I'm desperately hoping I can be calm like that with Lewis when he goes for his future jags. It's easy when they are tiny and don't know what's coming lol. Here's hoping Lewis is like Shaun with that lol.
I think its a great idea that Stephen is gona see about parental leave. What about your MIL? She's retired. Maybe she could help a bit?
It's not been hard to get Lewis' weight up as he is a great feeder, the problems every time have been with me. Thankfully though, we are now back on track and exclusively BF again.
I only gave a tiny bit formula over about 3 days, then I used the expressed milk for a day, then he managed on breast milk only
It seemed like the positioning helped him take more though so after the breastfeeding clinic we were all good. I still have formula in the house incase I need it though.
Arelene, I don't think it's that James is big, I think Lewis is just small. Especially since we have had a few feeding problems along the way. I never expected a big baby though as all babies in my family have been small.
That's pretty expensive for the photos. I never even got any done cos I knew they'd be expensive and I'd think they were so cute, I'd end up spending a fortune lol. Definitely a good idea to get your brother to do it!
I was thinking about loosely putting Lewis onto the E.A.S.Y routine from the baby whisperer. We have no routine atm. Not sure how practical it is though. Any thoughts?