thanks you girls....I need as much encouragement as I can get - we all do! It's so nice to have the support of someone who understands what you're going through - Kirstie, I've had AFs before where my temp will go up and down. So odd! But I think that's pretty normal, although it can play tricks on your mind! Did you test again? I am spotting again this morning, but no full out flow...the spotting is a little heavier. My temp was down, but who knows if it was real becaus I slept like crap last night! My DH was snoring so I was run out of the bed around 3am - and I had been awake on and off for like 3 hours at that point. I went back to sleep for 2hours, temped again, and it was back up. Who knows! I really feel like AF is on her way, though - I was crampy last night. I'm really thinking of taking a break from the charting - I feel like my stress level is so high that it's not helping. Oh well, we'll see if I can contain myself, lol!