Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Hey babes no need to apologies its such a crazy time of year and being a mum makes it even busier!

Glad you had a good Christmas its my favourite time of the year! Hunter got soooooo spoilt I have had to get rid of so many toys to fit the new ones. We got him a quad bike, plastic play gym, an acyivity pool, a heap of dinosaur train dinosaurs and a whole other bits and pieces and clothes.
Phoenix got clothes and rattles and bath toys which was good as our bath toys are pretty lame lol.
Christmas was kinda weird for me this yr as my mum was in england and she is what makes the chrissy spirit so it was weird without her there.

I love watching them grow its so amazing to see there brain ticking over whilst they start doing new things. And yay how exciting about thw teeth! I can't wait till phoenix starts getting to that stage I find newborn just a tad boring lol but at the same time its so precious and u am really enjoying bf im so happy I got to do it as a newborn this time.

everything is going good here although hunter is playing up a lot since we have been home I think he is just adjusting to being back home. Mick is driving me slightly nuts as he doesnt want to help with anything he is being so lazy!!!!! He whinges if he has to change 1 nappy such a sook! Oh well shit happens I guess but still frustrating other than that lol I am actually really enjoying having the 2! Yes its hard work at times but I enjoy it quite alot. I am pretty damn lucky this time phoenix is such a good baby. A great sleeper he only wakes 2 times a night for a feed which is 4hrly and mostly during the he does 2-3hrs unless he is having a growth spurt which has been going on thw last 2 days so he was doing every hr but now that my supply is back up last night and today he gas been back to normal and most of the time he puts himself to sleep its great.
Well I best be off to put the little man down as he has fallen asleep on my chest while writing this lol ttys hun xxx
awww im so happy to hear phoenix is such a good baby!!! only 2 wake ups! before you know it hell be sleeping through the night !! he's adorable by the way i stalk all the pics you post of him on Facebook :) the one of him sleeping on his tummy during tummy time today was too cute! hows hunter dealing with the baby being around? does he get jealous at all or is he doing well with it?

we've had such a crazy winter already and were only a month in! we had 2 huge snowstorms already. the last one we had we got almost 8 inches of snow! Luckily i got called out of work the day it happened because my car decided to take a crap on me that day, but for some reason something told me to take it to the garage right down the street, so i did and when i went to leave it wouldn't start lol. but $500 later its fixed and it was only a sensor! stupid volkswagons! anyway then we had a big ice and freezing rain storm. then we had 2 days of negative the point i couldn't even leave the house with the baby it was that cold. and our pipes froze to our dishwasher lol it sucked.

chase is growing way too fast. he just went through that stupid sleep only lasted about a week maybe a little longer so it wasn't that bad. hes so interactive now though since he came out of it! he grabs at everything and barely hair my glasses, he's starting to roll over back to belly (not often though) and he talks up a storm. mehh i wish we could meet each others babies!!

josh went out for a drink tonight so I'm at home cooking a late late dinner and drinking a glass of wine !

sorry to hear micks not helping out very much. i hated that in the beginning when i felt i was doing way more. and I'm sure its moreso with you because your breastfeeding, which I'm glad thats going good btw! tell him to shut it and start helping :) haha. i agree btw the newborn stage was boring..i remember just feeling like a robot going through the motions at first.

well i hope you're doing great ill ttys!!
yeah we are pretty lucky this time with phoenix we just have to make sure we stick to it, it kinda helps that I don't have the time to fuss over him with the 2 lol.
hunter has his days he looovveesss his brother but he also likes to do things like play the drums on his head with spoons or try and lay on him like he does with mick and I (stacks on) just things like that doesn't understand that he is only little and cant play rough but that will get better hopefully. His behaviour in general because he isn't getting as much attention is terrible some days! The other day we were at the supermarket and hunter had tantrum after tantrum and at one stage hid under the big wooden shelf that holds all the fruit and was just squealing it was soooooo embarrassing lol. but days seem to be fewer of the tantrums thank god.

that is crazy about the weather and lucky you had the car fixed, how much does it suck the expenses to have a car fixed!! its been super hot here but not as hot as last summer thank god we have been having some nice cool days in between. although we have 45c every day next week

that's great the sleep regression only lasted a week! how is he sleeping these days?? its so lovely when they start learning new things it really gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes you so proud of them.
A friend came over today that I haven't seen in 3 months because of being away and her son is huge!!! he is going to be a very tall solid little boy. He already weighs 10.8kgs and is only 6 and a half months and hunter weighs 14.3 at 2 and a bit that is ridiculous. he looks like a 1 yr old already.

things are heaps better with mick now its great, he is more comfortable doing things with the kids especially hunter he has been putting he has been taking it in turns to put hunter down when he is home at nap time and night time which is great and bathing the boys. its a lot better and ever between him and I there is a lot more chemistry and romance its great. we are already talking about a 3rd can you believe it lol.

hows things with you and josh? is he still going well with the drugs and staying clean?

I hope all is well at your end also hun.
hey! I know, I know, I'm never on here anymore!! Ive been transitioning into management at our sister restaurant and my official last day of bartending (hopefully forever!) was on sunday! I accepted a "manager in training" position at our sister restaurant and will be eventually opening up the new restaurant that our owner bought! Im so excited! I had to go through an interview with the owner and director of operations last week and I was terrified! I knew they were going to ask me to stay at this restaurant, because they are losing a manager, but I was completely honest and told them I wasn't very comfortable there. (The general manager there is a tyrant haha). And if that would've ruined my chances of moving into management, then I figured so be it because at the end of the day I need to be happy where I am, especially if I'm going to be working a full time job with a 6 month old baby. They were really great about it and are going to just hire another manager and get me trained up to leave for the new restaurant. But i get benefits now! and paid time off and paid vacations! woohoooo!! hours suck but I need to do something better with my life then just bartend!

Josh is doing really well...he is getting a pay raise really soon and he is doing great with staying clean, I'm so proud of him :)

other good news my parents are moving back home within the next year! Its going to be so nice to have them around again i can't wait!

I can't believe how fast phoenix is growing! and he's rolling over both ways already!! what a smart little boy!! and he's so freakin cute!! I'm glad to hear hunter is doing well with him being around too for the most part!

chase is so cool! he has his own little personality now its awesome! he sits by himself...still a little wobbly. and he still hates tummy time...i see him walking before he crawls thats how much he hates it haha. he's dropped a couple feeds already since we started on solids too which is kind of scary because i never feel like he's getting enough formula but the doctor says he will drop naturally and to stop counting ounces or ill drive myself nuts lol.

whats new with you??? is it still warm there?? we have crazy snowstorms this year. we got 17 inches last week in one storm !! and like 3 other 6-9 inch storms. ice storms. polar vortexes (really cold like -20 weather) ...its been crazy. now were supposed to get thunderstorms this weekend with a warmup and then more snowstorms! ahhh!

hope to hear from you soon!!!
Omg i have seriously wrote this like 4 times and it keeps deleting itself lol. I dont get a chance to write it all at once and then i come back to add bits in between feeda and playing outside and what not and its gone again arrrrgghhh so frustrating!!!

All good about not coming on i dont get on much these days either between the boys and housework it is crazy! I was thinking we should just message on facebook what ya reacon?
Congratulations on the new job how very exciting!!! I bet you cant wait to be done with bartending and it sounds like have been very flexible for you so thats great!

Thats fantastic that josh is doing so well and staying clean good on him i bet he feela good in himself for it!

Yeah phoenix is growing like crazy!! I hate how fast it goes :( and he has just started teething :( he has started biting when he feeds, drooling lol i actually could see the drool glistening all over his chin this morning through the monitor lol he is also biting his toys and fists and sometimes cries and gets a bit angry when he bites it lol i soooo did not think this was going to come so soon.
Hunter has finally adjusted and is great with him thank god no more hitting or running cars over his head lol.

Chase is such a bloody cutie he has the most gorgeous smile :)
Its great when they grow into a little person it makes your heart melt and makes you feel so proud at the happy baby they have become :) is he crawling?

Yep still warm here but not as hot as it was thank god its in the mid 30s now instead of mid to high 40s which is much better we can actually go outside lol. I think the weathers been a bit crazy all over the world, i actually saw something in my news about the snow in america i wish we got snow lol. We did have a storm a few weeks ago that was a bit scary the wind and rain was 100km which is 62mph which is crazy for us but we get at least one storm like that once a year but it rolls out as fast as it rolls in they only usually stick around for 2hrs and then followed by 2 days of rain so it was nice for some rain but not for the humidity that came with it as it was still warm :(

Afm: hunter starts daycare for 5hrs on a thursday starting next week which i cant wait for!! Its going to be so good for him and it will be great for phoenix and i to have some one on one time. I am thinking about doing some online courses and going back to work when phoenix is about 6-8 months and putting them both in care, i am a bit nervous about the thought of it but i really want to buy a house and we have survived on just micks wage for so long that we could just put all mine in a savings account every week and never touch it and should have the money for a deposit in now time!
Phoenix is in his own room now and omg he sleeps like a champ he usually goes down about 8:30 wakes between 3-4 for a feed and then between 5-6 for a feed and then wakes anywhere between 7:30-9 like this morning he woke at 8 and then fell back asleep like 5 mins later till 9 but i had to get up to hunter but that extra hr would have been nice lol as i didnt get to sleep till after midnight as mick and i got jiggy :haha: omg funny yet a little embarrassing but after we finished he was like wow your boobs are quite full as i hadnt fed pboenix in a while and then continues to tell me that they hit him in the face a few times whilst we were dtd :rofl: how awkward!!! And a big ohooo was he forgot to pull out! We were just in the moment as its the first time it hasnt hurt and then it was all finished and i was like f@#k you didnt pull out! I will cry for weeks if that makes me pregnant i am sooooo not ready for another one yet and i dont think my vagina is either lol i thought i wanted to start trying at the end of the yr but since i have been working out ( i have lost 13kgs) and getting myself back and wanting to buy a house i dont think its the best idea so if it happens now it would not be ideal at all!!
Hunters speech is amazing!!! He says so many more words now and puts words together its great i am so proud of how far he has come. We just signed up to the library yesterday so i am going to take him a few days a week and read them stories and hire some learning activity things for him.

Haha phoenix was playing in his little play gym and was obviously very tiring
kirstie! hi! hows it going? holy crap its been a long month! well i guess longer than that now. I think Facebook messaging is a great idea because i honestly just don't have time to get on here ever anymore. Phoenix is such a cutie! and thats amazing how well he is sleeping for you! that has to feel great!! how is hunter doing in daycare? i hope he's loving it and its working out well for you guys! so happy to hear his speech so much better!!

So to catch you up a bit, joshs mom and I got into a huge argument last month. The first week I started management, she apparently decided to scream at me when i went to pick chase up, saying i should've been there earlier blah blah blah. I mean she was SCREAMING at me. I tried talking like an adult but I ended up yelling back after the fourth time of me telling her to stop screaming and talk to me like an adult. i was so furious. she knew what hours id be working and it just so happened that josh had to work overtime that week so it was a little crazy. she said she wasn't watching chase anymore and pretty much made me feel like a shit mother, even though I'm making a future for myself and my family in a really reputable restaurant where I live. So when she said that I took chase and went home...who was now screaming too because she was screaming. The next day, Josh assumed she would still watch him and I get a phone call at work from josh telling me his mom said no. I had to leave work on a friday..and risk getting fired so josh didn't have to call of work and actually get fired. This all happened in the middle of february so its been well over a month now and i just got an apology yesterday. she only saw chase twice in that time...and it was up to me it wouldn't have been at all but its joshs family , so whatever. but she risked both her son and me losing our jobs because of how stubborn she is. And the best thing about it was she only had to watch him until april when josh was going to be getting laid off from his job...(new company is taking over.) Anyway, i found this lady who does evening childcare and she's fantastic. she was watching him 3 times a week for us in the evenings when both of us were working. well josh ended up losing his job anyway because he called out when all of us got the stomach bug, and since theres a new company taking over their just firing whoever they can in an attempt to not have as many employees collect unemployment from them. josh was smart enough to get a doctors note and be able to collect though.

sorry I'm rambling i know!! but thats been my month in a nutshell.

my jobs going great i love it and josh is a stay at home dad right now until he finds a new job which i couldn't be happier about. i wish it was me, but I'm glad one of us get to spend this time with chase right now!

chase is doing great..hes not crawling yet but he's coming very close. he's reaching his arms forward but not getting anywhere yet and his legs just kind of go crazy because he's not sure what to do with them haha its really cute. He's been sleeping in bed with us every night pretty much now, he hates his crib apparently lol. but thats okay

so happy to hear how much weight you lost btw! thats fantastic!! i officially lost all my baby weight, but i can't seem to get rid of the belly :(

so what are some new things phoenix is doing now?!!

hope to talk to you soon! message me on Facebook if you don't feel like replying on here!

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