any plus size mummies to be?

Awe poor Dini! Hope you are able to hang in there!

Well, we get to go home tomorrow. Baby has no complications and seems to be in good health. He lost a bit of weight from birth but is now going up again. He passed all his screenings and is just the most precious looking guy. I'll post some pics when I get home.

I gave up on he breastfeeding. He did a number on my boobs and I still don't even have any colostrum coming out. I know he was latching on just fine and the lactation nurse made sure of it but he tore up my nipples and they started bleeding and bruising. Little pieces of the skin on my nipples were ending up in his mouth. He was also screaming constantly cause he wasn't getting any food. He is now on bottle and everyone is happy. Well everyone except my nipples which are in recovery. At least I tried. My boobs are also still totally soft and the lactation nurse thinks that because of my pcos I probably did not have all the necessary glands developed for producing milk.

Other than that, everything is good. I am in pain from the c section but am managing ok with Motrin and Percocet. My GD is gone and my belly is still sorta big. Look like I'm pregnant still actually. :). I also didn't realize that it would be hard to poo! I can't really use the muscles yet that I need to for pushing ... So still taking some stool softener in hopes I will have a poo! Bleeding is almost non existent. Which I'm happy about. :). It's a very light period. I also have a spot on my belly that has no feeling. It's sort of weird to have pain in a place that has no feeling on the outside. :)

So anyways, hope everyone else is doing well and I will definitely get some pics for you guys.
amethyst im glad your both doing well. well done for trying the bf hun i hope its not long till your nipples have recovered... nothing more painful than that! Ethan did it to me :haha: Try not squeeze when you poo... easier said than done but after both of mine i just kinda let it come out on its own lol.

Not long to go Dinni. Carpal Tunnel sucks.. have you any wrist supports or anything to help? if you dont then they are worth it.

MrsK hopefully it wont be long for you! I want to say thursday maybe? whens your eviction date?

thank you all for thinking of us :) Rohan is doing well although hes at the gp on wednesday as he has the runs and his poo is stringy :sick: have i posted a new pic of him lately? if not here we go. he was 9lb 9oz on the 24th feb so hes slowly getting there... hes finally too long for newborn babygrows but everything else hes still in newborn or upto 1 month. xxx


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I can't wait for pics, Amythyst. I'm glad he's doing well and I hope recovery goes well for you.

Rohan is so cute! He looks so happy :) It sounds like he's really doing great, besides being a little under the weather at the moment. How are you feeling now that you've had some time to recover?

As long as he looks healthy on NSTs and ultrasounds, my midwives will let me go two weeks past due, so March 19th. I'm getting a lot of warming up pre-labor kinds of symptoms and sporadic contractions, so I don't think it'll come to that. These contractions are definitely making me nervous about actual labor! My original guess was Friday, because that would make him a double Friday the 13th baby (he was almost definitely conceived on Friday the 13th), but that would mean a very very long Thursday on my lonesome while DH is at work, so I wouldn't mind going earlier!
i have my fingers crossed for you hun! I hope your labour isnt too bad and you manage to find a way to deal with the pain.

Im feeling good. I still cant believe how much he has been through in such a short time. I kinda feel cheated out of his newborn days though which is a bit gutting BUT id much rather have missed them and have him here healthy than have lost him. Im still the newborn tired mum though as hes still going every 2.5 to 3 hours for feeds since hes only taking 4oz at a time at most. night time he only usually takes 2 ounces xx
Amethyst.. Congratulations on ur LO. Glad u both r OK. Ur bf story sounds just like mine.. Only we were not quick enough to put him on formula. Anyway, he is good now. PCOS somehow messes up with hormones decreases breast milk production .. But I have realized that these new formulas are as good as BM.

My LO is 7 weeks today.. No social smiles yet..but we do get to see his happy face when he looks at ceilings :)


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Amethyst.. Congratulations on ur LO. Glad u both r OK. Ur bf story sounds just like mine.. Only we were not quick enough to put him on formula. Anyway, he is good now. PCOS somehow messes up with hormones decreases breast milk production .. But I have realized that these new formulas are as good as BM.

My LO is 7 weeks today.. No social smiles yet..but we do get to see his happy face when he looks at ceilings :)

awww just look at him <3 hes so cute!! Those smiles wont be far away hun. Rohans only just started doing it the last few days and hes 11 weeks today, 8 adjusted xx
Hello from a super tired mom! OMG nobody told me newborns turn into evil screaming nightmares after you bring them home. :) Luckily he's sleeping now. Yea, PCOS is a bitch... and a lot of people don't understand it. Luckily, my lactation specialist at the hospital had 2 daughter in laws that had it and she knew exactly what to look for and what the issues were. I'm fine with formula and baby seems happy with it - however the price tag on it is gonna kill us. ;) I did find the particular stuff I wanted directly from the manufacturer and got a nice deal on a recurring delivery service which makes each bottle less than 1 dollar per.

I got on the scale today - I'm officially down 56 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and I look ridiculous since I didn't lose the weight from working out. I have saggy skin everywhere. :( My only consolation is that I finally weigh less than my husband and he said I could never do it. ;)

So, here is the munchkin! I can't believe I produced such a handsome guy. ;)


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omg hun hes so damn cute! please dont worry about how you look right now hun youve just had a baby! that is an amazing loss! :hugs:
Hello from a super tired mom! OMG nobody told me newborns turn into evil screaming nightmares after you bring them home. :) Luckily he's sleeping now. Yea, PCOS is a bitch... and a lot of people don't understand it. Luckily, my lactation specialist at the hospital had 2 daughter in laws that had it and she knew exactly what to look for and what the issues were. I'm fine with formula and baby seems happy with it - however the price tag on it is gonna kill us. ;) I did find the particular stuff I wanted directly from the manufacturer and got a nice deal on a recurring delivery service which makes each bottle less than 1 dollar per.

I got on the scale today - I'm officially down 56 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and I look ridiculous since I didn't lose the weight from working out. I have saggy skin everywhere. :( My only consolation is that I finally weigh less than my husband and he said I could never do it. ;)

So, here is the munchkin! I can't believe I produced such a handsome guy. ;)
Awwwwww..he is adorable amethyst..
N congrats on the weight loss..:D
I'm a couple days late updating, but our little Theodore Constantine is here. Labor was intense and very slow at the same time, so I ended up needing an epidural, but it ended up being the right decision in the end because I was able to get some desperately needed rest before pushing. He was finally born at 11:49, March 11, 6lbs 15oz.

Teddy and I are struggling a little with breastfeeding, but hoping we can figure it out. So far my supply is good, but his latch needs work. I'm exhausted and occasionally overwhelmed, but overall so happy and in love with our sweet boy.
Yay Mrs. K! Congrats! Sorry you are having a latching problem.... for me it was completely opposite - he came out of the womb knowing how to latch, I just didn't have any milk! :) I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon!

Take advantage of things in the hospital - I totally miss being able to tell them "please take the baby for the night so we can sleep" :)
Wow I missed a lot! The pics of all of your sweet babies are awesome! I can't believe some of them are as old as they are.

MrsK congrats! I'm so glad he's here and healthy! Sorry about the latch problem. I hope you two can figure it out!

Amythyst, good job on trying to bf, but I'm so glad you are all well.

I'm 35 weeks today. I have decided for sure I'm done at work at 37 weeks if they are really willing to take me off.

I just don't sleep hardly at all any more with this stupid carpal tunnel. The splints help sometimes but my hands and arms hurt so bad Somedays j can't turn a door handle!

Otherwise baby seems good, super active. Next mw appt is Monday.
Hang in there, Dini! It won't be much longer now, and the prize at the end is awesome.
hopefully your carpal tunnel will ease after giving birth hun :hugs: not long to go! :hugs:
Yea I really hope you get rid of that Dini! I think I had a very mild version of it cause my arms and hands would go numb when I slept if I had them too close to my chest. But nothing like you're experiencing. :( The good news is my numbness has gone away, so hopefully yours will too!
Thanks for checking in on me! I'm doing okay. Tomorrow is my last day at work and I can't wait. The swelling is about the same and my carpal tunnel is the same. But good news at my MW appt today she said baby boy is head down and not oblique anymore so praying he stays that way! I think once I'm done at work I'll feel better. How are you ladies ad babies??
Ooh, glad the little guy is in position! I bet he's unlikely to shift again at this point. You must be glad to be done with work, the last month or so is exhausting!

We're doing ok over here. I think Teddy's going into a growth spurt, so it's been a lot of eating and refusing to settle the past couple days, but he's doing well in general. He's gaining weight fast, he's up over 1/2 a pound from his birth weight already. I could really use some sleep, though! Just one good, long stretch, please!
Aww I bet you could really use some sleep! I hope he settles down some soon so you can get some. I'm not looking forward to that part of things but then who does?? So is he a good eater? Sounds like it with the good weight gain.
He is a good eater! I'm still stuck using a nipple shield, but it's less of a hassle than pumping or formula, at least. I'm hoping we can get off it soon.

He usually does well in the bassinet, and gives me a good long stretch of sleep every couple nights, at least. He went almost 6 hours once! But it's been a rough couple nights, lots of feedings and he hasn't settled very well in the bassinet. I'm hoping maybe tonight will be better - it can't last forever.

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