He knew your phone number? That is awesome lol. Shaun has a lego thing on his bag with our number on it. It's a shame he has chicken pox
A girl stephen has been working with on the nightshift (only 2 of them on the shift so they work in close proximity) was sent home last night with chicken pox too...it seems to be doing the rounds! Stephen has no idea if he's had it already so we just need to wait and see and hope he has! I hope it's not too bad for wee Kaiden.
Cheryl, are you ok? Sorry you had a rough time. Leo is gorgeous!!
Did you take Lewis to the docs Emma? How is he now?
I agree with the other girls Arlene, if you are happy to let him sleep on you then do that
I have had to let Alex sleep on my chest since the day he is born as he won't sleep anywhere else. He's too wee to get used to it...you can always gradually increase the time he spends sleeping on his own as he gets older and naps less. It also won't do any harm in teaching him the difference between night and day. Day time naps = cuddles with Mum and night time = bed
Just back from the docs with Alex. Managed to get a cancellation appointment. We know the receptionist really well and when one appt got cancelled she phoned us and offered the slot
Turns out the doc we saw is lovely and she agrees with me that Alex has Reflux. She gave me a prescription for Infant Gaviscon and said if that doesn't work there are a lot more options. I feel so relieved! Just about to give him a feed and try it...fingers crossed!