Any pregnant lesbian's that used turkey baster method?

Hey there,

I have never asked him about his fertility issues, he has 5 kids (boys and girls) and is only 35 yrs old. He has also helped 2 other people as a donor, 1 boy, and 1 girl.

I have had testing done, doctor was happy with my results - ovulate every month, although my cycles range from 29-32.

Haven't signed any contract or anything, when we first met he showed my paper work from a sti screening he had done. He told me that he was very fertile, but when I told my doctor this he said that males fertility can be altered month to month depending on their lifestyle. See the thing is is that I have never had a child nor ever conceived.. so I don't know if I am able to.. I think all women feel that way until they conceive? So I have never thought that he could be the problem.

We have been trying to conceive for 4 cycles now with nothing. Going to cycle 5 in around 7 days.... I asked my mum how long it had taken her to have me, she said 7 months... and that was natural conception - so i think i am being a little too hasty!!

I need to give myself time! but because the donor was drinking it makes me think that he is into all sorts and has me freaking out.

Trying2b2mums- Yeah for the east bay. I was born and raised in central California, went to uni in San Diego, popped over to the UK and moved to the bay. It's my favorite part of the U.S. by far and I love the city but it's so obscenely expensive and busy. I like busy, but I think the East Bay has given me city with some more chill people. I will be looking into getting a doppler in the near future hopefully. I've just started charting again and have moments of sadness, but oddly it doesn't stop me from wanting to try again ASAP. My doctor says it's rare to m/c back to back as I asked if it was possible my donor and I were genetically incompatible and if I should choose another. She said possible, but not likely. A friend of mine who lived at the house I just moved into had a missed miscarriage at over 4 months, that still scares me but I am trying to go in with a more positive attitude. The Giants could clench the West today :happydance:

Anja- It is good that he has kids, but the compensation thing would make me leery. I don't know much about how laws work in other places (I am still navigating my own country's), but I would want to know from him what sacrifices he is willing to make for payment. I know outside of a sperm bank payment is illegal in my country. I found my donor through a great website online where there are donors from all over the world. There is definitely a UK market on there where men donate for free. Message me if you want more info. It would be really difficult to know how well he is taking care of his body as from what I have read whatever he does affects his sperm for several months. Also, a contract is very important. I knew I needed to sign away ever seeking financial compensation for the child from my donor, but it didn't even occur to me that I should have him sign away custody rights. My donor put that in the contract as well but I had always assumed my emails with him would be good enough to show his intent was only as a donor, but you never know. That's good to know about your mum, as I really think it does have some bearing. Everything has to be just right in order for conception to occur. I know it's easier said than done because I might have to look at my own advice in a few months. :hugs:

Well ladies, I am going to endulge in a beer or two at an Oktoberfest celebration. I'm hoping to have to abstain again soon.
How are you supposed to know when you ovulate? I, as you know, been tracking my cycles over the past 4 month, and I think that there is something aloof. According to my doctor, when you take a period you count back 14 days and that determines when you actually ovulated - so... I have done some research and figured out that I have irregular cycles, so ovulation differs each month. This last cycle 32 day cycle - I ovulated CD 18, and inseminated CD 14 and 15. could this be where I am going wrong?

Plus... the months when I have a 29 day cycle, i still inseminated CD 14 and 15? So confused?
Timing is everything. I used an Ovulation Prediction Kit. It tells you when you get your LH surge and you should inseminate within about a day of that. I got mine that morning and inseminated that night. My cycle is slightly longer than the 28 day cycle they often base the ovulation day on, so I don't ovulate until day 16 or so. Since my D&C I have gone back to using fertility friend to track my cycle. I use a bbt thermometer every morning. It can give you an idea of what's going on hormonely. Of course it's not perfect and people can differ, but you get familiar with your own cycle. Because of the D&C I don't know when I expect to ovulate, but I have seen my temperature drop and am waiting for it to rise again which would mean ovulation has likely occured and progesterone is present. I find it interesting in general and can't believe I have gone through life as a female knowing so little about my body. :blush: Anyway, Ovulation kit, bbt thermometer and checking cervical mucus are all very good clues to put together and hopefully perfect your timing.
How are you supposed to know when you ovulate? I, as you know, been tracking my cycles over the past 4 month, and I think that there is something aloof. According to my doctor, when you take a period you count back 14 days and that determines when you actually ovulated - so... I have done some research and figured out that I have irregular cycles, so ovulation differs each month. This last cycle 32 day cycle - I ovulated CD 18, and inseminated CD 14 and 15. could this be where I am going wrong?

Plus... the months when I have a 29 day cycle, i still inseminated CD 14 and 15? So confused?

well everybody's cycles are different... the "average" luteal phase (the time between the O and AF) may be 14 days, but mine isn't. most women have about the same luteal phase month to month... but that could be a very different time period woman to woman. the best way to track it is with charting your temperatures and cervical mucus (sexy, i know!). i use OPK's to provide extra insight. when the cervical mucus is about the consistancy of egg white, it's a good time to call your guy. start doing OPK's at that point to pinpoint the egg window, and then watch for your temp to rise to confirm that you did in fact ovulate. even if all the charting tells you that there is something off, that is valuable info to bring in to your doctor.

being exact about the day of ovulation isn't a big deal when your donor is your partner, but when you have to make arrangements, it pays to chart!
i agree with all the above. use ferility friend, chart, temp, check cervical mucus, can also check cervical position, OPKs, you can buy a ferning/salia monitor, an electronic fertility monitor. I had irregular cycles, they evened out a bit when i was at the gym/eating right, from 30-33 days. the cycle we got our bfp, i had a previous 32 day cycle, i ovulated on day 18/19. I had little luck with my fertility monitor, same little luck with OPKs, and i seemed to have lots of ferns thoughout the month, never had a heap of cervical mucus, I did take EPO to help that the cycle we got our bfp, as well as grapefruit juice. I ended up weighing myself daily, it was apparent to me that i gained a few kilos of water weight around ovulation and thats how i could tell, and i charted and went from there. the 14 days thing your dr told you is for a very small percentage of women. LP can range from 9-20 days, so 14 is just an average.
Hi Again Ladies,

I am just talking with my partner at the moment and have discovered for the past 4 months we have stuck to the doctor's recommendations of 14 day LP. Which is greatly why I am getting this soooo wrong.

I am going to stagger the inseminations or even doing them on CD 15, 16 and 17... Perhaps I don't ovulate to later on in my cycle. Usually I get my LH surge CD 14-15, then inseminate the day of and the next day... some women on here have said that they get their +OPK CD 14 but don't ovulate till CD 17 or 18 - it is possible that I may fall into this category.

I will try this for this month, I also have decided not to bother with the clomid this month either, as I do ovulate on my own, I don't really want to increase my chance of twins especially when they are already in my mums side of the family. I want to be a mummy so bad, but 1 at a time.. :)

Well ladies I am 5 days from starting insems for cycle 5... so I will go for now and pop back in on the 2ww at some point...

anja x
Hi Again Ladies,

I am just talking with my partner at the moment and have discovered for the past 4 months we have stuck to the doctor's recommendations of 14 day LP. Which is greatly why I am getting this soooo wrong.

I am going to stagger the inseminations or even doing them on CD 15, 16 and 17... Perhaps I don't ovulate to later on in my cycle. Usually I get my LH surge CD 14-15, then inseminate the day of and the next day... some women on here have said that they get their +OPK CD 14 but don't ovulate till CD 17 or 18 - it is possible that I may fall into this category.

I will try this for this month, I also have decided not to bother with the clomid this month either, as I do ovulate on my own, I don't really want to increase my chance of twins especially when they are already in my mums side of the family. I want to be a mummy so bad, but 1 at a time.. :)

Well ladies I am 5 days from starting insems for cycle 5... so I will go for now and pop back in on the 2ww at some point...

anja x

the opk tells you that your body is preparing to ovulate, but it doesn't actually mean that you definitely have. a temp spike after would confirm when/that you really are ovulating.

i really do think charting would help you... it's free after the initial cost of a BBT (not expensive) and at least it would give you a clear picture of what's going on. that way you are not wasting time and disappointment on the wrong days!

best of luck & crossing my fingers for your BFP!!:dust:
i agree with all the above. use ferility friend, chart, temp, check cervical mucus, can also check cervical position, OPKs, you can buy a ferning/salia monitor, an electronic fertility monitor. I had irregular cycles, they evened out a bit when i was at the gym/eating right, from 30-33 days. the cycle we got our bfp, i had a previous 32 day cycle, i ovulated on day 18/19. I had little luck with my fertility monitor, same little luck with OPKs, and i seemed to have lots of ferns thoughout the month, never had a heap of cervical mucus, I did take EPO to help that the cycle we got our bfp, as well as grapefruit juice. I ended up weighing myself daily, it was apparent to me that i gained a few kilos of water weight around ovulation and thats how i could tell, and i charted and went from there. the 14 days thing your dr told you is for a very small percentage of women. LP can range from 9-20 days, so 14 is just an average.

I am curious about the EPO and grapefruit juice. I don't want to mess too much with things since I got pregnant on the first try last time so things must have been ok on the conception end, but I don't expect it to happen on one insemination this next round. I am also thinking my body has probably changed and it's still going crazy so I am wondering what those things do exactly. I think EPO has to do with CM? CM has never been very observable to me. And what does the grapefruit thing do? The only thing I did was eat pineapple core during implantation time, but could be coincidence.
i agree with all the above. use ferility friend, chart, temp, check cervical mucus, can also check cervical position, OPKs, you can buy a ferning/salia monitor, an electronic fertility monitor. I had irregular cycles, they evened out a bit when i was at the gym/eating right, from 30-33 days. the cycle we got our bfp, i had a previous 32 day cycle, i ovulated on day 18/19. I had little luck with my fertility monitor, same little luck with OPKs, and i seemed to have lots of ferns thoughout the month, never had a heap of cervical mucus, I did take EPO to help that the cycle we got our bfp, as well as grapefruit juice. I ended up weighing myself daily, it was apparent to me that i gained a few kilos of water weight around ovulation and thats how i could tell, and i charted and went from there. the 14 days thing your dr told you is for a very small percentage of women. LP can range from 9-20 days, so 14 is just an average.

I am curious about the EPO and grapefruit juice. I don't want to mess too much with things since I got pregnant on the first try last time so things must have been ok on the conception end, but I don't expect it to happen on one insemination this next round. I am also thinking my body has probably changed and it's still going crazy so I am wondering what those things do exactly. I think EPO has to do with CM? CM has never been very observable to me. And what does the grapefruit thing do? The only thing I did was eat pineapple core during implantation time, but could be coincidence.

Hey Spinster,
The EPO and grapefruit juice are both to do with cervical mucus, increasing that egg white cervical mucus we all hope for to help conception. I never had a heap of cervical mucus, and i looked into things to increase it, and to create a sperm friendly environment with 'fertile' cervical mucus. the following is what i found, i only did the EPO and grapefruit juice, it may have been a coincidence for us as well, but the time we got our BFP was the first time i did those things and i will use them again when we ttc in the future! If you do decide to take EPO be very careful to stop at ovulation, it can create uterine contractions. I did notice much more cervical mucus during ovulation time for this bfp, i can only assume the epo and juice helped!

Cut back on caffeine and don't smoke!

Drinking at least ten 6oz glasses of water a day.

Evening Primrose Oil: 1,000 IU per day should be taken
from Cycle Day 1 to Ovulation.

Flax Seed Oil: 2,000 mg per day from Ovulation to AF.

Red Raspberry: 1,000 mg daily: Start anytime in cycle.
Can be taken during pregnancy until a month prior to labor/delivery.
Strengthens the uterine lining which in turn lengthens luteal phase

Grapefruit Juice
I got my BFP after my second cycle of AI (turkey baster). I have cycles that very between 28-31 days. I chart temperature and used OPK's. That cycle I got +OPK on cd 14 (had my donation that day) and actually ovulated on cycle day 16. I got my BFP at 9dpo...unfortunately I had a mc and was out of the game for a few months (no AF). I am now on my 1st cycle TTCAL :)

It can definitely work...and it doesn't always have to be the long haul. Every woman is different. I would chart your cycles gives you a better understanding of when to arrange donations etc...and temperature monitoring shows if and when you generally ovulate. Good luck!!

Ps...I never used EPO or anything like that...just Sainsbury's mum and bump tablets once a day. You don't necessarily need that either...folic acid is your only priority really.

Oh I also used Conceive Plus the cycle I conceived too...about 4mls 10-20 mins before insemination....who knows if it was a factor, but I am still using it now :)
Hi ladies, hope all is well. Just a short update: I am pregnant again (having used the same method). I'm just under 5 weeks and I feel terrible so I am hoping that's a good sign.
I am also pregnant again :) 9 weeks today...same AI method...this time I didn't detect my LH surge though
YAY!!!!! congrats spinster, what a great holiday present!!!! FX you have a happy healthy nine months!!!

congrats carly!!!!

so happy for you both!!!!! i've hit 6 months and feeling baby kick!
Hey Girls,

Happy new year. Im just here to congratulate new pregnancies for spinster. And it is nice to hear that you are 6 months gone now trying2be2mums.

I have taken 2 months out, starting again this cycle so here's hoping that this year i will conceive. going to try for another few month before going down the road of ivf.

hope you are all well.

jacki aka anja
any updates ladies?!?

Anja, have you had any more tries? Hope the donor is still cooperating, its the most stressful part of ttc.

Spinster, everything ok with you? (did you support the niners in the superbowl?? lol)

Carly, hows it going with you?
I realize im a bit late here, and while i can't offer any advice on being lesbian, i have a feeling insemination would work for my husband and i. He has some motility issues and im confident that if we managed to get ALL the sperm past the cervix and as high up as possible i would get pregnant right away, but we'll try the clomid for 6 months, and then go from there.

Im so sorry about your donor. I suppose it's just as well in the long run, while he could have been a bit more upfront earlier at least he did tell you and not just drop off the face of the earth =/

Is the general consensus that at home insemination does work when there are no female issues ?
Hi Ladies, how are you doing? I am breaking some bad news, after 9 months of TTC (with 2 months out), I went for an ultrasound as I just felt something wasn't quite right.

After getting 3 separate appointments and cancelling them, I finally went on the 1-1-2013 and the doc gave me a smear and an internal exam, she said that my stomach was extended some what. I went for an ultrasound and that's when they told me that I have a 13cmx11cm cyst attached to my left ovary... So i have, in the last 2 weeks, have had ca125 tumor marker tests done, they came back normal, i had a camera inserted intravaginally, ct scan - so the doc says that I have a dermoid cyst and after the ct scan is found to be the same as a 26 week pregnancy.

I am totally devastated.... go for surgery on the 18th of feb to remove the cyst, then biopsies will be taken to test for malignancies.... so i am praying all is well.

I am going to be getting my left ovary removed along with the cyst....

Hope all is good with you girls....
Ari- worked for us! there are obviously some thing you can do to help your chances, but ive heard good thing about clomid.

Anja- im so sorry to hear that. You and your wife have been through so much ttc, im sorry you have to deal with this too. Hoping/praying that all goes well with the surgery and biopsy go well and that you can maybe start trying again soon. I'm assuming they've checked or will check the right ovary, make sure you ovulate from there too. xxx

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