Sunny Skies - How many DPO are you? I know one of my sisters didn't get a positive HPT until she was almost 3 months pregnant with my niece. A blood test + was all she could get up until then.
On the other hand, I normal O between CD 18 and 25 depending on how screwed up my cycle is that month.
You're not out yet!
Sunny Skies - How many DPO are you? I know one of my sisters didn't get a positive HPT until she was almost 3 months pregnant with my niece. A blood test + was all she could get up until then.
On the other hand, I normal O between CD 18 and 25 depending on how screwed up my cycle is that month.
You're not out yet!
I'm on Cd 34, usually have 28/29 day cycle. I have never gone past 31 days. I guess I could have O'd later as I had an almost positive OPK on Cd 14 and I didn't test when i was in Vegas. Thanks for giving me hope. Maybe I'll push for a blood test. If I get pregnant I need to be closely monitored so I'm super sensitive as I don't want another etopic, or worse loose my remaining tube.
Spacegirl, don't loose hope yet, your still early.
Sunny Skies - How many DPO are you? I know one of my sisters didn't get a positive HPT until she was almost 3 months pregnant with my niece. A blood test + was all she could get up until then.
On the other hand, I normal O between CD 18 and 25 depending on how screwed up my cycle is that month.
You're not out yet!
I'm on Cd 34, usually have 28/29 day cycle. I have never gone past 31 days. I guess I could have O'd later as I had an almost positive OPK on Cd 14 and I didn't test when i was in Vegas. Thanks for giving me hope. Maybe I'll push for a blood test. If I get pregnant I need to be closely monitored so I'm super sensitive as I don't want another etopic, or worse loose my remaining tube.
Spacegirl, don't loose hope yet, your still early.
Sunny I would definately go and get checked thing I learnt from this ttc journey is 'no regrets'. If anything it will eliminate the worry and you will get an answer.
Hi everyone else - just popping in to say Hi, not managed to read very far back yet. Hope your all ok. x
Thinking about you, sunny
Tasha - I am CD 23 today and I think 3 DPO? I completely agree with you! I have no patience either and I always over-analyze. DH said I am too hard on myself because I always dwell on whether we did enough or did it at the right time each cycle. My temps are all over the place after O because my sleeping schedule is completely thrown off by the holiday. No symptoms for me. Glad I have someone to endure this TWW with! Wishing you the best of luck!
Sunny - sorry the results were negative. Lets hope AF comes soon so you can start a new cycle full of potential!