I made a group on facebook about her, she is a disgrace!
(hope im allowed to post that :s delete it not)
then Kelly Moyston herself messaged me... this is what IT said...
Kelly Louise Moyston
Today at 12:30
get rid of this group you sad cow. there are worse mothers than me out there. if you watched it properly you would see the change now fuck off and leave me alone
Jenny Brownell
Today at 14:21
sad cow, i get up in the morning luv and wash my child, dress her and give her a proper breakfast! i then take her out for some fresh air! how can you call anybody sad! and your having another 1, are you for real! its not just me talking about you the whole of fucking england is!
I feel really stong about this, and i really hope something is being done about her! I felt like crying for that child, imagine waking up everyday thinking oh my mum is going to leave me here now in a dirty nappy!!! and go back to bed. what i life that child must have! and she says shes changed... shes changed and still on the fucking computer, if i seen myself on TV like that i would throw my bloody computer away!!!