Any1 put baby rice/porridge in bottle, If so how much ??

Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?
Smoking kills, people do it
Speeding kills, people do it
Dont wean b4 6 months, people do
Dont put baby in own room b4 6 months people do
Dont co-sleep, people do
Dont drink and drive, people do
Dont do this dont do that!!!

People still do it under their decision!!
Yes i used baby rice in bottle, yes baby was in her own room @ 3 months, yes i smoke, yes LO is being weaned at 4 months.
OMG im the worlds worst mum!! Report me to social services!!!

Your all bullies on here!!
ur just there to upset people!!

same here --- apart from the smoking bit, yuk lol!!
i think there are alot of people on here that 'read' too much...

i guess you have all bought the manual on how to live your life too? and self help books

get a grip people
Is this the same thread that's in the weaning section? What a waste of space! :dohh:
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

This is quite rude TBH. This is an open forum and anyone can go whereever they want. I have a BF ticker too - shoot me! Babies go through similar issues whether they are FF or BF and I thought the point of a forum is for help and advice?
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

This is quite rude TBH. This is an open forum and anyone can go whereever they want. I have a BF ticker too - shoot me! Babies go through similar issues whether they are FF or BF and I thought the point of a forum is for help and advice?

ok :)
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

I have BF and FF: including my second youngest having to switch to formula at 3 months due to medical reasons (multiple food intolerances); and yes I did make up feeds always from fresh; or at most made two bottles at a time but that didn't work so great with the comfort milk he was on. When looking into FF him safe preperation was one thing I looked into so I am not here with a 'BF agenda' trying to make FF look hard or anything else. Also with this baby he has had formula as a one off; only one of mine hasn't had formula at one point. I am not anti-FF and the ladies on this section who know me can tell you that I know a great deal about both BF and FF (I don't think I know particularly much but this is what I am told).
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

I have BF and FF: including my second youngest having to switch to formula at 3 months due to medical reasons (multiple food intolerances); and yes I did make up feeds always from fresh; or at most made two bottles at a time but that didn't work so great with the comfort milk he was on. Also with this baby he has had formula; only one of mine hasn't had formula at one point. I am not anti-FF and the ladies on this section who know me can tell you that I know a great deal about both BF and FF

im soo pleased for you :)

shoot, im a bad mum now for pre-making bottles, :cry:
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

Completely uncalled for. Dont be so bloody rude!
Im willing to bet summer rain has probally given you some pretty good advice in some formula threads you have started.
If you paid any attention she is often in this part of the forum as she has previously FF.
I for one am glad she still visits his section.

No we arnt all perfect mothers but we dont all do things that have been researched and proved they can cause future problems to our children.

I for one will carry on telling people it is wrong until research proves otherwise. Get over it.
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

Completely uncalled for. Dont be so bloody rude!
Im willing to bet summer rain has probally given you some pretty good advice in some formula threads you have started.
If you paid any attention she is often in this part of the forum as she has previously FF.
I for one am glad she still visits his section.

No we arnt all perfect mothers but we dont all do things that have been researched and proved they can cause future problems to our children.

I for one will carry on telling people it is wrong until research proves otherwise. Get over it.

i appreciate all the help every1 has given me on here thankyou very much

gosh i am such a bad mum i will lose sleep over your comments
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

I have BF and FF: including my second youngest having to switch to formula at 3 months due to medical reasons (multiple food intolerances); and yes I did make up feeds always from fresh; or at most made two bottles at a time but that didn't work so great with the comfort milk he was on. Also with this baby he has had formula; only one of mine hasn't had formula at one point. I am not anti-FF and the ladies on this section who know me can tell you that I know a great deal about both BF and FF

im soo pleased for you :)

shoot, im a bad mum now for pre-making bottles, :cry:


Stop the sarcasm please, it's getting pathetic now. Just be happy with the choices you make and stop reading into things that are not there.
OMG they're not guidelines when its a CHOKING HAZARD to your baby! Jeez!! I think any normal parent wouldn't do something/give their child something that posed a choking risk!


and whats a "normal" parent? so basically ur saying we arent normal because we do things that could potentially endanger our babies lives?

nasty ***

I think she just finds it hard to understand why you would do something that could potentially endanger your childs life; when there is absolutely no reason for it? So far no-one has explained properly why you couldn't give the rice using a spoon or even a nuby squeeze feeder which is like a bottle but with a spoon attached; and if giving rice via spoon is impractical or just doesn't work then there are staydown milks and other products for babies with reflux; for babies without reflux they do not need solids before 17 weeks. If putting rice in the bottle had some pressing medical purpose; where the benefits outweighed the risks then maybe other parents would be able to understand but the fact is there are no benefits to it, just hearsay from the older generation that it helps baby to sleep better and so on and so forth. I don't mean to be rude but it does really seem from the posts that a lot of mums who are doing this do so to prove some kind of point or just because its 'not illegal' which is just bizarre.
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

Completely uncalled for. Dont be so bloody rude!
Im willing to bet summer rain has probally given you some pretty good advice in some formula threads you have started.
If you paid any attention she is often in this part of the forum as she has previously FF.
I for one am glad she still visits his section.

No we arnt all perfect mothers but we dont all do things that have been researched and proved they can cause future problems to our children.

I for one will carry on telling people it is wrong until research proves otherwise. Get over it.

i appreciate all the help every1 has given me on here thankyou very much

gosh i am such a bad mum i will lose sleep over your comments

Your pathetic :shrug:
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

I have BF and FF: including my second youngest having to switch to formula at 3 months due to medical reasons (multiple food intolerances); and yes I did make up feeds always from fresh; or at most made two bottles at a time but that didn't work so great with the comfort milk he was on. Also with this baby he has had formula; only one of mine hasn't had formula at one point. I am not anti-FF and the ladies on this section who know me can tell you that I know a great deal about both BF and FF

im soo pleased for you :)

shoot, im a bad mum now for pre-making bottles, :cry:

Nope never said that; just saying that I am not a hypocrite and I don't personally advise pre-making and nor did I premake when I was FF, its up to every parent to decide what is safest for their baby. All I was explaining was why its officially not advised to premake; and this is absolutely true why they advise it.
its getting on my nerves to be honest now.

i want to make friends not enemies.

ill shut up
Im pretty sure they base their studies on more then 1 baby :dohh:

The reason why making formula fresh is recommended is because several babies died from food poisoning bugs in formula powder and a lot more are hospitalised, also the food standards agencies in various countries test formula powder regularly and a lot of batches have had to be recalled because they have contained certain bugs. There are many more batches that don't end up being tested but could still contain bugs which is why they advise making feeds up fresh.

so excuse me but what u doing in here when u have a graphic on ur sig that states ur a bfeeder?

I have BF and FF: including my second youngest having to switch to formula at 3 months due to medical reasons (multiple food intolerances); and yes I did make up feeds always from fresh; or at most made two bottles at a time but that didn't work so great with the comfort milk he was on. Also with this baby he has had formula; only one of mine hasn't had formula at one point. I am not anti-FF and the ladies on this section who know me can tell you that I know a great deal about both BF and FF

im soo pleased for you :)

shoot, im a bad mum now for pre-making bottles, :cry:

Nope never said that; just saying that I am not a hypocrite and I don't personally advise pre-making and nor did I premake when I was FF, its up to every parent to decide what is safest for their baby. All I was explaining was why its officially not advised to premake; and this is absolutely true why they advise it.

there is a section on the WHO website which tells you how to safely pre-make bottles and i follow that word by word.

dont like arguing -- mainly cos im crap at it hahaha
there is a section on the WHO website which tells you how to safely pre-make bottles and i follow that word by word.


I follow the advice issued by the DoH/NHS not to premake; I understand the WHO does have advice regarding premaking but in my personal opinion and experience I prefered to follow advice given by the government in this country. Anyway I was just clarifying as to why it is advised not to premake by the government in that it isn't just because one baby died and all other batches of formula before and since have been completely sterile and safe. Its not because just one baby died or ever got ill and nor is it because they want to make FF seem harder than BF which is something I have honestly read several times on here :dohh:
ok well i respect your opinion and advice but ill continue to do what is best for me and my baby.


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