Any pregnant lesbian's that used turkey baster method?

Goodluck!!! I too am on clomid and got my darkest opk ever on it!!! I am however not in a same sex relationship but read your story and wanted to say Im rooting for you!!!
Anja- keeping my FX for you and your OH. I think you have great timing this time, you should have more than enough :spermy: to meet your egg given your OPKs. Your symptoms are good too, I have weird twingy cramps, like pulling, and quick twinges, but had to actually put my fingers on where they were, then I put my fingers where I knew I always get :witch: cramps, they were completly different positions, but felt so similar and in the same spot, it wasnt until i physically looked at my tummy in the mirror and touched fingers where i was feeling that i realized maybe it worked!! So stay positive!!

Spin- :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry! I'm so sad for you, I kept looking for your updates, bc I was so thrilled for you. Silver lining is that you know it can and will work. Hope you feel better, and everything goes ok, and that you get Dr ok to try again soon!! :hugs:
Hi Spinster,

I am so deeply sorry for your loss!!! So sad to hear such bad news, I am actually sitting here with a huge lump in my throat thinking of you. I don't really know what to say......

If you ever need to chat I am here for you, so sorry! :(
Thank you ladies. I had my D&C today. We did an ultrasound just to verify and to give me peace of mind. It was much more painful than I anticipated but at least it's done. :cry: My hormones have been all over the place and I am eager to try again. My doctor said to wait till I get one period, the doctor today told me at least two so I am a bit unsure. I am eager to start again as soon as possible. At least I know my eggs work (for the most part) and that there doesn't appear to be any major problems. Also, I am confident that this process definitely works and I was worried that alone could have taken many months to figure out. I've shed a lot of tears in the last 24 hours, but people try to tell me it's not uncommon. So glad I hadn't told many people. I will be checking in on your progress and am eager to see some babies :)

Glad that you are thinking of the future, in relation to trying again.
True enough, at least you know that you are working. I have never ever had a child, or got pregnant so I am doubting myself, and the donor drinks like a fish, I have even smelt it on his when he comes over to provide a sample...

Let me know how you get on. Are you planning on starting straight away again, and are you going to be using the same donor as before?

I just joined this site because I had questions about our home-insemination. My hubby and I have trying for a year exactly, the past 6 months have been with this method. We have to do it this way because he has a hole on the underside of his penis, so the sperm actually never makes it to the holy land, lol. We use a syringe and 1cc of saline. I was worried about how much spillage there is, but I guess it is comparable to sex, right? After reading through this thread, I think I may look into the soft cups for next cycle (hopefully I don't need too!)

So, I had positive opks Wed, Thurs and Fri .... first time ever that it was 3 days! We injected Thurs night, twice Fri ... and plan to later tonight (and because I am obsessive, probably tomorrow too!
Hi there shawna629,

Nice to hear from you?

I would just as much in the 'holy place' as you can... me and my partner are using fresh donor sperm so haven't really got that much of a choice, it's like 3 samples consecutively from first positive OPK onwards.

I read something bout saline, there can't be something in it - as it can harm sperm... can't quite think of what it is though... you'll likely know this though!

I am also using preseed, which im also sure you know about, a lubricant that nourishes sperm.

I have been trying for 4 months now and am feeling really down each time I get the neg test, so God knows how you must be feeling.

I get sad up until the next insems, then I settle down again waiting on the next... nightmare!

Hope you get your BFP.. it is normal to wait up until a year or just over...

Im 32, smoke, im overweight, and my diet can consist of crisps, chocolate, and take aways, and I drink coffee like it's going outta fashion. I know what I should be doing to increase my chances - so for this month I plan to stop smoking, stop coffee, drink grapefruit juice, and green tea and eat healthier. I would do anything to become pregnant, and if it takes all of that I am well prepared for it.

Hope you are good. fingers crossed for you!!
We have a case of 100% sterile, medical flushes (saline) so I always assumed that was OK,guess I had better check on that!! I have Preseed as well, don't know why I don't use it with the insemination, perhaps I should.
shawna- i would suggest a few drops of preseed or similar instead off the saline, bc although the saline may not harm the sperm, at lest we know the pre seed or othwe sperm friendly lube actually can help. The lube actually makes your 'holy land' a much more sperm friendly place by changing the Ph levels in the environment!
To avoid leakage we left the syringe in for a few minutes after insemination with hips up, made a huge difference, very little to no leakage. Unless your leakage is from hubby, do you use sterile cups to 'catch' it, or are you syringing straight from the source, if the latter, i would use the cups, then syringe it, after it re-liquifies. FX for you, good luck!!!! and welcome!!!
Anja- i still have my FX for you this month, but glad to hear you will/are making some healthly changes, your current/future bub will thrive!! We fell the first time trying after i changed diet and lost about 15 kgs. FX FX FX!!!! :hugs:
Hi Girls,

Just to let you all know that my period showed about 5 mins ago... so out for another cycle.

My head is really over over the place...
Hi Girls,

Just to let you all know that my period showed about 5 mins ago... so out for another cycle.

My head is really over over the place...

Oh no hugs xxxxxx

We are still waiting got a bfn on clearblue this morning 12dpo - wondering if it's too early? If only implanted Friday then surely won't show up the hcg??

I hate all this waiting - we just want a baby x
oh anja :hugs::hugs: Take some time out and take care of yourself, it'll happen!!

2mus, FX for you too!!!!!
Hey there,

Something really weird is happening to me.

I haven't taken my period yet, i have been spotting since for the past 3 days. Only when I wipe do I see it. I have not taken another pregnancy test as I am scared to death incase It another neg.

period was due sunday- tuesay, so when the spotting came on sunday I assumed that was them in flow.

I was on clomid, so I am unsure of whether this is just another side effect.

Hi ladies. Just checking in to see how things are going. My pregnancy hormones seem to be calming down- at least I don't cry at cheesy commercials anymore:nope: and some of my energy is back. I wasn't sure how I would feel about doing this all again so soon, but I really just am eager to be a mom. I have heard so many opinions regarding wait time after a D&C, I trust my doctor in saying one cycle is enough. My donor already said he is willing to help whenever I am ready. I was concerned maybe we are just a bad combination of genes, but my doctor said that's not a likely scenario. I have never wanted a :bfn: so much. The doctor I saw yesterday though said to not bother testing cause it will stay positive for many more weeks. I can't wait for AF!

Anja- Was this the last insemination you will be doing with this donor? Has he had children before? The drinking is definitely not helping matters so I wouldn't put so much blame on yourself. It could be him and he may just be wasting your time. I agree that the changes are good. I am working on my weight as well and trying to continue to eat as well as I was while pregnant. I am also staying off the coffee. I can't remember how old you are, but I am sure quite a bit younger than me. I am 35 so my eggs are ancient. Just some advice based on my own personal experience- don't try to change everything at once. I think it's best to quit the things you want gradually and to lose weight slowly. Last year I got off an antidepressant (fairly low dose) and my hormones went crazy! I had no period for three months, then had a 22 day period that they couldn't get to stop with progesterone- esp traumatic cause AF is usually 2 days for me. So just be gentle with your body, it's a delicate balance and you never know how it will respond to change. Hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself.

Shawna- Trying2b2mums has some great advice. I was successful with one attempt with a baby medicine syringe and fresh sperm deposited directly into cup. I kept the syringe in after for probably at least 15 minutes and kept hips elevated for an hour.

Trying2b2mums- You must be heading into the supposedly "good trimester." Hope you are enjoying your pregnancy.

:dust: to all
Hi there. I am not lesbian, but I'm going solo with this method. I did my first insemination Saturday so I am 3 dpo. It's only my first shot so I'm not holding my breath considering my age (I'm 35). I'm interested in following others with this method as it does seem to be successful. (I have heard the Instead Cups are really good too, but I think it takes some practice working with them.) Good luck!:thumbup:

I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you, I think what you are doing is very beautiful. As well as the other ladies in here trying to be mothers. I find it saddening that others pass judgement. A baby is a presicious gift, no matter how it is conceived! God bless all of you, and I hope that everyone of you get your :bfp: I would to love to follow all of you on your journeys and be a support, please feel free to add me if you like. All my prayers
anja- i have no idea about clomid and side effects. But hoping with everything that its implantation spotting. and fx for a bfp soon!!!!! stay positive love!!!
spinster - ive talked to many women who miscarried/d&c and most wait time is one or two cycles, so do what is right for you, listen to the DR, but your body will let you know when its ready again. And good on your donor for being understanding and ready to help again, thats great and takes the stress off. My heart is broken for you, i told OH, as i keep her up to date as to what goes on, on these threads, we're hoping and praying that all goes smoothly and the time passes quickly for you.
i also agree with not changing too much too fast, i got off my anti depressants a year ago and went to the gym and changed diet (slightly) in january, but didnt go crazy, didnt drop too much weight too fast bc that can mess with your cycles. Good advice all around!
spinster- i am nearly at 11 weeks, but its been up and down, ive had spotting for about two weeks now, had a scan everything was good and he wants to see us on friday, 10 days after the last scan to ensure all stayed well, but i invested in a fetal doppler to hear the heartbeat at home, so i've listened every day this week bc of the spotting, there is a heartbeat still, but ive freaked out a few times bc it can be tricky and hard to impossible to find. so we're staying very very cautious, still only have told my mum, dad and sister and best friend, too scared to spread the news further. but ty for your thoughts they are much appreciated!!! :hugs:
are you and giants, a's, raiders, or niner fan??? i go for the giants, and if i have to choose the raiders!! born and bred in the bay, cant get away from it, even in australia, hahahah!
Thank you for your kind words, Mookerr. It's certainly not easy telling people you are expecting because they always want to know about my "other half." I am fortunate to live in a pretty liberal area of the world, but there's still some judgement.

Trying2b2mums, I'd only recently heard about home dopplers. Many women who have had a missed miscarriage like me find it reassuring. I will probably invest in one at some point, though it apparently isn't easy to use. Apparently many women have spotting and it's just the combination of cramps which would cause worry. I do dread having to relive all those weeks over again and wonder if I will have more fear, or maybe I just had the fear this time b/c I knew something was wrong at the first scan.
You really see baseball and American football over there? Even our supposedly inferior California teams? I remember some interest in American football when I was living in the UK, but baseball seems more Japan and South America. I am a huge Giants fan (we are so close to beating out the Dodgers!:happydance:) and I'll route for the A's too since I live in Oakland and am more of an East Bay girl. I can't even understand American football but having grown up with the Raider's going back and forth between NorCal and SoCal, 49ers seem more Bay Area to me.

Anja, I hope all is well. I am getting a bit of a dose of Glasgow this week as I went to see Irvine Welsh speak on Monday and I am going to see Stevie Jackson (from Belle and Sebastian) play tomorrow night.

Have a great weekend ladies...mine is just beginning. :wohoo:
Spinster- we got our home doppler on american ebay, it wasn't picking up a heartbeat until 10 weeks, but there was an option for a more sensitive one that says it works around 5 weeks. It eases my mind bc although I dont have the cramps and pain, the spotting is stressful. Id recommend it. Im in another forum, a woman had miscarried at 11.5 earlier this year and she was just calmly cautious this time around, she's just hit 12 weeks so she's de stressing, but it is hard during those weeks and wondering and worrying. But chances of two in a row are slim, so keep your hopes up, and of course stay here for added support and love :) As for the baseball/football, I'm an east bay girl living in aussie. Born and raised just off 680 hahaha. I'm a giants girl myself, and I am beyond thrilled we are beating the hell out of the dodgers!! I dont get to see as much of the games as i'd like but thanks to facebook i get updates. I have both dodger and giants fans (as i lived in long beach/la for 8 years) so i see both sides but talk a lot of crap about the dodgers :haha: My family is torn between giants and a's, and we have both raiders and 49r fans too! :) I've gotten into the rugby here now and find our football much more difficult to understand and watch, and it takes so long!!
Enjoy your weekend Spin, have a much deserved glass, or bottle, of wine! :dance:
Hey Ladies,

I am not pregnant, period came in full flow after 3 days of mind-trick spotting!

I have been back in touch with my donor, he said that he is so sorry for his behaviour last cycle, although he also said that he would like there to be something in it for him so we have no other option but to pay him each sample he gives us.

I have laid down the law and said that he come stinking of drink to my house again that he is for the off and can leave my house. I have also asked him to take vit c and garlic captules - as I heard that this improves things.

I have no idea whether he is fertile though, have any of you paid for your donor to take a sperm analysis??

anja- im so sorry to hear that the witch came :hugs:

do you have a signed contract with your donor? If not, I would think about it, just given his back and forth attitude. Just something that protects you and your partner in the future, that he can't come back and claim paternity or something similar. Would benefit the two of you. I'm not sure as to the laws where you are, but here it's illegal to pay for such things as sperm, and other body fluids and/or parts. We compensated our donor for his petrol, generously, when he came to us. Our donor had previously donated to clinics before helping privately and so we had access to all his tests, semen analysis, disease and hereditary issues, etc. That would be your choice I guess if you would like to get an SA done for him. How many cycles have you been trying? Have you gotten yourself tested in any way? I know our DR did bloods, and external and internal ultrasounds and pap smear, basically everything he/we could do without going to a fertility specialist. I'd make those changes you were talking about, and maybe talk to your doctor to see what they can do for you and then ask the donor if he's open to a SA, they can run up to $200-300 I think, not entirely sure though. I know alcohol can greatly effect males sperm though, so asking him not to drink will hopefully help. xx

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