Here are DH's SA results:
Volume 1.3ml (normal is 2-5ml)
Sperm concentration 15.8 (normal is 30-300)
Total sperm count 20.5 (normal is 40-500)
% motile 40 (normal is 50+)
Morphology normal form 4% (normal range 14-60%)
So it looks like he has about half less than normal count. I am more concerned that the normal morphology is so low. Gyno told me to have DH see a PCP or urologist to find out why his analysis is below normal. I hope it can be changed with dietary and supplement changes.
I had my CD 2 blood work today. I was also told to get a sonogram due to my mid-cycle bleeding and discomfort I have been feeling on my lower left ovary area. So I will try to do that next Friday. In two weeks I am going back to my gyno for my blood results and scan results. Then we determine if I should do a HSG.