Any pregnant lesbian's that used turkey baster method?

I have been taking folic acid for 3 months, and a multivitamin, not prenatal. Maybe thats where i am going wrong.

I will let you know how I get on. FX for us! hehehe!


NO you'll be fine with that, thats exactly what I was taking, and still am actually, but waiting on bloods and levels of everything to change supplements, so you're fine, the only thing is when you are pregnant the multi have a few vitamins (A, K) that are bad in high amounts during pregnancy, But keep doing what you're doing!!! F soooo X!!!!!
Take your temp daily, if you're not already, and want to, (vaginally is more accurate, and easier, leave by the bed and take it before you drink, move, get up,etc) If it rises its a good sign, will drop a little bit at implantation, but will then continue to rise if pregnant, will start to drop if :witch: is on her way. It can get obsessive for some women, but also gives you a heads up and a little time to cope if unfortunately :af: comes!!
Hi there,

I don't take my temps as there are not really a good indication for me. I have a normal body temp of 35.9.... obviously when it spikes I know I have ovulated, but it only rises to 36.2-36.8 within the luteal phase.

Last month I got a dip for 1 day and then it spiked before decreasing before af turned up.
I dont understand it well enough to follow it.. I am trying this month just to go with the flow and hope for the best.

I inseminated, wed the 1st @ 9pm, fri the 3rd @ 9pm, and sat the 4th @ 12noon.

I got my positive OPK at 9pm on friday the 3rd until sat the 4th at 10am (the beginning could have been longer, although I was late for work friday so couldnt test in the morning) so I am hoping I have timed it well enough.

My donor couldn't make it for the 4th one because of the bad weather here... I pray to God that I have covered the correct days... Please tell me I have.

See once you get a positive OPK how long til you ovulate?

Your timing sounds perfect. Apparently you ovulate 24-48 hours after a positive on an OPK (i never did get a positive on one) And since sperm get to where they need to go in 20 min- a few hours, they should have been there waiting. They can also survive for 2-4 days, so again you should have good sperm until at least tuesday if not wednesday and it sounds like you may ovulate sun or monday. So it all sounds good with the timing to me!! FX!!!!!
I just wish me and my partners baby is being delivered to my womb by the angels just now... I just want this sooooo bad.

Please God make this my month....

Hi there,

I am in the 2ww 7dpo to be exact.... I have had absolutely no symptoms this time. A few odd cramps but that's to be expected at this time of my cycle.

I don't know what's going on... I have noticed that I am extremely moody and wanting to argue all the time, my partner is tired of me. Again though, this is perhaps usual for me.

I hope and pray that I get my BFP this month.
Hi there,

I am in the 2ww 7dpo to be exact.... I have had absolutely no symptoms this time. A few odd cramps but that's to be expected at this time of my cycle.

I don't know what's going on... I have noticed that I am extremely moody and wanting to argue all the time, my partner is tired of me. Again though, this is perhaps usual for me.

I hope and pray that I get my BFP this month.

yay, good to hear from you Anja! Don't worry about having no symptoms, i didnt really either. And its hard bc early preg symptoms are so similar to :witch: symptoms its a terrible TWW!!! I had some cramps, when i did, it was hard to tell where they were, i had to pin point where they were with my fingers and figure it out. The main difference in mine were they were jsut above public hair line, and in the centre, so very different from my AF cramps which are a bit higher and out wider near ovaries, and the cramps were slightly different than what i normally expect.
Your moodiness and wanting to argue is probably a few things, stress, sick of waiting and hormones, whether they be raised progesterone, or early af symptoms or surge of early preg hormones. But all normal for around 7 dpo!! I have my FX for you two this month!!! Hoping with all hope you get a :bfp: :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:
Keep us/me updated, been thinking about you and wondering how you two were going! Really hoping this is your month!
I guess my cousin used a turkey baster to get pregnant or so she says. Worked for her twice because she has two adorable kids. Good Luck to you!
:coffee: Checking in on you, Anja. 7 dpo is definitely still early. I think I felt implantation (some light cramps and major hot flashes), but it wasn't totally convincing. My 2 ww was terrible since it is my first try, I wish I had paid more attention to my body before so I second guessed everything. Now I'm just paranoid about everything and eating a lot.

Here's some extra :dust:

Hi Girls,

Just to let you all know, after being 2 days late I took AF. Really disappointed as I thought I was pregnant this month.

On to cycle 4 in a couple of weeks. I am trying everything.. I am overweight and I do smoke 20 cigs per day. I think I need to stop cigs and diet.

A little down about it all, just feel I have left It far too late.... :(
Well, it can take a while to conceive. I have a bit of extra padding on my bones also. I've had brief periods of smoking. Last time (about 18 months ago) I had to take medication to wean myself off. My major addiction is coffee. Fortunately I haven't had any since being treated for ADHD, tho I'm not taking anything for it now and can't go back to coffee to keep it in check so for now you'll get rambling comments. I'm not sure how much tobacco affects conceiving, but I've read caffeine can cause problems and at my age I didn't want another strike against me. Hopefully it will happen for u next month. I was surprised mine took because I wasn't sure I did the procedure right. Good luck on a May baby. My first scan is next week. For now I just worry and hope everything is okay.
anja- i lost aboutt 15kg this year and it seemed to help, also try to cut down on your smokes, smoke whether cig, weed, or otherwise is actually absorbed into the uterus and other tissues and tubes and what not, and the chemicals actually have an adverse effect on the sperm, effectively killing it off or making it deformed before it can reach the egg. FX for next month!!!! Stay positive!!!

Spinster- i know how you feel, i was so anxious before my first scan, we went in last week and they fond the heartbeat and measured us at 6w1d. they found two little things to watch so we actually went to the specialist today, one thing has seemed to resolve itself - a little bleed/tear, and the other is cyst on my rt ovary, i go back in 3 weeks for monitoring it all! Good luck to you!!!!
Hi there Girlies,

Me and my partner are starting our 4th cycle of inseminations tomorrow. Can't wait to get started again for this month.

This month I have taken clomid days 4-8 and will be using preseed 15mins before insemination. We are crossing our toes, legs, and anything else that we are able to cross that we fall pregnant this month.

Last month we got our donor to provide his stuff directly into the softcup and then I inserted, but my partner felt as though she then had no part in TTC, so this month we are going back to the insems with 10ml syringe again, as I want her to feel she is creating life with me.

I can't wait, I'm so excited!! I feel really good this month, I have changed jobs, and seem to be sorting my life out - so maybe this positive move will have a domino effect on my womb.

Has anyone got any further advice and tips??

Here's hoping!! What does it feel like to be pregnant??
Anja, i understand your partner wanting more of a 'role' in conceiving, we made sure we covered that base as well. I think you've got the basics down, my only tips, which i think i shared before, leave the syringe in for a few minutes, after emptying, we found that it decreased leakage, after you have removed it, have a clitorally stimulated orgasm, helps the swimmers on their journey, and lay down afterward for as long as possible, pee before insertion, and have a good book or tv handy! glass of water with a straw is helpful to avoid movement as well!! FX good luck girls!!!! xx
Hi there,

I am writing for the first time with bad news.

Our donor has let us down... Scheduled inseminations for this month were yesterday (which took place) and today, tomorrow and the day after to cover fertile period.

Sadly, the donor hasn't showed up today and sent a text saying that he has met someone. And feels that this is affecting his sex life... :(

We inseminated at 3pm yesterday - and by 8pm I got my first positive OPK. which was really strong in colour - stronger than the test line.

So one insemination this month!! Checked the opk again and is still positive - so I know that I am out for this month with just one insem.

Feeling shitty to be honest! Maybe its an omen.

wow anja!! I can't believe that! I find it sort of rude to be honest, did you have a contract or anything with him at all?? I'm so sorry for you two, i cant imagine how tht would make you feel!! :hugs: at least your timing was good for the one insemination you got, everything crossed it works!!!! Sperm can live for up to five days, there are millions in each deposit, you only need one, you are still in with a chance, stay positive!!!! We found ours on a website, in case you need another one, hoping you dont, bc i do think your timing is great, and i'm hopeful for you. but if you need to next month or in the future, check out, its changed a bit in the last two years since we used it, but there were a fair amount of good donors. Keep your hopes up, keep taking those pre-natals, and i'm sending you good sticky thoughts for this time!!! :hugs:
Hi there,

i dunno when I ovulate though. My normal cycle is 29 days, although last month I was late 2 days (thought I was pregnant) so I don't know how well timed things were.

I got a second insemination outta him the very next day - but I had to beg! And I told him I won't be using him again, ever.... Idiot!

So 1st inseminated was on the 1st September (CD 14) at 3pm roughly - strong positive OPK (A lot darker than the test line, and was actually the darkest i've ever had, think clomid must have did that) that same night when I checked at 8pm.

2nd insemination was 2nd September (CD 15) at 4:15pm. Checked OPK again at 8pm that night and was very faint!

I know they say that you ovulate 12-36 hours after Positive OPK, but I don't know when I actually did.

Basal Body Tempreture was 35.9 up until CD 13, 36.1 CD 14, but CD 15 it had jumped to 36.3

so I think i ovulated late 2nd Sept - sunday night or 3rd September - early monday morning,

I want it to have worked, clomid, preseed, softcups where all in place, but there are no guarantees - besides I was very stressed out with donor being a tit.

Sorry to hear about your donor. I definitely agree with trying2bemums- you're timing was excellent! It only took me one insemination, I think it's all in the timing and you couldn't have been much better. I will keep checking in on things. I'm still trying to get through the first trimester with a baby :baby:
Hey Spinster,

Thank you for your message.

I am on CD 24 of a 29-31 day cycle. I am cramping, woke up during the night on CD 21 with sharp jaggy pains across from my belly button but to the right. I think that is where my ovaries are situated. It was quite sore for about a min then left me until the next morning in the bath, it came back for a few seconds and gone.

I haven't ever had that sort of feeling before, but I know that I am a mad symptom spotter so this could all be in my head as it has been every other cycle.

I know that just because I want to be a mummy so bad, that it ain't gonna happen that way.

I have had sniffles today, feeling cold, touch of a sore throat and full breast - I don't know if this is normal for me before period starts, but praying that all these signs are that of positive ones.

I am feeling all sorts of emotions, that home insems dont work, that my donor is infertile or that I am.. seriously starting to lose the plot....

Those are great signs. The thing I realized during my only month of tracking was that I was horrible at knowing my body! I questioned all my symptoms, but I didn't know if I had those every month or if it was a pregnancy symptom.

Sad news though in my world- I am having a missed m/c. This was my greatest fear. Yesterday, the baby only measured one day more than the previous scan 10 days prior and the heartbeat was gone. I knew at the first scan that things weren't right since the measurement was 10 days behind. I tried to have some faith since my doctor was optimistic, but it was not to be. Tomorrow I will have a D&C as I think it will allow me to try again the soonest. Of course there's never any guarantees. Good luck and I will be checking in. Back to TTC...

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