any plus size mummies to be?

good luck for your scan!

it probably is boobs hun! Sometimes i think we forget that the weight gain isnt always fat... there extra blood, water, baby, boobs, placenta etc. I certainly struggle to remember that and am so so harsh on myself when i gain anything. xx
Hey ladies :) so jealous of you gals with weight loss or little weight gain!! I seem to be able to put on weight just looking at the scales. Got a warning at last midwife appt that it needs to slow down a little and I have been pretty damn good since then, salads heaps! Yet this morn I was up 1kg on midwife appt from 2 weeks ago.... If I do that that's another 7kg before this is done.... Ugh!!! I ate way worse last time round and only put on 12kg all pregnancy, I'm easily going to beat that this time around!!

Lovely bump pic sm!! You are so brave doing bare tummy!! I have god awful stretch marks so don't do bare at all lol!

Good luck for 20 week scan Chicago :)
:hugs: i wouldnt worry too much hun.. i put on 2 stone i think with ds2!

oo im covered in them too hun! the darkness hides them :haha: i have been covered in stretch marks since i was 13 (tummy,boobs,arma,legs,back, i even hae 1 or 2 down below) xx
I need help.....

I have a Dinner & Dance in 3 weeks & I've found a lovely dress :) Note I NEVER wear fitted dresses so this is a first! My bump looks great BUT you can also see my 'other belly'. Any suggestions what I can put on to hide it? Have just ordered some mat tights but need more!!!! Pic below (hopefully!)

I think you look fantastic hun!

what about those magic knickers you can get? the control ones.. they should help :)

I failed my GTT :doh:
Ah thank you Sethsmummy :) I have got a pair of the old 'suck them in pants but they tend to come up to my boobs too!!! Might invest in a pair of pants instead!

That sucks re the GTT - I had mine on Sat & was told I would hear by the end of yesterday if any problems and I still haven't so am assuming it was all ok. xx
Bellies galore! Everyone looks good... I still just look really fat. :)

So, bad news for me... I failed my 3 hour glucose test. Blah. Really really annoyed by that damn test which I don't even really think is an accurate test but oh well. They moved my 20 week appointment up till tomorrow. I have to go in for "nutritional training" and all this GD stuff. Double blah. I guess the good news is I get my ultrasound a week earlier. I get so worried that something has happened to the little bugger.

I thought I had started feeling movement last week but it is very rarely that it has happened again.

So, guess I'm feeling quite a bit bummed by this GD thing. I'm also annoyed I can't actually find a "meal plan" for it. Just don't eat this eat that ...I hate direction like that. But yea, with all that... I was down a pound as of yesterday from my 5 week weigh in number. I've been stuffing my face with carbs and probably way too much sugar but yet still losing weight.
Very sexy, Gem! I'm sure maternity tights or similar will help.

Sorry to hear about bad GD tests :( I really should watch what I'm eating better if I don't want the same results.

My anomaly scan went well, I think. I won't get the official update til my midwife appointment in a week. He's breech right now, but I don't think that matters at this point, does it? I also have an anterior placenta, which explains why I'm not more confident that I'm feeling movements.
Sorry to hear about failed gtt s, mine is in one week and I am scared of failing too. Hope you can both get under control easily.

Yay for a good scan mrsc!

I have a scan tomorrow, I'm not sure what for, appt came in mail from hospital, I was/am expecting an MRI appt but not a normal scan so guess I will find out what that is about tomorrow. Will be nice to see her again anyway :)
Uh oh, I'm going to try to "multi-quote" with my pregnancy brain...bear with me ladies.:shrug:

I need help.....

I have a Dinner & Dance in 3 weeks & I've found a lovely dress :) Note I NEVER wear fitted dresses so this is a first! My bump looks great BUT you can also see my 'other belly'. Any suggestions what I can put on to hide it? Have just ordered some mat tights but need more!!!! Pic below (hopefully!)
You look absolutely gorgeous! Is your "other belly" your lower belly? I'm just guessing because I don't really see it in the pic. You could try a "hold everything in" bathing suit bottom. Then if it gets too uncomfortable, just take it off during the evening. But you really look fabulous and I'm jealous of your lovely bump!

I failed my GTT :doh:
So, guess I'm feeling quite a bit bummed by this GD thing. I'm also annoyed I can't actually find a "meal plan" for it. Just don't eat this eat that ...I hate direction like that. But yea, with all that... I was down a pound as of yesterday from my 5 week weigh in number. I've been stuffing my face with carbs and probably way too much sugar but yet still losing weight.
I'm sorry you both failed your tests, what a bummer.:hugs:

I'm no expert at all, but you can try to avoid anything processed (cookies, crackers, stuff in bottles) or white (bread, potatoes, rice etc.) and eat some protein with your fruit, it might help. Avoid grains if possible. Eat smaller meals more often.

I didn't have the GTT test, I opted to do finger stick glucose testing every six weeks or so for a week 2/day instead. I've learned a lot about what makes my glucose levels go nuts. Flavored yogurts and bbq sauce (which I love but no longer eat) make my sugar go berserk. Regular table sugar in my decaf doesn't affect me at all. Also eating a larger meal after not eating much spikes my glucose too.

My anomaly scan went well, I think. I won't get the official update til my midwife appointment in a week. He's breech right now, but I don't think that matters at this point, does it? I also have an anterior placenta, which explains why I'm not more confident that I'm feeling movements.
Great news on your scan. My little guy was breech at last week's ultrasound too. I've convinced myself it doesn't matter yet as there's plenty of time to get into position.

I have a scan tomorrow, I'm not sure what for, appt came in mail from hospital, I was/am expecting an MRI appt but not a normal scan so guess I will find out what that is about tomorrow. Will be nice to see her again anyway :)
Good luck on your scan tomorrow hun.

My house is a wreck. Here I am almost 30 weeks and we have NOTHING ready. I think I bought enough clothes for the first 3 months or so, but not only do we not have a crib, car seat, stroller, changing table etc...but we don't even have a room for him yet! My office is STILL my office.:blush:

My biggest issue is this ridiculous nighttime insomnia. I literally CANNOT sleep at night no matter how tired I am and then I'm a zombie all day long. Anyone else have this? I had it years ago with my son too. I HATE IT!:growlmad:

My hubs was away for the weekend and I got so much done because I didn't have to be quiet or keep the lights off at night. I was vacuuming and organizing at 3am every was great! Hubs uses earplugs anyway and says I should just put the blanket over his head and do whatever I need to at night. I'm going to try it tonight if I can't sleep. Any advice from you more organized ladies?:thumbup:
I looked it up just to ease my mind and it looks like you don't have to worry about breech until after 34 weeks, and even then they just keep an eye on it for awhile. I figure he's probably in all kinds of positions now depending on his mood.

I'm so disorganized. I got home and put a load in the dishwasher, and that's about as far as I'll get today ;) We really need to get the nursery emptied out and painted, so we can put the empty dresser that's cluttering up our bedroom in there (which will also clear my route to bed, which is going to get difficult very soon!), and just have somewhere to put baby stuff. I didn't think I'd bought that much, but it's still slowly taking over the house because there's nowhere to put it.

I've had insomnia my whole life, as far back as I can remember, and pregnancy certainly isn't helping. I can't seem to get comfortable anymore - I didn't realize just how often I slept on my stomach! And I need new pillows. And the bedroom's too hot. And the dogs and DH take up too much space. And this book is just so good even though I've read it 3 times already and it really won't kill me to just put it down :p I'm really close to calling the midwife at 3am and begging her to let me take some melatonin ;) Make your husband wear those earplugs and do what you can at night, and nap during the day if possible.
My fasting glucose was normal at 91 so that gives me hope... I really think I'll be ok. I know my Metformin keeps my sugars in control and I have never done a low GI diet before. They wouldn't let me be on the Metformin for the tests, so I think I have a shot at just using my meds and diet.

I already only drink water with occasional juice but I never drink soda or anything... so that won't be hard. The hardest thing for me will be carbs. I have been craving pasta non stop and have certainly eaten way more pasta lately than I should. I'll have a hard time with the diet though unless the nutritionist tomorrow gives me an actual plan. I cannot go off of don't get this or that and only eat low gi foods etc... I'm an instructions girl... give me an actual plan that says thou shall eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I can follow it. I think I have a low GI cookbook somewhere though, that might help. I was hoping I wouldn't have to worry about this since my A1C was 5.2 when they tested me at 5 weeks. But, I guess not!

Janet, you really don't have anything yet? Hehe, we already bought all the big furniture for our nursery and my hubby put it all together. The walls are still kinda bare but it looks nice. We are using the sitting room in our master bedroom for the nursery.

When do we/should we typically share our baby shower lists with people? And when do you have a baby shower?
I'm due March 5 and my shower won't be til mid-January sometime. I'd do it in December if it wasn't such a difficult month for everyone. I was planning to wait til late November to do a registry - just early enough to let people take advantage of holiday deals. But one of my best friends is really riding my ass about registering right away, so I guess we'll do it earlier. There's no way it's happening til after our late October vacation, though. DH just does not have time right now, and I'm not doing it without him, and I'm not willing to do it until after my follow up visit with the midwives to go over my scan results. I don't know why she's SO incredibly impatient about it. I'm only halfway through, there's plenty of time even if I go early! And holiday sales haven't started yet. A mutual friend ended up having to tell her privately to knock it off because she just wouldn't let it drop. :shrug:

I figure the shower organizers will get the word out to guests, or if anyone really wanted to know where I'm registered, they can ask, so I'm not really spreading the word myself. Our last name is really distinctive, so if someone googles "K******** baby registry" they'll find us.
I just need my belly at the bottom to join with the top and I'll have a a "normal bump" :lol:

Pretty sure I've been getting braxton hicks but I can't tell, feels like my normal period pains to me :shrug:

Kind of think I have a high pain tolerance, especially after having DS.
Well I had my appointment today... I don't really have much to change with my diet. I just started monitoring my sugar today and so far so good. It was 76 at the office when I checked it with the nurse and an hour after I ate some food it was 130 right where it was supposed to be under 140. I think the most thing I have to do is stop eating so much pasta. I have been sort of addicted to pasta since being pregnant. I also think the Metformin is controlling me well ... at least for now. It can of course change later on... but I'm hopeful.

The baby was measuring one week ahead as of today and the stomach was measuring 11 days ahead. The doctor said that was within tolerance levels for now. So, I think its good that they tested me early for GD and now I'll always be making sure the numbers are good.

I did find out I have an anterior placenta .. so that probably explains why I very rarely feel anything and of course its still early.
I've had insomnia my whole life, as far back as I can remember, and pregnancy certainly isn't helping. I can't seem to get comfortable anymore - I didn't realize just how often I slept on my stomach! And I need new pillows. And the bedroom's too hot. And the dogs and DH take up too much space. And this book is just so good even though I've read it 3 times already and it really won't kill me to just put it down :p I'm really close to calling the midwife at 3am and begging her to let me take some melatonin ;) Make your husband wear those earplugs and do what you can at night, and nap during the day if possible.
Insomnia sucks!!! You could try one of those pregnancy pillows...I hear good things about them for getting comfortable. I cleaned up the kitchen at around 3 this morning, but I didn't do any work in the bedroom. I'm just worried I'll wake everyone in the house up. I took so many naps depresses me to sleep when everyone's awake and to be so awake at night (like I'm on crack or something...not that I've ever even tried it lol).:growlmad:

My fasting glucose was normal at 91 so that gives me hope... I really think I'll be ok. I know my Metformin keeps my sugars in control and I have never done a low GI diet before. They wouldn't let me be on the Metformin for the tests, so I think I have a shot at just using my meds and diet.

I already only drink water with occasional juice but I never drink soda or anything... so that won't be hard. The hardest thing for me will be carbs. I have been craving pasta non stop and have certainly eaten way more pasta lately than I should. I'll have a hard time with the diet though unless the nutritionist tomorrow gives me an actual plan. I cannot go off of don't get this or that and only eat low gi foods etc... I'm an instructions girl... give me an actual plan that says thou shall eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I can follow it. I think I have a low GI cookbook somewhere though, that might help. I was hoping I wouldn't have to worry about this since my A1C was 5.2 when they tested me at 5 weeks. But, I guess not!

Janet, you really don't have anything yet? Hehe, we already bought all the big furniture for our nursery and my hubby put it all together. The walls are still kinda bare but it looks nice. We are using the sitting room in our master bedroom for the nursery.

When do we/should we typically share our baby shower lists with people? And when do you have a baby shower?
I'm obsessed with pasta too, but I almost never eat it.:nope: I fantasize about pizza, pasta, peanuts (which I eat in moderation) and cheese (which I stopped eating temporarily to see if it was clogging me up). It sounds like your sugar is behaving so far! That's great news!

Nope, I really don't have anything yet. Yup, I'm a disaster area.:haha: I am so jealous of how ready you are!! I had the nursery completely set up and almost everything bought by the time I was in my second trimester with my son 100 years ago.

I started clearing out my office yesterday. And I just worked on it for couple more hours tonight. I'm not worried about buying stuff...I can just do it all in one weekend if I need to. I'm more worried about where in the world I'm going to put all my office stuff!! My laser printer is almost as big as a changing table!! I'm also pretty worried about getting the room patched and painted in time. And hubs wants to put up a wall for some added sound proofing since the nursery is connected to our bedroom. OMG this is stressing me was so much easier when I was in complete denial.:wacko:

My husband's been telling people about our amazon baby registry. It actually makes me kind of uncomfortable, but he says this is what people do when they're pregnant.:shrug: Oh, thank you Mr. Pregnancy Expert.:haha: We're going to a have a mini baby shower when my in-laws are here for Thanksgiving. I really don't want one, but my best friend, son and son's GF are insisting. I feel like I'm just going along with it so I don't hurt their feelings. lol.
One of our friends has a pregnancy pillow for me, I just need to get it from her. She just had a baby the other day, so it's not the best time to bug her for it ;)

You've got ten weeks, I'm sure you'll get everything all set in time! I wouldn't worry too much about the mini shower. It's one thing if you insist on one, but it's another thing altogether if a few people get together and insist on doing it.
Had my anatomy scan and everything went ok. tech said the doc would have to review the scans but that it looked fine to her. Got a butt pic now!
Had my anatomy scan and everything went ok. tech said the doc would have to review the scans but that it looked fine to her. Got a butt pic now!

Glad everything went okay :)

Urgh, I'm at that point where my back is killing and I can't get comfortable, I kind of want these next 9 weeks to hurry up but then I don't :lol:

Plus, feels like she's moved down a little more too :happydance:
glad everyone seems to be doing well apart from the insomnia :hugs:

im hit and miss with my blood sugar numbers.. iv had some high ones (well upto 10.9.. that was only once though) they range from 5.2 fasting to 8.6 after meals.

im in constant pain now and his movements all hurt :dohh: hes still really low and this morning i think he was turning round and round it felt horrible :haha:

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