dog and catching up on eastenders, corrie and made in chelsea lol might as well get it out of the way whilst fella is out of the way tonight :) as for dinner, i was going to do some beans on toast as i cant cook today but i cant even use the tin opener so i think i might have to resort to a milkshake or dog biscuits :)
Hey ladies :)

Hope Hiro is feeling better soon :hugs:

AF is now officially gone and as soon as Hubs is back tomorrow night we will be starting our DTD marathon cycle. :thumbup:

The snow seems to have skipped us unless it is coming later :shrug:

Feeling a little down today Yet more Facebook baby pics and announcements. One girl I went to school with is on baby 7 I think and another has 10 including a couple of step kids :wacko:

I guess I just feel a bit left out of it all and one minute I am angry then crying then just feeling frustrated and like I am being cheated out of something. I just wish it would happen really soon. I am so tired of BFN's.

Dreading Sunday's family meal as I know brother in law and his wife (Mr and Mrs Smug) will be there and they have a 3 year old and totally dominate the day talking about kiddy stuff. Sometimes I feel like they are shoving it in our faces that they have a kid and we don't.

Good grief someone slap me I am feeling sorry for myself again :dohh:

Work on the garden has stopped due to the bad weather so my poor muscles have a chance to rest before it starts back up again. Have ordered a new top to wear Easter day to make me feel better but it still hasn't come so I am keeping fingers crossed about that. Sewing is coming along nicely and I have all my cupcake stuff ready to make on Saturday.

How is everyone else doing?

I have no idea how long this cycle will be since last cycle ended up being a lot longer than I had hoped so I have no clue when I am ovulating. Hopefully with DTD so much this month I will catch it. Hubs seems to think every other day might be a bit taxing so for the first week I think we may do it every third day or something and then every other day after that.
Remember when sex was fun and spontaneous??? lol
Aw bunny :( :hugs: I totally know how you feel.

I just don't understand why it has to be so difficult for us! What did we do wrong? I just sometimes look down on little old me sat in my house or garden wherever I am and think, what makes me so different from everyone else. Out of the millions of people in the world, why do I have to be different? And why can't someone tell me the reason why we can't seem to get pregnant?

I just don't understand :(

What I am thankful for is this place and you girls. You are the the people who make me realise I'm not alone and the people that understand what I am going through.

Maybe we should just all chip in and buy an island to live on where only people who get it can live there and all the smug parents and really young kids with 10 kids can be locked out and not allowed on the boat to our island to visit and rub it in our faces.
Is anyone here seeing a specialist?? I'm 230 pds and this will be my first time seeing someone (That's a specialist) and would like to know if they said anything about your weight?? I also have PCOS and my husband's SA has not been tested. We are sooooo ready.
Hi ladies,

I am recently new on here and have been trying to follow and respond on my phone but have found it very difficult.

So here it goes Jo-bean I'm really sorry to hear about Hiro I am glad to hear that he is on the mend :).

Congratulations Purplerose25 and Sombra for getting your BFP that is amazing news and I wish you both all the best.

I also wish to forecast that it is going to rain baby dust all over these wonderful ladies.
I'm really sorry to hear that you are all getting quite down about it all, with only just starting out I am afraid I can't fully comprehend what you are all going through but I would like to be there for you all a best I can.

As for all these so called women who are rubbing your noses in it when they know you are having a hard time is unbelievable. You can't let them get to you (easier said than done I know). It will happen and it will be so special for you all when it does because you all deserve it more than anything and you all want it so much more. Keep your chins up maybe try not to think if it too much. Relax and ejoy some quality BD with the OH's. Sounds like some of you have great plans to do that already :p.

I hope to get to know you all better over the next while and I am sorry if that message was a tad too generic.

Lots of hugs and baby dust to all.


Thanks bubble xxxxx

It's sometimes hard to keep up with this thread isn't it! I also find it hard on my phone. The best days for me (when I'm most talkative on here) are usually when I am supposed to be working and have my laptop to hand! LOL!
We need dontworry to come back!!!!
1. because it would be nice to hear from her again
2. so that she can edit the thread title and we can get a bfp count going!!!!

I did think of setting up a new thread so that we could keep track of all the members and bfps but I didn't know if everyone would get upset if we lost the history we've created.

What do you all think????

I guess I could link to this thread in the title of the team curvy one??????
I defo think we should have a new "Team Curvy Bumps" thread! We may have history here but the other would still be the same as long as all the lovley ladies come along! :)
I love the island idea :)

Yeah it may be a good idea to start a new thread so we can get a bfp count going. Might bring us some good luck :)
Ok. I'll start a new thread and I will mention everyone that has a team curvy bump in their signature. I'll also go through and try to capture everyone's names that have posted in this thread, and I'll start a bfp count :)
hi ladies. i am 33 years old, been trying for almost a year and i'm a size 18. i think i need to lose a hundred pounds to feel myself. i'm on cd 2 or a 35 day cycle. i am expecting to ovulate on March 18ish and will be testing on the last day of March, the 31st. hopefully my cycle will cooperate and be consistent with last time. i'm going gung ho this time, despite losses in the past. i'm determined not to waste any time :). thanks for being here!

:hi: Congratulations!!! I've just been going through the whole thread to get everyone's names to put in our new Team Curvy bump thread and noticed you are now preggers!!!!!!! YAY!!!
I am 33 and overweight. I weigh around 210 and am 5'7" and wear size 18/20. Although I eat healthy and exercise daily. I just can't lose weight anymore. My doctor says I am healthy enough to conceive. However, this is not my first. I have an 11 year, who was not planned, so I feel like I am trying for the first time. I also had a miscarriage 10 years ago. This is only my 2nd month ttc.

:dance: and congratulations to you too my dear!!!! Well done!!!! H&H 9months xx

We've had more bfps in this thread than we realise girls!

Still counting!
Is anyone here seeing a specialist?? I'm 230 pds and this will be my first time seeing someone (That's a specialist) and would like to know if they said anything about your weight?? I also have PCOS and my husband's SA has not been tested. We are sooooo ready.

:hi: yes my docs and the fertility specialist told me to lose weight. In fact I have to loose 43lbs before I even qualify for IVF :(

it seems the answer to everything is lose weight.:growlmad:

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